< 1 Mose 12 >

1 Awurade ka kyerɛɛ Abram se, “Fi wʼabusuafo nkyɛn ne wʼasase so kɔ asase a mɛkyerɛ wo no so.
Then the LORde sayd vnto Abra Gett the out of thy contre and from thy kynred and out of thy fathers house into a londe which I wyll shewe the.
2 “Mɛma wo ayɛ ɔman kɛse, na mehyira wo. Mɛma wo din atrɛw, na woayɛ nhyira ama nnipa bebree.
And I wyll make of the a myghtie people and wyll blesse the and make thy name grete that thou mayst be a blessinge.
3 Mehyira wɔn a wohyira wo, na obiara a ɔdome wo no, mɛdome no. Ɛnam wo so na wobehyira nnipa a wɔwɔ asase so nyinaa.”
And I wyll blesse the that blesse the ad curse the that curse the. And in the shall be blessed all the generations of the erth.
4 Enti Abram kɔe, sɛnea Awurade Nyankopɔn ka kyerɛɛ no no. Na Lot ne no kɔe. Bere a Abram refi Haran asase so akɔ no, na wadi mfe aduɔson anum.
And Abram wet as the LORde badd hym and Lot went wyth him. Abram was. lxxv. yere olde when he went out of Haran.
5 Na Abram faa ne yere Sarai ne ne nuabarima Haran babarima Lot, nʼagyapade ne nʼasomfo a onyaa wɔn wɔ Haran nyinaa, sii mu kɔɔ Kanaan asase so.
And Abram toke Sarai his wyfe ad Lot his brothers sonne wyth all their goodes which they had goten and soulles which they had begoten in Haran. And they departed to goo in to the lade of Chanaan. And when they were come in to the lande of Chanaan
6 Wɔfaa asase no so ara kosii baabi a wɔfrɛ hɔ Sekem, koduu odum dua bi a esi baabi a wɔfrɛ hɔ More. Ɛhɔ na wosii wɔn ntamadan. Saa bere no, na Kanaanfo na wɔte asase no so.
Abram went furth in to the lade tyll he came vnto a place called Sychem and vnto the oke of More. And the Canaanytes dwelled then in the lande.
7 Afei, Awurade Nyankopɔn yii ne ho adi kyerɛɛ Abram ka kyerɛɛ no se, “Mede saa asase yi bɛma wʼaseni.” Enti Abram sii afɔremuka wɔ hɔ, de kaee Awurade Nyankopɔn a ɔdaa ne ho adi kyerɛɛ no no.
Then the LORde apeared vnto Abram ad sayd: vnto thy seed wyll I geue thys lade. And he buylded an aultere there vnto the LORDE which apeared to hym.
8 Akyiri no, Abram fii hɔ, de nʼani kyerɛɛ mmepɔw bi a ɛwɔ apuei fam, sii ne ntamadan wɔ hɔ. Na Bet-El da atɔe fam, na Ai nso da apuei fam. Ɛhɔ na osii afɔremuka maa Awurade Nyankopɔn, sɔree no wɔ hɔ.
Then departed he thence vnto a mountayne that lyeth on the east syde of BETHEL and pytched hys tente: BETHEL beynge on the west syde and Ay on the east: And he buylded there an aulter vnto the LORde and called on the name of ye LORde.
9 Na Abram fii hɔ toaa so de nʼani kyerɛɛ Negeb.
And than Abram departed and toke his iourney southwarde
10 Saa bere no, ɔkɔm kɛse bi sii asase a na Abram te so no so. Enti otu kɔtenaa Misraim asase so kakra, efisɛ ɔkɔm a ɛbaa asase no so no, na ano yɛ den yiye.
After thys there came a derth in the lande. And Abram went doune in to Egipte to soiourne there for the derth was sore in the lande.
11 Ɔreyɛ adu Misraim asase so no, ɔka kyerɛɛ ne yere Sarai se, “Minim sɛ woyɛ ɔbea a wo ho yɛ fɛ yiye.
And when he was come nye for to entre in to Egipte he sayd vnto sarai his wife. Beholde I knowe that thou art a fayre woman to loke apo.
12 Sɛ Misraimfo no hu wo a, wɔbɛka se, ‘Ne yere ni. Momma yenkum no, na yɛmfa no.’
It wyll come to passe therfore whe the Egiptians see the that they wyll say: she is his wyfe. And so shall they sley me and save the.
13 Na sɛ woka sɛ woyɛ me nuabea a, Misraimfo no bɛhwɛ me yiye, efisɛ wɔn ani wɔ wo ho nti wɔrenkum me.”
saye I praye the therfore that thou art my sister that I maye fare the better by reason of the and that my soule maye lyue for thy sake.
14 Bere a woduu Misraim asase so no, Misraimfo no huu sɛ ɔbea no ho yɛ fɛ yiye.
As soone as he came in to Egipte the Egiptias sawe the woman that she was very fayre.
15 Na ɔhene Farao mpanyimfo huu no no, wɔkamfoo nʼahoɔfɛ, kɔbɔɔ no amanneɛ. Enti ɔhene Farao soma ma wɔkɔfaa ɔbea no baa nʼahemfi hɔ.
And Pharaos lordes sawe hir also and praysed hir vnto Pharao: So that she was taken in to Pharaos house
16 Esiane ɔbea no ahoɔfɛ nti, ɔhene Farao hwɛɛ Abram yiye, maa no nguan, anantwi, afurumnini ne afurumbere, nkoa, mfenaa ne yoma.
which entreated Abram well for hir sake so that he had shepe oxsen ad he asses men seruantes mayde seruates she asses and camels.
17 Na esiane Abram yere Sarai te a na ɔte Farao ahemfi hɔ no nti, Awurade Nyankopɔn maa ɔyaredɔm baa Farao ne ne fifo so.
But God plaged Pharao and his house wyth grete plages because of Sarai Abrams wyfe.
18 Eyi nti, Farao frɛɛ Abram bisaa no se, “Dɛn na woayɛ me yi? Adɛn nti na woanka ankyerɛ me sɛ ɔbea no yɛ wo yere?
Then Pharao called Abram and sayd: why hast thou thus dealt with me? Wherfore toldest thou me not that she was thy wyfe?
19 Adɛn nti na wokae se, ‘Ɔyɛ me nuabea’ na woama maware no? Sɛ saa na ɛte de a, gye wo yere. Wo yere ni! Fa wʼade kɔ!”
Why saydest thou that she was thy sister and causedest me to take hyr to my wyfe? But now loo there is the wife take hir ad be walkynge.
20 Na Farao hyɛɛ asraafo sɛ wonkogya Abram ne ne yere kwan a wɔn fifo ne wɔn agyapade nyinaa ka ho.
Pharao also gaue a charge vnto his men over Abram to leade hym out wyth his wyfe and all that he had.

< 1 Mose 12 >