< 1 Berɛsosɛm 10 >

1 Afei, Filistifoɔ no bɛto hyɛɛ Israel so, ma Israelfoɔ no dwaneeɛ. Wɔkunkumm wɔn mu pii wɔ bepɔ Gilboa so.
Then the Philistims fought against Israel: and the men of Israel fled before the Philistims, and fell downe slaine in mount Gilboa.
2 Filistifoɔ no kaa Saulo ne ne mmammarima hyɛeɛ. Wɔkunkumm wɔn mu baasa a wɔn ne Yonatan, Abinadab ne Malki-Sua.
And the Philistims pursued after Saul and after his sonnes, and the Philistims smote Ionathan, and Abinadab, and Malchishua the sonnes of Saul.
3 Ɔko no ano yɛɛ den wɔ Saulo ho hyiaaɛ, ma Filistifoɔ agyantofoɔ no nyaa Saulo piraa no yie.
And the battel was sore against Saul; and the archers hit him, and he was wounded of the archers.
4 Saulo firi apenesie mu ka kyerɛɛ nʼakodeɛkurafoɔ no sɛ, “Twe wʼakofena, na fa wɔ me kum me na Filistifoɔ abosonsomfoɔ yi ammɛto me, angu mʼanim ase.” Nanso, na nʼakodeɛkurafoɔ no suro enti, wanyɛ saa. Enti, Saulo twee ɔno ara nʼakofena, de kumm ne ho.
Then sayde Saul to his armour bearer, Drawe out thy sworde, and thrust me thorowe therewith, lest these vncircumcised come and mocke at me: but his armour bearer would not, for he was sore afraid: therefore Saul tooke the sword and fell vpon it.
5 Ɛberɛ a nʼakodeɛkurafoɔ no hunuu sɛ Saulo awuo no, ɔno nso de nʼakofena kumm ne ho.
And when his armour bearer saw that Saul was dead, he fell likewise vpon the sworde, and dyed.
6 Ɛno enti, Saulo ne ne mmammarima baasa no wuwuu wɔ hɔ ara, ma nʼahennie nnidisoɔ no baa awieeɛ.
So Saul dyed and his three sonnes, and all his house, they dyed together.
7 Ɛberɛ a Israelfoɔ a wɔwɔ Yesreel bɔnhwa no mu no hunuu sɛ wɔadi wɔn akodɔm no so, na Saulo ne ne mmammarima baasa no awuwu no, wɔdwane gyaa wɔn nkuro hɔ. Ɛno enti, Filistifoɔ no kɔfaa wɔn nkuro no.
And when all the men of Israel that were in the valley, sawe how they fledde, and that Saul and his sonnes were dead, they forsooke their cities, and fled away, and the Philistims came, and dwelt in them.
8 Adeɛ kyeeɛ a Filistifoɔ no kɔɔ sɛ wɔrekɔyiyi atɔfoɔ no ho nneɛma no, wɔhunuu sɛ Saulo ne ne mmammarima no amu gugu bepɔ Gilboa so.
And on the morrowe when the Philistims came to spoyle them that were slaine, they found Saul and his sonnes lying in mount Gilboa.
9 Enti, wɔyiyii Saulo akodeɛ firii ne ho, twaa ne ti. Afei wɔbɔɔ Saulo wuo no ho dawuro, maa wɔn ahoni ne nnipa a wɔwɔ Filistia nyinaa teeɛ.
And when they had stript him, they tooke his head and his armour, and sent them into the land of the Philistims round about, to publish it vnto their idoles, and to the people.
10 Wɔde nʼakodeɛ no guu wɔn anyame no abosonnan mu, na wɔkyekyeree ne ti no fam Dagon asɔredan no ɔfasuo ho.
And they layd vp his armour in the house of their god, and set vp his head in the house of Dagon.
11 Nanso, Yabes Gileadfoɔ tee deɛ Filistifoɔ ayɛ Saulo no,
When all they of Iabesh Gilead heard all that the Philistims had done to Saul,
12 wɔn akofoɔ kɔfaa Saulo ne ne mmammarima baasa no amu baa Yabes. Na wɔsiee wɔn amu wɔ odum dua bi a ɛwɔ Yabes ase, na wɔdii mmuada nnanson.
Then they arose (all the valiant men) and tooke the body of Saul, and the bodies of his sonnes, and brought them to Iabesh, and buryed the bones of them vnder an oke in Iabesh, and fasted seuen dayes.
13 Na Saulo wuiɛ, ɛfiri sɛ, wanni Awurade nokorɛ. Wanni Awurade ahyɛdeɛ so, na mpo, ɔkɔɔ asamanfrɛ,
So Saul dyed for his transgression, that he committed against the Lord, euen against the word of the Lord, which he kept not, and in that he sought and asked counsel of a familiar spirit,
14 wɔ ɛberɛ a anka ɛsɛ sɛ ɔbisa akwankyerɛ firi Awurade hɔ. Ɛno enti, Awurade kumm no, de nʼahennie hyɛɛ Yisai babarima Dawid nsa.
And asked not of the Lord: therefore he slewe him, and turned the kingdome vnto Dauid the sonne of Ishai.

< 1 Berɛsosɛm 10 >