< 2 Beresosɛm 24 >

1 Yoas dii hene no, na wadi mfe ason, na odii ade wɔ Yerusalem mfirihyia aduanan. Na ne na din de Sibia a ofi Beer-Seba.
Joas was of seuene yeer, whanne he bigan to regne, and he regnyde fourti yeer in Jerusalem; the name of his modir was Sebia of Bersabee.
2 Yoas yɛɛ nea ɛsɔ Awurade ani, ɔsɔfo Yehoiada nkwanna nyinaa.
And he dide that, that was good bifor the Lord, in alle the daies of Joiada, the preest.
3 Yehoiada maa Yoas ɔyerenom baanu a ɔne wɔn wowoo mmabarima ne mmabea.
Sotheli and Joas took twei wyues, of whyche he gendride sones and douytris.
4 Akyiri no, Yoas yɛɛ nʼadwene sɛ obesiesie Awurade Asɔredan no.
After whiche thingis it pleside Joas to reparele the hows of the Lord.
5 Enti ɔfrɛfrɛɛ asɔfo ne Lewifo no ka kyerɛɛ wɔn se, “Monkɔ Yuda nkurow nyinaa so ntɛm, na munkogyigye afirihyiatow, sɛnea yebetumi asiesie mo Nyankopɔn Asɔredan no. Monntwentwɛn koraa.” Nanso Lewifo no ankɔ prɛko pɛ.
And he gaderide togidere preestis and dekenes, and seide to hem, Go ye out to the citees of Juda, and gadere ye of al Israel money, to the reparelyng of the temple of `youre Lord God, bi ech yeer; and do ye this hiyyngli.
6 Na ɔhene no frɛɛ ɔsɔfopanyin Yehoiada bisaa no se, “Adɛn nti na wummisaa Lewifo no nea enti a wɔnkɔɔ Yuda nkurow so ne Yerusalem nkogyigyee Asɔredan ho tow no? Mose, Awurade somfo, gyigyee ɔman Israel saa tow yi, sɛnea ɛbɛyɛ a obetumi asiesie Apam Ntamadan no.”
Certis the dekenes diden necgligentli. And the kyng clepide Joiada, the prince, and seide to hym, Whi was it not charge to thee, to constreyne the dekenes to brynge yn money of Juda and of Jerusalem, which money was ordeyned of Moises, the seruaunt of `the Lord, that al the multitude of Israel schulde brynge it in to the tabernacle of witnessyng?
7 Afei na otirimɔdenfo Atalia mma abɔ awura Onyankopɔn Asɔredan no mu, na nneɛma a wɔahyira so wɔ Awurade Asɔredan no mu no nyinaa, wɔafa de resom Baal ahoni.
For the worste Athalia, and hir sones, distrieden the hows of God; and of alle thingis, that weren halewid to the temple of the Lord, thei ourneden the temple of Baalym.
8 Enti Yoas hyɛɛ sɛ wɔnyɛ adaka bi mfa nsi ɔkwan a ɛkɔ Awurade Asɔredan no akyi.
Therfor the kyng comaundide, and thei maden an arke, and settiden it bisidis the yate of the Lord with out forth.
9 Enti wɔde too Yuda ne Yerusalemman anim sɛ, wɔmfa tow a Mose, Onyankopɔn somfo gyigyee Israelfo wɔ sare so no mmrɛ Awurade.
And it was prechid in Juda and Jerusalem, that ech man schulde brynge to the Lord the prijs, which Moyses, the seruaunt of God, ordeynede on al Israel, in deseert.
10 Ntuanofo no ne ɔmanfo no penee so, enti wɔde anigye de wɔn sika bɛhyɛɛ adaka no ma.
And alle the princes and al the puple weren glad, and thei entriden, and brouyten, and senten in to the arke of the Lord, so that it was fillid.
11 Bere biara a adaka no bɛyɛ ma no, Lewifo no soa de kɔma ɔhene mpanyimfo. Na asennii kyerɛwfo ne ɔsɔfopanyin nanmusini bi akan sika no, na wɔasan de adaka no akosi Asɔredan no pon ano bio. Wɔyɛɛ saa daa, na wonyaa sika bebree.
