< 1 Mose 16 >

1 Saa ɛberɛ yi, na Sarai nwoo ɔba mmaa Abram. Na ɔwɔ Misraimni abaawa bi a wɔfrɛ no Hagar;
Nowe Sarai Abrams wife bare him no children, and she had a maide an Egyptian, Hagar by name.
2 enti Sarai ka kyerɛɛ Abram sɛ, “Wo ara wonim sɛ Awurade ama mayɛ obonini; manwo ɔba! Mesrɛ wo, kɔ na wo ne mʼabaawa Hagar nkɔda; ebia ɛnam ne so na manya mma.” Abram penee asɛm a Sarai ka kyerɛɛ no no so.
And Sarai said vnto Abram, Beholde now, the Lord hath restrained me from childe bearing. I pray thee goe in vnto my maide: it may be that I shall receiue a childe by her. And Abram obeyed the voyce of Sarai.
3 Abram tenaa Kanaan asase so mfeɛ edu akyiri no, ne yere Sarai de Misraimni abaawa Hagar no kɔmaa ne kunu no sɛ, ɔnware no.
Then Sarai Abrams wife tooke Hagar her maide the Egyptian, after Abram had dwelled ten yeere in the land of Canaan, and gaue her to her husband Abram for his wife.
4 Abram ne Hagar daeɛ, na ɔnyinsɛneeɛ. Ɛberɛ a Hagar hunuu sɛ wanyinsɛn no, ɔhyɛɛ aseɛ buu nʼawuraa Sarai animtia.
And he went in vnto Hagar, and she conceiued. and when she sawe that she had conceiued, her dame was despised in her eyes.
5 Enti Sarai ka kyerɛɛ Abram sɛ, “Saa ɔhaw a aba me so yi nyinaa firi wo! Mede mʼabaawa maa wo; afei a wahunu sɛ wanyinsɛn no enti, ɔtiatia mʼanim. Awurade mmu me ne wo ntam atɛn.”
Then Sarai saide to Abram, Thou doest me wrong. I haue giuen my maide into thy bosome, and she seeth that she hath conceiued, and I am despised in her eyes: the Lord iudge betweene me and thee.
6 Nanso, Abram ka kyerɛɛ Sarai sɛ, “Ɔyɛ wʼabaawa. Deɛ wopɛ sɛ wode yɛ no biara, fa yɛ no.” Ɛfiri saa ɛberɛ no, Sarai tanee nʼabaawa Hagar ani, ma ɔdwane firii ne nkyɛn.
Then Abram saide to Sarai, Beholde, thy maide is in thine hand: doe with her as it pleaseth thee. Then Sarai dealt roughly with her: wherefore she fled from her.
7 Awurade ɔbɔfoɔ hunuu Hagar wɔ nsuo aniwa bi ho wɔ ɛserɛ no so. Na saa nsuo aniwa no da ɛkwan a ɛkɔ kuro bi a wɔfrɛ no Sur no nkyɛn.
But the Angel of the Lord founde her beside a fountaine of water in the wildernesse by the fountaine in the way to Shur,
8 Ɔbɔfoɔ no bisaa Hagar sɛ, “Sarai abaawa Hagar, wofiri he, na worekɔ he?” Hagar buaa no sɛ, “Meredwane afiri mʼawuraa Sarai nkyɛn.”
And he saide, Hagar Sarais maide, whence commest thou? and whither wilt thou goe? And she said, I flie from my dame Sarai.
9 Na Awurade ɔbɔfoɔ no ka kyerɛɛ Hagar sɛ, “Sane kɔ wʼawuraa no nkyɛn, na kɔbrɛ wo ho ase ma no.”
Then the Angel of the Lord saide to her, Returne to thy dame, and humble thy selfe vnder her hands.
10 Ɔbɔfoɔ no ka kaa ho sɛ, “Mɛma wʼase afɛe a, wɔkan a, ɛnyɛ yie.”
Againe the Angel of the Lord saide vnto her, I will so greatly increase thy seede, that it shall not be numbred for multitude.
11 Awurade ɔbɔfoɔ no sane ka kyerɛɛ Hagar sɛ, “Woanyinsɛn, na wobɛwo ɔbabarima. Wobɛto no edin Ismael, ɛfiri sɛ, Awurade ate wʼamanehunu.
Also the Angel of the Lord said vnto her, See, thou art with childe, and shalt beare a sonne, and shalt call his name Ishmael: for the Lord hath heard thy tribulation.
12 Ɔbɛyɛ sɛ ɛserɛ so afunumu. Ɔbɛtia nnipa nyinaa, na nnipa nyinaa nso bɛtia no; atutupɛ so na ɔne ne nuanom bɛtena.”
And he shalbe a wilde man: his hande shall be against euery man, and euery mans hand against him. and he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren.
13 Yei akyiri ɔde edin foforɔ maa Awurade. Ɔkaa sɛ, “Mahunu Deɛ ɔhunu me.” Ɛno enti, ɔde edin El-Roi a aseɛ ne “Onyankopɔn a ɔhunu me” no, too no.
Then she called the name of the Lord, that spake vnto her, Thou God lookest on me: for she said, Haue I not also here looked after him that seeth me?
14 Ɛno enti na wɔfrɛ nsuo aniwa no sɛ Beer-Lahai-Roi a aseɛ ne “Onyankopɔn Teasefoɔ a ɔhunu me abura.” Ɛda Kades ne Bered ntam bɛsi ɛnnɛ.
Wherefore the well was called, Beerlahai-roi. lo, it is betweene Kadesh and Bered.
15 Enti Hagar woo ɔbabarima maa Abram. Abram too abɔfra no edin Ismael.
And Hagar bare Abram a sonne, and Abram called his sonnes name, which Hagar bare, Ishmael.
16 Hagar woo Ismael no, na Abram adi mfeɛ aduɔwɔtwe nsia.
And Abram was foure score and sixe yeere olde, when Hagar bare him Ishmael.

< 1 Mose 16 >