< 1 Mose 5 >

1 Sɛdeɛ Adam asefoɔ nnidisoɔ teɛ nie. Ɛberɛ a Onyankopɔn nwonoo onipa no, ɔnwonoo no sɛ ɔno ara ne sɛso.
This is the booke of the generations of Adam. In the day that God created Adam, in the likenes of God made he him,
2 Ɔbɔɔ ɔbaa ne ɔbarima, na ɔhyiraa wɔn. Ɔbɔɔ wɔn wieeɛ no, ɔtoo wɔn edin onipa.
Male and female created he them, and blessed them, and called their name Adam in the day that they were created.
3 Adam dii mfeɛ ɔha aduasa no, ɔwoo ɔbabarima sɛ ɔno ara ne bɔbea ne ne sɛso. Ɔtoo no edin Set.
Nowe Adam liued an hundred and thirtie yeeres, and begate a childe in his owne likenes after his image, and called his name Sheth.
4 Ɔwoo Set no, Adam tenaa ase mfeɛ aha nwɔtwe a, ɔwowoo mmammarima ne mmammaa kaa ho.
And the dayes of Adam, after he had begotten Sheth, were eight hundreth yeeres, and he begate sonnes and daughters.
5 Sɛ wɔka Adam mfeɛ nyinaa bom a, ɔdii mfeɛ aha nkron aduasa, ansa na ɔrewu.
So all the dayes that Adam liued, were nine hundreth and thirtie yeeres: and he died.
6 Set dii mfeɛ ɔha ne enum no, ɔwoo Enos.
And Sheth liued an hundreth and fiue yeeres, and begate Enosh.
7 Set woo Enos akyiri no, ɔtenaa ase, dii mfeɛ aha nwɔtwe ne nson, wowoo mmammarima ne mmammaa kaa ho.
And Sheth liued, after he begate Enosh, eight hundreth and seuen yeeres, and begate sonnes and daughters.
8 Sɛ wɔka Set mfeɛ dodoɔ bom a, ɔdii mfeɛ aha nkron ne dumienu, ansa na ɔrewu.
So all the dayes of Sheth were nine hundreth and twelue yeeres: and he died.
9 Enos dii mfeɛ aduɔkron no, ɔwoo Kenan.
Also Enosh liued ninetie yeeres, and begate Kenan.
10 Enos woo Kenan akyiri no, ɔtenaa ase mfeɛ aha nwɔtwe ne dunum, wowoo mmammarima ne mmammaa kaa ho.
And Enosh liued, after he begate Kenan, eight hundreth and fifteene yeeres, and begate sonnes and daughters.
11 Sɛ wɔka Enos mfeɛ dodoɔ bom a, ɔdii mfeɛ aha nkron ne enum, ansa na ɔrewu.
So all the dayes of Enosh were nine hundreth and fiue yeeres: and he died
12 Kenan dii mfeɛ aduɔson no, ɔwoo Mahalalel.
Likewise Kenan liued seuentie yeeres, and begate Mahalaleel.
13 Kenan woo Mahalalel akyiri no, ɔtenaa ase mfeɛ aha nwɔtwe aduanan, wowoo mmammarima ne mmammaa kaa ho.
And Kenan liued, after he begate Mahalaleel, eight hundreth and fourtie yeeres, and begate sonnes and daughters.
14 Sɛ wɔka Kenan mfeɛ dodoɔ bom a, ɔdii mfeɛ aha nkron ne edu, ansa na ɔrewu.
So all the dayes of Kenan were nine hundreth and tenne yeeres: and he died.
15 Mahalalel dii mfeɛ aduosia enum no, ɔwoo Yared.
Mahalaleel also liued sixtie and fiue yeres, and begate Iered.
16 Mahalalel woo Yared akyiri no, ɔtenaa ase, dii mfeɛ aha nwɔtwe aduasa, wowoo mmammarima ne mmammaa kaa ho.
Also Mahalaleel liued, after he begate Iered, eight hundreth and thirtie yeeres, and begate sonnes and daughters.
