< 1 Mose 42 >

1 Ɛberɛ a Yakob tee sɛ aburoo wɔ Misraim no, ɔka kyerɛɛ ne mmammarima no sɛ, “Adɛn enti na moatete agyinagyina rehwehwɛhwehwɛ mo ho mo ho anim yi?”
Then saw Jacob that there was corn in Egypt, —and Jacob said to his sons, Wherefore look ye one at another?
2 Yakob toaa so sɛ, “Mate sɛ aburoo wɔ Misraim. Monkɔ hɔ, na monkɔtɔ bi mmra na ɛkɔm ankum yɛn.”
And he said, Lo I have heard that there is corn in Egypt, —Go down thither and buy corn for us from thence, that we may live and not die.
3 Enti, Yosef nuammarima mpanimfoɔ edu no kɔɔ Misraim sɛ wɔrekɔtɔ aburoo no bi.
So Joseph’s ten brethren went down, —to buy corn from the Egyptians;
4 Nanso, Yakob amma Benyamin a ɔyɛ Yosef nua kumaa no ankɔ bi, ɛfiri sɛ, na ɔsuro sɛ biribi bɛyɛ no.
but, Benjamin, Joseph’s own brother, Jacob sent not with his brethren, —for he said, Lest there befall him any mischief.
5 Enti, Israel mmammarima no de wɔn ho bɔɔ atɔfoɔ a wɔfifiri aman ahodoɔ so kɔtɔ aburoo wɔ Misraim no ho, ɛfiri sɛ, na ɛkɔm no atrɛ akɔduru Kanaan asase so mmaa nyinaa.
Thus came in the sons of Israel, to buy corn in the midst of them that came—for the famine was in the land of Canaan.
6 Na Yosef yɛ amrado wɔ Misraim asase so. Ɔno na ɔtɔn aburoo ma nnipa nyinaa wɔ ɔman no mu. Yosef nuammarima no kɔduruu nʼanim no, wɔbuu no nkotodwe, de wɔn anim nso butubutuu fam.
Now, Joseph—he, it was, that was in power over the land, he, it was that was selling corn to all the people of the land, —so Joseph’s brethren came in, and bowed themselves down to him, with their faces to the earth.
7 Ɛberɛ a Yosef ani bɔɔ anuanom no so ara pɛ, ɔhunuu sɛ wɔyɛ ne nuanom, nanso ɔyɛɛ ne ho sɛdeɛ ɔnnim wɔn, kasaa anihanehane so kyerɛɛ wɔn. Ɔpoopoo nʼani, bisaa wɔn sɛ, “Mofiri he?” Anuanom no buaa no sɛ, “Yɛfiri Kanaan asase so, na yɛaba sɛ yɛrebɛtɔ aduane.”
And Joseph beheld his brethren and recognised them, —and made himself a stranger unto them and spake with them harsh things and said unto them—Whence have ye come in? And they said, From the land of Canaan, to buy food.
8 Ɛwom sɛ na Yosef ahunu wɔn sɛ ne nuanom, nanso ne nuanom no deɛ, na wɔnhunuu sɛ, ɔno ne Yosef.
And Joseph recognised his brethren, —whereas they, recognised him not.
9 Yosef kaee daeɛ a mmerɛ bi ɔso faa wɔn ho no. Ɔka kyerɛɛ wɔn sɛ, “Moyɛ akwansrafoɔ! Morebɛhwɛ sɛdeɛ ɛkɔm yi ama yɛn asase yi agyigya.”
And Joseph remembered the dreams which he had dreamed regarding them, —so he said unto them—Spies, are, ye! to see the nakedness of the land, have ye come in!
10 Anuanom no teaam sɛ, “Dabi yɛn wura, ɛnte saa. Yɛbaeɛ sɛ yɛrebɛtɔ aduane.
And they said unto him, Nay, my lord, —but, thy servants, are come to buy food.
