< 1 Berɛsosɛm 9 >

1 Wɔtwerɛɛ Israel abusuadua biara mu nnipa din guu Israel ne Yuda Ahemfo nwoma mu. Esiane sɛ na Yudafoɔ no nni Awurade nokorɛ no enti, wɔtwaa wɔn asuo kɔɔ Babilonia.
Thus all Israel were nombred by their genealogies: and beholde, they are written in the booke of the Kings of Israel and of Iudah, and they were caried away to Babel for their transgression.
2 Wɔn a wɔsane baeɛ bɛfaa wɔn agyapadeɛ wɔ wɔn nkuro dada mu no yɛ Israelfoɔ bi, asɔfoɔ, Lewifoɔ ne asɔredan mu aboafoɔ.
And the chiefe inhabitants that dwelt in their owne possessions, and in their owne cities, euen Israel the Priestes, the Leuites, and the Nethinims.
3 Nnipa a wɔfiri Yuda, Benyamin, Efraim ne Manase mmusuakuo mu ba bɛtenaa Yerusalem no yɛ:
And in Ierusalem dwelt of the children of Iudah, and of the children of Beniamin, and of the children of Ephraim, and Manasseh.
4 Amihud babarima Utai a ɔyɛ Omri babarima na ɔno nso yɛ Imri babarima na ɔno nso yɛ Bani babarima a wɔyɛ Yuda babarima Peres asefoɔ.
Vthai the sonne of Amihud the sonne of Omri, the sonne of Imri, the sonne of Bani: of the children of Pharez, the sonne of Iudah.
5 Wɔn a wɔfiri Silonfoɔ abusua mu no yɛ: Asaia a ɔyɛ abakan no ne ne mmammarima.
And of Shiloni, Asaiah the eldest, and his sonnes.
6 Serah abusua mu no: Yeuel ne nʼabusuafoɔ na wɔsane baeɛ. Yuda abusuakuo no mu mmusua ahansia aduɔkron na wɔsane baeɛ.
And the sonnes of Zerah, Ieuel, and their brethren sixe hundreth and ninetie.
7 Wɔn a wɔfiri Benyamin abusuakuo mu a wɔsane baeɛ no ne: Mesulam babarima Salu, a ɔyɛ Hodawia babarima na ɔno nso yɛ Hasenua babarima;
And of the sonnes of Beniamin, Sallu the sonne of Meshullam, the sonne of Hodauiah, the sonne of Hasenuah,
8 Yibneia a ɔyɛ Yeroham babarima; Ela a ɔyɛ Usi babarima, Mikri babarima; Mesulam a ɔyɛ Sefatia babarima, Reuel babarima, Yibnia babarima baeɛ.
And Ibneiah the sonne of Ieroham, and Elah the sonne of Vzzi, the sonne of Michri, and Meshullam the sonne of Shephatiah, the sonne of Reuel, the sonne of Ibniiah.
9 Saa mmarima yi nyinaa, na wɔyɛ mmusua ntuanofoɔ, na wɔatwerɛ wɔn din wɔ wɔn mmusuakuo mmusuadua nwoma mu. Benyamin abusuakuo mu mmusua aha nkron ne aduonum nsia na wɔsane baeɛ.
And their brethren according to their generations nine hundreth, fiftie and sixe: all these men were chiefe fathers in the housholdes of their fathers.
10 Asɔfoɔ a wɔsane baeɛ no bi ne: Yedaia, Yehoriarib, Yakin;
And of the Priestes, Iedaiah, and Iehoiarib, and Iachin,
11 Asaria a ɔyɛ Hilkia babarima, a ɔno nso yɛ Mesulam babarima, na ɔno nso yɛ Sadok babarima, na ɔno nso yɛ Meraiot babarima, na ɔno nso yɛ Ahitub babarima. Na Asaria yɛ Onyankopɔn fie ahwɛfoɔ so panin.