17 Sɛ wɔka Mahalalel mfeɛ dodoɔ bom a, ɔdii mfeɛ aha nwɔtwe aduɔkron enum, ansa na ɔrewu.
So all the dayes of Mahalaleel were eight hundreth ninetie and fiue yeeres: and he died.
18 Yared dii mfeɛ ɔha aduosia mmienu no, ɔwoo Henok.
And Iered liued an hundreth sixtie and two yeeres, and begate Henoch.
19 Yared woo Henok akyiri no, ɔtenaa ase mfeɛ aha nwɔtwe, wowoo mmammarima ne mmammaa kaa ho.
Then Iered liued, after he begate Henoch, eight hundreth yeeres, and begate sonnes and daughters.
20 Sɛ wɔka Yared mfeɛ dodoɔ bom a, ɔdii mfeɛ aha nkron aduosia mmienu, ansa na ɔrewu.
So all the dayes of Iered were nine hundreth sixtie and two yeeres: and he died.
21 Henok dii mfeɛ aduosia enum no, ɔwoo Metusela.
Also Henoch liued sixtie and fiue yeeres, and begate Methushelah.
22 Henok woo Metusela akyiri no, Henok de ne ho bataa Awurade ho mfeɛ ahasa, na ɔwowoo mmammarima ne mmammaa kaa ho.
And Henoch walked with God, after he begate Methushelah, three hundreth yeeres, and begate sonnes and daughters.
23 Sɛ wɔka Henok mfeɛ dodoɔ bom a, ɔdii mfeɛ ahasa aduosia enum.
So all the dayes of Henoch were three hundreth sixtie and fiue yeeres.
24 Henok de ne ho bataa Onyankopɔn; afei, obi anhunu no bio, ɛfiri sɛ, Onyankopɔn faa no kɔeɛ.
And Henoch walked with God, and he was no more seene: for God tooke him away.
25 Metusela dii mfeɛ ɔha aduɔwɔtwe nson no, ɔwoo Lamek.
Methushelah also liued an hundreth eightie and seuen yeeres, and begate Lamech.
26 Metusela woo Lamek akyiri no, ɔtenaa ase mfeɛ ahanson aduɔwɔtwe mmienu, wowoo mmammarima ne mmammaa kaa ho.
And Methushelah liued, after he begate Lamech, seuen hundreth eightie and two yeeres, and begate sonnes and daughters.
27 Sɛ wɔka Metusela mfeɛ dodoɔ bom a, ɔdii mfeɛ aha nkron aduosia nkron, ansa na ɔrewu.
So al the dayes of Methushelah were nine hundreth sixtie and nine yeeres: and he died.
28 Lamek dii mfeɛ ɔha ne aduɔwɔtwe mmienu no, ɔwoo ɔbabarima.
Then Lamech liued an hundreth eightie and two yeeres, and begate a sonne,
29 Ɔtoo no edin Noa, na ɔkaa sɛ, ɔno na ɔbɛma yɛanya ahomegyeɛ afiri kuayɛ mu adwumaden wɔ asase a Awurade adome no so.
And called his name Noah, saying, This same shall comfort vs concerning our worke and sorowe of our hands, as touching the earth, which the Lord hath cursed.
30 Lamek woo Noa akyiri no, ɔtenaa ase mfeɛ ahanum aduɔkron enum, wowoo mmammarima ne mmammaa kaa ho.
And Lamech liued, after he begate Noah, fiue hundreth ninetie and fiue yeeres, and begate sonnes and daughters.
31 Sɛ wɔka Lamek mfeɛ dodoɔ bom a, ɔdii mfeɛ ahanson aduɔson nson, ansa na ɔrewu.
So all the dayes of Lamech were seuen hundreth seuentie and seuen yeeres: and he died.
32 Noa dii mfeɛ ahanum no, ɔwoo mmammarima baasa a, wɔfrɛ wɔn Sem, Ham ne Yafet.
And Noah was fiue hundreth yeere olde. And Noah begate Shem, Ham and Iapheth.

< 1 Mose 5 >