< Mika 5 >

1 Mommoaboa mo asraafo ano, akofo kuropɔn, efisɛ atamfo atwa yɛn ho ahyia. Wɔde abaa bɛbɔ nea odi Israel so no wɔ nʼafono so.
“Now cut yourself in bitter grief, daughter besieged by soldiers. They have set a wall around you. They strike the ruler of Israel, in the face with a rod.
2 “Nanso wo, Betlehem Efrata, ɛwɔ mu sɛ woyɛ ketewa wɔ Yuda mmusua mu de, nanso wo mu na obi befi ama me a obedi Israel so, na nʼase fi teteete.”
“Bethlehem in Ephrathah, small among the tribes of Judah, from you will come a king who will rule for me over Israel, whose family line goes back to the distant past.”
3 Enti wobɛto Israelfo paahwii, kosi sɛ ɔbea a awo aka no no bɛwo na ne nuanom mmarima nkae bɛsan akɔka Israelfo ho.
So the Lord will only abandon Israel to its enemies until the woman in labor gives birth. Then the survivors will be reunited with their own people.
4 Ɔbɛsɔre ahwɛ ne nguankuw wɔ Awurade ahoɔden mu, wɔ Awurade ne Nyankopɔn din kɛseyɛ mu. Na wɔbɛtena asomdwoe mu, na afei ne kɛseyɛ bedu asase awiei.
And he will stand and shepherd by the strength of the Lord, In the exalted name of the Lord his God; And they will live in security, for now he will be great, even to the ends of the earth.
5 Na ɔbɛyɛ wɔn asomdwoe. Sɛ Asiriafo bɛtow ahyɛ yɛn asase so, na wɔbɔ nsra fa yɛn aban mu a, yɛde nguanhwɛfo baason, mpo asahene baawɔtwe behyia wɔn.
This will be our peace: when Assyria comes into our land and treads on our soil, we will raise up against him seven shepherds, eight leaders of men.
6 Wɔde afoa bedi Asiria asase so, wɔbɛtwe afoa de adi Nimrod asase so. Sɛ Asiriafo tow hyɛ yɛn so, bɔ nsra fa yɛn ahye so a, obegye yɛn afi wɔn nsam.
They will shepherd Assyria with a sword, and the land of Nimrod with bared blades. They will deliver us from Assyria, when they come into our land, and tread within our borders.
7 Yakob asefo nkae no bɛfrafra nnipa bebree mu te sɛ obosu a efi Awurade, te sɛ osu a ɛpete gu sare so a ɛntwɛn ɔdesani, na ɔdesani biara rentumi nsiw ho kwan.
And the survivors of Jacob will be disbursed among the nations, in the midst of many peoples, like dew from the Lord, like showers on the grass, which don’t wait for people to come or linger for mortals.
8 Wɔbɛkan Yakob asefo nkae no afra aman no mu, wɔbɛfrafra nnipa bebree mu te sɛ gyata a ɔfra mmoa mu wɔ kwae mu, te sɛ gyata ba a ɔfra nguankuw mu a ɔbobɔ wɔn tetew wɔn mu na obiara ntumi nnye wɔn.
And the survivors of Jacob will be disbursed among the nations, in the midst of many peoples, like a lion among the beasts of the forest, like a young lion among the sheep-folds, who, when he passes through, pounces. He savages his prey. There is no rescuer.
9 Wɔbɛma wo nsa so sɛ woadi wʼatamfo so nkonim, na wɔbɛsɛe wʼatamfo nyinaa.
Let your hand triumph over your adversaries, let all your enemies be cut off.
10 “Saa da no,” sɛnea Awurade se ni, “Mɛsɛe apɔnkɔ a wowɔ na mabubu wo nteaseɛnam.
On that day, says the Lord: “I will slaughter your horses from your midst, and destroy your chariots.
11 Mɛsɛe nkuropɔn a ɛwɔ wʼasase so na madwiriw wo bammɔ dennen nyinaa agu.
I will devastate the cities in your land, and tear down your fortresses.
12 Mɛsɛe wʼabayisɛm na wo ntafowayi to betwa.
I will destroy your magic charms, and you will have no soothsayers.
13 Mɛsɛe nsɛsode a wode wo nsa ayɛ ne abo ahoni a wowɔ no, na worenkotow nsɔre wo nsa ano adwuma bio.
I will cut down your idols and sacred pillars, and you will not worship any more the work of your hands.
14 Metutu Asera abosomnnua no afi wo mu na masɛe wo nkuropɔn.
I will uproot your sacred poles, and destroy your idols.
15 Aman a wɔantie mʼasɛm no nyinaa, mede abufuw ne abufuwhyew bɛtɔ wɔn so were.”
In my wrath and my anger I will seek vengeance on the nations that ignore me.”

< Mika 5 >