< Mmebusɛm 3 >

1 Me ba, mma wo werɛ mfi me nkyerɛkyerɛ, kora me mmara wɔ wo koma mu,
My son, forget not my teaching, And let thy heart observe my precepts!
2 na ɛbɛma wo nkwa aware, mfe bebree na ɛde yiyedi abrɛ wo.
For length of days, and years of life, And peace shall they multiply to thee.
3 Mma adɔe ne nokware mmfi wo nkyɛn fa yan wo kɔn mu kyerɛw gu wo koma pon so.
Let not kindness and truth forsake thee; Bind them around thy neck, Write them upon the tablet of thy heart:
4 Na wubenya adom ne din pa wɔ Onyankopɔn ne nnipa anim.
Then shalt thou find favor and good success In the sight of God and man.
5 Fa wo koma nyinaa to Awurade so, na mfa wo ho nto wʼankasa ntease so;
Trust in the LORD with all thy heart, And lean not on thine own understanding;
6 hu no wʼakwan nyinaa mu, na ɔbɛteɛ wʼakwan.
In all thy ways acknowledge him, And he will make thy paths plain.
7 Nnye wo ho nni sɛ woyɛ onyansafo; suro Awurade na kyi bɔne.
Be not wise in thine own eyes; Fear the LORD, and depart from evil.
8 Ɛde ahoɔden bɛbrɛ wo nipadua, na ayɛ aduan ama wo nnompe.
It shall be health to thy muscles, And moisture to thy bones.
9 Fa wʼahonya hyɛ Awurade anuonyam, ne wo nnɔbae a edi kan nyinaa;
Honor the LORD with thy substance, And with the first-fruits of all thy increase;
10 na ɛno na ɛbɛma wo pata ayɛ ma abu so, na nsa foforo abu afa wʼahina so.
So shall thy barns be filled with plenty, And thy vats overflow with new wine.
11 Me ba, sɛ Awurade teɛ wo so a, tie no yiye, na mmu nʼanimka so,
My son, despise not the correction of the LORD, Nor be impatient under his chastisement!
12 Efisɛ, obiara a Awurade pɛ nʼasɛm no, ɔtwe nʼaso, sɛnea agya teɛ ɔba a ɔdɔ no no.
For whom the LORD loveth he chasteneth, Even as a father the son in whom he delighteth.
13 Nhyira nka onipa a ohu nyansa, onipa a onya ntease,
Happy the man who findeth wisdom; Yea, the man who getteth understanding!
14 efisɛ, nimdeɛ so mfaso sen dwetɛ, na nea efi mu ba sen sikakɔkɔɔ.
For the profit thereof is greater than that of silver, And the gain thereof than that of fine gold.
15 Ne bo yɛ den sen bota; na worentumi mfa wʼapɛde biara ntoto no ho.
More precious is she than pearls, And none of thy jewels is to be compared with her.
16 Nkwa tenten wɔ ne nsa nifa mu; ahonyade ne anuonyam wɔ ne nsa benkum mu.
Length of days is in her right hand; In her left hand are riches and honor.
17 Nʼakwan yɛ ahomeka, na nʼanammɔnkwan nyinaa yɛ asomdwoe.
Her ways are ways of pleasantness, And all her paths are peace.
18 Ɔyɛ nkwadua ma wɔn a woso ne mu; wɔn a wokura no mu no benya nhyira.
She is a tree of life to them that lay hold of her, And happy is every one who hath her in his grasp.
19 Nyansa mu na Awurade yɛɛ asase fapem, na ntease mu na ɔde ɔsoro tim hɔ.
The LORD by wisdom founded the earth; By understanding he framed the heavens.
20 Efi ne nimdeɛ mu na ɔkyekyɛɛ ebun mu, na omununkum nso tɔɔ obosu.
By his knowledge the deep waters were cleft, And the clouds drop down the dew.
21 Me ba, fa atemmu pa ne nhumu sie, na mma emfi wʼani so;
My son, let them not depart from thine eyes; Keep sound wisdom and discretion!
22 ɛbɛyɛ nkwa ama wo, nnwinne a ɛma wo kɔn anuonyam wie pɛyɛ.
For they shall be life to thy soul, And grace to thy neck.
23 Afei wo kwan so bɛyɛ wo dwoodwoo, na wo nan renhintiw;
Then shalt thou go on thy way securely, And thy foot shall not stumble;
24 sɛ woda a worensuro; sɛ woda a wʼani bekum.
When thou liest down, thou shalt not be afraid, Yea, thou shalt lie down, and thy sleep shall be sweet.
25 Nsuro mpofirim amanehunu anaa ɔsɛe a ɛba amumɔyɛfo so,
Be not thou afraid of sudden alarm, Nor of the storm that is for the wicked, when it cometh;
26 efisɛ Awurade bɛwɔ wʼafa na ɔbɛkora wo nan afi afiri mu.
For the LORD shall be thy confidence; Yea, he will keep thy foot from being taken.
27 Mfa ade pa nkame wɔn a wɔfata, bere a tumi wɔ wo nsam.
Withhold not kindness from those who need it, When it is in the power of thy hand to do it.
28 Nka nkyerɛ wo yɔnko se: “Kɔ na bra; mede bɛma wo ɔkyena” wɔ bere a wowɔ no saa bere no.
Say not to thy neighbor, “Go, and come again, And to-morrow I will give to thee,” when thou hast it by thee.
29 Mpam ɔhaw mma wo yɔnko bere a ɔne wo te yiye.
Devise not evil against thy neighbor, While he dwelleth securely by thee.
30 Mmɔ obi sobo kwa bere a ɔnyɛɛ wo bɔne biara ɛ.
Contend not with a man without cause, When he hath done thee no harm.
31 Mma wʼani mmere basabasayɛfo, na mfa nʼakwan no mu biara,
Envy not the oppressor, And choose none of his ways.
32 efisɛ Awurade kyi basabasayɛfo na ɔde ne werɛ hyɛ ɔtreneeni mu.
For the perverse man is the abomination of the LORD, But he is in friendship with the upright.
33 Awurade nnome wɔ omumɔyɛfo fi so, na ohyira ɔtreneeni fi.
The curse of the LORD is upon the house of the wicked, But he blesseth the dwelling of the righteous.
34 Odi fɛwdifo a wɔyɛ ahantan no ho fɛw, na ɔdom ahobrɛasefo ne wɔn a wɔhyɛ wɔn so no.
Surely the scorners he treadeth scornfully, But giveth favor to the lowly.
35 Anyansafo benya anuonyam adi, nanso nkwaseafo de, ɔma wɔn anim gu ase.
The wise shall obtain honor, But fools shall bear off shame.

< Mmebusɛm 3 >