< 2 Beresosɛm 2 >

1 Salomo hyɛɛ sɛ wonsi Awurade Asɔredan ne nʼankasa nʼahemfi.
Then Salomon determined to builde an house for the Name of the Lord, and an house for his kingdome.
2 Ɔfaa apaafo mpem aduɔson ne abotwafo mpem aduɔwɔtwe fii bepɔw so aman mu ne nnipa mpem abiɛsa ne ahansia a wodi adwuma no anim.
And Salomon tolde out seuentie thousand that bare burdens, and fourescore thousande men to hewe stones in the mountaine, and three thousand and sixe hundreth to ouersee them.
3 Salomo de nkra yi kɔmaa Tirohene Huram: “Brɛ me sida nnua te sɛ nea wɔde brɛɛ mʼagya Dawid, bere a na ɔresi nʼahemfi no.
And Salomon sent to Huram the king of Tyrus, saying, As thou hast done to Dauid my father, and didst sende him cedar trees to buylde him an house to dwell in, so do to me.
4 Merebesi Asɔredan ahyɛ Awurade, me Nyankopɔn din anuonyam. Ɛbɛyɛ baabi bi a wɔayi asi hɔ sɛ wɔnhyew nnuhuam ne kurobow wɔ nʼanim, nna afɔrebɔde brodo sononko no adi, na wɔmmɔ ɔhyew afɔre ahorow homeda biara, anɔpa ne anwummere, Ɔsram Foforo biara afahyɛ ahorow ne Awurade yɛn Nyankopɔn nnapɔnna biara. Ɔno na wahyɛ Israel sɛ wɔnyɛ saa nneɛma yi daa daa.
Behold, I buylde an house vnto the Name of the Lord my God, to sanctifie it vnto him, and to burne sweete incense before him, and for the continuall shewbread, and for the burnt offrings of the morning and euening, on the Sabbath dayes, and in the new moneths, and in the solemne feastes of the Lord our God: this is a perpetuall thing for Israel.
5 “Eyi bɛyɛ Asɔredan a ɛso na ɛyɛ fɛ, efisɛ yɛn Nyankopɔn no yɛ ɔnwonwani a ɔso kyɛn ɔfoforo biara.
And the house which I buylde, is great: for great is our God aboue all gods.
6 Hena na obetumi asi ofi a ɛfata ama no? Ɔsorosoro mpo ntumi nkora no. Na me sɛɛ ne hena a mesi asɔredan ama no? Nea metumi ayɛ ara ne sɛ mesi baabi a wɔbɛbɔ afɔre ama no.
Who is he then that can be able to buylde him an house, when the heauen, and the heauen of heauens can not conteine him? who am I then that I should buylde him an house? but I do it to burne incense before him.
7 “Enti ma me odwumfo a ne nsa ano adwuma yɛ fɛ a obetumi de sikakɔkɔɔ, dwetɛ, kɔbere mfrafrae ne nnade adi adwinni; obi a onim sɛnea wɔhyɛ ntama aduru ma ɛyɛ bibiri, kɔkɔɔ ne tuntum ma ɛyɛ fɛ yiye ne sika dwumfo a wakwadaw adwuma mu, a ɔne Yuda ne Yerusalem adwumfo a mʼagya Dawid yii wɔn no bɛyɛ adwuma.
Sende me nowe therefore a cunning man that can worke in golde, in siluer, and in brasse, and in yron, and in purple, and crimosin and blue silke, and that can graue in grauen worke with the cunning men that are with me in Iudah and in Ierusalem, whom Dauid my father hath prepared.
8 “Afei, fa sida, ɔpepaw ne ɔbako nnua fi Lebanon brɛ me, efisɛ, minim sɛ wo mmarima no akyi no, obi nni hɔ wɔ nnuabu mu; na mɛsoma me mmarima na wɔabɛboa wɔn.
Sende mee also cedar trees, firre trees and Algummim trees from Lebanon: for I knowe that thy seruants can skill to hewe timber in Lebanon: and beholde, my seruantes shalbe with thine,
9 Asɔredan a merebesi no kɛse ne ne fɛ a ɛbɛyɛ nti, nnua bebree ho behia me.
That they may prepare me timber in abundance: for the house which I doe buylde, is great and wonderfull.
