< 2 Wakorintho 11 >

1 Laiti mngenivumilia kidogo, hata kama mimi ni mjinga kiasi fulani! Naam, nivumilieni kidogo.
Would that you could put up with a little "folly" from me! Nay, do bear with me.
2 Ninawaoneeni wivu lakini ni wivu wa Mungu; maana ninyi ni kama bikira safi niliyemposa kwa mwanamume mmoja tu ambaye ndiye Kristo.
I have a divine jealousy on your behalf; for I betrothed you to one only husband, even to Christ, that I might present you to him, a chaste virgin.
3 Lakini naogopa kwamba, kama vile yule nyoka kwa hila zake za uongo alimdanganya Hawa, fikira zenu zaweza kupotoshwa, mkauacha uaminifu wenu wa kweli kwa Kristo.
But I fear lest, just as the serpent beguiled Eve in his craftiness, so your minds should be seduced from your single-mindedness and purity toward Christ.
4 Maana mtu yeyote ajaye na kumhubiri Yesu aliye tofauti na yule tuliyemhubiri, ninyi mwampokea kwa mikono miwili; au mnakubali roho au habari njema tofauti kabisa na ile mliyopokea kutoka kwetu!
If indeed some one is coming to preach another Jesus, whom I did not preach, or you are receiving a Spirit other than you once received, or another gospel which you did not accept before, you would do well to bear with me.
5 Sidhani kwamba mimi ni mdogo kuliko hao “mitume wakuu.”
For I reckon that I am in no respect behind your superapostolic apostles.
6 Labda sina ufasaha wa lugha, lakini elimu ninayo; jambo hili tumelionyesha wazi kwenu, kila mahali na kila wakati.
Yes, though I be unskilled in speech, at least I am not in knowledge; indeed I made this perfectly plain to you in all things and among all men.
7 Mimi niliihubiri kwenu Habari Njema ya Mungu bila kudai mshahara; nilijinyenyekeza ili nipate kuwakweza ninyi. Je, nilifanya vibaya?
Is it a sin, forsooth, that I humbled myself that you might be exalted, in preaching the gospel to you free of cost?
8 Nilipofanya kazi kati yenu, mahitaji yangu yaligharimiwa na makanisa mengine. Kwa namna moja au nyingine niliwapokonya wao mali yao nipate kuwatumikia ninyi.
Other churches I spoiled, and took their wages to do you service.
9 Nilipokuwa nanyi sikumsumbua mtu yeyote nilipohitaji fedha; ndugu waliotoka Makedonia waliniletea kila kitu nilichohitaji. Nilikuwa mwangalifu sana nisiwe mzigo kwa namna yoyote ile, na nitaendelea kufanya hivyo.
Even when I lacked the actual necessities of life while I was with you, I was a burden to no one; for whatever I lacked, the brothers from Macedonia supplied, when they came. So I kept myself from being a burden to you in any way, and will continue to do so.
10 Naahidi kwa ule ukweli wa Kristo ulio ndani yangu, kwamba hakuna kitakachoweza kunizuia kujivunia jambo hilo popote katika Akaya.
As the truth of Christ is in me, this boasting of mine shall not be stopped within the boundaries of Greece!
11 Kwa nini nasema hivyo? Kwa sababu eti siwapendi ninyi? Mungu anajua kwamba nawapenda!
And why? Because I love you not? God knows I do.
12 Nitaendelea kufanya kama ninavyofanya sasa, ili nisiwape nafasi wale wanaotafuta nafasi, nafasi ya kujivuna kwamba eti wanafanya kazi kama sisi.
I am doing and will continue to do this in order to cut away the ground from under those who wish some cause for slander; and that the ground of their boasting may appear as does mine.
13 Maana, hao ni mitume wa uongo, wafanyakazi wadanganyifu wanojisingizia kuwa mitume wa Kristo.
For such fellows are sham apostles of Christ.
14 Wala si ajabu, maana hata Shetani mwenyewe hujisingizia kuwa malaika wa mwanga!
No wonder! for Satan himself disguises himself as an angel of light.
15 Kwa hiyo si jambo la kushangaza ikiwa na hao watumishi wake wanajisingizia kuwa watumishi wa haki. Mwisho wao watapata kile wanachostahili kufuatana na matendo yao.
It is no great marvel, then, if his ministers also disguise themselves as ministers of righteousness. Their end will be according to their works.
16 Tena nasema: Mtu asinifikirie kuwa mpumbavu. Lakini kama mkifikiri hivyo, basi, nichukueni kama mpumbavu ili nami nipate kuwa na cha kujivunia angaa kidogo.
I say again, let no one think me a fool. Or, if you must, at least bear with me as a fool, that I, too, may do a little boasting.
