< 2 Mose 16 >

1 Afei, wɔtu firii Elim baa Sin ɛserɛ so a ɛda Elim ne Bepɔ Sinai ntam. Wɔtu firii Misraim no, bosome a ɛtɔ so mmienu dadu nnanum so na wɔduruu hɔ.
Afterward all the Congregation of the children of Israel departed from Elim, and came to the wildernes of Sin, (which is betweene Elim and Sinai) the fiftenth day of the second moneth after their departing out of ye land of Egypt.
2 Wɔduruu hɔ no nso, nnipa no kasa tiaa Mose ne Aaron sɛ,
And the whole Congregation of the children of Israel murmured against Moses and against Aaron in the wildernesse.
3 “Ao! Sɛ yɛwɔ Misraim bio na anka Awurade rekunkum yɛn wɔ hɔ a, anka yɛpɛ. Na yɛnya nnuane bebree di wɔ hɔ. Nanso, mode yɛn abɛgu ɛserɛ so ha ama ɛkɔm rekum yɛn.”
For the children of Israel sayde to them, Oh that we had dyed by the hand of the Lord in the land of Egypt, when wee sate by the flesh pots, when wee ate bread our bellies full: for yee haue brought vs out into this wildernesse, to kill this whole company with famine.
4 Ɛnna Awurade ka kyerɛɛ Mose sɛ, “Merebɛtɔ aduane firi soro abɛgu asase so ama wɔn. Obiara bɛtumi akɔboaboa dodoɔ biara a ɔpɛ ano ama deɛ ɔbɛdi no ɛda koro. Mede yei bɛsɔ wɔn ahwɛ sɛ wɔbɛdi mʼahyɛdeɛ so anaasɛ wɔrenni so.
Then sayd the Lord vnto Moses, Behold, I wil cause bread to rayne from heauen to you, and the people shall goe out, and gather that that is sufficient for euery day, that I may proue them, whether they wil walke in my Law or no.
5 Ka kyerɛ wɔn na nnawɔtwe biara mu ɛda a ɛtɔ so nsia no, wɔmmoaboa aduane no ano sɛdeɛ daa wɔboaboa no no, mmɔho mmienu.”
But the sixt daye they shall prepare that, which they shall bring home, and it shalbe twise as much as they gather dayly.
6 Enti, Mose ne Aaron frɛɛ Israelfoɔ no nyinaa ne wɔn hyiaeɛ ka kyerɛɛ wɔn sɛ, “Anwummerɛ yi, mobɛhunu sɛ Awurade na ɔyii mo firii Misraim asase so.
Then Moses and Aaron sayde vnto all the children of Israel, At euen ye shall know, that the Lord brought you out of the land of Egypt:
7 Sɛ ɛduru anɔpa a, mobɛhunu nʼanimuonyanneɛ bebree; ɛfiri sɛ, wate mo anwiinwii a monwiinwii tia no no. Na yɛn ne hwan a monnwiinwii tia yɛn?
And in the morning ye shall see the glorie of the Lord: for he hath heard your grudgings against the Lord: and what are we that ye haue murmured against vs?
8 Anwummerɛ yi, Awurade bɛma mo ɛnam awe, na wama mo aduane anɔpa. Ɛfiri sɛ, wate mo anwiinwii a monwiinwii tia no no. Moannwiinwii antia yɛn, na monwiinwii tiaa Awurade.”
Againe Moses sayd, At euen shall the Lord giue you flesh to eate, and in the morning your fil of bread: for the Lord hath heard your murmurings, which ye murmure against him: for what are we? your murmurings are not against vs, but against the Lord.
9 Na Mose ka kyerɛɛ Aaron sɛ, “Ka kyerɛ Israelfoɔ no nyinaa sɛ wɔmmra Awurade anim na wɔmmɛtie wɔn anwiinwii no ho mmuaeɛ.”
And Moses sayd to Aaron, Say vnto all the Congregation of the children of Israel, Draw neere before the Lord: for he hath heard your murmurings.
10 Enti, Aaron frɛɛ wɔn boaa ano, na prɛko pɛ, wɔmaa wɔn ani so kyerɛɛ baabi a omununkum a ɛrekyerɛ wɔn ɛkwan no wɔ no, Awurade firii mu daa nʼanimuonyam kɛseɛ no adi.
Now as Aaron spake vnto the whole Congregation of the children of Israel, they looked toward the wildernesse, and beholde, the glory of the Lord appeared in a cloude.