10 Mede atoko susukoraa mpem aduonu, nsa gyare mpem aduonu ne du ne ngo mpem aduonu betua wo mmarima no ka.”
And behold, I will giue to thy seruants the cutters and the hewers of timber twentie thousand measures of beaten wheate, and twentie thousand measures of barley, and twentie thousand baths of wine, and twentie thousand baths of oyle.
11 Ɛnna ɔhene Huram kyerɛw saa mmuae yi de kɔmaa Salomo: “Esiane sɛ Awurade dɔ ne nkurɔfo nti na ɔde wo asi wɔn so hene.
Then Huram King of Tyrus answered in writing which he sent to Salomon, Because the Lord hath loued his people, he hath made thee King ouer them.
12 “Nhyira nka Awurade, Israel Nyankopɔn a ɔbɔɔ ɔsoro ne asase! Wama Dawid ɔba nyansafo a wadom no adwene ne ntease a obesi Asɔredan ama Awurade ne ahemfi ama nʼankasa ho.
Huram sayd moreouer, Blessed be the Lord God of Israel, which made the heauen and the earth, and that hath giuen vnto Dauid the King a wise sonne, that hath discretion, prudence and vnderstanding to buylde an house for the Lord, and a palace for his kingdome.
13 “Merebrɛ wo odwumfo a ne nsa ano adwuma yɛ fɛ a wɔfrɛ no Huram-Abi. Ɔyɛ onyansafo ankasa
Now therefore I haue sent a wise man, and of vnderstanding of my father Hurams,
14 a ɔyɛ ɔbea bi a ofi Dan a ɛwɔ Israel babarima; nʼagya nso fi Tiro. Ɔyɛ sikakɔkɔɔ, dwetɛ, kɔbere mfrafrae ne nnade dwumfo ankasa. Na ɔwɔ abotwa, nnua adwinni ne ntamanwen ho nyansa nso. Ɔyɛ ɔbenfo wɔ ntama bibiri, tuntum ne kɔkɔɔ hyɛ mu. Na otumi de sirikyitam di dwuma nso. Afei nso, ɔyɛ sika dwumfo a otumi di adwinni biara a wɔde ma no. Ɔne wʼadwumfo ne wɔn a me wura Dawid a ɔyɛ wʼagya no yii wɔn no bɛyɛ adwuma.
The sonne of a woman of the daughters of Dan: and his father was a man of Tyrus, and he can skill to worke in golde, in siluer, in brasse, in yron, in stone, and in timber, in purple, in blue silke, and in fine linen, and in crimosin, and can graue in all grauen workes, and broyder in all broydered worke that shalbe giuen him, with thy cunning men, and with the cunning men of my lord Dauid thy father.
15 “Fa atoko, ngo ne nsa a wokaa ho asɛm no bra.
Now therefore the wheate and the barley, the oyle and the wine, which my lorde hath spoken of, let him send vnto his seruants.
16 Nnua biara a ɛho hia no, yebetwa afi Lebanon mmepɔw so, na yɛde ayɛ mpata agu asu ani, fi Ntam Po no mpoano akosi Yopa. Na efi hɔ no, wubetumi de akɔ Yerusalem.”
And we wil cut wood in Lebanon as much as thou shalt neede, and will bring it to thee in raftes by the sea to Iapho, so thou mayest cary them to Ierusalem.
17 Salomo kan ahɔho dodow a wɔwɔ Israel asase so, te sɛ nea nʼagya kenkan nnipa no. Onyaa nnipa mpem ɔha aduonum abiɛsa ne ahansia.
And Salomon nombred al the strangers that were in the land of Israel, after the nombring that his father Dauid had nombred them: and they were found an hundreth and three and fiftie thousand, and sixe hundreth.
18 Ɔmaa wɔn mu mpem aduɔson yɛɛ apaafo. Wɔn mu mpem aduɔwɔtwe yɛɛ abotwafo wɔ wɔn mmepɔw nkurow no so, na wɔn mu mpem abiɛsa ne ahansia yɛɛ wɔn a wodi nnwuma no anim.
And he set seuentie thousande of them to the burden, and fourescore thousande to hewe stones in the mountaine, and three thousande and sixe hundreth ouerseers to cause the people to worke.

< 2 Beresosɛm 2 >