< Obadia 1 >

1 Anisoadehu a Awurade Nyankopɔn daa no adi faa Edom asase ho kyerɛɛ Obadia ni: Yɛate asɛm a efi Awurade nkyɛn. Wɔsomaa ɔnanmusini bi kɔɔ aman so kɔkae se, “Monsɔre na momma yɛnkɔko ntia Edom.”
The vision of Obadiah. Thus saith the Lord God against Edom, We haue heard a rumour from the Lord, and an ambassadour is sent among the heathen: arise, and let vs rise vp against her to battel.
2 Awurade ka kyerɛ Edom se: “Hwɛ, mɛbrɛ wo ase. Mɛyɛ wo ketewa wɔ aman no mu, na wɔabu wo animtiaa.
Beholde, I haue made thee small among the heathen: thou art vtterly despised.
3 Wayɛ ahantan adaadaa wo ho, Wo a wote abotan ntokuru mu na woayɛ wʼatenae wɔ mmepɔw so, na woka kyerɛ wo ho se, ‘Hena na obetumi ayi me asi fam?’
The pride of thine heart hath deceiued thee: thou that dwellest in the cleftes of the rockes, whose habitation is hie, that saith in his heart, Who shall bring me downe to the ground?
4 Sɛ wutu kɔ wim sɛ akɔre, na woyɛ wo berebuw wɔ nsoromma ntam mpo a, hɔ na mɛba abɛtwe wo adwira fam.” Sɛnea Awurade se ni.
Though thou exalt thy selfe as the eagle, and make thy nest among the starres, thence will I bring thee downe, sayth the Lord.
5 “Sɛ akorɔmfo ba wo so, anaa adwowtwafo ba wo so anadwo a, atoyerɛnkyɛm bɛn na ɛrento wo? Na wɔrennwia wo nneɛma dodow a wɔpɛ ana? Sɛ bobe abatewfo ba wo so a, ɛnyɛ bobe aba kakraa bi pɛ na wobegyaw ama wo ana?
Came theeues to thee or robbers by night? howe wast thou brought to silence? woulde they not haue stolen, til they had ynough? if the grape gatherers came to thee, woulde they not leaue some grapes?
6 Na wo Esau de, wobewia wʼademude a wode asie na wɔayɛ wo dosodoso.
Howe are the things of Esau sought vp, and his treasures searched?
7 Wɔn a wo ne wɔn wɔ nkabom nyinaa bedi wo huammɔ. Wɔn a wʼadwene yɛ wo sɛ wo ne wɔn te asomdwoe mu no bɛdaadaa wo adi wo so, wɔn a wodi wʼaduan no asum wo afiri, nanso, wunhui.
All the men of thy confederacie haue driuen thee to ye borders: the men that were at peace with thee, haue deceiued thee, and preuailed against thee: they that eate thy bread, haue laid a wound vnder thee: there is none vnderstanding in him.
8 “Saa da no,” Awurade na ose, “Merensɛe anyansafo a wɔwɔ Edom ana, mmarima a wɔte asɛm ase a wɔwɔ Esau mmepɔw so ana?
Shall not I in that day, saith the Lord, euen destroy the wise men out of Edom, and vnderstanding from the mount of Esau?
9 Teman wʼakofo bɛbɔ hu ne obiara a ɔwɔ Esau bepɔw so no, wobetwitwa mo atɔre mo ase.
And thy strong men, O Teman, shall bee afraide, because euery one of the mount of Esau shalbe cut off by slaughter.
10 Esiane basabasayɛ a woyɛ tiaa wo nua Yakob no nti aniwu bɛka wo, na wɔbɛsɛe wo koraa.
For thy crueltie against thy brother Iaakob, shame shall couer thee, and thou shalt be cut off for euer.
11 Da a wugyinaa ntentenso hwɛɛ no haa, maa ananafo faa nʼahonyade kɔe na ahɔho hyɛn ne kurow apon mu, na wɔbɔɔ Yerusalem so ntonto no, na wote sɛ wɔn mu baako.
When thou stoodest on the other side, in the day that the strangers caried away his substance, and straungers entred into his gates, and cast lots vpon Ierusalem, euen thou wast as one of them.
