< Hiob 38 >

1 Afei, Awurade fi ahum mu buaa Hiob se,
Then answered the Lord vnto Iob out of the whirle winde, and said,
2 “Hena ne nea ɔde nsɛm a nimdeɛ nni mu kata me nhyehyɛe so?
Who is this that darkeneth the counsell by wordes without knowledge?
3 Hyɛ wo ho den sɛ ɔbarima; mebisa wo nsɛm, na wubebua me.
Girde vp nowe thy loynes like a man: I will demande of thee and declare thou vnto me.
4 “Bere a metoo asase fapem no, na wowɔ he? Sɛ wote ase, ka ɛ.
Where wast thou when I layd the foundations of the earth? declare, if thou hast vnderstanding,
5 Hena na osusuw ne tenten ne ne trɛw? Ampa ara wunim! Hena na ɔtwee susuhama faa ani?
Who hath layde the measures thereof, if thou knowest, or who hath stretched the line ouer it:
6 Dɛn so na egyina, anaa hena na ɔtoo ne tweatibo no,
Whereupon are the foundations thereof set: or who layed the corner stone thereof:
7 bere a anɔpa nsoromma bɔɔ mu too dwom, na abɔfo nyinaa de anigye teɛɛ mu no?
When the starres of the morning praysed me together, and all the children of God reioyced:
8 “Hena na ɔkaa po hyɛɛ apon akyi, bere a epue fii ɔyafunu mu,
Or who hath shut vp the Sea with doores, when it yssued and came foorth as out of the wombe:
9 bere a mede omununkum yɛɛ nʼadurade na mede sum kabii kyekyeree no,
When I made the cloudes as a couering thereof, and darkenesse as the swadeling bands thereof:
10 bere a metoo ɔhye maa no na misisii nʼapon ne nʼadaban,
When I stablished my commandement vpon it, and set barres and doores,
11 bere a mekae se, ‘Ɛha ara na wubedu na worentra ha; ɛha na wʼahantan asorɔkye no bɛso no?’
And said, Hitherto shalt thou come, but no farther, and here shall it stay thy proude waues.
12 “So woahyɛ mmara ama adekyee da? Na woakyerɛ ahemadakye nso afa,
Hast thou commanded the morning since thy dayes? hast thou caused the morning to knowe his place,
13 sɛ ɛnkɔka asase ano na ontu amumɔyɛfo mfi so?
That it might take hold of the corners of the earth, and that the wicked might be shaken out of it?
14 Asase fa ne bɔbea sɛ dɔte a ɛhyɛ nsɔwano ase; na ɛsow tebea da wɔn ho adi te sɛ atade.
It is turned as clay to facion, and all stand vp as a garment.
15 Wɔde amumɔyɛfo hann akame wɔn, na wɔn abasa a wɔama so no mu abu.
And from the wicked their light shall be taken away, and the hie arme shalbe broken.
16 “So woapɛɛpɛɛ mu ahu nea po aniwa wɔ anaa woanantew ne bun mu pɛn?
Hast thou entred into the bottomes of the sea? or hast thou walked to seeke out the depth?
17 So wɔde owu apon akyerɛ wo? Woahu owu sunsuma apon ana?
Haue the gates of death bene opened vnto thee? or hast thou seene the gates of the shadowe of death?
18 Woate wiase a ɛda hɔ tamaa no ase ana? Sɛ wunim eyinom nyinaa a, ka kyerɛ me.
Hast thou perceiued the breadth of the earth? tell if thou knowest all this.
19 “Ɔkwan bɛn na ɛkɔ hann atenae? Na ɛhe na sum te?
Where is the way where light dwelleth? and where is the place of darkenesse,
20 Wubetumi de wɔn akɔ wɔn sibea? Wunim akwan a ɛkɔ wɔn atenae?
That thou shouldest receiue it in the boundes thereof, and that thou shouldest knowe the paths to the house thereof?
21 Ampa ara wunim, efisɛ na wɔawo wo dedaw. Woanyin yiye!
Knewest thou it, because thou wast then borne, and because the nomber of thy dayes is great?
