< 2 Beresosɛm 31 >

1 Afahyɛ no twaa mu no, Israelfo a wɔkɔɔ bi no kɔɔ Yuda, Benyamin, Efraim ne Manase nkurow nyinaa so, kɔsɛee afadum kronkron no, twitwaa Asera nnua no, yiyii abosonsomfo nsɔree so ne afɔremuka no. Eyi akyi, Israelfo no san kɔɔ wɔn nkurow so ne wɔn afi mu.
And when all these thinges were finished, all Israel that were found in the cities of Iudah, went out and brake the images, and cut downe the groues, and brake downe the hie places, and the altars thorowout all Iudah and Beniamin, in Ephraim also and Manasseh, vntil they had made an ende: afterwarde all the children of Israel returned euery man to his possession, into their owne cities.
2 Hesekia kyekyɛɛ asɔfo no ne Lewifo no mu akuwakuw, sɛ wɔmmɔ ɔhyew afɔre ne asomdwoe afɔre, sɛ wɔnsom, na wɔmfa aseda ne nkamfo mma Awurade wɔ Asɔredan no apon ano.
And Hezekiah appoynted the courses of the Priests and Leuites by their turnes, euery man according to his office, both Priestes and Leuites, for the burnt offring and peace offrings, to minister and to giue thankes, and to prayse in the gates of the tentes of the Lord.
3 Ɔhene no ankasa fii nea ɔwɔ mu maa anɔpa ne anwummere, nnaawɔtwe homeda afahyɛ ne Ɔsram Foforo Afahyɛ no ne afirihyia afɔre a aka no ɔhyew afɔrebɔde, sɛnea wɔakyerɛw wɔ Awurade Mmara no mu no.
(And the Kings portion was of his owne substance for the burnt offrings, euen for ye burnt offrings of the morning and of the euening, and the burnt offrings for the Sabbaths, and for the new moones, and for the solemne feastes, as it is written in the Law of the Lord)
4 Ɔhyɛɛ sɛ nnipa a wɔwɔ Yerusalem no mfa nea wonya mu kyɛfa a mmara no ka no bɛma asɔfo no ne Lewifo no, sɛnea ɛbɛma wɔde wɔn ho nyinaa ahyɛ Awurade Mmara no mu.
He commanded also the people that dwelt in Ierusalem, to giue a part to the Priestes, and Leuites, that they might be encouraged in the Law of the Lord.
5 Nnipa no tiee no aso pa mu, na wofi koma pa mu de atoko, nsa foforo, ngo, ɛwo ne wɔn nnɔbae nkae mu nea edi kan nyinaa bae. Wɔde wɔn ahode biara mu ntotoso du du bae.
And when the commandement was spread, the children of Israel brought abundance of first fruites, of corne, wine, and oyle, and honie, and of all the increase of the fielde, and the tithes of all things brought they abundantly.
6 Nnipa a wotu fii Israel baa Yuda no ne Yudafo no ankasa de wɔn anantwi ne wɔn nguan so ntotoso du du ne nneɛma a wɔahyira so ama Awurade, wɔn Nyankopɔn no so ntotoso du du bae. Wɔboaa ano ma ɛyɛɛ akuw akɛseakɛse.
And the children of Israel and Iudah that dwelt in ye cities of Iudah, they also brought the tithes of bullockes and sheepe, and the holy tithes which were consecrate vnto the Lord their God, and laide them on many heapes.
7 Wɔde saa ntotoso du du a edi kan no baa ɔsram a ɛto so abiɛsa no awiei mu, na nneɛma no anoboa kɔɔ so kosii ɔsram a ɛto so ason no mfiase mu.
In the thirde moneth they beganne to lay the foundation of the heapes, and finished them in the seuenth moneth.
8 Bere a Hesekia ne ne mpanyimfo behuu nneɛma no dodow no, wɔdaa Awurade ne ne nkurɔfo Israel ase.
And when Hezekiah and the princes came, and saw the heapes, they blessed the Lord and his people Israel.
9 Hesekia bisaa asɔfo no ne Lewifo no se, “Ɛhe na eyinom nyinaa fi bae?”
And Hezekiah questioned with the Priests and the Leuites concerning the heapes.
10 Na ɔsɔfopanyin Asaria a ofi Sadok abusua mu buae se, “Efi bere a ɔmanfo fii ase sɛ wɔde akyɛde reba Awurade Asɔredan mu no, yɛanya bebree a yebedi ama bi aka, efisɛ Awurade ahyira ne nkurɔfo.”
And Azariah the chiefe Priest of the house of Zadok answered him, and sayde, Since the people beganne to bring the offrings into the house of the Lord, we haue eaten and haue bene satisfied, and there is left in abundance: for the Lord hath blessed his people, and this abundance that is left.
11 Hesekia yɛɛ nʼadwene sɛ obenya adekoradan wɔ Awurade Asɔredan no mu, na wɔyɛe.
And Hezekiah commanded to prepare chambers in the house of the Lord: and they prepared them,
12 Na wodii nokware de akyɛde no ne ntotoso du du no nyinaa baa Asɔredan no mu. Wɔde hyɛɛ Lewini Kenania nsa maa ne nua Simei yɛɛ ne boafo.
