< 2 Mose 22 >

1 “Sɛ obi kɔwia nantwie anaa odwan na ɔkum no anaa ɔtɔn no a, ɔde anantwie enum bɛsi nantwie baako ananmu. Na ɔde nnwan ɛnan asi odwan baako biara ananmu.
If a man steale an oxe or a sheepe, and kill it or sell it, he shall restore fiue oxen for the oxe, and foure sheepe for the sheepe.
2 “Sɛ mohunu ɔkorɔmfoɔ sɛ ɔrebu efie bi awura mu na wɔkum no a, deɛ ɔkumm no no nni fɔ.
If a thiefe bee founde breaking vp, and be smitten that he dye, no blood shall be shed for him.
3 Na sɛ asɛm no si awia deɛ a, wɔmfa no sɛ ɛyɛ awudie enti onipa a ɔkumm ɔkorɔmfoɔ no di fɔ. “Sɛ mokyere ɔkorɔmfoɔ bi a, momma ɔntua nneɛma a wawia no nyinaa ho ka na sɛ wantumi antua a, montɔn no sɛ akoa mfa no ntua ɛka no.
But if it be in the day light, blood shall be shed for him: for he should make full restitution: if he had not wherewith, then shoulde he bee solde for his theft.
4 Sɛ mokyere no sɛ ɔrewia nantwie anaa afunumu anaa odwan a ɔnwuiɛ anaa biribi foforɔ bi a, mommɔ no dekodeɛ a ɔwiaeɛ no ho ka mpemanim.
If the theft bee founde with him, aliue, (whether it be oxe, asse, or sheepe) he shall restore the double.
5 “Sɛ obi boapa gyaa nʼaboa ma ɔkɔ obi afuom kɔdidi hɔ, sɛe afudeɛ a, ɔmfa ɔno ara nʼafudeɛ mu deɛ ɛsɔ ani pa ara no mmɛtua ka.
If a man doe hurt fielde, or vineyarde, and put in his beast to feed in an other mans fielde, he shall recompence of the best of his owne fielde, and of the best of his owne vineyard.
6 “Sɛ obi rehye nʼafuo, na ogya no tra kɔtɔ ɔfoforɔ afuo mu, hye, sɛe nʼafudeɛ a, deɛ ɔsɔɔ ogya no bɛtua afudeɛ a asɛe no nyinaa ho ka.
If fire breake out, and catche in ye thornes, and the stackes of corne, or the standing corne, or the fielde be consumed, he that kindled the fire shall make full restitution.
7 “Sɛ obi ma ɔfoforɔ sika anaa ade foforɔ bi sɛ ɔmfa nsie ma no na wɔwia na sɛ wɔkyere ɔkorɔmfoɔ no a, ɔbɛtua no mpemanim.
If a man deliuer his neighbour money or stuffe to keepe, and it be stollen out of his house, if the thiefe be found, he shall pay the double.
8 Na sɛ wɔankyere ɔkorɔmfoɔ no a, wɔde onipa a wɔde agyapadeɛ no hyɛɛ ne nsa no bɛba Onyankopɔn anim abɛhwehwɛ sɛ nʼankasa na ɔwiaa ne yɔnko no anaasɛ ɛnyɛ ɔno.
If the thiefe be not founde, then the master of the house shalbe brought vnto the Iudges to sweare, whether he hath put his hande vnto his neighbours good, or no.
9 Sɛ ɛba sɛ nantwie, afunumu, odwan, ntoma anaa biribi foforɔ bi yera na deɛ nʼadeɛ ayera no de nʼani kari obi sɛ ɔno na wafa dekodeɛ no, na onii no sane sɛ ɛnyɛ ɔno na wafa a, ɛsɛ sɛ wɔde nnipa baanu no nyinaa ba Onyankopɔn anim ma ɔhwehwɛ mu. Ɔhwehwɛ mu na deɛ ɔbɛdi fɔ no, ɔbɛtua adeɛ a ɛyeraeɛ no ho ka mmɔho mmienu ama ɔbaako no.
In all maner of trespasse, whether it bee for oxen, for asse, for sheepe, for raiment, or for any maner of lost thing, which an other chalengeth to be his, the cause of both parties shall come before the iudges, and whom the Iudges condemne, he shall pay the double vnto his neighbour.
10 “Sɛ obi de afunumu, nantwie, odwan anaa aboa foforɔ bi ma ne yɔnko bi ayɛn na aboa no wu anaa ɔpira anaa ɔdwane na sɛ obi anhunu ammɛka a,
If a man deliuer vnto his neighbour to keepe asse, or oxe, or sheepe, or any beast, and it die, or be hurt, or taken away by enemies, and no man see it,
11 ɛsɛ sɛ deɛ ɔgyee aboa no ayɛn no ka ntam wɔ Awurade anim sɛ ɛnyɛ ɔno na wawia aboa no na deɛ ne dea no gye to mu a, ɔnnye biribiara nsi ananmu.
An othe of the Lord shalbe betweene the twaine, that hee hath not put his hande vnto his neighbours good, and the owner of it shall take the othe, and he shall not make it good:
12 Nanso, sɛ wia na wɔwiaa aboa no anaa dekodeɛ no wɔ ne nkyɛn deɛ a, na ɛsɛ sɛ sohwɛfoɔ a wɔwiaa aboa no anaa dekodeɛ no firii ne nkyɛn no tua ne wura no ka.
