< 1 Mose 27 >

1 Isak bɔɔ akwakoraa a nʼani so ayɛ no wusiwusi na onhu ade papa no, da koro bi, ɔfrɛɛ ne babarima panyin Esau. “Me ba.” Na Esau gyee so se, “Agya, mini.”
And when Izhak was olde, and his eyes were dimme (so that he coulde not see) he called Esau his eldest sonne, and sayde vnto him, My sonne. And he answered him, I am here.
2 Isak kae se, “Mprempren mabɔ akwakoraa, na minnim da a mewu.
Then he sayd, Beholde, I am nowe olde, and knowe not the day of my death:
3 Fa wʼagyan ne wo bɛmma, na kɔ wuram kɔhwehwɛ hanam bi brɛ me.
Wherefore nowe, I pray thee take thine instruments, thy quiuer and thy bowe, and get thee to the fielde, that thou mayest take mee some venison.
4 Fa noa mʼakɔnnɔduan no bi brɛ me, na minni, na minhyira wo ansa na mawu.”
Then make mee sauourie meate, such as I loue, and bring it me that I may eat, and that my soule may blesse thee, before I die.
5 Bere a Isak ne ne ba Esau rekasa no, na Rebeka retie. Enti bere a Esau kɔɔ sɛ ɔrekokum nam no aba pɛ, na
(Nowe Rebekah heard, when Izhak spake to Esau his sonne) and Esau went into the fielde to hunt for venison, and to bring it.
6 Rebeka ka kyerɛɛ ne ba Yakob se, “Yakob tie! Metee sɛ wʼagya reka akyerɛ wo nua Esau se,
Then Rebekah spake vnto Iaakob her sonne, saying, Beholde, I haue heard thy father talking with Esau thy brother, saying,
7 ‘Kɔhwehwɛ hanam bi fa noa mʼakɔnnɔduan no bi brɛ me, na minni, na minhyira wo wɔ Awurade anim, ansa na mawu.’
Bring mee vension, and make mee sauourie meate, that I may eate and blesse thee before the Lord, afore my death.
8 Afei, me ba, tie asɛm a merebɛka akyerɛ wo yi yiye, na di so.
Nowe therefore, my sonne, heare my voyce in that which I command thee.
9 Kɔ nguankuw no mu, na kɔkyere nguan abien a wɔadodɔ srade brɛ me, na memfa nnoa akɔnnɔduan, sɛnea wʼagya pɛ no pɛpɛɛpɛ mma no.
Get thee nowe to the flocke, and bring me thence two good kids of the goates, that I may make pleasant meate of them for thy father, such as he loueth.
10 Sɛ menoa wie a, fa kɔma no, na onni, na onhyira wo ansa na wawu.”
Then shalt thou bring it to thy father, and he shall eate, to the intent that he may blesse thee before his death.
11 Yakob ka kyerɛɛ ne na Rebeka se, “Wunim sɛ me nua Esau ho wɔ nwi, na me nso, me ho yɛ trontrom.
But Iaakob sayde to Rebekah his mother, Beholde, Esau my brother is rough, and I am smoothe.
12 Sɛ ɛba sɛ mʼagya de ne nsa fa me ho, na ohu sɛ ɛnyɛ Esau a, ɛbɛyɛ sɛ gyama meredaadaa no, na wadome me mmom, sen sɛ anka obehyira me.”
My father may possibly feele me, and I shall seem to him to be a mocker: so shall I bring a curse vpon me, and not a blessing.
13 Yakob ne na ka kyerɛɛ no se, “Me ba, ma nnome no mmra me so. Wo de, yɛ nea maka akyerɛ wo no ara. Kɔ na kɔkyere nguan no brɛ me.”
But his mother sayd vnto him, vpon me be thy curse, my sonne: onely heare my voyce, and go and bring me them.
14 Enti Yakob tiee ne na Rebeka asɛm, kɔkyeree nguan no brɛɛ no. Na okum wɔn, de noaa akɔnnɔduan bi, sɛnea Isak pɛ no pɛpɛɛpɛ.
So he went and set them, and brought them to his mother: and his mother made pleasant meat, such as his father loued.
