< 1 Samuel 22 >

1 Dawid dwane firii Gat kɔtɛɛ ɔbodan a ɛwɔ Adulam no mu. Ankyɛre biara na ne nuanom mmarima ne ne fiefoɔ bi kɔkaa ne ho wɔ hɔ.
Dauid therefore departed thence, and saued him selfe in the caue of Adullam: and when his brethren and all his fathers house heard it, they went downe thither to him.
2 Afoforɔ bi nso kɔkaa ne ho wɔ hɔ. Na saa nnipa no yɛ nnipa a ɔhaw da wɔn so anaa wɔn a wɔdede aka ne wɔn a asetena nkɔ wɔn yie. Wɔbaeɛ ara kɔsii sɛ Dawid bɛyɛɛ ɔkannifoɔ maa nnipa bɛyɛ sɛ ahanan.
And there gathered vnto him all men that were in trouble and all men that were in dette, and all those that were vexed in minde, and he was their prince, and there were with him about foure hundreth men.
3 Akyire yi, Dawid kɔɔ Mispe a ɛwɔ Moab. Ɛhɔ na ɔbisaa ɔhene no sɛ, “Wobɛma mʼagya ne me maame abɛtena ha, na woabɔ wɔn ho ban kɔsi sɛ mɛhunu deɛ Onyankopɔn bɛyɛ ama me anaa?”
And Dauid went thence to Mizpeh in Moab, and said vnto the King of Moab, I pray thee, let my father and my mother come and abide with you, till I knowe what God wil doe for me.
4 Ɔhene no penee so, maa Dawid awofoɔ tenaa Moab a na Dawid nso te nʼabanbɔeɛ mu.
And he brought them before the King of Moab, and they dwelt with him all the while that Dauid was in the holde.
5 Ɛda bi, odiyifoɔ Gad ka kyerɛɛ Dawid sɛ, “Firi abanbɔeɛ mu ha, na sane kɔ Yuda asase so.” Enti, Dawid kɔɔ Heret kwaeɛ mu.
And the Prophet Gad sayde vnto Dauid, Abide not in the holde, but depart and goe into the land of Iudah. Then Dauid departed and came into the forest of Hareth.
6 Ɔkɔɔ Yuda hɔ no, ankyɛre na Saulo tee asɛm no. Saa ɛberɛ no, na ɔhene no te gyedua bi ase wɔ Gibea bepɔ so a ɔkura ne pea na ne mpanimfoɔ atwa ne ho ahyia.
And Saul heard that Dauid was discouered, and the men that were with him, and Saul remayned in Gibeah vnder a tree in Ramah, hauing his speare in his hande, and all his seruants stoode about him.
7 Saulo tee asɛm no, ɔteaam sɛ, “Monyɛ aso, mo mmarima a mofiri Benyamin fie! Dawid ahyɛ mo mfuo ne bobe nturo ho bɔ bi anaa? Wahyɛ mo bɔ sɛ mobɛyɛ nʼasafohene wɔ nʼakodɔm so anaa?
And Saul said vnto his seruants that stood about him, Heare now, ye sonnes of Iemini, wil the sonne of Ishai giue euery one of you fields and vineyardes: will he make you all captaines ouer thousands, and captaines ouer hundreths:
8 Ɛno enti na moayɛ apam atia me yi? Na mo mu biara antumi anka biribi ankyerɛ me sɛ me ara me babarima wɔ Dawid afa. Na ɛnha mo koraa mma me. Monnwene ho! Me ara me babarima hyɛ Dawid nkuran sɛ ɔmpɛ me nku me!”
That all ye haue conspired against me, and there is none that tellerh mee that my sonne hath made a couenant with the sonne of Ishai? and there is none of you that is sory for me, or sheweth mee, that my sonne hath stirred vp my seruant to lie in wayte against me, as appeareth this day?
9 Ɛhɔ na Edomni Doeg a na ɔne Saulo akofoɔ gyina hɔ no kaa sɛ, “Mehunuu Yisai ba no sɛ ɔbaa Ahitub ba Ahimelek nkyɛn wɔ Nob.
Then answered Doeg the Edomite (who was appoynted ouer the seruants of Saul) and sayd, I saw the sonne of Ishai when he came to Nob, to Ahimelech the sonne of Ahitub,
10 Ahimelek bisaa Awurade deɛ Dawid nyɛ. Ɔsane maa no nnuane, na ɔde Filistini Goliat akofena no kaa ne ho.”
Who asked counsell of the Lord for him and gaue him vitailes, and he gaue him also the sword of Goliath the Philistim.
11 Ɔhene no somaa sɛ wɔnkɔfa ɔsɔfoɔ Ahimelek ne ne fiefoɔ a na wɔyɛ asɔfoɔ wɔ Nob no nyinaa mmra.
Then the King sent to call Ahimelech the Priest the sonne of Ahitub, and all his fathers house, to wit, the Priests that were in Nob: and they came all to the King.
12 Wɔbaeɛ no, Saulo kaa sɛ, “Tie! Ahitub ba.” Ɔbuaa sɛ, “Nana asɛm bɛn.”
And Saul said, Heare now thou sonne of Ahitub. And he answered, Here I am, my lord.
