< 2 Samuel 1 >

1 Saulo owuo akyi no, Dawid sane firii nkonim a ɔdii Amalekfoɔ so no mu bɛtenaa Siklag nnanu.
After the death of Saul, when Dauid was returned from the slaughter of the Amalekites and had beene two dayes in Ziklag,
2 Ne nnansa so no, ɔbarima bi firi Saulo sraban mu a watete ne ntadeɛ mu, atu mfuturo agu ne tiri mu, de rekyerɛ sɛ ɔretwa adwo baeɛ. Ɔduruu Dawid nkyɛn no, ɔdanee ne ho hwee fam anidie mu.
Behold, a man came the third day out of the host from Saul with his clothes rent, and earth vpon his head: and when hee came to Dauid, he fell to the earth, and did obeisance.
3 Dawid bisaa no sɛ, “Ɛhe na wofiri?” Ɔbuaa sɛ, “Madwane afiri Israel sraban mu.”
Then Dauid saide vnto him, Whence commest thou? And he said vnto him, Out of the host of Israel I am escaped.
4 Dawid bisaa no sɛ, “Na ɛyɛɛ dɛn? Ɔko no kɔsii sɛn?” Ɔkaa sɛ, “Mmarima no dwane firii akono. Bebree totɔeɛ. Na Saulo ne ne babarima Yonatan nso atotɔ.”
And Dauid saide vnto him, What is done? I pray thee, tell me. Then he said, that the people is fled from the battel, and many of the people are ouerthrowen, and dead, and also Saul and Ionathan his sonne are dead.
5 Enti, Dawid bisaa aberanteɛ a ɔbɛbɔɔ no saa amaneɛ no sɛ, “Ɛyɛɛ dɛn na wohunuu sɛ Saulo ne ne babarima Yonatan awuwu?”
And Dauid saide vnto the yong man that tolde it him, Howe knowest thou that Saul and Ionathan his sonne be dead?
6 Aberanteɛ no buaa sɛ, “Mekɔfirii Gilboa bepɔ so, na mekɔtoo sɛ Saulo sina ne pea so a atamfoɔ no nteaseɛnam ne nʼapɔnkɔsotefoɔ abɛn no ara.
Then the yong man that tolde him, answered, As I came to mount Gilboa, behold, Saul leaned vpon his speare, and loe, the charets and horsemen followed hard after him.
7 Ɔdanee ne ho a ɔhunuu me no, ɔteaam frɛɛ me sɛ memmra. Mebisaa no sɛ, ‘Menyɛ ɛdeɛn?’
And when he looked backe, he saw me, and called me. And I answered, Here am I.
8 “Ɔbisaa me sɛ, ‘Wone hwan?’ “Mebuaa no sɛ, ‘Meyɛ Amalekni.’
And he said vnto me, Who art thou? And I answered him, I am an Amalekite.
9 “Na ɔsrɛɛ me sɛ, ‘Bɛgyina me so na kum me, na me ho yera me yie, na mepɛ sɛ mewu.’
Then saide hee vnto me, I pray thee come vpon mee, and slay me: for anguish is come vpon me, because my life is yet whole in me.
10 “Enti, megyinaa ne so kumm no, ɛfiri sɛ, na menim sɛ tebea a ɔwɔ mu no, ɔrennya nkwa. Na metuu nʼahenkyɛ a ɛhyɛ no no ne nʼabasa so kapo no sɛ mede rebrɛ wo, me wura.”
So I came vpon him, and slewe him, and because I was sure that hee coulde not liue, after that hee had fallen, I tooke the crowne that was vpon his head, and the bracelet that was on his arme, and brought them hither vnto my lord.
11 Dawid ne ne mmarima no tee asɛm no, wɔde awerɛhoɔ sunsuanee wɔn ntadeɛ mu.
Then Dauid tooke hold on his clothes, and rent them, and likewise al the men that were with him.
12 Wɔtwaa ho agyaadwoɔ, suiɛ, bua daa da mu no nyinaa wɔ Saulo ne ne babarima Yonatan wuo ne Awurade akodɔm ne Israelman sɛ wɔn mu pii wuwuu saa da no.
And they mourned and wept, and fasted vntil euen, for Saul and for Ionathan his sonne, and for the people of the Lord, and for the house of Israel, because they were slaine with the sword.
13 Na Dawid bisaa aberanteɛ a ɔbɛbɔɔ wɔn saa amaneɛ no sɛ, “Wofiri he?” Na ɔbuaa sɛ, “Meyɛ ɔhɔhoɔ Amalekni a mete mo asase so.”
Afterward Dauid saide vnto the yong man that tolde it him, Whence art thou? And hee answered, I am the sonne of a stranger an Amalekite.