15 Ɛno akyi no, Rebeka faa ne ba panyin Esau atade papa bi a ɛwɔ fie hɔ de maa ne ba Yakob hyɛe.
And Rebekah tooke faire clothes of her elder sonne Esau, which were in her house, and clothed Iaakob her yonger sonne:
16 Afei, ɔde nguan a wokum wɔn no nhoma yɛɛ ahyɛnsa, kataa Yakob nsa ho. Ɔde bi kataa ne kɔn ho nyinaa.
And she couered his hands and the smoothe of his necke with the skinnes of the kiddes of the goates.
17 Ɔde brodo a wato no foforo kaa akɔnnɔduan a wanoa no ho, de maa ne ba Yakob.
Afterward she put the pleasant meate and bread, which she had prepared, in the hand of her sonne Iaakob.
18 Yakob de aduan no kɔmaa nʼagya Isak wɔ ne dan mu. Oduu hɔ no, ɔkae se, “Agya!” Isak buae se, “Mewɔ hɔ na ɛyɛ hena?”
And when he came to his father, he sayd, My father. Who answered, I am here: who art thou, my sonne?
19 Yakob ka kyerɛɛ nʼagya se, “Ɛyɛ me wʼabakan Esau. Mayɛ nea woka kyerɛɛ me sɛ menyɛ no. Mede hanam a wopɛ no bi anoa wʼakɔnnɔduan no abrɛ wo, enti mesrɛ wo, sɔre tena ase, na didi, na sɛ wudidi wie a, woahyira me.”
And Iaakob sayde to his father, I am Esau thy first borne, I haue done as thou badest me, arise, I pray thee: sit vp and eate of my venison, that thy soule may blesse me.
20 Isak bisaa ne ba no se, “Ɛyɛɛ dɛn na wo ho ayɛ hare sɛɛ yi?” Yakob buae se, “Awurade, wo Nyankopɔn no, na ogyinaa mʼakyi maa me nsa kaa hanam no bi ntɛm.”
Then Izhak said vnto his sonne, Howe hast thou founde it so quickly my sonne? Who sayde, Because the Lord thy God brought it to mine hande.
21 Afei, Isak ka kyerɛɛ Yakob se, “Me ba, twiw bɛn me, na memfa me nsa nka wo nhwɛ sɛ, wo ne me ba Esau no ampa ana.”
Againe sayde Izhak vnto Iaakob, Come neere nowe, that I may feele thee, my sonne, whether thou be that my sonne Esau or not.
22 Yakob twiw bɛn nʼagya Isak, na ɔde ne nsa kekaa ne ho kae se, “Nne yi yɛ Yakob nne, nanso nsa yi yɛ Esau de.”
Then Iaakob came neere to Izhak his father, and he felt him and sayd, The voyce is Iaakobs voyce, but the hands are the hands of Esau.
23 Isak anhu sɛ ɛyɛ Yakob, efisɛ na ne nsa ho wɔ nwi te sɛ ne nua Esau pɛpɛɛpɛ. Enti, ohyiraa no.
(For he knewe him not, because his hands were rough as his brother Esaus hands: wherefore he blessed him)
24 Isak san bisaa Yakob se, “Enti ampa ara sɛ wo ne me ba Esau no?” Yakob buae se, “Yiw, me ne Esau.”
Againe he sayd, Art thou that my sonne Esau? Who answered, Yea.
25 Afei, Isak kae se, “Me ba, fa wʼaduan no brɛ me na minni, na midi wie a, mahyira wo.” Yakob de aduan no brɛɛ nʼagya Isak, na odii; ɔsan de nsa brɛɛ no maa ɔnomee.
Then said he, Bring it me hither, and I will eate of my sonnes venison, that my soule may blesse thee. And he brought it to him, and he ate: also he brought him wine, and he dranke.
26 Isak wiee no, ɔka kyerɛɛ Yakob se, “Me ba, bra befew mʼano!”
Afterward his father Izhak sayd vnto him, Come neere nowe, and kisse me, my sonne.