But if it be stollen from him, he shall make restitution vnto the owner thereof.
13 Sɛ akekaboa na ɔkumm no a, ɛsɛ sɛ ɔde aboa no funu ba bɛkyerɛ. Ɔyɛ no saa a, ɔrentua ho ka biara.
If it be torne in pieces, he shall bring recorde, and shall not make that good, which is deuoured.
14 “Sɛ obi fɛm aboa bi anaa biribi foforɔ bi firi ne yɔnko nkyɛn na sɛ aboa no wu anaa ɔpira ɛberɛ a ne wura no nni hɔ a, ɛsɛ sɛ onipa a ɔfɛm saa aboa no tua ka.
And if a man borow ought of his neighbour, and it be hurt, or els die, the owner thereof not being by, he shall surely make it good.
15 Na sɛ ne wura no wɔ hɔ deɛ a, ɛnsɛ sɛ ɔfɛmfoɔ no tua ka, ɛfiri sɛ, wɔbuu yei nyinaa fraa ɔfɛm no ho akatua mu.
If the owner thereof bee by, hee shall not make it good: for if it be an hired thing, it came for his hire.
16 “Sɛ ɔbarima bi kɔdaadaa abaayewa bi a ɔnyɛɛ ne ho adeɛ na ɔne no da a, ɛsɛ sɛ ɔyɛ ne ho adeɛ na ɔware no.
And if a man entise a maide that is not betrothed, and lie with her, hee shall endowe her, and take her to his wife.
17 Sɛ abaayewa no agya se ɔmpene awadeɛ no so a, ɛsɛ sɛ ɔbarima no tua ne tiri sika.
If her father refuse to giue her to him, hee shall pay money, according to ye dowry of virgins.
18 “Monkum mmaa nkonyaayifoɔ.
Thou shalt not suffer a witch to liue.
19 “Ɔbarima biara a ɔbɛfa aboa bi no, wɔnkum no.
Whosoeuer lieth with a beast, shall dye the death.
20 “Obiara a ɔbɛfiri Awurade akyiri abɔ onyame foforɔ bi afɔdeɛ no, wɔnkum no.
Hee that offereth vnto any gods, saue vnto the Lord onely, shalbe slaine.
21 “Monnhyɛ ɔhɔhoɔ aniɛyaadeɛ ɛkwan biara so; na monkae sɛ, na mo nso moyɛ ahɔhoɔ wɔ Misraim asase so.
Moreouer, thou shalt not do iniurie to a stranger, neither oppresse him: for ye were strangers in the land of Egypt.
22 “Monnsisi akunafoɔ anaa nwisiaa;
Ye shall not trouble any widowe, nor fatherlesse childe.
23 na sɛ moyɛ saa na wɔsu frɛ me a, mɛgye wɔn so.
If thou vexe or trouble such, and so he call and cry vnto me, I will surely heare his cry.
24 Mede mʼabufuo bɛtia mo na mama atamfoɔ dɔm akum mo na mo yerenom nso adane akunafoɔ ama mo mma nso ayɛ nwisiaa bi.
Then shall my wrath be kindled, and I will kill you with the sword, and your wiues shall be widowes, and your children fatherlesse.
25 “Sɛ wobɔ wo yɔnko Hebrini bosea a, nnye ho mfɛntom biara.
If thou lende money to my people, that is, to the poore with thee, thou shalt not bee as an vsurer vnto him: yee shall not oppresse him with vsurie.
26 Sɛ wogye ne ntoma de si awowa a, anadwo no ara, fa nʼadeɛ kɔma no.
If thou take thy neighbours rayment to pledge, thou shalt restore it vnto him before the sunne go downe:
27 Ɛfiri sɛ, ebia na ntoma a ɔwɔ de kata ne ho de ka ne ho hye ara ne no; woagye yi, ɛbɛyɛ dɛn na watumi ada? Sɛ woamfa ankɔma no na sɛ ɔsu frɛ me a, mɛtie na mahunu no mmɔbɔ, ɛfiri sɛ, meyɛ mmɔborɔhunufoɔ.
For that is his couering only, and this is his garment for his skin: wherin shall he sleepe? therefore when he crieth vnto mee, I will heare him: for I am mercifull.
28 “Monnkasa ntia Onyankopɔn na monnome aban mu mpanimfoɔ anaa mo atemmufoɔ anaa wɔn a wɔdi mo so.
Thou shalt not raile vpon the Iudges, neither speake euil of the ruler of thy people.
29 “Momfa mo nnɔbaeɛ mu nkyɛ mu edu mu baako mmrɛ me ntɛm so. “Saa ara nso na montua mo mmakan mmarima nkwagyeɛ ho ka no.
Thine abundance and thy licour shalt thou not keepe backe. The first borne of thy sonnes shalt thou giue me.
30 Ma wo nantwie anaa wo dwan abakan no ne ne maame ntena nnanson, na ɛda a ɛtɔ so nwɔtwe no, fa no brɛ me.
Likewise shalt thou do with thine oxen and with thy sheepe: seuen dayes it shall bee with his damme, and the eight day thou shalt giue it me.
31 “Esiane sɛ moyɛ kronkron ma me enti, monnwe aboa biara a akekaboa akyere no akum no. Monnya ne funu no ma nkraman mmɛwe.
Ye shall be an holy people vnto me, neither shall ye eate any flesh that is torne of beastes in the fielde: ye shall cast it to the dogge.

< 2 Mose 22 >