And Azariah the sonne of Hilkiah, ye sonne of Meshullam, the sonne of Zadok, the sonne of Meraioth, the sonne of Ahitub the chiefe of the house of God,
12 Asɔfoɔ a wɔsane baeɛ no bi ne Adaia a ɔyɛ Yeroham babarima, a na ɔno nso yɛ Pashur babarima, na ɔno nso yɛ Malkia babarima ne Masai a ɔyɛ Adiel babarima, na ɔno nso yɛ Yahsera babarima, na ɔno nso yɛ Mesulam babarima, a ɔno nso yɛ Mesilemit babarima, na ɔno nso yɛ Imer babarima.
And Adaiah the sonne of Ieroham, ye sonne of Pashur, the sonne of Malchiiah, and Maasai the sonne of Adiel, the sonne of Iahzerah, the sonne of Meshullam, the sonne of Meshillemith, the sonne of Immer.
13 Asɔfoɔ a wɔsane baeɛ nyinaa dodoɔ yɛ apem ahanson aduosia. Na wɔyɛ mmusua ntuanofoɔ a wɔyɛ nsiyɛfoɔ. Na wɔn adwuma ne sɛ, wɔsom wɔ Onyankopɔn fie.
And their brethre the chiefe of the households of their fathers a thousand, seuen hundreth and three score valiant men, for the worke of the seruice of the house of God.
14 Lewifoɔ a wɔsane baeɛ no yɛ: Semaia a ɔyɛ Hasub babarima, a na ɔyɛ Asrikam babarima, a na ɔno nso yɛ Hasabia babarima, a na ɔyɛ Merari aseni;
And of the Leuites, Shemaiah the sonne of Hasshub, the sonne of Azrikam, the sonne of Hashabiah of the sonnes of Merari,
15 Bakbakar; Heres; Galal; Mika babarima Matania a ɔyɛ Sikri babarima, na ɔno nso yɛ Asaf babarima,
And Bakbakkar, Heresh and Galal, and Mattaniah the sonne of Micha, the sonne of Zichri, the sonne of Asaph,
16 Obadia a ɔyɛ Semaia babarima, a ɔyɛ Galal babarima, na ɔno nso yɛ Yedutun babarima, ne Asa a ɔyɛ Elkana babarima Berekia a wɔtenaa Netofa asase so.
And Obadiah the sonne of Shemaiah, the sonne of Galal, the sonne of Ieduthun, and Berechiah, the sonne of Asa, the sonne of Elkanah, that dwelt in the villages of the Netophathites.
17 Apono anohwɛfoɔ a wɔsane baeɛ no yɛ: Salum, Akub, Talmon, Ahiman ne wɔn mmusuafoɔ. Salum na na ɔyɛ ɔpono ano hwɛfoɔ panin.
And the porters were Shallum, and Akkub, and Talmon, and Ahiman, and their brethren: Shallum was the chiefe.
18 Kane no nso, na anka wɔn na wɔhwɛ ɔhene ɛpono a ɛkyerɛ apueeɛ fam no so. Na saa mmarima no som sɛ Lewifoɔ atenaeɛ apono ano ahwɛfoɔ.
For they were porters to this time by companies of the children of Leui vnto the Kinges gate eastward.
19 Na Salum yɛ Kore babarima a ɔyɛ Ebiasaf a ɔfiri Kora abusua mu aseni. Na ɔne nʼabusuafoɔ a wɔyɛ Korafoɔ no na na wɔwɛn ɛkwan a ɛkɔ kronkronbea hɔ no, sɛdeɛ na wɔn mpanimfoɔ wɛnee Ahyiaeɛ Ntomadan wɔ Awurade atenaeɛ hɔ no.
And Shallum the sonne of Kore the sonne of Ebiasaph the sonne of Korah, and his brethren the Korathites (of the house of their father) were ouer the worke, and office to keepe the gates of the Tabernacle: so their families were ouer the hoste of the Lord, keeping the entrie.
