< 5 Mose 22 >

1 Sɛ wohunu sɛ obi nantwie anaa sɛ ne dwan nam basabasa a, ɛnyɛ sɛdeɛ wonhunuu no. Kyere no kɔma ne wura.
Thou shalt not pass by if thou seest thy brother’s ox, or his sheep go astray: but thou shalt bring them back to thy brother.
2 Sɛ ne wura nte mmɛn wo, anaasɛ wonnim no a, fa no kɔ wo fie kɔsi sɛ ne wura no bɛba abɛhwehwɛ no na fa nʼaboa ma no.
And if thy brother be not nigh, or thou know him not: thou shalt bring them to thy house, and they shall be with thee until thy brother seek them, and receive them.
3 Sɛ wohunu wo nua bi afunumu anaa ne ntoma anaa ne biribi a ayera wɔ ɛkwan no so a, yɛ no saa ara. Mmu wʼani ngu so.
Thou shalt do in like manner with his ass, and with his raiment, and with every thing that is thy brother’s, which is lost: if thou find it, neglect it not as pertaining to another.
4 Sɛ wohunu sɛ wo nua bi afunumu anaa ne nantwie da ɛkwan mu a, nhwɛ nkyɛn. Kɔboa wo yɔnko no na ɔmma aboa no nsɔre.
If thou see thy brother’s ass or his ox to be fallen down in the way, thou shalt not slight it, but shalt lift it up with him.
5 Ɛnsɛ sɛ ɔbaa hyɛ mmarima atadeɛ, saa ara nso na ɛnsɛ sɛ ɔbarima hyɛ mmaa atadeɛ, ɛfiri sɛ, wɔn a wɔyɛ yei yɛ Awurade, mo Onyankopɔn, akyiwadeɛ.
A woman shall not be clothed with man’s apparel, neither shall a man use woman’s apparel: for he that doeth these things is abominable before God.
6 Sɛ wokɔto sɛ anomaa pirebuo da ɛkwankyɛn, sɛ ɛhyɛ dua mu anaa ɛda fam na sɛ anomaa no maame te ne ba no ho anaa ɔbutu nkosua so a, mfa anomaa no maame ne ne ba no nkɔ.
If thou find as thou walkest by the way, a bird’s nest in a tree, or on the ground, and the dam sitting upon the young or upon the eggs: thou shalt not take her with her young:
7 Wotumi fa ne ba no, nanso hwɛ no yie sɛ wobɛma ne maame no akɔ sɛdeɛ ɛbɛsi wo yie, na wo nkwa nna aware.
But shalt let her go, keeping the young which thou hast caught: that it may be well with thee, and thou mayst live a long time.
8 Sɛ wosi ɛdan foforɔ a, si ban fa wo ɛdan no atifi ho nyinaa, na obi amfiri hɔ ante anhwe na woamfa mogyahwie ho asodie anto wo ne wo ɛdan no so.
When thou buildest a new house, thou shalt make a battlement to the roof round about: lest blood be shed in thy house, and thou be guilty, if any one slip, and fall down headlong.
9 Wo bobefuo no, nnua nnɔbaeɛ foforɔ biara wɔ bobe no ntam. Sɛ woyɛ saa a, wonni ho kwan sɛ wote bobe aba wɔ bobefuo no mu anaasɛ nnɔbaeɛ foforɔ no so aba biara.
Thou shalt not sow thy vineyard with divers seeds: lest both the seed which thou hast sown, and the fruit of the vineyard, be sanctified together.
10 Mfa nantwie ne afunumu mmɔ mu mfuntum afuo.
Thou shalt not plough with an ox and an ass together.
11 Mfira ntoma a wɔde kuntu ne serekye afra anwono.
Thou shalt not wear a garment that is woven of woollen and linen together.
12 Sɛ wopam atadeɛ a, yɛ mpɛsɛe wɔ nʼahinanan ɛnan no biara ano.
Thou shalt make strings in the hem at the four corners of thy cloak, wherewith thou shalt be covered.
13 Sɛ ɔbarima ware ɔbaa na ɔne no da na akyire no, ɔmpɛ no bio,
If a man marry a wife, and afterwards hate her,
14 na enti ɔka ne ho asɛmmɔne, bɔ no edin bɔne sɛ, “Mewaree no no, manhunu sɛ ɔyɛ ɔbaabunu,”
And seek occasions to put her away, laying to her charge a very ill name, and say: I took this woman to wife, and going in to her, I found her not a virgin:
15 a, ɔbaa no agya ne ne maame wɔ ho ɛkwan sɛ wɔde adansedie a ɛkyerɛ sɛ wɔn babaa no yɛ ɔbaabunu bɛkyerɛ kuro no mpanimfoɔ wɔ kuro no ɛpono ano.
Her father and mother shall take her, and shall bring with them the tokens of her virginity to the ancients of the city that are in the gate:
16 Ɛsɛ sɛ ɔbaa no agya ka kyerɛ wɔn sɛ, “Mede me babaa maa ɔbarima yi awadeɛ nanso ɔse ɔmpɛ no bio.
And the father shall say: I gave my daughter unto this man to wife: and because he hateth her,
17 Wabɔ no kwaadu agu nʼanim ase aka sɛ, ɔwaree no no wahunu sɛ ɔnyɛ ɔbaabunu. Nanso adansedeɛ a ɛkyerɛ sɛ ɔyɛ ɔbaabunu no nie.” Afei, wɔbɛtrɛ ntoma no mu wɔ atemmufoɔ no anim.
