< 1 Nyakati 11 >

1 Kisha Waisraeli wote walikuja Hebroni kwa Daudi na kusema, “Angalia, sisi ni nyama na mifupa yako.
And all Israel assembled themselves to David to Hebron, saying, Behold, we are thy bone and thy flesh.
2 Katika wakati uliopita, Sauli alipoo kuwa mfalme juu yetu, ni wewe uliye ongoza jeshi la Israeli. Yahweh Mungu wako alisema kwako, 'utawachunga watu wangu wa Isaraeli, na utakuwa mtawala wa watu wangu wa Israeli”'.
Even aforetime, even when Saul was king, thou wast he that leddest out and broughtest in Israel; and Jehovah thy God said to thee, Thou shalt feed my people Israel, and thou shalt be prince over my people Israel.
3 Kwaiyo wazee wote wa Israeli wakamjia mfalme huko Hebroni, na Daudi akafanya agano nao mbele ya Yahweh. Wakampaka mafuta Daudi kuwa mfalme wa Israeli. Kwa namna hii, neno la Yahweh lilo nenwa na Samweli likawa kweli.
And all the elders of Israel came to the king to Hebron; and David made a covenant with them in Hebron before Jehovah; and they anointed David king over Israel according to the word of Jehovah through Samuel.
4 Daudi na Israeli yote wakaenda Yerusalemu (yani, Yebusi). Sasa Wayebusi, wakazi wa nchi, walikuwa pale.
And David and all Israel went to Jerusalem, which is Jebus; where the Jebusites were, the inhabitants of the land.
5 Wakazi wa yebusi wakamwabia Daudi, “Hautakuja humu.” Lakini Daudi alichukuwa ngome ya Sayuni, mji wa Daudi.
And the inhabitants of Jebus said to David, Thou shalt not come in hither. But David took the stronghold of Zion, which is the city of David.
6 Daudi alisema, “Yeyote atakaye washambulia Wayebusi wa kwanza atakuwa mkuu wa jeshi” kwaiyo Yoabu mwana wa Zeruia akashambulia wa kwanza, hivyo akafanywa mkuu wa jeshi.
And David said, Whoever smites the Jebusites first shall be chief and captain. And Joab the son of Zeruiah went first up, and was chief.
7 Daudi akaanza kuishi katika hiyo ngome. Kwaiyo wakaiita mji wa Daudi.
And David dwelt in the stronghold; therefore they called it the city of David.
8 Akaimarisha mji kutoka Milo na hadi mpaka ukuta unao zunguka. Yoabu akaimairisha mji wote uliyo baki.
And he built the city round about, even from the Millo round about; and Joab renewed the rest of the city.
9 Daudi akawa mkuu na mkuu kwa sababu Yahweh wa Majeshi alikuwa naye.
And David became continually greater; and Jehovah of hosts was with him.
10 Hawa walikuwa viongozi Daudi aliyo kuwa nao, waliyo jionyesha imara katika ufalme wake, pamoja na Israeli, kumfanya mfalme, kutii neno la Yahweh kuhusu Israeli.
And these are the chief of the mighty men whom David had, who shewed themselves valiant with him in his kingdom, with all Israel, to make him king, according to the word of Jehovah concerning Israel.
11 Hii ni orodha ya wanajeshi shupavu wa Daudi. Yashobeami, mwana wa Mhakimoni, alikuwa mkuu wa kikosi cha thelathini. Aliwaua wanaume mia tatu na mkuki wake katika sehemu moja.
And this is the number of the mighty men whom David had: Jashobeam, the son of Hachmoni, the chief of the captains; he brandished his spear against three hundred, slain [by him] at one time.
12 Baada ya yeye alikuwa Eleazari mwana wa Dodo, Mahohi, aliyekuwa mmoja wa wanaume watatu hodari.
And after him, Eleazar the son of Dodo, the Ahohite; he was one of the three mighty men.
13 Alikuwa na Daudi huko Pasidamimu, na pale Wafilisti wakakusanyika pamoja kwa mapambano, ambapo palikuwa na uwanja wa ngano na jeshi liliwakimbia Wafilisti.
