< 1 Berɛsosɛm 27 >

1 Israelfoɔ akuo ahodoɔ no nie—mmusuapanin, asahene ne asraafoɔ mpanimfoɔ a na wɔhwɛ asraafoɔ akuo ahodoɔ so de som ɔhene, a ekuo biara kɔ adwuma bosome baako wɔ afe mu. Na ɛdɔm a wɔwɔ ekuo biara mu nso dodoɔ yɛ mpem aduonu ɛnan. Wɔn edin na ɛdidi soɔ yi:
The children of Israel also after their nomber, euen the chiefe fathers and captaines of thousandes and of hundreths, and their officers that serued the King by diuers courses, which came and in went out, moneth by moneth throughout al the moneths of the yeere: in euery course were foure and twentie thousand.
2 Sabdiel babarima Yasobeam na na ɔyɛ ekuo a ɛdi ɛkan no sahene, a na wɔkɔ adwuma bosome a ɛdi ɛkan wɔ afe no mu. Na ne ekuo no akodɔm dodoɔ yɛ mpem aduonu ɛnan.
Ouer the first course for the first moneth was Iashobeam the sonne of Zabdiel: and in his course were foure and twentie thousand.
3 Na ɔyɛ Peres aseni a na ɔhwɛ asraafoɔ mpanimfoɔ no nyinaa so bosome a ɛdi ɛkan no mu.
Of the sonnes of Perez was the chiefe ouer all the princes of the armies for the first moneth.
4 Dodai a na ɔyɛ Ahoa aseni na na ɔyɛ ekuo a ɛtɔ so mmienu a na wɔkɔ adwuma bosome a ɛtɔ so mmienu mu no so sahene. Na ne ekuo no akodɔm dodoɔ yɛ mpem aduonu ɛnan, a na Miklot yɛ nʼabadiakyire.
And ouer the course of the second moneth was Dodai, an Ahohite, and this was his course, and Mikloth was a captaine, and in his course were foure and twentie thousand.
5 Ɔsɔfoɔ Yehoiada babarima Benaia na na ɔyɛ ekuo a ɛtɔ so mmiɛnsa a na wɔkɔ adwuma bosome a ɛtɔ so mmiɛnsa mu no so sahene. Na ne ekuo no akodɔm dodoɔ yɛ mpem aduonu ɛnan.
The captaine of the thirde hoste for the third moneth was Benaiah the sonne of Iehoiada the chiefe Priest: and in his course were foure and twentie thousand.
6 Saa Benaia yi na na ɔhwɛ Dawid asraafoɔ akunini kuo, a na wɔfrɛ wɔn Akofoɔ Akɛseɛ Aduasa no so. Ne babarima Amisabad na na ɔyɛ nʼabadiakyire.
This Benaiah was mightie among thirtie and aboue the thirtie, and in his course was Amizabad his sonne.
7 Yoab nuabarima Asahel na na ɔyɛ ekuo a ɛtɔ so ɛnan, a na wɔkɔ adwuma bosome a ɛtɔ so ɛnan mu no so sahene. Na ne ekuo no akodɔm dodoɔ yɛ mpem aduonu ɛnan. Asahel babarima Sebadia na ɔdii nʼadeɛ.
The fourth for the fourth moneth was Asahel the brother of Ioab, and Zebadiah his sonne after him: and in his course were foure and twentie thousand.
8 Samhut a ɔyɛ Yisrahini na na ɔyɛ ekuo a ɛtɔ so enum, a na wɔkɔ adwuma bosome a ɛtɔ so enum mu no so sahene. Na ne ekuo no akodɔm dodoɔ yɛ mpem aduonu ɛnan.
The fift for ye fift moneth was prince Shamhuth the Izrahite: and in his course foure and twentie thousand.
9 Ikes babarima Ira a ɔfiri Tekoa no na na ɔyɛ ekuo a ɛtɔ so nsia, a na wɔkɔ adwuma bosome a ɛtɔ so nsia mu no sahene. Na ne ekuo no akodɔm dodoɔ yɛ mpem aduonu ɛnan.
The sixt for the sixt moneth was Ira the sonne of Ikkesh the Tekoite: and in his course foure and twentie thousand.
10 Heles a na ɔyɛ Efraim aseni a ɔfiri Pelon no na na ɔyɛ ekuo a ɛtɔ so nson, a na wɔkɔ adwuma bosome a ɛtɔ so nson mu no so sahene. Na ne ekuo no akodɔm dodoɔ yɛ mpem aduonu ɛnan.
