< 1 Mose 45 >

1 Afei, na Yosef yɛ ne ho hwee a, ɛnyɛ yiye wɔ nʼasomfo no nyinaa anim. Enti ɔteɛɛ mu kyerɛɛ nʼasomfo no se, “Obiara mfi ha nkɔ.” Enti bere a oyii ne ho adi kyerɛɛ ne nuanom no, na asomfo no mu biara nni hɔ.
And Ioseph coude no longer refrayne before all them that stode aboute him but commaunded that they shuld goo all out from him and that there shuld be no man with him whyle he vttred him selfe vnto his brethern.
2 Osuu denneennen maa Misraimfo no tee, Farao fifo tee asɛm no.
And he wepte alowde so that the Egiptians and the house of Pharao herde it.
3 Yosef ka kyerɛɛ ne nuabarimanom no se, “Mene Yosef! Mʼagya te ase ana?” Nanso asɛm no bɔɔ wɔn piriw ma wɔtotɔɔ mum wɔ nʼanim.
And he sayde vnto his brethern: I am Ioseph: doth my father yet lyue? But his brethern coude not answere him for they were abasshed at his presence.
4 Yosef ka kyerɛɛ ne nuabarimanom no se, “Montwiw mmɛn me.” Wotwiw bɛn no no, ɔka kyerɛɛ wɔn se, “Mene mo nuabarima Yosef. Me na motɔn me ma wɔde me kɔɔ Misraim no.
And Ioseph sayde vnto his brethern: come nere to me and they came nere. And he sayde: I am Ioseph youre brother whom ye sold in to Egipte.
5 Mommma biribiara nhaw mo. Na monnkasakasa so sɛ motɔn me ma wɔde me baa ha. Onyankopɔn na ɔyɛe. Ɔno na ɔsomaa me, dii mo anim baa ha sɛ mimmegye mo nkwa.
And now be not greued therwith nether let it seme a cruel thinge in youre eyes that ye solde me hither. For God dyd send me before you to saue lyfe.
6 Mfe abien ni a ɔkɔm baa asase yi so. Mfe anum a ɛreba yi nso, obiara rennua, na obiara nso rentwa.
For this is the seconde yere of derth in the lande and fyue moo are behynde in which there shall nether be earynge nor hervest.
7 Onyankopɔn asoma me ha sɛ memma mo ne mo fifo ntena nkwa mu, na moayɛ ɔman kɛse.
Wherfore God sent me before you to make prouision that ye myghte continue in the erth and to save youre lyues by a greate delyuerance.
8 “Enti ɛnyɛ mo na mode me baa ha, na ɛyɛ Onyankopɔn ankasa! Wayɛ me Farao fotufo ne ne fi sohwɛfo, na ɔde Misraiman nyinaa nso ahyɛ me nsa.
So now it was not ye that sent me hither but God: and he hath made me father vnto Pharao and lorde ouer all his house and rueler in all the land of Egipte.
9 Afei, monka mo ho nkɔ mʼagya nkyɛn nkɔka nkyerɛ no se, ‘Sɛnea wo babarima Yosef se ni, Onyankopɔn ayɛ me Misraiman nyinaa sohwɛfo. Enti ntwentwɛn wʼanan ase koraa, na bra Misraim!
Hast you ad goo to my father and tell him this sayeth thy sonne Ioseph: God hath made me lorde ouer all Egipte. Come downe vnto me and tarye not
10 Wobɛba abɛtena Gosen asase so, na woabɛn me. Fa wo mma, wo nananom, wo nguan ne wʼanantwi ne biribiara a wowɔ bra.
And thou shalt dwell in the londe of Gosan and be by me: both thou and thi childern and thi childerns childern: and thy shepe and beestes and all that thou hast.
11 Sɛ woba hɔ a, mɛhwɛ wo, efisɛ aka saa ɔkɔm kɛse yi mfe anum. Sɛ anyɛ saa a, wo ne wo fifo ne wɔn a wɔka wo ho nyinaa bedi hia buruburoo.’
There will I make provision for the: for there remayne yet v yeres of derth lest thou and thi houshold and all that thou hast perish.
12 “Mo ne me nua Benyamin nyinaa di adanse sɛ, ampa ara, ɛyɛ me Yosef na me ne morekasa yi.
Beholde youre eyes do se and the eyes also of my brother Ben Iamin that I speake to you by mouth.
13 Monka anuonyam a Onyame adom nti, wɔahyɛ me wɔ Misraim asase so ne biribiara a mo ankasa mode mo ani abehu no nyinaa ho asɛm nkyerɛ mʼagya. Monkɔfa mʼagya nsian mmrɛ me ntɛm.”
Therfore tell my father of all my honoure which I haue in Egipte and of all that ye haue sene ad make hast and brynge in father hither.