13 Na Saulo bisaa no sɛ, “Adɛn enti na wo ne Dawid apam me tiri so, na womaa no burodo ne akofena, sane bisaa Awurade maa no. Adɛn enti na wohyɛ no nkuran sɛ ɔnyɛ dɔm ntia me na ɔmmɛto nhyɛ me so wɔ ha?”
Then Saul sayde vnto him, Why haue yee conspired against me, thou and the sonne of Ishai, in that thou hast giuen him vitaile, and a sworde, and hast asked counsell of God for him, that he should rise against me, and lye in wayte as appeareth this day?
14 Ahimelek buaa sɛ, “Nana, mesrɛ mebisa sɛ, wʼasomfoɔ yi nyinaa mu no, obi wɔ hɔ a ɔyɛ nokwafoɔ te sɛ wʼase Dawid anaa? Hwɛ ɔyɛ wʼawɛmfoɔ nyinaa so safohene, na wɔbu no yie wɔ wo fidua mu.
And Ahimelech answered the King, and sayde, Who is so faithfull among all thy seruants as Dauid, being also the Kings sonne in lawe, and goeth at thy commandement, and is honourable in thine house?
15 Ɛnyɛ saa ɛda no ne ɛda a ɛdi ɛkan a mabisa Awurade ama no. Dabi! Ɛnsɛ sɛ ɔhene no de soboɔ bɔ ne ɔsomfoɔ ne ne fiefoɔ, ɛfiri sɛ, wʼakoa nnim saa asɛm yi ho biribiara.”
Haue I this day first begun to aske counsell of God for him? be it farre from mee, let not the King impute any thing vnto his seruant, nor to all the house of my father: for thy seruant knew nothing of all this, lesse nor more.
16 Na ɔhene kaa sɛ, “Ɛkwan biara so, wobɛwu. Ahimelek, wo ne wo fiefoɔ nyinaa bɛwu.”
Then the King sayd, Thou shalt surely die, Ahimelech, thou, and all thy fathers house.
17 Na ɔhene ka kyerɛɛ nʼawɛmfoɔ a wɔwɔ hɔ no sɛ, “Monkunkum Awurade asɔfoɔ no nyinaa, ɛfiri sɛ, wɔn nso kɔ Dawid afa. Na wɔnim sɛ ɔredwane, nanso wɔanka ankyerɛ me.” Nanso, na ɔhene asraafoɔ no mpɛ sɛ wɔde wɔn nsa ka Awurade asɔfoɔ no.
And the King sayde vnto the sergeantes that stoode about him, Turne, and slay the Priestes of the Lord, because their hand also is with Dauid, and because they knewe when he fled, and shewed it not vnto mee. But the seruantes of the King would not moue their hands to fall vpon the Priests of the Lord.
18 Enti, ɔhene hyɛɛ Doeg sɛ, “Dane wo ho na kunkum asɔfoɔ no.” Enti, Edomni Doeg danee ne ho kunkumm wɔn. Ɛda no, ɔkumm mmarima a na wɔhyɛ serekye asɔfotadeɛ aduɔwɔtwe enum.
Then the King sayde to Doeg, Turne thou and fall vpon the Priests. And Doeg the Edomite turned, and ran vpon the Priestes, and slewe that same daye foure score and fiue persons that did weare a linen Ephod.
19 Afei, ɔkɔɔ Nob a ɛyɛ asɔfoɔ no kurom, kɔkunkumm asɔfoɔ no fiefoɔ mmarima, mmaa, mmɔfra ne mmadoma, anantwie, mfunumu ne nnwan nyinaa.
Also Nob the citie of the Priestes smote he with the edge of the sword, both man and woman, both childe and suckling, both oxe and asse, and sheepe with the edge of the sword.
20 Na Ahitub ba Ahimelek babarima baako a wɔfrɛ no Abiatar dwane kɔɔ Dawid nkyɛn.
But one of the sonnes of Ahimelech the sonne of Ahitub (whose name was Abiathar) escaped and fled after Dauid.
21 Ɛberɛ a ɔka kyerɛɛ Dawid sɛ Saulo akunkum Awurade asɔfoɔ no,
And Abiathar shewed Dauid, that Saul had slayne the Lords Priestes.
22 Dawid teaam sɛ, “Na menim! Ɛberɛ a mehunuu Doeg wɔ hɔ saa ɛda no, na menim sɛ ɔbɛka akyerɛ Saulo. Seesei, mama wʼagya fiefoɔ nyinaa awuwu.
And Dauid sayd vnto Abiathar, I knewe it the same day, when Doeg the Edomite was there, that he would tell Saul. I am the cause of the death of all the persons of thy fathers house.
23 Wo ne me ntena ha, na mede me nkwa bɛbɔ wo ho ban, ɛfiri sɛ, onipa korɔ no ara na ɔrehwehwɛ yɛn baanu akum yɛn.”
Abide thou with me, and feare not: for he that seeketh my life, shall seeke thy life also: for with me thou shalt be in safegard.

< 1 Samuel 22 >