The seuenth for the seuenth moneth was Helez the Pelonite, of the sonnes of Ephraim: and in his course foure and twentie thousand.
11 Sibekai a na ɔyɛ Sera aseni a ɔfiri Husa no na na ɔyɛ ekuo a ɛtɔ so nwɔtwe, a na wɔkɔ adwuma bosome a ɛtɔ so nwɔtwe mu no so sahene. Na ne ekuo no akodɔm dodoɔ yɛ mpem aduonu ɛnan.
The eight for the eight moneth was Sibbecai the Hushathite of the Zarhites: and in his course foure and twentie thousand.
12 Abieser a na ɔfiri Anatot a ɛda Benyamin asase so no na na ɔyɛ ekuo a ɛtɔ so nkron, a na wɔkɔ adwuma bosome a ɛtɔ so nkron mu no so sahene. Na ne ekuo no akodɔm dodoɔ yɛ mpem aduonu ɛnan.
The ninth for the ninth moneth was Abiezer the Anethothite of the sonnes of Iemini: and in his course foure and twentie thousand.
13 Maharai a ɔyɛ Serah aseni a ɔfiri Netofa no na na ɔyɛ ekuo a ɛtɔ so edu, a na wɔkɔ adwuma bosome a ɛtɔ so edu mu no so sahene. Na ne ekuo no akodɔm dodoɔ yɛ mpem aduonu ɛnan.
The tenth for the tenth moneth was Maharai, the Netophathite of the Zarhites: and in his course foure and twentie thousand.
14 Benaia a ɔfiri Piraton a ɛwɔ Efraim no na na ɔyɛ ekuo a ɛtɔ so dubaako, a na wɔkɔ adwuma bosome a ɛtɔ so dubaako mu no so sahene. Na ne ekuo no akodɔm dodoɔ yɛ mpem aduonu ɛnan.
The eleueth for the eleuenth moneth was Benaiah the Pirathonite of the sonnes of Ephraim: and in his course foure and twentie thousand.
15 Heldai a ɔyɛ Otniel a ɔfiri Netofa aseni no na na ɔyɛ ekuo a ɛtɔ so dumienu, a na wɔkɔ adwuma bosome a ɛtɔ so dumienu mu no so sahene. Na ne ekuo no akodɔm dodoɔ yɛ mpem aduonu ɛnan.
The twelft for the twelft moneth was Heldai the Netophathite, of Othniel: and in his course foure and twentie thousand.
16 Mmusuakuo no ne wɔn ntuanofoɔ nie: Ruben abusuakuo: Sikri babarima Elieser; Simeon abusuakuo: Maaka babarima Sefatia;
Moreouer the rulers ouer the tribes of Israel were these: ouer the Reubenites was ruler, Eliezer the sonne of Zichri: ouer the Shimeonites, Shephatiah the sonne of Maachah:
17 Lewi abusuakuo: Kemuel babarima Hasabia Aaron (asɔfoɔ no) abusuakuo: Sadok;
Ouer the Leuites, Hashabiah the sonne of Remuel: ouer them of Aharon, and Zadok:
18 Yuda abusuakuo: Dawid nuabarima Elihu; Isakar abusuakuo: Mikael babarima Omri;
Ouer Iudah, Elihu of the brethren of Dauid: ouer Issachar, Omri the sonne of Michael:
19 Sebulon abusuakuo: Obadia babarima Yismaia; Naftali abusuakuo: Asriel babarima Yerimot;
Ouer Zebulun, Ishmaiah the sonne of Obadiah: ouer Naphtali, Ierimoth the sonne of Azriel:
20 Efraim abusuakuo: Asasia babarima Hosea; Manase (atɔeɛ fam) abusuakuo: Pedaia babarima Yoɛl;
Ouer the sonnes of Ephraim, Hoshea the sonne of Azazziah: ouer the halfe tribe of Manasseh, Ioel the sonne of Pedaiah:
21 Manase (apueeɛ fam) abusuakuo Sakaria babarima Ido; Benyamin abusuakuo: Abner babarima Yaasiel;
Ouer the other halfe of Manasseh in Gilead, Iddo the sonne of Zechariah: ouer Beniamin, Iaasiel the sonne of Abner:
22 Dan abusuakuo: Yeroham babarima Asarel. Yeinom ne Israel mmusuakuo no ne wɔn ntuanofoɔ.
Ouer Dan, Azariel the sonne of Ieroham. these are the princes of the tribes of Israel.