He was with David at Pas-dammim, where the Philistines were gathered together to battle; and there was [there] a plot of ground full of barley; and the people had fled from before the Philistines.
14 Walisimama katikati ya uwanja. Wakautetea na kuwakata Wafilisti na Yahweh akawaokoa na ushindi mkubwa.
And they stood in the midst of the plot and delivered it, and smote the Philistines; and Jehovah wrought a great deliverance.
15 Kisha watatu wa viongozi thelathini wakashuka chini kwenye mwamba wa Daudi, katika pango la Adulamu. Jeshi la Wafilisti walieka kambi katika bonde la Refaim.
And three of the thirty chiefs went down to the rock to David, to the cave of Adullam, when the army of the Philistines was encamped in the valley of Rephaim.
16 Kwa wakati huo Daudi alikuwa katika ngome yake, pangoni, Wafilisti walikita kambi yao Bethilehemu.
And David was then in the stronghold; and the Philistines' garrison was then at Bethlehem.
17 Daudi alikuwa na kiu ya maji na akasema, “Laiti mtu akanipatia maji ya kunywa kutoka kisima kilicho Bethilehemu, kisima kilicho pembeni mwa lango!”
And David longed, and said, Oh that one would give me to drink of the water of the well of Bethlehem, which is in the gate!
18 Hawa wanaume hodari watatu wakatoboa kupita jeshi la Wafilisti na kuchota maji kwenye kisima cha Bethilehemu, kisima pembeni mwa lango. Wakachukuwa maji na kumletea Daudi, lakini alikataa kunywa. Badala yake, akamwaga chini kwa Yahweh.
And the three broke through the camp of the Philistines, and drew water out of the well of Bethlehem, which is in the gate, and took it, and brought it to David; David however would not drink of it, but poured it out to Jehovah.
19 Kisha akasema, “Yahweh, iwe mbali na mimi, kwamba ni yanywe haya maji. Je ninywe damu ya wanaume walio hatarisha maisha yao?” Kwa sababu wameeka maisha ya hatarini, akakataa kunywa. Haya ni mambo wanaume hodari watatu walio fanya.
And he said, My God forbid it me, that I should do this thing! should I drink the blood of these men [who went] at the risk of their lives? for at the risk of their lives they brought it. Therefore he would not drink it. These things did the three mighty men.
20 Abishai kaka wa Yoabu, alikuwa kiongozi wa watatu. Alitumia mkuki wake dhidi ya watu mia tatu na kuwaua. Ametajwa pamoja na wale watatu.
And Abishai the brother of Joab, he was the chief of three; and he brandished his spear against three hundred and slew them; and he had a name among the three.
21 Kati ya wale watatu, yeye alipewa heshima mara mbili na akawa kiongozi wao. Japo hakuwa mmoja wa miongoni mwao.
Of the three he was more honourable than the two, and he was their captain; but he did not attain to the [first] three.
22 Benaia mwana wa Yehoiada alikuwa mwanaume mwenye nguvu aliye fanya mambo makuu. Aliua wana wawili wa Arieli wa Moabu. Pia alishuka chini ya shimo na kumuua simba wakati theluji ikianguka.
Benaiah the son of Jehoiada, the son of a valiant man, great in exploits, of Kabzeel: he it was that smote two lions of Moab; and he went down and smote a lion in the midst of a pit on a snowy day.
23 Alimua hadi Mmisri, mwanaume mwenye mita mbili na theluthi moja. Mmisri alikuwa na mkuki kama gongo la mshonaji, lakini alimfuata chini na fimbo tu. Akakamata mkuki katika mkono wa Mmisri na kumuua na mkuki wake.
He also smote the Egyptian, a man of stature, five cubits high: and in the Egyptian's hand was a spear like a weaver's beam; and he went down to him with a staff, and plucked the spear out of the Egyptian's hand, and slew him with his own spear.
24 Benaia mwana wa Yehoiada alifanya haya matukio, na akatajwa miongoni mwa wale wanaume hodari watatu.
These things did Benaiah the son of Jehoiada, and he had a name among the three mighty men.
