< Nnwom 149 >

1 Monkamfo Awurade. Monto dwom foforo mma Awurade, monkamfo no wɔ ahotefo asafo mu.
Hallelujah. Sing to the Lord a new song, sound his praise where the faithful are gathered.
2 Ma Israel ani nnye ne Yɛfo mu. Ma Sion mma ani nnye wɔn Hene mu.
Let Israel rejoice in its maker, sons of Zion exult in their king.
3 Ma wɔmfa asaw nkamfo ne din na wɔmfa sanku ne akasaa nto dwom mma no.
Let them praise his name in the dance, making music with lyre and with timbrel.
4 Na Awurade ani sɔ ne nkurɔfo; ɔde nkwagye kyɛw hyɛ ahobrɛasefo.
For the Lord delights in his people, adorning the humble with victory.
5 Momma ahotefo nni ahurusi wɔ anuonyam yi mu; na wɔnto ahosɛpɛw dwom wɔ wɔn mpa so.
Let the faithful exult and extol him with glad ringing cries all night long.
6 Onyankopɔn nkamfo nhyɛ wɔn anom, na ɛnyɛ afoa anofanu wɔ wɔn nsam,
High praises of God in their mouth, and a two-edged sword in their hand:
7 sɛ wɔmfa ntɔ were wɔ amanaman no so ne asotwe wɔ nnipa no so,
on the heathen to execute vengeance, and chastisement sore on the nations,
8 sɛ wɔmfa nyɛ nkɔnsɔnkɔnsɔn nkyekyere wɔn ahemfo, ne dade mpokyerɛ ngu wɔn atitiriw,
binding their kings with chains, and their nobles with fetters of iron,
9 sɛ wɔmfa mmu atɛn, sɛnea wɔakyerɛw atia wɔn no. Eyi ne nʼahotewfo nyinaa anuonyam. Monkamfo Awurade.
to execute on them the doom that is written. This is the glory of all his faithful. Hallelujah.

< Nnwom 149 >