< 1 Mose 16 >

1 Saa bere no, na Sarai nwoo ɔba mmaa Abram ɛ. Na ɔwɔ Misraimni abaawa bi a wɔfrɛ no Hagar;
Sarai Abrams wyfe bare him no childerne. But she had an hand mayde an Egiptian whose name was Hagar.
2 enti Sarai ka kyerɛɛ Abram se, “Wo ara wunim sɛ Awurade ama mayɛ obonin; manwo ɔba! Mesrɛ wo, kɔ na wo ne mʼabaawa Hagar nkɔda; ebia ɛnam ne so na manya mma.” Abram penee asɛm a Sarai ka kyerɛɛ no no so.
Wherfore the sayde vnto Abram. Beholde the LORde hath closed me that I can not bere. I praye the goo in vnto my mayde peradueture I shall be multiplyed by meanes of her And Abram herde the voyce of Sarai. Than Sarai
3 Abram tenaa Kanaan asase so mfe du akyi no, ne yere Sarai de Misraimni abaawa Hagar no kɔmaa ne kunu no sɛ ɔnware no.
Abrams wife toke Hagar hyr mayde the Egitian (after Abram had dwelled. x. yere in the lande of Canaan) and gaue her to hyr husbonde Abram to be his wyfe.
4 Abram ne Hagar dae, na onyinsɛnee. Bere a Hagar huu sɛ wanyinsɛn no, ofii ase buu nʼawuraa Sarai animtiaa.
And he wente in vnto Hagar and she conceaved. And when she sawe that she had conceyved hyr mastresse was despised in hyr syghte.
5 Enti Sarai ka kyerɛɛ Abram se, “Saa ɔhaw a aba me so yi nyinaa fi wo! Mede mʼabaawa maa wo; afei a wahu sɛ wanyinsɛn no nti, otiatia mʼanim. Awurade mmu me ne wo ntam atɛn.”
Than sayd Sarai vnto Abram: Thou dost me vnrighte for I haue geuen my mayde in to thy bosome: and now because she seyth that she hath coceaved I am despysed in hyr syghte: the LORde iudge betwene the and me.
6 Nanso Abram ka kyerɛɛ Sarai se, “Ɔyɛ wʼabaawa. Nea wopɛ sɛ wode yɛ no biara, fa yɛ no.” Efi saa bere no, Sarai tan nʼabaawa Hagar ani ma oguan fii ne nkyɛn.
Than sayde Abra to Sarai: beholde thy mayde is in thy hande do with hyr as it pleaseth the. And because Sarai fared foule with her she fled from her.
7 Awurade bɔfo huu Hagar wɔ nsu aniwa bi ho wɔ sare no so. Na saa nsu aniwa no da ɔkwan a ɛkɔ kurow bi a wɔfrɛ no Sur no nkyɛn.
And the angell of the LORde founde her besyde a fountayne of water in the wyldernes: euen by a well in the way to Sur.
8 Ɔbɔfo no bisaa Hagar se, “Sarai abaawa Hagar, wufi he, na worekɔ he?” Hagar buaa no se, “Mereguan afi mʼawuraa Sarai nkyɛn.”
And he sayde: Hagar Sarais mayde whence comest thou and whether wylt thou goo? And she answered: I flee from my mastresse Sarai.
9 Na Awurade bɔfo no ka kyerɛɛ Hagar se, “San kɔ wʼawuraa no nkyɛn, na kɔbrɛ wo ho ase ma no.”
And the angell of the LORde sayde vnto her: returne to thy mastresse agayne and submytte thy selfe vnder her handes.
10 Ɔbɔfo no ka kaa ho se, “Mɛma wʼase afɛe a, wɔkan a ɛnyɛ yiye.”
And the angell of ye LORde sayde vnto her: I will so encrease thy seed that it shall not be numbred for multitude.
11 Awurade bɔfo no san ka kyerɛɛ Hagar se, “Woanyinsɛn, na wobɛwo ɔbabarima. Wobɛto no din Ismael, efisɛ Awurade ate wʼamanehunu.
And the LORdes angell sayd further vnto her: se thou art wyth childe and shalt bere a sonne and shalt call his name Ismael: because the LORDE hath herde thy tribulation.
12 Ɔbɛyɛ sɛ sare so afurum. Obetia nnipa nyinaa, na nnipa nyinaa nso betia no; atutuwpɛ so na ɔne ne nuanom bɛtena.”
He will be a wylde man and his hande will be agenst every man and euery mans hande agenst him. And yet shall he dwell faste by all his brothren.
13 Eyi akyi no ɔkae se, “Mahu Nea ohu me.” Ɛno nti, ɔde din El-Roi a ase ne “Onyankopɔn a ohu me” no too no.
And she called the name of the LORde that spake vnto her: thou art the God that lokest on me for she sayde: I haue of a suertie sene here the backe parties of him that seith me.
14 Ɛno nti na wɔfrɛ nsu aniwa no se Beer-Lahai-Roi a ase ne “Onyankopɔn Teasefo a ohu me abura.” Ɛda Kades ne Bered ntam besi nnɛ.
Wherfore she called the well the well of the lyuynge that seith me which well is betwene Cades and Bared.
15 Enti Hagar woo ɔbabarima maa Abram. Abram too abofra no din Ismael.
And Hagar bare Abram a sonne and Abram called his sons name which Hagar bare Ismaell.
16 Hagar woo Ismael no, na Abram adi mfe aduɔwɔtwe asia.
And Abram was. lxxxvi. yere olde when Hagar bare him Ismael.

< 1 Mose 16 >