20 Eleasa babarima Pinehas na kane no na ɔhwɛ apono ano ahwɛfoɔ no so, na Awurade ka ne ho.
And Phinehas ye sonne of Eleazar was their guide, and the Lord was with him.
21 Akyire no, Meselemia babarima Sakaria na na ɔwɛn ɛkwan a ɛkɔ Ahyiaeɛ Ntomadan no mu no ano.
Zechariah the sonne of Meshelemiah was the porter of the doore of the Tabernacle of the Congregation.
22 Ne nyinaa mu, saa ɛberɛ no, na apono ano ahwɛfoɔ no dodoɔ yɛ ahanu ne dumienu a na wɔatwerɛ wɔn din wɔ wɔn mmusuadua nkrataa mu wɔ wɔn nkuraaseɛ. Dawid ne Samuel a na ɔyɛ ɔdehunufoɔ no yiyii wɔn agyanom, ɛfiri sɛ na wɔyɛ nokwafoɔ.
All these were chosen for porters of the gates, two hundreth and twelue, which were nombred according to their genealogies by their townes. Dauid established these and Samuel the Seer in their perpetuall office.
23 Saa apono ano ahwɛfoɔ yi ne wɔn asefoɔ no, na wɔkyekyɛ wɔn mu kɔwɛn ɛkwan a ɛkɔ Awurade efie, a kane no na ɛyɛ ntomadan no ano.
So they and their children had the ouersight of the gates of the house of the Lord, euen of the house of the Tabernacle by wardes.
24 Wɔde apono ano ahwɛfoɔ no gyinagyinaa afanan no nyinaa a ɛyɛ apueeɛ, atɔeɛ, atifi ne anafoɔ.
The porters were in foure quarters Eastward, Westward, Northward and Southward.
25 Ɛberɛ-ano-berɛ-ano, na wɔn abusuafoɔ a wɔwɔ nkuraaseɛ no bɛboa wɔn wɔ wɔn nnanson nnanson dwumadie mu.
And their brethren, which were in their townes, came at seuen dayes from time to time with them.
26 Saa apono ano ahwɛfoɔ mpanimfoɔ baanan a na wɔyɛ Lewifoɔ no, na wɔn adwuma no yɛ deɛ ɛkura asodie kɛseɛ, ɛfiri sɛ, wɔn na na wɔhwɛ adan ne sikakoradan a ɛwɔ Onyankopɔn fie hɔ no so.
For these foure chiefe porters were in perpetuall office, and were of the Leuites and had charge of the chambers, and of the treasures in the house of God.
27 Wɔwɛn Onyankopɔn fie hɔ anadwo, ɛfiri sɛ, na ɛyɛ wɔn asɛdeɛ. Afei, na ɛyɛ wɔn adwuma sɛ da biara anɔpa wɔbuebue apono no.
And they lay rounde about the house of God, because the charge was theirs, and they caused it to be opened euery morning.
28 Na apono ano ahwɛfoɔ no bi adwuma ne sɛ wɔhwɛ nneɛma ahodoɔ a wɔde yɛ ɔsom adwuma no so. Sɛ wɔrekɔfa, na wɔresane de akɔgu hɔ no nyinaa a, wɔhwɛ sɛ ebi nnyera.
And certaine of them had the rule of the ministring vessels: for they brought them in by tale, and brought them out by tale.
29 Afoforɔ nso hwɛ nneɛma a wɔde asiesie hɔ, nneɛma a ɛwɔ kronkronbea hɔ, nneɛma a wɔde brɛ wɔn, sɛ ebia, asikyiresiam a wɔayam no muhumuhu, nsã, ngo, nnuhwam ne kurobo ahodoɔ so.
Some of them also were appoynted ouer the instruments, and ouer all the vessels of the Sanctuarie, and of the floure, and the wine, and the oyle, and the incense, and the sweete odours.