27 Enti Yakob kɔɔ nʼagya Isak nkyɛn kofew nʼano. Bere a Isak huam Yakob atade mu, na ogye too mu sɛ, ɛyɛ ne ba Esau no, ohyiraa no se, “Ampa ara! Me ba ho hua te sɛ hua a efi afuw a Awurade ahyira so no mu.
And hee came neere and kissed him. Then he smellled the sauour of his garmentes, and blessed him, and sayde, Behold, the smelll of my sonne is as the smelll of a fielde, which the Lord hath blessed.
28 Onyankopɔn mma wo ɔsoro bosu ne asase mu srade, na afum aduan ne nsa mmu wo so.
God giue thee therefore of the dewe of heauen, and the fatnesse of the earth, and plentie of wheate and wine.
29 Amanaman bɛsom wo, na nnipa nyinaa abu wo nkotodwe. Wubedi wo nuanom so, na wo na mma nso akotow wo. Wɔbɛdome wɔn a wɔdome wo nyinaa, na wɔn a wohyira wo nyinaa nso, wobehyira wɔn.”
Let people bee thy seruantes, and nations bowe vnto thee: be Lord ouer thy brethren, and let thy mothers children honour thee. cursed be he that curseth thee, and blessed be he that blesseth thee.
30 Isak hyiraa Yakob wiei, na ofii nʼagya nkyɛn kɔe ara pɛ, na ne nua Esau fi nʼahayɛ bae.
And when Izhak had made an ende of blessing Iaakob, and Iaakob was scarce gone out from the presence of Izhak his father, then came Esau his brother from his hunting,
31 Ɔno nso noaa akɔnnɔduan brɛɛ nʼagya. Na ɔka kyerɛɛ no se, “Agya, sɔre na di me hanam aduan no, na hyira me.”
And hee also prepared sauourie meate and brought it to his father, and sayd vnto his father, Let my father arise, and eat of his sonnes venison, that thy soule may blesse me.
32 Nʼagya Isak bisaa no se, “Na hena ni?” Esau buae se, “Ɛyɛ me wʼabakan Esau.”
But his father Izhak sayde vnto him, Who art thou? And he answered, I am thy sonne, euen thy first borne Esau.
33 Isak tee saa asɛm yi pɛ, ne ho fii ase wosow biribiribiri, na obisae se, “Ɛno de, na hena na ɔkɔɔ ahayɛ kokum nam de noaa aduan brɛɛ me yi. Mididi wie hyiraa onipa ko no pɛ na wobaa yi. Nokware ni, nhyira a mahyira no no, sɛ mesan mʼano a, ɛrenyɛ yiye!”
Then Izhak was stricken with a marueilous great feare, and sayde, Who and where is hee that hunted venison, and brought it mee, and I haue eate of all before thou camest? and I haue blessed him, therefore he shalbe blessed.
34 Bere a Esau tee asɛm a nʼagya kae no, ɔno nso de awerɛhow teɛɛ mu denneennen, ka kyerɛɛ nʼagya se, “Agya! Hyira me. Hyira me nso bi!”
When Esau heard the wordes of his father, he cryed out with a great crye and bitter, out of measure, and sayde vnto his father, Blesse me, euen me also, my father.
35 Nanso Isak kae se, “Ɛno de, na wo nua na ɔde nnaadaa abegye wo nhyira kɔ!”
Who answered, Thy brother came with subtiltie, and hath taken away thy blessing.
36 Esau kae se, “Ɛnyɛ nwonwa sɛ wɔfrɛ no Yakob a ase kyerɛ nantintwitwafo. Eyi ne ne mprenu so a wadaadaa me. Nea edi kan ne sɛ, ɔdaadaa me gyee me panyin. Nea ɛto so abien nso ne sɛ, ɔde nnaadaa agye me nhyira!” Afei, Esau bisaa nʼagya se, “Enti woannyaw me nhyira no bi a wode behyira me nso?”
Then he sayde, Was hee not iustly called Iaakob? for hee hath deceiued mee these two times: he tooke my birthright, and loe, nowe hath he taken my blessing. Also he sayd, Hast thou not reserued a blessing for me?
