< Yohane 5 >

1 Eyi akyi no Yudafo afahyɛ bi nti Yesu san kɔɔ Yerusalem.
After these things there was the feast of the Jews, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem.
2 Na ɔtare bi wɔ kurow no mu a wɔfrɛ no Betseda a na ɛbɛn kurow no ano pon kɛse bi a wɔfrɛ no Nguan Pon no. Na wɔabɔ pata ahorow anum atwa ho ahyia.
Now there is at Jerusalem, by the sheep-gate, a pool, which is called in Hebrew Bethzatha, having five porches.
3 Saa pata yi ase na na ayarefo pii sɛ, anifuraefo, mpakye ne mmubuafo wɔ retwɛn sɛ Awurade bɔfo fi ɔsoro bɛba abɛfono nsu no.
In these were lying a multitude of diseased persons, blind, lame, withered.
4 Nea ɛte ne sɛ, sɛ ɔbɔfo no fono nsu no wie a, ɔyarefo a obedi kan atɔ mu no nya ayaresa.
5 Na ɔbarima bi ayare ada ɔtare no ho mfe aduasa awotwe.
And a certain man was there, who had had his infirmity thirty-eight years.
6 Yesu huu sɛ wayare ada hɔ akyɛ no, obisaa no se, “Wopɛ sɛ wo ho tɔ wo ana?”
Jesus saw this man lying there, and knowing that he had been for a long time diseased, saith to him, Dost thou wish to be made well?
7 Ɔyarefo no buaa no se, “Me wura, sɛ ɔbɔfo no bɛfono nsu no a, minnya obi a ɔbɛma me so ato mu. Bere biara a mɛbɔ me ho mmɔden sɛ merekɔ mu no, obi di me kan.”
The diseased man answered him, Sir, I have no man, when the water is troubled, to put me into the pool; but while I am coming, another goeth down before me.
8 Yesu ka kyerɛɛ no se, “Sɔre! Bobɔw wo kɛtɛ na kɔ fie.”
Jesus saith to him, Rise, take up thy bed, and walk.
9 Amono mu hɔ ara, ɔbarima no nyaa ahoɔden bobɔw ne kɛtɛ, fii ase nantewee. Na saa da no yɛ homeda.
And immediately the man was made well, and took up his bed, and walked. And that day was the sabbath.
10 Yudafo mpanyin huu ɔbarima no sɛ ɔso ne kɛtɛ no, wɔn bo fuw yiye. Wobisaa no se, “Wunnim sɛ nnɛ yɛ homeda na etia mmara sɛ wobɛsoa wo kɛtɛ ana?”
The Jews therefore said to him that was cured, It is the sabbath; and it is not lawful for thee to take up the bed.
11 Ɔbarima yi de ahopopo yii ne ho ano se, “Onipa a ɔsaa me yare no na ɔka kyerɛɛ me se mensoa me kɛtɛ na menkɔ.”
He answered them, He that made me well, the same said to me, Take up thy bed, and walk. T
12 Wɔtee saa no wobisaa no se, “Hena ne saa onipa no?”
hey asked him, Who is the man that said to thee, Take up, and walk?
13 Nanso na nea wɔsaa no yare no nnim Yesu. Afei nso na Yesu afa nnipa no mu kɔ.
But the diseased man knew not who it was; for Jesus had withdrawn himself, there being a crowd in the place.
14 Akyiri no, Yesu hyiaa ɔbarima no wɔ asɔredan mu tuu no fo se, “Afei a wo ho atɔ wo yi, hwɛ yiye na woankɔyɛ bɔne bio amma biribi a ɛsen kan yare no amma wo so.”
Afterwards Jesus found him in the temple, and said to him, Behold, thou art made well; sin no more, lest something worse befall thee.
15 Ɔbarima yi fii hɔ kɔka kyerɛɛ Yudafo mpanyin no se ɛyɛ Yesu na ɔsaa no yare no.
The man went away, and told the Jews that it was Jesus who had made him well.
16 Yudafo mpanyin yi fii ase tan Yesu ani, efisɛ wabu wɔn homeda mmara no so.
And on this account the Jews persecuted Jesus, because he did these things on the sabbath.
