< Nnwom 23 >

1 Dawid dwom. Awurade ne me hwɛfo, hwee renhia me.
A psalm of David. The Lord is my shepherd: I am never in need.
2 Ɔma meda wura frɔmfrɔm adidibea; ogya me kɔ nsu a ɛho dwo ho,
He lays me down in green pastures. He gently leads me to waters of rest,
3 odwudwo me kra. Ɔde me fa akwantrenee so, ne din nti.
he refreshes my life. He guides me along paths that are straight, true to his name.
4 Sɛ menam owu sum kabii mu mpo a, minsuro bɔne bi, efisɛ wo ne me na ɛwɔ hɔ; wʼabaa ne wo pema na ɛkyekye me werɛ.
And when my way lies through a valley of gloom, I fear no evil, for you are with me. Your rod and your staff comfort me.
5 Woto me pon wɔ mʼatamfo anim. Wode ngo fɔw me tirim; me kuruwa yɛ ma bu so.
You spread a table for me in face of my foes; with oil you anoint my head, and my cup runs over.
6 Yiye ne adɔe nko na ebedi mʼakyi me nkwanna nyinaa; na mɛtena Awurade fi daa.
Surely goodness and love will pursue me – all the days of my life. In the house of the Lord I will live through the length of the days.

< Nnwom 23 >