17 Ninachosema sasa si kile alichoniagiza Bwana; kuhusu jambo hili la kujivuna, nasema tu kama mtu mpumbavu.
What I am about to say I am not speaking by the Lord’s command, but as it were in pure folly, in this boldness of boasting.
18 Maadam wengi hujivuna kwa sababu za kidunia, nami pia nitajivuna.
Since so many are making worldly boasts, I shall boast, too!
19 Ninyi ni wenye busara, ndiyo maana hata mnawavumilia wapumbavu!
Although you are wise, you put up with fools willingly enough!
20 Mnamvumilia hata mtu anayewafanya ninyi watumwa, mtu mwenye kuwanyonya, mwenye kuwakandamiza, mwenye kuwadharau na kuwapiga usoni!
You put up with it, though they make slaves of you, live on you, seize your property, lord it over you, even strike you in the face, in the way of degradation!
21 Kwa aibu nakubali kwamba sisi tulikuwa dhaifu. Iwe iwavyo, lakini kama kuna mtu yeyote anayethubutu kujivunia kitu—nasema kama mtu mpumbavu—mimi nathubutu pia.
I say that I was weak, and yet for whatever reason any one is bold (I speak in mere folly) I too am bold.
22 Je, wao ni Waebrania? Hata mimi. Je, wao ni Waisraeli? Hata mimi. Wao ni wazawa wa Abrahamu? Hata mimi.
Are they Hebrews? So am I. Are they descendants of Israel? So am I. Are they descendants of Abraham? So am I.
23 Wao ni watumishi wa Kristo? Hata mimi—nanena hayo kiwazimu—ni mtumishi wa Kristo zaidi kuliko wao. Mimi nimefanya kazi ngumu zaidi, nimekaa gerezani mara nyingi zaidi, nimepigwa mara nyingi zaidi na nimekaribia kifo mara nyingi.
Are they ministers of Christ? (I speak as though I were beside myself), such, far, more, am I; in labors more abundant, in imprisonments also more abundant, in floggings beyond measure, in deaths often.
24 Mara tano nilichapwa vile viboko thelathini na tisa vya Wayahudi.
Five times at the hands of the Jews, I have received one short of forty lashes.
25 Nilipigwa viboko mara tatu, nilipigwa mawe mara moja; mara tatu nilivunjikiwa meli baharini, na humo nikakesha usiku kucha na kushinda mchana kutwa.
Three times I have been scourged by the Romans; once I have been stoned; three times have I been shipwrecked; a night and a day have I been adrift in the open sea.
26 Kila mara safarini nimekabiliwa na hatari za mafuriko ya mito, na hatari za wanyama; hatari kutoka kwa wananchi wenzangu na kutoka kwa watu wa mataifa mengine; hatari za mjini, hatari za porini, hatari za baharini, hatari kutoka kwa ndugu wa uongo
My journeys have been many; in perils of rivers, in perils of bandits; in perils from my countrymen, in perils in the city, in perils in the wilderness; in perils on the sea, in perils among false brothers;
27 Nimefanya kazi na kutaabika, nimekesha bila usingizi mara nyingi; nimekuwa na njaa na kiu; mara nyingi nimefunga na kukaa katika baridi bila nguo.
in toil and weariness, often in sleepless watching, in hunger and thirst, often without anything to eat; in cold and in nakedness.
28 Na, licha ya mengine mengi, kila siku nakabiliwa na shughuli za makanisa yote.
Not to mention other things, there is the crowding pressure of each day upon me, the care of all the churches.
29 Kama mtu yeyote ni dhaifu, nami pia ni dhaifu; mtu yeyote akikwazwa, nami pia huwa na wasiwasi.
Who is weak, and I am not weak? Who is caused to stumble, but I burn with indignation?
30 Ikinilazimu kujivuna, basi, nitajivunia udhaifu wangu.
If boast I must, it shall be concerning my weakness.
31 Mungu na Baba wa Bwana Yesu—jina lake litukuzwe milele—yeye anajua kwamba sisemi uongo. (aiōn g165)
The God and Father of the Lord Jesus, he who is blessed forever, knows that I am telling the truth. (aiōn g165)
32 Nilipokuwa Damasko, mkuu wa mkoa, aliyekuwa chini ya mfalme Areta, alikuwa akiulinda mji wa Damasko ili apate kunikamata.
In Damascus, the governor under Aretas the King, kept guard over the city of the Damascus, to arrest me;
33 Lakini, ndani ya kapu kubwa, niliteremshwa nje kupitia katika nafasi ukutani, nikachopoka mikononi mwake.
but through an opening in the wall I was let down in a basket, and so escaped and out of his hands.

< 2 Wakorintho 11 >