25 Alisifika zaidi ya wale wanajeshi thelathini kwa ujumla, lakini hakuwa pewa hadhi ya wale wanajeshi watatu hodari. Daudi alimueka kiongozi wa walinzi wake.
Behold, he was honoured above the thirty, but he did not attain to the [first] three. And David set him in his council.
26 Wanaume hodari walikuwa Asaheli kaka wa Yoabu, Elhanani mwana wa Dodo wa Bethilehemu,
And the valiant men of the forces were: Asahel the brother of Joab, Elhanan the son of Dodo of Bethlehem,
27 Shamothi Mherori, Helezi Mpeloni,
Shammoth the Harorite, Helez the Pelonite,
28 Ira mwana wa Ikeshi Mtekoi, Abi Eza Manathothi,
Ira the son of Ikkesh the Tekoite, Abiezer the Anathothite,
29 Sibekai Mhushathite, Ilai Mahohite,
Sibbechai the Hushathite, Ilai the Ahohite,
30 Maharai Mnetofathi, Heledi mwana wa Baana Mnetofathite,
Maharai the Netophathite, Heled the son of Baanah the Netophathite,
31 Itai mwana wa Ribai wa Gibea uzao wa Benjamini, Benaia Mpirathoni,
Ittai the son of Ribai of Gibeah of the children of Benjamin, Benaiah the Pirathonite,
32 Hurai wa mabonde ya Gaashi, Abieli Marbathi,
Hurai of the brooks of Gaash, Abiel the Arbathite,
33 Azmavethi Mbaharumi, Eliaba Mshaalboni,
Azmaveth the Baharumite, Eliahba the Shaalbonite,
34 Mwana wa Hashemu Mgizoni, Yonathani mwana wa Shagee Mhararite,
Bene-Hashem the Gizonite, Jonathan the son of Shage the Hararite,
35 Ahiamu mwana wa Sacari Mhararite, Elifali mwana wa Uri,
Ahiam the son of Sacar the Hararite, Eliphal the son of Ur,
36 Hefa Mmekarathi, Ahija Mpeloni,
Hepher the Mecherathite, Ahijah the Pelonite,
37 Hezro Mcarmeli, Maarai mwana wa Ezibai,
Hezro the Carmelite, Naarai the son of Ezbai,
38 Yoeli kaka wa Nathani, Mibhari mwana wa Hagiri,
Joel the brother of Nathan, Mibhar the son of Hagri,
39 Zeleki Mamoni, Naharai Mberothi ( mbeba ngao ya Yoabu mwana wa Zeruia),
Zelek the Ammonite, Naharai the Berothite, the armour-bearer of Joab the son of Zeruiah,
40 Ira Mithire, Garebu Mithire,
Ira the Ithrite, Gareb the Ithrite,
41 Uria Mhiti, Zabadi mwana wa Ahlai,
Uriah the Hittite, Zabad the son of Ahlai,
42 Adina mwana wa Shiza Mreubeni ( kiongozi wa Wareubeni) na thelathini pamoja nae,
Adina the son of Shiza the Reubenite, a captain of the Reubenites, and thirty with him;
43 Hanani mwana wa Maaka, na Yoshafati Mmithini,
Hanan the son of Maachah, and Joshaphat the Mithnite,
44 Uzia Mashiterathi, Shama na Yeieli wana wa Hothamu Waaroeri,
Uzzia the Ashtarothite, Shama and Jeiel the sons of Hotham the Aroerite,
45 Jediaeli mwana wa Shimri, Joha ( kaka yake Mtize),
Jediael the son of Shimri, and Joha his brother, the Tizite,
46 Elieli Mmahavi, Yeribai na Yoshavia mwana wa Elnaamu, Ithima Mmoabi,
Eliel of Mahavim, and Jeribai, and Joshaviah, the sons of Elnaam, and Jithmah the Moabite,
47 Elieli, Obedi, na Yaasieli Wamezobai.
Eliel, and Obed, and Jaasiel the Mezobaite.

< 1 Nyakati 11 >