11 Yɛn nyinaa firi agya baako. Yɛyɛ nnipa pa, na yɛnyɛ akwansrafoɔ saa.”
All of us, are, sons of one man, —honest men, are we: thy servants are not, spies.
12 Nanso, Yosef ka tii mu sɛ, “Dabi, morebɛhwɛ sɛdeɛ asase no asi agyigya afa.”
And he said unto him, —Nay! but, the nakedness of the land, are ye come in to see.
13 Anuanom no buaa sɛ, “Yɛn, wʼasomfoɔ, yɛyɛ anuanom dumienu. Yɛyɛ ɔpanin bi a ɔte Kanaan asase so mma. Seesei, yɛn kaakyire no wɔ yɛn agya nkyɛn, ɛnna ɔbaako nso afiri mu.”
And they said: We, thy twelve servants, are, brethren, sons of one man in the and of Canaan, —and lo! the youngest: is with our father this day, and, the one, is not!
14 Nanso, Yosef ka kyerɛɛ wɔn sɛ, “Asɛm a meka kyerɛɛ mo sɛ moyɛ akwansrafoɔ no, ɛno ara ne no.
And Joseph said unto them, —The very thing, that I spake unto you, saying—Spies, are, ye.
15 Ɛkwan a mepɛ sɛ mefa so de sɔ mo hwɛ nie: mmerɛ dodoɔ a Farao te ase yi, meremma mo mfiri Misraim asase so ha nkɔ da, kɔsi sɛ mode mo kaakyire no bɛba.
Hereby, shall ye be proved, —By the life of Pharaoh, ye shall not go forth from hence, save only by the coming in of your youngest brother hither.
16 Monsoma mo mu baako, na ɔnkɔfa mo kaakyire no mmra. Mede mo a moaka no nyinaa bɛgu afiase. Ɛno na ɛbɛma yɛahunu sɛ, mo asɛm a moreka no yɛ nokorɛ anaa ɛnyɛ nokorɛ. Sɛ ɛkɔba sɛ monni nuabarima kumaa a ɔyɛ mo kaakyire a, mmerɛ dodoɔ a Farao te ase yi, na ɛkyerɛ sɛ moyɛ akwansrafoɔ ampa!”
Send—from among you—one that he may fetch your brother, but be, ye, held as prisoners, that your words may be proved whether, truth, is with you, —and, if not, by the life of Pharaoh, surely, spies, ye are.
17 Enti, ɔde wɔn guu afiase hɔ nnansa.
So he drew them all together into ward, for three days.
18 Ne nnansa so no, Yosef ka kyerɛɛ ne nuanom no sɛ, “Meyɛ onyamesuroni. Ɛno enti, merebɛma mo ɛkwan ama moasane mo ho sɛ monyɛ akwansrafoɔ.
And Joseph said unto them on the third day, This, do and live, —God himself, do, I, revere.
19 Sɛ moyɛ nokwafoɔ ampa ara a, momma mo nua baako nna afiase ha. Mo a moaka no nso, monkɔtɔ aburoo no bi nkɔma mo fiefoɔ a ɛkɔm rekum wɔn no.
If ye, are, honest men, one brother of you shall be kept as a prisoner in your house of ward, —but, ye, go, take in corn for the famine of your houses;
20 Nanso, ɛkwan biara so no, momfa mo nua kumaa no mmɛkyerɛ me. Ɛno na ɛbɛma mahunu sɛ, asɛm a moreka no yɛ nokorɛ anaasɛ ɛnyɛ nokorɛ. Na sɛ nokorɛ na moreka deɛ a, mɛgyaa mo.” Wɔpenee abisadeɛ a Yosef de too wɔn anim no so.
and your youngest brother, shall ye bring in unto me, that your words may be confirmed, and ye die not. And they did so.