14 Dawid bisaa no sɛ, “Na wonsuro sɛ wobɛkum obi a Awurade asra no no?”
And Dauid said vnto him, How wast thou not afrayd, to put forth thine hand to destroy the Anoynted of the Lord?
15 Dawid ka kyerɛɛ ne mmarima no mu baako sɛ, “Ku no!” Enti, ɔbarima no twee nʼakofena de wɔɔ Amalekni no, kumm no.
Then Dauid called one of his yong men, and said, Goe neere, and fall vpon him. And hee smote him that he dyed.
16 Na Dawid kaa sɛ, “Wʼano ayi mmusuo ama wo ama woawu, ɛfiri sɛ, wo ara na wokaa sɛ woakum obi a Awurade asra no no.”
Then said Dauid vnto him, Thy blood be vpon thine owne head: for thine owne mouth hath testified against thee, saying, I haue slaine the Lords Anoynted.
17 Na Dawid too kwadwom maa Saulo ne Yonatan.
Then Dauid mourned with this lamentation ouer Saul, and ouer Ionathan his sonne,
18 Na ɔhyɛɛ sɛ wɔnkyerɛ nnipa a wɔwɔ Yuda nyinaa to. Wɔtoo no edin sɛ agyan dwom a wɔatwerɛ wɔ Yasar Nwoma mu.
(Also he bade them teach the children of Iudah to shoote, as it is written in the booke of Iasher)
19 “Wʼanimuonyam ne wʼahosɛpɛ, Ao Israel, awu da mmepɔ so! Akofoɔ akɛseɛ atotɔ!
O noble Israel, hee is slane vpon thy hie places: how are the mightie ouerthrowen!
20 “Monnka asɛm yi wɔ Gat, na Filistifoɔ abɔ ose! Monnka wɔ Askelon mmɔntene so, na abosonsomfoɔ ansere ahosɛpɛ mu.
Tell it not in Gath, nor publish it in the streetes of Ashkelon, lest the daughters of the Philistims reioyce, lest the daughters of the vncircumcised triumph.
21 “Ao Gilboa mmepɔ, mma bosuo anaa osuo ntɔ ngu wo so, anaa wo nsianeɛ so. Ɛfiri sɛ, ɛhɔ na wɔguu ɔkofoɔ kɛseɛ no akokyɛm ho fi; wɔremfa ngo nsra Saulo akokyɛm ho bio.
Ye mountaines of Gilboa, vpon you be neither dewe nor raine, nor be there fieldes of offrings: for there the shielde of the mightie is cast downe, the shielde of Saul, as though he had not bene anointed with oyle.
22 “Saulo ne Yonatan kunkumm wɔn atamfoɔ ahoɔdenfoɔ! Wɔamfiri akono amma no nsapan.
The bow of Ionathan neuer turned backe, neither did the sword of Saul returne emptie from the blood of the slaine, and from the fatte of the mightie.
23 Ɔdɔ ne ahoɔfɛ bɛn na na Saulo ne Yonatan nni, wɔn mu antete da, nkwa ne owuo mu. Na wɔn ho yɛ hare kyɛn akɔdeɛ; na wɔn ho yɛ den kyɛn agyata.
Saul and Ionathan were louely and pleasant in their liues, and in their deaths they were not deuided: they were swifter then eagles, they were stronger then lions.
24 “Ao, Israel mmaa, monsu Saulo, ɛfiri sɛ, ɔfiraa mo ntoma pa, hyehyɛɛ mo sikakɔkɔɔ agudeɛ.
Yee daughters of Israel, weepe for Saul, which clothed you in skarlet, with pleasures, and hanged ornaments of gold vpon your apparel.
25 “Akofoɔ akɛseɛ atotɔ akono. Yonatan awu da mmepɔ no so.
Howe were the mightie slaine in the mids of the battel! O Ionathan, thou wast slaine in thine hie places.
26 Hwɛ sɛdeɛ mesu woɔ, me nua Yonatan; Ao, hwɛ ɔdɔ a mede dɔɔ woɔ! Na wo dɔ a wode dɔɔ me no mu dɔ; emu dɔ sene mmaa dɔ!
Wo is me for thee, my brother Ionathan: very kinde hast thou bene vnto me: thy loue to me was wonderfull, passing the loue of women:
27 “Hwɛ sɛdeɛ akofoɔ akɛseɛ atotɔ! Wɔayiyi wɔn akodeɛ afiri wɔn ho, na wɔawuwu deda hɔ.”
howe are the mightie ouerthrowen, and the weapons of warre destroyed!

< 2 Samuel 1 >