37 Isak buaa Esau se, “Manya de no ayɛ wo wura dedaw. Mede ne nuanom nyinaa ayɛ ne nkoa. Mahyira no sɛ, obenya afum nnuan ne nsa foforo bebree. Na afei, dɛn bio na aka a metumi ayɛ ama wo, me ba?”
Then Izhak answered, and sayd vnto Esau, Beholde, I haue made him thy lorde, and all his brethre haue I made his seruants: also with wheate and wine haue I furnished him, and vnto thee now what shall I doe, my sonne?
38 Esau bisaa nʼagya se, “Agya, enti nhyira baako pɛ na wowɔ? Agya, hyira me nso bi!”
Then Esau sayde vnto his father, Hast thou but one blessing my father? blesse mee, euen me also, my father: and Esau lifted vp his voyce, and wept.
39 Afei, nʼagya Isak buaa no se, “Tie! Asase kesee so na wobɛtena, na ɔsoro bosu rentɔ wɔ so.
Then Izhak his father answered, and sayde vnto him, Behold, the fatnesse of the earth shall be thy dwelling place, and thou shalt haue of the dewe of heauen from aboue.
40 Wode wo afoa na ɛbɛtena ase, na woasom wo nua kumaa. Nanso daakye bi, sɛ wokanyan wo ho a, wubefi wo nua no som ase.”
And by thy sword shalt thou liue, and shalt be thy brothers seruant. But it shall come to passe, when thou shalt get the masterie, that thou shalt breake his yoke from thy necke.
41 Esiane Esau nhyira a Yakob kɔdaadaa wɔn agya Isak gyee no nti, Esau tan Yakob. Esau kaa wɔ ne tirim se, “Ɛrenkyɛ, na mʼagya Isak awu. Sɛ owu a, mekum me nua Yakob.”
Therefore Esau hated Iaakob, because of the blessing, wherewith his father blessed him. And Esau thought in his minde, The dayes of mourning for my father will come shortly, then I will slay may brother Iaakob.
42 Obi tee adwene a Esau afa wɔ ne nua kumaa Yakob ho no, ɔkɔbɔɔ wɔn na Rebeka amanneɛ. Enti Rebeka soma kɔfrɛɛ ne ba kumaa Yakob, na ɔka kyerɛɛ no se, “Wo nua Esau abɔ ne tirim sɛ, sɛ onya wo a, obekum wo ansa na ne bo atɔ ne yam.
And it was told to Rebekah of the wordes of Esau her elder sonne, and shee sent and called Iaakob her yonger sonne, and sayd vnto him, Beholde, thy brother Esau is comforted against thee, meaning to kill thee:
43 Enti me ba, tie asɛm a merebɛka akyerɛ wo yi yiye. Guan ntɛm kɔ me nua Laban nkyɛn wɔ Haran.
Now therefore my sonne, heare my voyce, arise, and flee thou to Haran to my brother Laban,
44 Tena ne nkyɛn kakra wɔ hɔ, kosi sɛ wo nua Esau bo bedwo.
And tarie with him a while vntill thy brothers fiercenesse be swaged,
45 Sɛ wo nua koma tɔ ne yam, na ne werɛ fi nea woyɛɛ no, na ogyaa mu ma ɛka a, mɛsoma abɛka akyerɛ wo, na woafi Haran aba. Adɛn nti na ɛsɛ sɛ metena hɔ hwɛ, na me mma baanu bɔ mu wu da koro?”
And till thy brothers wrath turne away from thee, and hee forget the thinges, which thou hast done to him: then will I sende and take thee from thence: why shoulde I bee depriued of you both in one day?
46 Enti Rebeka ka kyerɛɛ Isak se, “Saa Hetifo mmabaa yi koraa ama asetena afono me. Sɛ ɛkɔba sɛ Yakob nso kɔware Hetifo asase so mmabaa yi bi a, mmea a wɔte sɛ eyinom bi a, ɛno de, na miwuu koraa a, anka eye.”
Also Rebekah said to Izhak, I am weary of my life, for the daughters of Heth. If Iaakob take a wife of the daughters of Heth like these of the daughters of the lande, what auaileth it me to liue?

< 1 Mose 27 >