22 “Woakɔ sukyerɛmma adekoradan mu da anaa woahu mparuwbo adekoradan
Hast thou entred into the treasures of the snow? or hast thou seene the treasures of ye haile,
23 a makora so ama ahohia bere, ɔsa ne akodi nna?
Which I haue hid against the time of trouble, against the day of warre and battell?
24 Ɔkwan bɛn na ɛkɔ faako a anyinam fi ba, anaa faako a apuei mframa fi na ɛbɔ fa asase so?
By what way is the light parted, which scattereth the East winde vpon the earth?
25 Hena na otwaa ɛka maa osuhweam, ne ɔkwan maa aprannaa mmubomu,
Who hath deuided the spowtes for the raine? or the way for the lightning of ye thunders,
26 sɛ ɛbɛtɔ agu asase a obiara nte so so, nweatam a obiara nni so,
To cause it to raine on the earth where no man is, and in the wildernes where there is no man?
27 na ama asase kesee a ɛda mpan afɔw na sare afifi wɔ so?
To fulfil the wilde and waste place, and to cause the bud of the herbe to spring forth?
28 Osu wɔ agya ana? Hena na ɔyɛ agya ma obosu a ɛsosɔ?
Who is the father of the rayne? or who hath begotten the droppes of the dewe?
29 Hena yafunu mu na sukyerɛmma fi? Hena na ɔwoo sukyerɛmma mporoporowa fi soro
Out of whose wombe came the yee? who hath ingendred the frost of the heauen?
30 bere a nsu kyen dan sɛ ɔbo, na bun ani kyen?
The waters are hid as with a stone: and the face of the depth is frosen.
31 “Wubetumi de hama akyekyere Akokɔbeatan ne ne mma? Wubetumi asan Nyankrɛnte hama ana?
Canst thou restraine the sweete influences of the Pleiades? or loose the bandes of Orion?
32 Wubetumi de anɔpa nsoromma aba wɔ ne bere mu anaasɛ wubetumi ayi sisi ne ne mma afi hɔ?
Canst thou bring foorth Mazzaroth in their time? canst thou also guide Arcturus with his sonnes?
33 So wunim mmara a ɛfa ɔsoro ho? Wubetumi de Onyankopɔn ahenni aba asase so ana?
Knowest thou the course of heauen, or canst thou set the rule thereof in the earth?
34 “Wubetumi ama wo nne adu omununkum so na wode nsu akata wo ho ana?
Canst thou lift vp thy voice to the cloudes that the aboundance of water may couer thee?
35 Wutumi ma anyinam twa? Wɔka kyerɛ wo se, ‘Yenni’ ana?
Canst thou sende the lightenings that they may walke, and say vnto thee, Loe, heere we are?
36 Hena na ɔde nyansa ma koma anaasɛ ɔde ntease hyɛ adwene mu?
Who hath put wisedome in the reines? or who hath giuen the heart vnderstanding?
37 Hena na ɔwɔ nyansa a wɔde kan omununkum? Hena na obetumi akyea ɔsoro nsu nkotoku,
Who can nomber cloudes by wisedome? or who can cause to cease the bottels of heaue,
38 bere a mfutuma ayɛ den ama dɔte atɔwatɔw keka bɔ mu.
When the earth groweth into hardnesse, and the clottes are fast together?
39 “Wokɔ ahayɛ ma gyatabere ma gyata didi mee
Wilt thou hunt the pray for the lyon? or fill the appetite of the lyons whelpes,
40 bere a wobutubutuw wɔn abon ano anaasɛ wɔtetɛw adɔtɔ ase?
When they couch in their places, and remaine in the couert to lye in waite?
41 Hena na ɔma kwaakwaadabi aduan bere a ne mma su frɛ Onyankopɔn na wonni aduan nti wokyinkyin?
Who prepareth for the rauen his meate, when his birdes crie vnto God, wandering for lacke of meate?

< Hiob 38 >