21 Afei, wɔkeka kyerɛkyerɛɛ wɔn ho wɔn ho sɛ, “Nokorɛm, yɛn nuabarima yi enti na wɔretwe yɛn aso. Yɛhunuu sɛdeɛ wabɔ huboa ne sɛdeɛ ɔsrɛɛ ne nkwa no, nanso yɛantie. Ɛno enti na saa amanehunu yi a aba yɛn so ɛnnɛ yi.”
And they said each man unto his brother—Verily guilty, we are, respecting our brother, in that we saw the distress of his soul when he appealed unto us for favour and we hearkened not, —therefore, hath come in unto us this distress.
22 Afei, anuanom no mu panin a wɔfrɛ no Ruben no kaa sɛ, “Manka mankyerɛ mo sɛ monnyɛ bɔne biara ntia abarimaa no? Nanso moantie! Afei na ɛsɛ sɛ yɛbu ne mogya ho akonta”
And Reuben responded to them, saying—Spake I not unto you saying, Do not sin against the child! And ye hearkened not? His very blood, therefore lo! it is required.
23 Esiane sɛ na obi kyerɛ nsɛm a Yosef ka no ase kyerɛ wɔn no enti, na wɔnnim sɛ Yosef te wɔn kasa.
But, they, knew not that Joseph was hearkening, —for, the interpreter, was between them.
24 Yosef sɔre firii wɔn nkyɛn kɔsuiɛ. Ɔsane baeɛ ne wɔn bɛkasaa bio. Ɔyii Simeon firii wɔn mu, ma wɔkyekyeree no wɔ wɔn anim.
So he turned away from them, and wept, —then came back unto them and spake unto them, and took away from them Simeon, and bound him prisoner before their eyes.
25 Yosef hyɛɛ sɛ, wɔnhyɛ wɔn nkotokuo no aburoo ma ma, na wɔnsane mfa obiara sika a anka ɔde rebɛtɔ aburoo nhyɛ ne kotokuo mu, na wɔmma wɔn akwansoduane nso nka ho. Wɔyɛɛ yei maa wɔn.
Then commanded Joseph that their bags should be filled with corn, and their silver be returned each man’s into his sack, and provision be given for the journey, —and it was done to them thus.
26 Wɔhyehyɛɛ wɔn aburoo nkotokuo no wɔ mfunumu no so, siim sɛ wɔrekɔ wɔn kurom.
So they lifted up their corn on their asses, —and went their way, from thence.
27 Wɔrekɔ no ara, wɔgyinaa ɛkwan so anadwo homeeɛ. Ɛhɔ na wɔn mu baako sanee ne kotokuo ano sɛ ɔrema nʼafunumu aduane adi. Ɔsanee ne kotokuo no ano no, ɔhunuu sɛ ne sika a anka ɔde rekɔtɔ aburoo no hyɛ kotokuo no fa baabi.
And the first opened his sack to give fodder to his ass at the inn, —and beheld his silver, yea there, it was in the mouth of his sack!
28 Ɔka kyerɛɛ ne nuanom no sɛ, “Wɔde me sika no asane ahyɛ me kotokuo no mu. Monhwɛ. Ɛno nie!” Saa asɛm yi maa wɔn akoma tutuiɛ. Enti, wɔhwehwɛɛ wɔn ho wɔn ho anim kaa sɛ, “Ɛdeɛn anwanwadeɛ na Onyankopɔn ayɛ yɛn yi?”
So he said unto his brethren My silver hath been returned, yea verily, there it is in my sack! Then went forth their heart and they turned trembling—each man unto his brother saying. What is this that God hath done to us?
29 Wɔduruu wɔn agya Yakob nkyɛn wɔ Kanaan no, wɔbɔɔ no nsɛm a asisi no nyinaa ho amaneɛ. Wɔkaa sɛ,
So they came in unto Jacob their father to the land of Canaan, —and told him all that had befallen them saying:
30 “Yɛduruu Misraim asase so no, ɔbarima a ɔhwɛ asase no so no a ɔyɛ asase no so ɔhene ɔboafoɔ no poopoo nʼani, kasaa anihanehane so kyerɛɛ yɛn sɛ, yɛyɛ akwansrafoɔ.