17 Yesu ka kyerɛɛ wɔn se, “Mʼagya yɛ adwuma bere biara enti ɛsɛ sɛ me nso meyɛ adwuma bere biara.”
But he answered them, My Father is working up to this time, and I work.
18 Saa asɛm a Yesu kaa yi maa Yudafo mpanyin no bo fuwii, na wɔyɛɛ wɔn adwene se wobekum no, efisɛ na ɛnyɛ homeda mmara no nko na obu so na na ɔsan frɛ ne ho se Onyankopɔn Ba de kyerɛ sɛ, ɔne Onyankopɔn yɛ pɛ.
On this account the Jews sought the more to kill him, because he not only broke the sabbath, but also said that God was his own Father, making himself equal with God.
19 Yesu ka kyerɛɛ wɔn se, “Ɔba no ntumi mfi ne pɛ mu nyɛ biribi, na mmom ɔyɛ nea ohu sɛ nʼAgya yɛ no bi.
Then answered Jesus and said to them, Truly, truly do I say to you, The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father doing; for whatever He doeth, these things the Son also doeth in like manner;
20 Efisɛ Agya no dɔ Ɔba no na biribiara a Agya no yɛ no ɔma Ɔba no hu. Na Ɔba no bɛyɛ nnwuma akɛse a ɛsen saa ɔbarima yi ayaresa yi ama mo ho adwiriw mo.
for the Father loveth the Son, and showeth him all things which he himself doeth; and greater works than these will he show him, so that ye will wonder.
21 Na sɛnea Agya no nyan awufo no, saa ara nso na Ɔba no nyan awufo a ɔpɛ sɛ onyan wɔn no.
For as the Father raiseth up the dead, and giveth them life, so the Son also giveth life to whom he will.
22 Afei koraa mʼAgya mmu obiara atɛn. Ɔde saa atemmu tumi no ahyɛ Ɔba no nsa
For neither doth the Father judge any one, but hath committed all judgment to the Son;
23 sɛnea ɛbɛyɛ a obiara bedi Ɔba no ni, sɛnea wodi Agya no ni no. Obiara a onni Ɔba no ni no nni Agya a ɔsomaa no no nso ni.
that all may honor the Son, as they honor the Father. He that honoreth not the Son, honoreth not the Father, who sent him.
24 “Mereka nokware akyerɛ mo se: Obiara a otie me nsɛm na ogye nea ɔsomaa me no di no wɔ nkwa a enni awiei. Wɔremmu no atɛn, efisɛ wafi owu mu aba nkwa mu. (aiōnios g166)
Truly, truly do I say to you, He that heareth my word, and believeth him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and cometh not into condemnation, but hath passed out of death into life. (aiōnios g166)
25 Mereka nokware bio sɛ, bere bi reba, na mpo saa bere no anya aba a awufo bɛte Onyankopɔn Ba no nne, na wɔn a wɔte ne nne no benya nkwa.
Truly, truly do I say to you, The hour is coming and now is, when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God; and they that hear will live.
26 Sɛnea Agya no yɛ nkwamafo no, saa ara nso na wama ne Ba no tumi ama wayɛ nkwamafo.
For as the Father hath life in himself, so did he give to the Son also to have life in himself.
27 Wama Ɔba no tumi a ɔde bu atɛn, efisɛ ɔno ne Onipa Ba no.
And he gave him authority to execute judgment, because he is a son of man.
28 “Mommma saa asɛm yi nnyɛ mo nwonwa, efisɛ bere bi reba a awufo a wɔwɔ wɔn nna mu mpo bɛte me nne,
Marvel not at this; for the hour is coming, in which all that are in the tombs will hear his voice,
29 na wɔasɔresɔre. Wɔn a wɔayɛ papa no benyan atena nkwa mu, na wɔn a wɔayɛ bɔne no nso, wɔabu wɔn fɔ.
and will come forth, they that have done good, to a resurrection of life; they that have done evil, to a resurrection of condemnation.
30 Merentumi mfi mʼankasa me tumi mu nyɛ biribiara; asɛm a Onyankopɔn aka akyerɛ me no so na migyina bu atɛn. Ɛno nti atɛn a mibu no yɛ nokware.
