< Hesekiel 37 >

1 Na Awurade nsa wɔ me so na ɔde ne Honhom faa me fii adi de me besii obon no mfimfini, na nnompe ayɛ no ma.
The hand of Jehovah was upon me, and he carried me out in the spirit of Jehovah, and set me in the midst of a valley, which was full of bones,
2 Ɔde me dii akɔneaba wɔ mu na mihuu nnompe bebree wɔ obon no ase, nnompe a ɛho akokwaw.
and caused me to pass by them round about; and behold, there were very many upon the surface of the valley, and lo, they were very dry.
3 Obisaa me se, “Onipa ba, saa nnompe yi betumi anya nkwa ana?” Mekae se, “Otumfo Awurade, wo nko ara na wunim.”
And he said to me, Son of man, can these bones live? And I answered, O Lord Jehovah, thou knowest!
4 Afei ɔka kyerɛɛ me se, “Hyɛ nkɔm wɔ nnompe yi ho na ka kyerɛ wɔn se, ‘Nnompe a mo ho akokwaw, muntie Awurade asɛm!
Then he said to me, Prophesy to these dry bones, and say to them, O ye dry bones, hear the word of Jehovah!
5 Sɛɛ na Otumfo Awurade ka kyerɛ saa nnompe yi: Mɛma ɔhome aba mo mu na mubenya nkwa.
Thus saith the Lord Jehovah to these bones: Behold, I will cause breath to enter into you, and ye shall live;
6 Mɛma ntin abesuso mo mu, na mede nam agu mo so na mede were akata mo ho. Mede ɔhome begu mo mu na moaba nkwa mu. Afei mubehu sɛ mene Awurade.’”
and I will lay sinews upon you, and will bring up flesh upon you, and cover you with skin, and put breath into you, and ye shall live; and ye shall know that I am Jehovah.
7 Ɛno nti mehyɛɛ nkɔm sɛnea wɔhyɛɛ me no. Na migu so rehyɛ nkɔm no, nne bi bae, ɔwosow bi, na nnompe no keka bobɔɔ mu, dompe bɛkaa ne dompe ho.
So I prophesied, as I was commanded; and as I prophesied, a voice was heard, and behold, a shaking, and the bones came together, bone to its bone.
8 Na mehwɛ huu sɛ ntin baa so, na nam baa ho na were bɛkataa so, nanso na ɔhome biara nni mu.
And when I looked, behold, there were sinews upon them, and the flesh grew, and the skin covered them above; but there was no breath in them.
9 Afei ɔka kyerɛɛ me se: “Hyɛ nkɔm kyerɛ home, hyɛ nkɔm, onipa ba na ka kyerɛ no se, ‘Sɛɛ na Otumfo Awurade se: Ɔhome fi mframa anan no mu bra bɛhome gu saa awufo yi mu na wonnya nkwa.’”
Then said he to me, Prophesy to breath, prophesy, O son of man, and say to breath, Thus saith the Lord Jehovah: Come from the four winds, O breath, and breathe upon these slain, that they may live!
10 Enti mehyɛɛ nkɔm sɛnea ɔhyɛɛ me no, na ɔhome hyɛn wɔn mu; na nkwa baa wɔn mu ma wɔsɔre gyinagyinaa wɔn anan so, dɔm kɛse pa ara.
So I prophesied, as he commanded me; and the breath came into them, and they lived and stood on their feet, an exceedingly great host.
11 Afei ɔka kyerɛɛ me se, “Onipa ba, saa nnompe yi yɛ Israelfi nyinaa. Wɔka se: ‘Yɛn nnompe ho akokwaw na yɛn anidaso asa, wɔatwa yɛn agu korakora.’
And he said to me, Son of man, these bones denote the whole house of Israel. Behold, they say, “Our bones are dried, and our hope is lost, and we are cut off.”
12 Ɛno nti hyɛ nkɔm na ka kyerɛ wɔn se: ‘Sɛɛ na Otumfo Awurade se: Me nkurɔfo, merebebuebue mo nna na mayiyi mo afi mu apue. Mede mo bɛsan aba Israel asase so.
Therefore prophesy, and say to them, Thus saith the Lord Jehovah: Behold, I will open your graves, and cause you to come up out of your graves, O my people, and bring you into the land of Israel.
13 Afei mo, me nkurɔfo, sɛ mibuebue mo nna na miyiyi mo fi mu a, mubehu sɛ mene Awurade no.
And ye shall know that I am Jehovah, when I open your graves, and cause you to come up out of your graves, O my people,
14 Mede me Honhom bɛhyɛ mo mu na mubenya nkwa, na mede mo bɛtena mo ankasa asase so. Afei mubehu sɛ me, Awurade na makasa na mayɛ nso, Awurade asɛm ni.’”
and put my breath within you, and ye live, and I place you in your own land; then shall ye know that I, Jehovah, have spoken it, and done it, saith Jehovah.
