< Yesaia 54 >

1 “To nnwom, obonin, wo a wonwoo da; pae mu to nnwom, teɛ mu di ahurusi, wo a awo nkaa wo da; efisɛ ɔbea a wannya awo da no mma dɔɔso sen nea ɔwɔ kunu,” Awurade na ose.
Rejoice, O barren that diddest not beare: breake forth into ioy and reioyce, thou that diddest not trauaile with childe: for the desolate hath moe children then the married wife, sayeth the Lord.
2 “Trɛw wo ntamadan no mu; twe wo ntamadan ntwamu no mu, nnyae yɛ; toa wo ntampehama no so, bobɔ wo nnyinaso no so ma entim yiye.
Enlarge the place of thy tents, and let them spread out the curtains of thine habitations: spare not, stretch out thy cords and make fast thy stakes.
3 Efisɛ wobɛtrɛw akɔ nifa ne benkum; wʼasefo begye aman afa na wɔatena wɔn nkuropɔn amamfo so.
For thou shalt increase on the right hande and on the left, and thy seede shall possesse the Gentiles, and dwell in the desolate cities.
4 “Nsuro; wʼanim rengu ase. Nsuro aniwu; wɔremmrɛ wo ase. Wo werɛ befi wo mmabun mu aniwu na wo kunayɛ mu ahohora nso worenkae bio.
Feare not: for thou shalt not be ashamed, neither shalt thou be confounded: for thou shalt not bee put to shame: yea, thou shalt forget the shame of thy youth, and shalt not remember the reproch of thy widdowhoode any more.
5 Na wo Bɔfo yɛ wo kunu Asafo Awurade ne ne din, Israel Kronkronni no yɛ wo Gyefo. Wɔfrɛ no asase nyinaa so Nyankopɔn.
For hee that made thee, is thine husband (whose Name is the Lord of hostes) and thy redeemer the Holy one of Israel, shall be called the God of the whole world.
6 Awurade bɛsan afrɛ wo te sɛ ɔyere a woagyaa no na odi yaw wɔ ne koma mu, ɔyere a ɔwaree mmabaabere mu na wogyaa no mpofirim,” wo Nyankopɔn na ose.
For the Lord hath called thee, being as a woman forsaken, and afflicted in spirite, and as a yong wife when thou wast refused, sayth thy God.
7 “Migyaw wo bere tiaa bi mu, nanso mifi ayamhyehye a mu dɔ mu bɛsan de wo aba.
For a litle while haue I forsaken thee, but with great compassion will I gather thee.
8 Abufuw mmoroso mu, mede mʼani hintaw wo mmere tiaa bi, nanso mʼayamye a ɛnsa da nti, mehu wo mmɔbɔ,” nea Awurade, wo Gyefo se ni.
For a moment, in mine anger, I hid my face from thee for a litle season, but with euerlasting mercy haue I had compassion on thee, sayth the Lord thy redeemer.
9 “Eyi te sɛ Noa mmere so a mekaa ntam se meremma nsuyiri nkata asase ani bio. Enti afei maka ntam se meremma me bo mfuw wo bio, na merenka wʼanim bio.
For this is vnto me as the waters of Noah: for as I haue sworne that the waters of Noah should no more goe ouer the earth, so haue I sworne that I would not be angrie with thee, nor rebuke thee.
10 Sɛ mmepɔw wosow, na nkoko tutu a, me dɔ a ɛnsa da a mewɔ ma wo no renhinhim na mʼasomdwoe apam no rentwa mu,” sɛɛ na Awurade a ɔwɔ ahummɔbɔ ma mo no se.
For the mountaines shall remoue and the hilles shall fall downe: but my mercy shall not depart from thee, neither shall the couenant of my peace fall away, saith the Lord, that hath compassion on thee.
11 “Kuropɔn a ahum abubu wo na wɔnkyekyee wo werɛ ɛ, mede abo anintɔnka besiesie wo, na mede aboɔdemmo bibiri ayɛ wo fapem.
O thou afflicted and tossed with tempest, that hast no comfort, beholde, I wil lay thy stones with the carbuncle, and lay thy foundation with saphirs,
12 Mede bogyabo bɛto wʼabantifi afasu, na mede abohemaa a ɛhyerɛn ayɛ wʼapon, na mede aboɔdemmo ayɛ wʼafasu nyinaa.
And I will make thy windowes of emeraudes, and thy gates shining stones, and all thy borders of pleasant stones.
13 Awurade bɛkyerɛkyerɛ wo mmabarima nyinaa, na wo mma asomdwoe bɛdɔɔso.
And all thy children shalbe taught of the Lord, and much peace shalbe to thy children.
14 Wubetim wɔ trenee mu: Wo ne nhyɛsotraso ntam kwan bɛware worensuro biribiara. Ahupoo bɛkɔ akyirikyiri, na ɛremmɛn wo.
In righteousnes shalt thou be established, and be farre from oppression: for thou shalt not feare it: and from feare, for it shall not come neere thee.
15 Sɛ obi tow hyɛ wo so a, na emfi me; na nea ɔtow hyɛ wo so no de ne ho bɛma wo.
Beholde, the enemie shall gather himselfe, but without me: whosoeuer shall gather himselfe in thee, against thee, shall fall.
16 “Hwɛ, ɛyɛ me na mebɔɔ ɔtomfo a ofita nnyansramma mu ma ɛdɛw na ɔde ahoɔden bɔ akode a ɛfata ne dwumadi. Na ɛyɛ me na mabɔ ɔsɛefo sɛ ɔmmɛsɛe ade;
Beholde, I haue created the smith that bloweth the coales in the fire, and him that bringeth forth an instrument for his worke, and I haue created the destroyer to destroy.
17 akode biara a wɔabɔ atia wo no rennyina na tɛkrɛma biara a ɛbɛbɔ wo sobo no wobɛbɔ agu. Eyi ne Awurade nkoa agyapade, ne wɔn bembu a efi me,” Awurade na ose.
But all the weapons that are made against thee, shall not prosper: and euery tongue that shall rise against thee in iudgement, thou shalt condemne. This is the heritage of the Lords seruants, and their righteousnesse is of me, sayth the Lord.

< Yesaia 54 >

A Dove is Sent Forth from the Ark
A Dove is Sent Forth from the Ark