11 Awurade ka kyerɛɛ Mose sɛ,
(For the Lord had spoken vnto Moses, saying,
12 “Mate wɔn anwiinwii no, ka kyerɛ wɔn sɛ, ‘Anwummerɛ, mobɛnya ɛnam awe na anɔpa nso mobɛnya aduane pii adi na mobɛhunu sɛ mene Awurade, mo Onyankopɔn, no.’”
I haue heard the murmurings of the children of Israel: tell them therefore, and say, At euen ye shall eate flesh, and in the morning ye shall be filled with bread, and ye shall knowe that I am the Lord your God)
13 Anwummerɛ no, nnomaa pii bɛbuu so wɔ wɔn atenaeɛ hɔ na anɔpa no, obosuo tɔ guu ɛserɛ no so ma ɛyɛɛ fɔkyee;
And so at euen the quailes came and couered the campe: and in the morning the dewe lay round about the hoste.
14 obosuo no tuiɛ no akyire no, biribi te sɛ nsenseneeɛ bi a ɛte sɛ nkyenkyeneeɛ bɛguu asase no so.
And when the dewe that was fallen was ascended, beholde, a small round thing was vpon the face of the wildernes, small as the hoare frost on the earth.
15 Israelfoɔ no hunuiɛ no, wɔbisabisaa wɔn ho wɔn ho sɛ, “Ɛdeɛbɛn nie?” Na Mose buaa wɔn sɛ, “Ɛyɛ aduane a Awurade de ama mo sɛ monni no.
And when the children of Israel sawe it, they sayde one to another, It is MAN, for they wist not what it was. And Moses sayd vnto them, This is the breade which the Lord hath giuen you to eate.
16 Awurade aka sɛ, ‘Obiara mmoaboa dodoɔ biara a ɛbɛso ɔne ne fiefoɔ die ano.’”
This is the thing which the Lord hath commanded: gather of it euery man according to his eating an Omer for a man according to the number of your persons: euery man shall take for them which are in his tent.
17 Enti, Israelfoɔ no firii adi kɔboaboaa aduane no bi ano. Ebi faa pii ɛnna ebi faa kakraa bi.
And the children of Israel did so, and gathered, some more, some lesse.
18 Wɔhwiee deɛ wɔaboaboa ano no nyinaa guu susukoraa mu no, na ɛdɔɔso sɛ obiara bɛnya bi. Wɔn a wɔnyaa pii no, ebi anka, ɛnna wɔn a wɔnyaa kakra bi no nso, ɛsoo wɔn. Efie biara nyaa ne so ne ne deɛ.
And when they did measure it with an Omer, hee that had gathered much, had nothing ouer, and he that had gathered litle, had no lacke: so euery man gathered according to his eating.
19 Mose ka kyerɛɛ wɔn sɛ, “Mommma adeɛ nkye so.”
Moses then said vnto them, Let no man reserue thereof till morning.
20 Nanso, ebinom yɛɛ asoɔden maa adeɛ kyee so. Adeɛ kyee so no, na adɔre nsaama ma ɛbɔn enti Mose bo fuu wɔn yie.
Notwithstanding they obeyed not Moses: but some of them reserued of it till morning, and it was full of wormes, and stanke: therefore Moses was angrie with them.
21 Afei, na wɔkɔtase aduane no anɔpa biara, na wɔtase dodoɔ biara a, ɛso efie biara. Na awia bɔɔ dendeenden guu so no, aduane no nyinaa naneeɛ.
And they gathered it euery morning, euery man according to his eating: for when the heate of the sunne came, it was melted.
22 Ɛda a ɛtɔ so nsia no, wɔtasee sɛdeɛ wɔtase no daa no mmɔho mmienu. Wɔtasee susukoraa nsia, nanso daa na wɔtase susukoraa mmiɛnsa. Mpanimfoɔ a wɔtuatua nnipa no ano no bɛbisaa Mose deɛ enti a aba saa.
And the sixt day they gathered twise so much bread, two Omers for one man: then all the rulers of the Congregation came and told Moses.
23 Mose buaa wɔn sɛ, “Ɛfiri sɛ, Awurade aka ato hɔ sɛ, ‘Ɔkyena yɛ homeda. Ɛyɛ homeda kronkron ma Awurade a ɛnsɛ sɛ yɛyɛ yɛn nnwuma biara. Enti, monnoa dodoɔ biara a mopɛ ɛnnɛ, na deɛ ɛbɛka no, monnya ma adeɛ nkye so.’”