The man that is lord of the land spake unto us harsh things, —and then delivered us up. as spies of the land.
31 Nanso, yɛbuaa no sɛ, ‘Yɛyɛ nnipa pa, na yɛnyɛ akwansrafoɔ.
And we said unto him Honest men, are, we, —we are not spies!
32 Yɛyɛ anuanom dumienu a yɛfiri agya baako. Ɔbaako afiri mu. Seesei, yɛn kaakyire no wɔ yɛn agya nkyɛn wɔ Kanaan.’
Twelve brethren, are, we, sons of our father, —the one, is not, and the youngest is this day with our father in the land of Canaan.
33 “Afei, ɔbarima a ɔhwɛ asase no so ka kyerɛɛ yɛn sɛ, ‘Ɛkwan a mepɛ sɛ mefa so de sɔ mo hwɛ nie: Monnya mo nuanom baako wɔ me nkyɛn ha, na monkɔtɔ aburoo no bi nkɔma mo fiefoɔ a ɛkɔm rekum wɔn no.
Then said the man the lord of the land unto us, Hereby, shall I get to know that honest men, ye are, —One brother of you, leave ye remaining with me, and corn for the famine of your houses, take ye and go your way;
34 Nanso, momfa mo nua kumaa no mmɛkyerɛ me. Ɛno na ɛbɛma mahunu sɛ monyɛ akwansrafoɔ na moyɛ nnipa pa. Na mede mo nua no bɛma mo, na mobɛtumi abɛtɔ aburoo no bi wɔ asase yi so mpɛn dodoɔ biara a mopɛ.’”
And bring ye in your youngest brother unto me, So must I get to know that ye are, not spies, but are honest men: Your brother, will I give up to you, and with the land, shall ye traffic.
35 Ɛberɛ a wɔrehwiehwie wɔn aburoo no afiri wɔn nkotokuo no mu no, obiara hunuu ne sika a anka ɔde rekɔtua aburoo no ka wɔ ne kotokuo no ano. Wɔne wɔn agya hunuu sika no, wɔn akoma tutuiɛ.
And it came to pass when, they, were emptying their, sacks then lo! each man’s bundle of silver, was in his sack, —and when they beheld their bundles of silver—they and their father, they were afraid,
36 Ɛyɛɛ saa maa wɔn agya Yakob ka kyerɛɛ wɔn sɛ, “Moama mahwere me mma. Yosef nni hɔ; Simeon nso nni hɔ; afei mopɛ sɛ mofa Benyamin nso ka ho! Biribiara ko tia me.”
And Jacob their father said unto them, Me, have ye bereaved, —Joseph, is not, and, Simeon, is not, and Benjamin, ye would take! Against me, have happened all these things.
37 Ruben ka kyerɛɛ nʼagya sɛ, “Sɛ mamfa Benyamin ansane amma a, wowɔ ho kwan sɛ wokum me mmammarima baanu no si anan. Fa no hyɛ me nsa, na mɛsane mede no abrɛ wo.”
Then spake Reuben unto his father saying, My two sons, shalt thou put to death, if I bring him not unto thee, —Come give him up upon my hand, and I, will restore him unto thee.
38 Nanso, Yakob buaa sɛ, “Me babarima no ne monnkɔ hɔ, ɛfiri sɛ, ne nuabarima awu ama aka ɔno nko. Sɛ saa akwantuo a morebɛtu yi, asiane bi kɔsiane no a, mɛwu.” (Sheol h7585)
And he said, My son shall not go down with you, —For, his brother, is dead and, he alone, is left, and as surely as there befall him any mischief by the way wherein ye go, so surely shall ye bring down my grey hairs with sorrow unto hades. (Sheol h7585)

< 1 Mose 42 >