And caryed in the first fruites, and the tithes, and the dedicate things faithfully: and ouer them was Conaniah the Leuite, the chiefe, and Shimei his brother the seconde.
13 Na Yehiel, Asasia, Nahat, Asahel, Yerimot, Yosabad, Eliel, Ismakia, Mahat ne Benaia yɛ wɔn a wɔhwɛ hɔ no aboafo. Ɔhene Hesekia ne Asaria a na ɔyɛ wɔn a na wɔhwɛ Onyankopɔn Asɔredan no mu so panyin no na wɔkyekyɛɛ saa dibea ahorow yi.
And Iehiel, and Azariah, and Nahath, and Asahel, and Ierimoth, and Iozabad, and Eliel, and Ismachiah, and Mahath, and Benaiah were ouerseers by the appointment of Conaniah, and Shimei his brother, and by the commandement of Hezekiah the King, and of Azariah the chiefe of the house of God.
14 Lewini Yimna babarima Kore a ɔyɛ Apuei Pon ano hwɛfo no na wɔde hyɛɛ ne nsa sɛ ɔnkyekyɛ Onyankopɔn ayamye afɔrebɔde a ɛyɛ akyɛde ne nneɛma a wɔde ama Awurade no.
And Kore the sonne of Imnah the Leuite porter towarde the East, was ouer the things that were willingly offred vnto God, to distribute the oblations of the Lord, and the holy things that were consecrate.
15 Nʼaboafo nokwafo no ne Eden, Miniamin, Yesua, Semaia, Amaria ne Sekania. Na wɔkyekyɛɛ nneɛma no maa asɔfo mmusua a wɔwɔ wɔn nkurow so sɛnea wɔn nkyekyɛmu te, na wɔkyɛɛ nneɛma no pɛpɛɛpɛ maa mmofra ne mpanyin.
And at his hande were Eden, and Miniamin, and Ieshua, and Shemaiah, Amariah, and Shechaniah, in the cities of the Priestes, to distribute with fidelitie to their brethren by courses, both to the great and small,
16 Na wɔkyɛɛ mmarimaa a wɔadi mfe abiɛsa rekɔ nyinaa akyɛde no bi a wɔn din wɔ wɔn anato nhoma mu, na da biara wɔkɔ Awurade Asɔredan mu, kɔyɛ wɔn nnwuma a wɔde ahyɛ wɔn kuw no nsa no.
Their daily portion: beside their generation being males from three yeere olde and aboue, euen to all that entred into the house of the Lord to their office in their charge, according to their courses:
17 Na wɔkyɛɛ nneɛma no maa asɔfo a wɔakyerɛw wɔn din wɔ wɔn anato nhoma mu ne Lewifo a wɔadi mfe aduonu ne nea ɛboro saa, a wɔahyehyɛ wɔn din sɛnea wɔn nnwuma ne wɔn nkyekyɛmu te no.
Both to the generation of the Priestes after the house of their fathers, and to the Leuites from twentie yeere olde and aboue, according to their charge in their courses:
18 Na wɔmaa abusuafo a wɔakyerɛw wɔn din wɔ anato nhoma mu a nkokoaa, ɔyerenom ne mmabarima ne mmabea nso ka ho nnuan. Efisɛ na wɔadi nokware adwira wɔn ho.
And to the generation of all their children, their wiues, and their sonnes and their daughters throughout all ye Congregation: for by their fidelitie are they partakers of the holy things.
19 Na asɔfo, Aaron asefo a na wɔtete nkuraa a atwa nkurow no ho ahyia no anaa nkurow no mu no de, woyiyii nnipa ma wɔkyɛɛ ɔbarima biara a ɔfra asɔfo no mu ne Lewifo a wɔakyerɛw wɔn din anato mu no nneɛma no bi.
Also to the sonnes of Aaron, the Priestes, which were in the fieldes and suburbes of their cities, in euery citie the men that were appointed by names, shoulde giue portions to all the males of the Priestes, and to all the generation of the Leuites.
20 Saa ɔkwan yi so na Hesekia fa kyɛɛ nneɛma wɔ Yudaman no mu nyinaa, na ɔyɛɛ nea ɛfata na ɛsɔ Awurade, ne Nyankopɔn ani.
And thus did Hezekiah throughout al Iudah, and did well, and vprightly, and truely before the Lord his God.
21 Nea Hesekia yɛɛ nyinaa de som wɔ Onyankopɔn Asɔredan no mu, ne mmɔden a ɔbɔɔ sɛ obedi ne mmara ne nʼahyɛde so no, ɔde ne koma nyinaa hwehwɛɛ ne Nyankopɔn. Ne saa nti, ɛma onyaa nkɔso bebree.
And in all the workes that he began for the seruice of the house of God, both in the Law and in the commandements, to seeke his God, he did it with all his heart, and prospered.

< 2 Beresosɛm 31 >