15 Awurade asɛm baa me nkyɛn se:
And the word of Jehovah came to me, saying:
16 “Onipa ba, fa dua na kyerɛw ho se, ‘Yuda ne Israelfo a wɔka ne ho de.’ Afei fa dua foforo na kyerɛw ho se, ‘Efraim dua a ɛyɛ Yosef ne Israelfi a wɔka ne ho nyinaa de.’
Son of man, take thee one stick, and write upon it, “For Judah, and for the sons of Israel, his companions”; and take another stick, and write upon it, “For Joseph, the stick of Ephraim, and the whole house of Israel, his companions.”
17 Ka abien no bɔ mu na ɛnyɛ dua baako wɔ wo nsam.
Then join them one to another into one stick, that they may become one in thy hand.
18 “Sɛ wo nkurɔfo ka se, worenkyerɛ yɛn nea wode eyi kyerɛ ana a,
And when the sons of thy people say to thee. “Wilt thou not show us what thou meanest by these?”
19 ka kyerɛ wɔn se, ‘Sɛɛ na Otumfo Awurade se: Merebɛfa Yosef dua a ɛhyɛ Efraim ne Israel mmusuakuw a wɔka ne ho no nsa, na mede abɔ Yuda dua no mu ayɛ abien no baako, na wɔbɛyɛ baako wɔ me nsam.’
say to them, Thus saith the Lord Jehovah: Behold, I will take the stick of Joseph, which is in the hand of Ephraim, and of the tribes of Israel, his companions, and will unite them and him with the stick of Judah, and make them one stick, and they shall be one in my hand.
20 Ma nnua a woakyerɛkyerɛw ho no so kyerɛ wɔn
And let the sticks whereon thou writest be in thy hand before their eyes;
21 na ka kyerɛ wɔn se, ‘Sɛɛ na Otumfo Awurade se: Meyi Israelfo afi amanaman a wɔakɔ so no so. Mɛboaboa wɔn ano afi mmaa nyinaa na mede wɔn asan aba wɔn ankasa asase so.
and say thou to them, Thus saith the Lord Jehovah: Behold, I will take the sons of Israel from among the nations whither they are gone, and will gather them from every side, and bring them into their own land.
22 Mɛyɛ wɔn ɔman baako wɔ asase no so wɔ Israel mmepɔw so. Ɔhene baako bedi wɔn nyinaa so na wɔrenyɛ aman abien bio, na wɔrenkyɛ mu nyɛ wɔn ahenni abien.
And I will make them one nation in the land, upon the mountains of Israel; and one king shall be king over them all; and they shall no more be two nations, and no more shall they be divided into two kingdoms.
23 Wɔremfa wɔn ahoni ne nsɛsode tantan no, anaasɛ wɔn nnebɔne no mu bi ngu wɔn ho fi bio, na megye wɔn nkwa afi wɔn akyirisan bɔne mu na mɛtew wɔn ho. Wɔbɛyɛ me nkurɔfo na mayɛ wɔn Nyankopɔn.
Neither shall they defile themselves any more with their idols, nor with their abominations, nor with any of their transgressions; but I will save them from all their dwelling-places wherein they have sinned, and will cleanse them; and they shall be my people, and I will be their God.
24 “‘Me somfo Dawid bedi wɔn so hene na wɔn nyinaa benya oguanhwɛfo baako. Wobedi me mmara so na wɔahwɛ mʼahyɛde ayɛ.
And my servant David shall be king over them, and they shall have one shepherd; and they shall walk in my commandments, and observe my statutes, and do them.
25 Wɔbɛtena asase a mede maa me somfo Yakob, asase a mo agyanom tenaa so. Wɔne wɔn mma ne wɔn mma mma bɛtena hɔ afebɔɔ, na me somfo Dawid bɛyɛ wɔn birɛmpɔn afebɔɔ.
And they shall dwell in the land which I gave to my servant Jacob, wherein your fathers dwelt; they shall dwell therein, and their sons and their son's sons forever; and David, my servant, shall be their prince forever.
26 Me ne wɔn bɛyɛ asomdwoe apam, ɛbɛyɛ apam a ɛte hɔ daa. Mɛma wɔatim na mama wɔadɔ na mede me kronkronbea besi wɔn mu afebɔɔ.
And I will make with them a covenant of peace; it shall be an everlasting covenant with them. And I will place them [[in the land]], and multiply them, and set my sanctuary in the midst of them forever.
27 Me tenabea bɛwɔ wɔn mu, mɛyɛ wɔn Nyankopɔn na wɔayɛ me nkurɔfo.
And my dwelling-place shall be with them; yea, I will be their God, and they shall be my people;
28 Afei amanaman no behu sɛ me Awurade, me na meyɛ Israel kronkron, bere a me kronkronbea si wɔn mu afebɔɔ no.’”
and the nations shall know that I, Jehovah, do sanctify Israel, when my sanctuary shall be in the midst of them forevermore.

< Hesekiel 37 >