14 Ɔyɛɛ Benyamin atuu, sui, a anigye ne awerɛhow adi afra. Benyamin nso fii ase sui.
And he fell on his brother Ben Iamis necke and wepte and Ben Iamin wepte on his necke.
15 Ofifew ne nuanom no nyinaa ano sui, na ɛno akyi no, wotumi ne no kasae.
Moreouer he fylled all his brethern and wepte apon them. And after that his brethern talked with him.
16 Bere a wɔtee wɔ Farao fi sɛ Yosef nuanom no aba no, Farao ne ne mpanyimfo a wɔka ne ho no nyinaa ani gyei.
And when the tidynges was come vnto Pharaos housse that Iosephes brethern were come it pleased Pharao well and all his seruauntes.
17 Farao ka kyerɛɛ Yosef se, “Ka kyerɛ wo nuanom no se, wɔmfa nneɛma nsoasoa wɔn mmoa no, na wɔnkɔ Kanaan asase so,
And Pharao spake vnto Ioseph: saye vnto thy brethern this do ye: lade youre beestes ad get you hence And when ye be come vnto the londe of Canaan
18 na wɔnkɔfa wɔn agya ne wɔn abusuafo nyinaa mmra Misraim asase so ha mmɛtena ha. Ka kyerɛ wɔn se, ‘Farao bɛma mo Misraim asase no fa a eye pa ara atena so. Wobedi asase no so nnepa!’
take youre father and youre housholdes and come vnto me and I will geue you the beste of the lande of Egipte and ye shall eate the fatt of the londe.
19 “Ka kyerɛ wɔn se, ‘Momfa nteaseɛnam mfi Misraim ha nkɔfa mo yerenom ne mo mma. Momfa mo agya nso nka ho mmra.
And commaunded also. This do ye: take charettes with you out of the lande of Egipte for youre childern and for youre wyues: and brynge youre father and come.
20 Monnhaw mo ho wɔ mo agyapade ho, efisɛ mede nnepa a ɛwɔ Misraim asase so nyinaa no bi bɛma mo.’”
Also regarde not youre stuff for the goodes of all the londe of Egipte shalbe youres.
21 Enti Yosef maa wɔn nteaseɛnam ne nnuan a wobedi wɔ ɔkwan so, sɛnea Farao hyɛe no.
And the childern of Israell dyd euen so And Ioseph gaue them charettes at the commaundment of Pharao and gaue them vitayle also to spende by the waye.
22 Ɔmaa ne nuanom no mu biara atade foforo, nanso Benyamin de, ɔmaa no ntade ahorow anum ne dwetɛ kilogram abiɛsa ne fa.
And he gaue vnto eche of them chaunge of rayment: but vnto Ben Iamin he gaue. iij. hundred peces of syluer and. v. chaunge of rayment.
23 Saa nneɛma a edidi so yi nso na Yosef de kɔmaa nʼagya Israel: mfurumnini du a wɔahyehyɛ Misraim nneɛma pa wɔ wɔn so, mfurummmere du a wɔsoso aburow, brodo ne nnuan ahorow ne nʼakwansoduan.
And vnto his father he sent after the same maner: x. he asses laden with good out of Egipte and. x. she asses laden with corne bred and meate: to serue his father by the waye.
24 Ogyaa ne nuanom no kwan, na akwannya no mu no, ɔka kyerɛɛ wɔn se, “Monnkɔkasakasa wɔ ɔkwan so.”
So sent he his brethern awaye and they departed. And he sayde vnto them: se that ye fall nor out by the waye.
25 Enti wofii Misraimman mu kɔɔ wɔn agya Israel nkyɛn wɔ Kanaan asase so.
And they departed from Egipte and came in to the land of Canaan vnto Iacob their father and told him saynge.
26 Wodui no, wɔde anigye bɔɔ wɔn agya amanneɛ se, “Yosef te ase! Nokwasɛm ni, ɔno na odi Misraiman nyinaa so!” Israel tee saa asɛm no, ne ho dwiriw no. Wannye anni.
Ioseph is yet a lyue and is gouerner ouer all the land of Egipte. And Iacobs hert wauered for he beleued tho not.
27 Na bere a wɔkaa nsɛm a Yosef ka kyerɛɛ wɔn sɛ wɔmmɛka no wiee no, na ohuu nteaseɛnam a Yosef de somaa sɛ wɔmfa mmɛfa no no, wɔn agya Yakob ho san no.
And they tolde him all the wordes of Ioseph which he had sayde vnto them. But when he sawe the charettes which Ioseph had sent to carie him then his sprites reviued.
28 Na Israel kae se, “Magye nsɛm no nyinaa adi. Me ba Yosef da so te ase. Mɛkɔ akohu no ansa na mawu.”
And Israel sayde. I haue ynough yf Ioseph my sonne be yet alyue: I will goo and se him yer that I dye.

< 1 Mose 45 >