And he answered them, This is that, which the Lord hath sayde, To morowe is the rest of the holy Sabbath vnto the Lord: bake that to day which ye wil bake, and seethe that which ye wil seethe, and all that remaineth, lay it vp to be kept till the morning for you.
24 Na adeɛ kyee so no, na ɛyɛ a nsaama biara nni mu na ɛmmɔn nso.
And they laied it vp till the morning, as Moses bade, and it stanke not, neyther was there any worme therein.
25 Mose kaa sɛ, “Ɛnnɛ, mo aduane nie, ɛfiri sɛ, ɛnnɛ yɛ Awurade homeda enti aduane biara rentɔ ngu asase so.
Then Moses sayde, Eate that to day: for to day is the Sabbath vnto the Lord: to day ye shall not finde it in the fielde.
26 Momfa nna nsia mmoaboa aduane ano, ɛfiri sɛ, ɛda a ɛtɔ so nson no yɛ homeda enti morennya aduane biara saa ɛda no.”
Sixe dayes shall yee gather it, but in the seuenth day is the Sabbath: in it there shalbe none.
27 Homeda no, nnipa no bi firii adi sɛ wɔrekɔpɛ aduane no bi, nanso na ebi nni hɔ.
Notwithstanding, there went out some of the people in ye seuenth day for to gather, and they found none.
28 Awurade bisaa Mose sɛ, “Saa nnipa yi bɛyɛ asoɔden akɔsi da bɛn?
And the Lord sayde vnto Moses, Howe long refuse yee to keepe my commandements, and my lawes?
29 Wɔnhunu sɛ nna nsia so no, memaa wɔn mmɔho mmienu sɛdeɛ ɛbɛso wɔn nnanu? Awurade se momfa ɛda a ɛtɔ so nson no sɛ homeda; montena mo ntomadan mu. Mommfiri adi nkɔtase aduane mfiri asase so.”
Beholde, howe the Lord hath giuen you the Sabbath: therefore he giueth you the sixt day bread for two dayes: tary therefore euery man in his place: let no man goe out of his place the seuenth day.
30 Enti, ɛda a ɛtɔ so nson no, nnipa no homee.
So the people rested the seuenth day.
31 Israelfoɔ no too aduane no edin sɛ, Mana aseɛ ne “Ɛyɛ ɛdeɛn?” Ɛyɛ fitaa sɛ wisa aba na ɛyɛ dɛ te sɛ taterɛ a ɛwoɔ wɔ mu.
And the house of Israel called the name of it, MAN. and it was like to coriander seede, but white: and the taste of it was like vnto wafers made with hony.
32 Mose kaa asɛm a Awurade ka kyerɛɛ no sɛ ɔnka nkyerɛ wɔn sɛ wɔmfa aduane no susukoraa mmiɛnsa na wɔmfa nkɔsie wɔn adekorabea afebɔɔ sɛdeɛ ɛbɛyɛ a, nkyirimma bɛhunu aduane a Awurade de maa wɔn dii wɔ ɛserɛ so ɛberɛ a ɔyii wɔn firii Misraim no.
And Moses said, This is that which the Lord hath commanded, Fill an Omer of it, to keepe it for your posteritie: that they may see the bread wherewith I haue fed you in wildernesse, when I brought you out of the land of Egypt.
33 Mose ka kyerɛɛ Aaron sɛ ɔmfa kyɛnsee na ɔmfa mana lita mmiɛnsa ngu mu na ɔmfa nsie kronkronbea bi mma nkyirimma.
Moses also said to Aaron, Take a pot and put an Omer full of MAN therein, and set it before the Lord to be kept for your posteritie.
34 Aaron yɛɛ sɛdeɛ Awurade kyerɛɛ Mose sɛ ɔnyɛ no na ɔkɔkoraa no wɔ Apam Adaka no mu wɔ kronkronbea hɔ.
As the Lord commanded Moses, so Aaron laied it vp before the Testimonie to be kept.
35 Enti, Israelfoɔ dii mana yi mfeɛ aduanan kɔsii sɛ wɔduruu Kanaan asase so a ɛhɔ deɛ, na afuomduane wɔ no.
And the children of Israel did eate MAN fourtie yeres, vntill they came vnto a land inhabited: they did eate MAN vntill they came to the borders of the land of Canaan.
36 Omer na na wɔde susu mana no. Omer yɛ lita mmiɛnsa.
The Omer is the tenth part of the Ephah.

< 2 Mose 16 >