30 Nanso, na asɔfoɔ no na wɔdi nnuhwam no ne kurobo no ho dwuma.
And certaine of the sonnes of the Priestes made oyntments of sweete odours.
31 Matitia a ɔyɛ Lewini, na ɔyɛ Korani Salum abakan no na na ɔto burodo a wɔde bɔ afɔdeɛ no.
And Mattithiah one of the Leuites which was the eldest sonne of Shallum the Korhite, had the charge of the things that were made in the frying panne.
32 Na nnipa bi a wɔfiri Kohat abusua mu nso na na wɔhwɛ, siesie burodo a wɔde to ɛpono Homeda no.
And other of their brethren the sonnes of Kohath had the ouersight of the shewbread to prepare it euery Sabbath.
33 Nnwom ho nimdefoɔ a na wɔn nso yɛ Lewifoɔ atitire no nyinaa, na wɔtete Asɔredan no mu. Na wɔmma wɔnnyɛ adwuma foforɔ biara, ɛsiane wɔn adwuma a wɔyɛ no mmerɛ nyinaa enti.
And these are the singers, the chiefe fathers of the Leuites, which dwelt in the chambers, and had none other charge: for they had to do in that busines day and night:
34 Na saa nnipa yi nyinaa tete Yerusalem. Na wɔyɛ Lewifoɔ mmusua no nyinaa ntuanofoɔ a wɔatwerɛ wɔn din ahyɛ wɔn mmusuadua krataa mu.
These were the chiefe fathers of the Leuites according to their generations, and the principall which dwelt at Ierusalem.
35 Yeiel (Gibeon agya) tenaa Gibeon. Na ne yere din de Maaka,
And in Gibeon dwelt ye father of Gibeon, Ieiel, and the name of his wife was Maachah.
36 a na ne babarima piesie din de Abdon. Na Yeiel mmammarima a wɔaka no din de Sur, Kis, Baal, Ner, Nadab,
And his eldest sonne was Abdon, then Zur, and Kish, and Baal, and Ner, and Nadab,
37 Gedor, Ahio, Sakaria ne Miklot.
And Gedor, and Ahio, and Zechariah, and Mikloth.
38 Miklot na ɔyɛ Simeam agya. Na saa mmusuafoɔ yi tete bemmɛn wɔn ho wɔn ho wɔ Yerusalem.
And Mikloth begate Shimeam: they also dwelt with their brethren at Ierusalem, euen by their brethren.
39 Ner na ɔwoo Kis. Kis na ɔwoo Saulo, Saulo na ɔwoo Yonatan, Malki-Sua, Abinadab ne Esbaal.
And Ner begate Kish, and Kish begate Saul, and Saul begate Ionathan and Malchishua, and Abinadab and Eshbaal.
40 Yonatan babarima ne: Merib-Baal (anaa Mefiboset) na Merib-Baal woo Mika.
And the sonne of Ionathan was Merib-baal: and Merib-baal begate Micah.
41 Mika mmammarima ne: Piton, Melek, Tarea ne Ahas.
And the sonnes of Micah were Pithon, and Melech and Tahrea.
42 Ahas woo Yara. Yara woo Alemet, Asmawet ne Simri. Na Simri woo Mosa.
And Ahaz begate Iarah, and Iarah begat Alemeth, and Azmaueth, and Zimri, and Zimri begate Moza.
43 Mosa woo Binea. Binea woo Refaia. Refaia woo Elasa. Elasa woo Asel.
And Moza begate Binea, whose sonne was Rephaiah, and his sonne was Eleasah, and his sonne Azel.
44 Asel woo mmammarima baasia a wɔne: Asrikam, Bokeru, Ismael, Searia, Obadia ne Hanan. Na yeinom yɛ Asel mma.
And Azel had sixe sonnes, whose names are these, Azrikam, Bocheru, and Ismael, and Sheariah, and Obadiah, and Hanan: these are the sonnes of Azel.

< 1 Berɛsosɛm 9 >