He layeth to her charge a very ill name, so as to say: I found not thy daughter a virgin: and behold these are the tokens of my daughter’s virginity. And they shall spread the cloth before the ancients of the city:
18 Atemmufoɔ no bɛtwe ɔbarima no aso.
And the ancients of that city shall take that man, and beat him,
19 Wɔbɛbɔ no ka dwetɛ kilogram baako sɛ wahyɛ da agu Israel ɔbaabunu no anim ase sɛ ɔnyɛ ɔbaabunu. Wɔbɛtua sika no ama ɔbaa no agya. Afei, ɔbabaa no bɛyɛ ɔbarima no yere a ɔrennyaa no bio.
Condemning him besides in a hundred sides of silver, which he shall give to the damsel’s father, because he hath defamed by a very ill name a virgin of Israel: and he shall have her to wife, and may not put her away all the days of his life.
20 Sɛ ɛkɔba sɛ kwaadu a wɔde bɔɔ no no yɛ, na wɔannya adansedeɛ a ɛfa ne baabunuyɛ no ho ankyerɛ a,
But if what he charged her with be true, and virginity be not found in the damsel:
21 wɔde ɔbaa no bɛba nʼagya fie abɔntenpono ano na kurom hɔ mmarima asi no aboɔ wɔ hɔ akum no. Ɔnam adwamammɔ so ayɛ animguaseɛ bɔne wɔ Israel ɛberɛ a ɔne nʼawofoɔ te. Ɛsɛ sɛ wɔpepa saa bɔne no firi mo mu.
They shall cast her out of the doors of her father’s house, and the men of the city shall stone her to death, and she shall die: because she hath done a wicked thing in Israel, to play the whore in her father’s house: and thou shalt take away the evil out of the midst of thee.
22 Sɛ wɔhunu sɛ ɔbarima bi ne ɔbarima foforɔ bi yere da a, ɛsɛ sɛ wɔkum ɔbarima a ɔne ɔbaa no daeɛ no ne ɔbaa no nyinaa. Ɛsɛ sɛ motu saa bɔne no ase wɔ Israel.
If a man lie with another man’s wife, they shall both die, that is to say, the adulterer and the adulteress: and thou shalt take away the evil out of Israel.
23 Sɛ ɔbarima bi hyia ababaawa a ɔyɛ ɔbaabunu a ɔne obi ahyehyɛ awadeɛ na ɔbarima no ne ababaawa no da, na sɛ saa asɛm no sii kuro no mu a,
If a man have espoused a damsel that is a virgin, and some one find her in the city, and lie with her,
24 ɛsɛ sɛ mode wɔn baanu no kɔ kuro no apono ano kɔsi wɔn aboɔ kum wɔn. Ababaawa no di fɔ, ɛfiri sɛ, wɔanteateam ampɛ mmoa. Ɛsɛ sɛ ɔbarima no nso wu, ɛfiri sɛ, wafa obi yere. Saa ɛkwan yi so na monam bɛtu bɔne afiri asase no so.
Thou shalt bring them both out to the gate of that city, and they shall be stoned: the damsel, because she cried not out, being in the city: the man, because he hath humbled his neighbour’s wife. And thou shalt take away the evil from the midst of thee.
25 Sɛ ɔbarima bi hyia ɔbaa a obi ahyehyɛ no awadeɛ wɔ baabi a ɛnyɛ wɔn ɔman mu, na ɔbarima no hyɛ no ne no da a, ɛsɛ sɛ wɔkum saa ɔbarima no.
But if a man find a damsel that is betrothed, in the field, and taking hold of her, lie with her, he alone shall die:
26 Monnyɛ ababaawa no biribiara, ɛfiri sɛ, ɔnyɛɛ akunneɛ biara. Saa asɛm yi te sɛ obi a wato ahyɛ ne yɔnko so akum no.
The damsel shall suffer nothing, neither is she guilty of death: for as a robber riseth against his brother, and taketh away his life, so also did the damsel suffer:
27 Esiane sɛ ɔbarima no hyɛɛ no ne no daeɛ wɔ wiram enti, wɔfa no sɛ, ɔteateaam nanso wannya ɔgyefoɔ biara annye no.
She was alone in the field: she cried, and there was no man to help her.
28 Sɛ wɔkyere ɔbarima bi a ɔne ababaawa bi a obi ne no nhyehyɛeɛ awadeɛ ada a,
If a man find a damsel that is a virgin, who is not espoused, and taking her, lie with her, and the matter come to judgment:
29 ɛsɛ sɛ ɔtua dwetɛ kilogram mmienu ne fa ma ababaawa no agya. Na ɛno akyi, ɛsɛ sɛ ɔbarima no ware ababaawa no, ɛfiri sɛ, wagu nʼanim ase na ɔrentumi nnyae no awadeɛ da.
He that lay with her shall give to the father of the maid fifty sides of silver, and shall have her to wife, because he hath humbled her: he may not put her away all the days of his life.
30 Ɔbarima biara nni ho ɔkwan sɛ ɔne nʼagya yere da, ɛnsɛ sɛ ɔgu nʼagya mpa ho fi.
No man shall take his father’s wife, nor remove his covering.

< 5 Mose 22 >