And whanne it was tyme, that thei schulden bere the arke bifor the kyng bi the hondis of dekenes, for thei sien myche money, the clerk of the kyng entride, and he whom the firste preest hadde ordeynede, and thei schedden out the money, that was in the arke; sotheli thei baren ayen the arke to `his place. And so thei diden bi alle daies, and money with out noumbre was gaderid togidere;
12 Ɔhene no ne Yehoiada de sika no maa adansi sohwɛfo, ma wɔfaa adansifo ne nnua dwumfo, ma wosiesiee Awurade Asɔredan no. Afei, wɔfaa nnade adwumfo ma wɔde nnade ne kɔbere mfrafrae yɛɛ Awurade Asɔredan no ho nneɛma.
which the kyng and Joiada yauen to hem that weren souereyns of the werkis of the hows of the Lord. And thei hiriden therof kitteris of stonys, and crafti men of alle werkis, that thei schulden reparele the hows of the Lord; also thei hiriden smythis of yrun, and of bras, that that thing schulde be vndurset, that bigan to falle.
13 Na mmarima a wɔhwɛ ɔdan no siesie so no yɛɛ adwumaden maa adwuma no kɔɔ so sɛnea ɛfata. Wosii Onyankopɔn Asɔredan no wɔ ne tebea dedaw no sɛso na wɔhyɛɛ mu den.
Thei that wrouyten diden craftili, and the crasyng of the wallis was stoppid bi the hondis of hem; and thei reisiden the hows of the Lord in to the formere staat, and maden it to stonde stidfastli.
14 Wowiee asiesie no, wɔde sika no nkae brɛɛ ɔhene no ne Yehoiada. Wɔde yɛɛ nneɛma ahorow a wɔde bi som, de bi bɔ ɔhyew afɔre a nkwankora ne hweaseammɔ ahorow a wɔde sikakɔkɔɔ ne dwetɛ ayɛ nso ka ho. Na wɔde koguu Awurade asɔredan no mu. Bere a na ɔsɔfo Yehoiada te ase no, na wɔtaa bɔ ɔhyew afɔre wɔ Awurade Asɔredan mu hɔ.
And whanne thei hadden fillid alle werkis, thei brouyten bifor the kyng and Joiada the tother part of the money, of which money vessels weren maad in to the seruyce of the temple, and to brent sacrifices; also viols, and othere vessels of gold and of siluer `weren maad therof. And brent sacrifices weren offrid in the hows of the Lord contynueli, in alle the daies of Joiada.
15 Yehoiada nyinii yiye, owui no na wadi mfirihyia ɔha ne aduasa.
Forsothe Joiada ful of daies wexide eld, and he was deed, whanne he was of an hundrid yeer and thritti;
16 Wosiee no wɔ ahemfo asiei wɔ Dawid kurom, efisɛ na wayɛ adwuma pa wɔ Israel, ama Onyankopɔn ne nʼAsɔredan no.
and thei birieden hym in the citee of Dauid with kyngis; for he hadde do good with Israel, and with his hows.
17 Yehoiada wu akyi no, Yuda ntuanofo bɛkotow ɔhene Yoas anim, srɛɛ no se ontie wɔn afotu.
But aftir that Joiada diede, the princes of Juda entriden, and worschipiden the kyng, which was flaterid with her seruices, and assentide to hem.
18 Wɔyɛɛ wɔn adwene sɛ wobegyaw Awurade, wɔn agyanom Nyankopɔn Asɔredan no, na wɔasom Asera nnua no ne ahoni no mmom. Na Onyankopɔn abufuw baa Yuda ne Yerusalem so wɔ wɔn bɔne nti.
And thei forsoken the temple of the Lord God of her fadris, and seruyden idols in wodis, and grauen ymagis; and the ire of the Lord was maad ayens Juda and Jerusalem for this synne.
19 Awurade somaa adiyifo sɛ wɔnkɔfa wɔn mmrɛ no, nanso nnipa no ampene.
And he sente to hem profetis, that thei schulen turne ayen to the Lord; whiche profetis witnessynge thei nolden here.