23 Ɛberɛ a Dawid ma wɔkanee nnipa no, wɔankan wɔn a wɔnnii mfeɛ aduonu, ɛfiri sɛ, na Awurade ahyɛ bɔ sɛ ɔbɛma Israelfoɔ no adɔɔso sɛ ɔsoro nsoromma.
But Dauid tooke not the nober of them from twentie yeere olde and vnder, because the Lord had sayde that he would increase Israel like vnto the starres of the heauens.
24 Yoab na ɔhyɛɛ nnipakan no ase, nanso wanwie, ɛfiri sɛ, Onyankopɔn bo fuu Israel. Wɔantwerɛ nnipa no nyinaa dodoɔ angu Ɔhene Dawid nkrataa mu.
And Ioab the sonne of Zeruiah beganne to nomber: but hee finished it not, because there came wrath for it against Israel, neither was the nomber put into the Chronicles of King Dauid.
25 Adiel babarima Asmawet na na ɔhwɛ ahemfie sikakorabea so. Usia babarima Yonatan no na na ɔhwɛ ɔmantam no sikakorabea a ɛwowɔ nkuro, nkuraaseɛ ne aban a ɛwɔ Israel nyinaa so.
And ouer the Kings treasures was Azmaueth the sonne of Adiel: and ouer the treasures in the fieldes, in the cities and in the villages and in the towers was Iehonathan the sonne of Vzziah:
26 Kelub babarima Esri na na ɔhwɛ apaafoɔ a na wɔdɔ ɔhene mfuo so.
And ouer the workemen in the fielde that tilled the ground, was Ezri the sonne of Chelub:
27 Simei a na ɔfiri Rama na na ɔhwɛ ɔhene bobe mfuo so. Sabdi a ɔfiri Sifim na na ɔhwɛ aba a wɔde yɛ nsã ne nsã a wɔayɛ so.
And ouer them that dressed the vines, was Shimei the Ramathite: and ouer that which apperteined to the vines, and ouer the store of the wine was Sabdi the Shiphmite:
28 Baal-Hanan a ɔfiri Geder no na na ɔhwɛ ɔhene ngo nnua ne akyee nnua a na ɛwɔ Yuda bepɔ ase no so. Yoas na na ɔhwɛ ma wɔyɛ ngo.
And ouer the oliue trees and mulberie trees that were in the valleys, was Baal Hanan the Gederite: and ouer the store of the oyle was Ioash:
29 Sitrai a ɔfiri Saron na na ɔhwɛ anantwie a na wɔwɔ Saron ɛserɛ so no so. Adlai babarima Safat na na ɔhwɛ anantwie a wɔwɔ bɔnhwa ahodoɔ mu no so.
And ouer the oxen that fed in Sharon, was Shetrai the Sharonite: and ouer the oxen in the valleyes was Shaphat the sonne of Adlai:
30 Ismaelni Obil na na ɔhwɛ nyoma so. Yehdia a ɔfiri Meronot na na ɔhwɛ mfunumu so.
And ouer the camels was Obil the Ishmaelite: and ouer the asses was Iehdeiah the Meronothite:
31 Yasis a ɔfiri Hagar na na ɔhwɛ ɔhene nnwan so. Saa mpanimfoɔ yi nyinaa na na wɔhwɛ ɔhene Dawid agyapadeɛ so.
And ouer the sheepe was Iaziz the Hagerite: all these were the rulers of the substance that was King Dauids.
32 Yonatan a na ɔyɛ Dawid wɔfa no yɛɛ ɔfotufoɔ nyansafoɔ maa ɔhene. Na ɔyɛ ɔtwerɛfoɔ a ɔwɔ nhunumu. Na Hakmoni babarima Yehiel na na ɔkyerɛ ɔhene mmammarima adeɛ.
And Iehonathan Dauids vncle a man of counsell and vnderstanding (for he was a scribe) and Iehiel the sonne of Hachmoni were with the Kings sonnes.
33 Ahitofel na na ɔyɛ ɔhene ɔfotufoɔ. Na Husai a ɔfiri Arki yɛ ɔhene adamfo.
And Ahitophel was the Kings counseller, and Hushai the Archite the Kings friend.
34 Benaia babarima Yehoiada na ɔdii Ahitofel adeɛ na Abiatar bɛtoaa adedie no so. Yoab na na ɔyɛ Israel akodɔm so sahene.
And after Ahitophel was Iehoiada the sonne of Benaiah and Abiathar: and captaine of the Kings armie was Ioab.

< 1 Berɛsosɛm 27 >