12 Anka ɛnsɛ sɛ wubu wo nua animtiaa bere a ɔwɔ asiane mu, anaa sɛ wudi ahurusi wɔ Yudafo so bere a wɔwɔ ɔsɛe mu, na mpo wohoahoa wo ho bere a wɔwɔ ahohia mu no.
But thou shouldest not haue beholden the day of thy brother, in the day that hee was made a stranger, neither shouldest thou haue reioyced ouer the children of Iudah, in the day of their destruction: thou shouldest not haue spoken proudly in the day of affliction.
13 Anka ɛnsɛ sɛ wode nsrabɔ hyɛn me nkurɔfo kurow apon no mu wɔ wɔn amanehunuda, anka ɛnsɛ sɛ woserew wɔ bere a wɔwɔ ɔhaw mu. Afei nso anka ɛnsɛ sɛ wode wo nsa to wɔn ahode so gye wɔ bere a wɔwɔ amanehunu mu.
Thou shouldest not haue entred into the gate of my people, in the day of their destruction, neither shouldest thou haue once looked on their affliction in the day of their destruction, nor haue layde hands on their substance in the day of their destruction.
14 Anka ɛnsɛ sɛ wotɛw wɔn nkwantanan so kunkum nʼaguanfo Na wuyi wɔn a aka no ma wɔ wɔn amanehunuda no mu.
Neyther shouldest thou haue stande in the crosse wayes to cut off them, that shoulde escape, neither shouldest thou haue shut vp the remnant thereof in the day of affliction.
15 “Awurade da no abɛn ama amanaman nyinaa. Na hwɛ, Edom, sɛnea woyɛɛ no saa ara na wɔbɛyɛ wo. Wo nneyɛe bɛsan abegu wʼapampam.
For the day of the Lord is neere, vpon all the heathen: as thou hast done, it shall bee done to thee: thy reward shall returne vpon thine head.
16 Sɛnea mononom nsã wɔ me bepɔw kronkron so no, saa ara na amanaman no nyinaa bɛkɔ so anom, saa ara na ɛbɛkɔ so da biara na wɔbɛyɛ te sɛ nea wonni hɔ.
For as yee haue drunke vpon mine holy Mountaine, so shall all the heathen drinke continually: yea, they shall drinke and swallow vp, and they shalbe as though they had not bene.
17 Na ogye bɛba Sion bepɔw so na ɛbɛyɛ kronkronbea, na Yakob nsa bɛsan aka nʼagyapade.
But vpon mount Zion shalbe deliuerance, and it shalbe holy, and the house of Iaakob shall possesse their possessions,
18 Yakob bɛyɛ ogya na Yosef ayɛ ogyatannaa; Esau bɛyɛ adehunu bi na wɔde no bɛto ogya so ahyew no a obiara renka wɔ Esau ase.” Nea Awurade se ni.
And the house of Iaakob shalbe a fire, and the house of Ioseph a flame, and the house of Esau as stubble, and they shall kindle in them and deuoure them: and there shall bee no remnant of the house of Esau for the Lord hath spoken it.
19 Nkurɔfo a wofi Negeb no bɛtena Esau mmepɔw so, Na wɔn a wofi nkoko no ase no, bɛfa Filisti asase no, na wɔbɛfa Efraim ne Samaria mfuw atena so, na Benyamin nso afa Gilead.
And they shall possesse the South side of the mount of Esau, and the plaine of the Philistims: and they shall possesse the fieldes of Ephraim, and the fieldes of Samaria, and Beniamin shall haue Gilead.
20 Nnipakuw yi a wɔyɛ Israelfo a wotwaa wɔn asu kɔɔ Kanaan no bɛfa Kanaan asase no akosi Sarefat; na Yerusalemfo a wotwaa wɔn asu a wɔte Safarad no bɛfa Negeb nkurow no adi so.
And the captiuitie of this host of the children of Israel, which were among the Canaanites, shall possesse vnto Zarephath, and the captiuitie of Ierusalem, which is in Sepharad, shall possesse the cities of the South.
21 Agyefo bɛkɔ Sion bepɔw so, akodi Edom mmepɔw no so. Na ahenni no bɛyɛ Awurade de!
And they that shall saue, shall come vp to mount Zion to iudge the mount of Esau, and the kingdome shalbe the Lords.

< Obadia 1 >