20 Afei, Onyankopɔn Honhom baa ɔsɔfo Yehoiada babarima Sakaria so. Ogyinaa nnipa no anim kae se, “Sɛnea Onyankopɔn se ni: Adɛn nti na munni Awurade ahyɛde so? Morennya nkɔso, efisɛ moagyaw Awurade ama ɔno nso agyaw mo!”
Therfor the Spirit of the Lord clothide Zacharie, the preest, the sone of Joiada; and he stood in the siyt of the puple, and seide to hem, The Lord seith these thingis, Whi breken ye the comaundement of the Lord, `which thing schal not profite to you, and ye han forsake the Lord, that he schulde forsake you?
21 Na ntuanofo no pam Sakaria ti so sɛ wobekum no. Na ɔhene Yoas ankasa hyɛ ma wosiw no abo, kum no wɔ Asɔredan no adiwo hɔ.
Whiche weren gaderide togidere ayens hym, and senten stonys, bi comaundement `of the kyng, in the large place of the hows of the Lord.
22 Na ɔhene Yoas ankae adɔe a nʼagya Yehoiada de yɛɛ no no, na okum ne babarima. Sakaria rewu no, nsɛm a ɔka twaa to ne se, “Awurade nhu nea wɔreyɛ na ɔmma wommu ho akontaa!”
And kyng Joas hadde not mynde on the merci which Joiada, the fadir of Zacharie, hadde doon with hym; but he killide the sone of Joiada. And whanne Zacharie diede, he seide, The Lord se, and seke.
23 Afe no mfiase no, Aram asraafo bɔɔ nsra baa Yoas so. Wɔkaa Yuda ne Yerusalem hyɛe, kunkum ntuanofo a wɔwɔ ɔman no mu nyinaa. Na wɔfaa asade a wonyae nyinaa, de kɔmaa wɔn hene wɔ Damasko.
And whanne a yeer was turned aboute, `ether endid, the oost of Sirie stiede ayens Joas, and it cam in to Juda and in to Jerusalem, and it killide alle the princes of the puple; and thei senten al the prey to the kyng, to Damask.
24 Ɛwɔ mu sɛ Aram dɔm a wɔkɔtow hyɛɛ wɔn so no sua de, nanso Awurade boaa wɔn ma wodii Yuda asraafodɔm kɛse no so nkonim. Yudafo gyaw Awurade, wɔn agyanom Nyankopɔn, ɛno nti Awurade buu atɛn tiaa Yoas.
And certeyn, whanne a ful litle noumbre of men of Sirie was comun, the Lord bitook in her hondis a multitude with out noumbre, for thei hadden forsake the Lord God of her fadris. Also thei vsiden schameful domes in Joas;
25 Aramfo twee wɔn ho na wogyaw Yoas a na wapira yiye no hɔ. Nanso ɔno ankasa mpanyimfo dwenee ho sɛ, esiane sɛ okum ɔsɔfo Yehoiada babarima nti, wobekum no. Wokum no bere a ɔda mpa so. Na wosiee no Dawid kurom a wɔankosie no wɔ adehye amusiei.
and thei yeden awei, and leften hym in grete sorewis. Sotheli hise seruauntis risiden ayens hym, in to veniaunce of the blood of the sone of Joiada, preest; and killiden hym in his bed, and he was deed. And thei birieden hym in the citee of Dauid, but not in the sepulcris of kyngis.
26 Na awudifo no yɛ Yosabad a ɔyɛ Amonnibea Simeat babarima, ne Somer a ɔyɛ Moabnibea Simrit babarima.
Forsothe Sabath, the sone of Semath of Amon, and Josabeth, the sone of Semarith of Moab, settiden tresouns to hym.
27 Wɔakyerɛw nsɛm a ɛfa Yoas mmabarima, ne ho nkɔmhyɛ, ne Onyankopɔn Asɔredan no asiesie wɔ Ahene nkyerɛmu nhoma no mu. Yoas wui no, ne babarima Amasia dii nʼade sɛ ɔhene.
Sotheli hise sones, and the summe of money that was gaderid vndur hym, and the reparelyng of the hows of God, ben writun diligentli in the book of Kyngis.

< 2 Beresosɛm 24 >