I can of myself do nothing. As I hear, I judge; and my judgment is just, because I seek not my own will, but the will of him that sent me.
31 “Sɛ me ara midi me ho adanse a, mʼadansedi no nni mu.
If I bear witness of myself, my witness is not true.
32 Na obi wɔ hɔ a odi me ho adanse a minim sɛ nʼadanse a odi fa me ho no yɛ nokware.
There is another who beareth witness of me; and ye know that the witness which he witnesseth of me is true.
33 “Moasoma nnipa akɔ Yohane nkyɛn na wadi adanse a ɛyɛ nokware.
Ye have sent to John, and he hath borne witness to the truth.
34 Nnipa adansedi ho nhia me ansa na moahu onipa ko a meyɛ. Na mmom meka Yohane adanse a odii no kyerɛ mo sɛ nea ɛbɛyɛ na Onyankopɔn begye mo nkwa.
But the testimony which I receive is not from man; but these things I say, that ye may be saved.
35 Yohane nsɛm a ɔkae yɛ kanea a wɔasɔ na ɛhyerɛn, na ɛmaa mo ani gyei.
He was the burning and shining lamp: and ye were willing for a season to rejoice in his light.
36 “Me nnwuma a mʼAgya de ama me sɛ menyɛ no di me ho adanse sen Yohane.
But the testimony which I have, is greater than that of John; for the works which the Father hath given me to perform, the works themselves which I do, bear witness of me, that the Father hath sent me.
37 Ɛwɔ mu sɛ munhuu Agya no anim da, na montee ne nne nso da, nanso wadi me ho adanse.
And the Father who sent me, he hath borne witness of me. Ye have neither heard his voice at any time, nor seen his form.
38 Na nʼasɛm no nso mommfa nsie mo tirim, efisɛ munnnye me a ɔsomaa me no nni.
And ye have not his word abiding in you; for whom he sent, him ye believe not.
39 Musua Kyerɛwsɛm no, efisɛ mugye di sɛ ɛno na ɛbɛma moanya nkwa a enni awiei. Nanso saa Kyerɛwsɛm koro no ara di me ho adanse! (aiōnios g166)
Ye search the Scriptures, because ye yourselves think that in them ye have everlasting life; and it is they which testify of me; (aiōnios g166)
40 Eyi nyinaa akyi no, mommpɛ sɛ moba me nkyɛn na moanya nkwa!
and ye are not willing to come to me, that ye may have life.
41 “Menhwehwɛ nnipa anim anuonyam.
I receive not honor from men;
42 Minim nnipa ko a moyɛ. Minim sɛ munni Onyankopɔn ho dɔ.
but I know you, that ye have not the love of God in you.
43 Mebaa wɔ mʼAgya din mu nanso moannye me. Nanso sɛ obi ba wɔ ɔno ara ne din mu na ɔbɛyɛ nea ɔpɛ a, ɛno de, mugye no.
I have come in my Father's name, and ye receive me not; if another come in his own name, him ye will receive.
44 Mopɛ sɛ nnipa kamfo mo mmom sen sɛ Onyankopɔn bɛkamfo mo. Ɛbɛyɛ dɛn na moagye me adi?
How can ye believe while ye receive honor from one another, and seek not the honor that is from him who alone is God?
45 “Ɛnyɛ me na mɛka asɛm bi atia mo wɔ Agya no anim, na mmom ɛyɛ Mose a mode mo ani too ne mmara so se ɛno na monam so bɛkɔ Onyankopɔn ahenni mu no.
Do not think that I shall accuse you to the Father; there is one that accuseth you, even Moses, in whom ye have placed your hope.
46 Sɛ mugyee Mose dii a anka me nso mubegye me adi, efisɛ nsɛm a ɔkyerɛw no di me ho adanse.
For if ye believed Moses, ye would believe me; for he wrote of me.
47 Na esiane sɛ moannye nsɛm a ɔkyerɛw no anni no nti, ɛnyɛ nwonwa sɛ munnye me nni.”
But if ye do not believe his writings, how will ye believe my words?

< Yohane 5 >