< Mambo ya Walawi 10 >

1 Nadabu na Abihu, wana wa Aroni, wakachukua vyetezo vyao, wakaweka moto ndani yake na kuongeza uvumba; kisha wakamtolea Bwana moto usio halali, kinyume na agizo la Mungu.
And they took [the] sons of Aaron Nadab and Abihu each censer his and they put in them fire and they placed on it incense and they presented before Yahweh fire strange which not he had commanded them.
2 Hivyo moto ukaja kutoka kwa uwepo wa Bwana na kuwaramba, nao wakafa mbele za Bwana.
And it went out fire from to before Yahweh and it consumed them and they died before Yahweh.
3 Kisha Mose akamwambia Aroni, “Hili ndilo alilonena Bwana wakati aliposema: “‘Miongoni mwa wale watakaonikaribia nitajionyesha kuwa mtakatifu; machoni pa watu wote nitaheshimiwa.’” Aroni akanyamaza.
And he said Moses to Aaron it [is that] which he spoke Yahweh - saying in midst my I will show myself holy and on [the] face of all the people I will gain glory and he was silent Aaron.
4 Mose akawaita Mishaeli na Elisafani, wana wa Uzieli mjomba wake Aroni, akawaambia, “Njooni hapa. Ondoeni miili ya binamu zenu mbele ya mahali patakatifu, mkaipeleke nje ya kambi.”
And he summoned Moses Mishael and Elzaphan [the] sons of Uzziel [the] uncle of Aaron and he said to them draw near carry relatives your from with [the] face of the holy place to from [the] outside of the camp.
5 Hivyo wakaja na kuwaondoa, wakiwa bado wamevalia makoti yao ya ibada, wakawapeleka nje ya kambi, kama Mose alivyoamuru.
And they drew near and they carried them in tunics their to from [the] outside of the camp just as he had spoken Moses.
6 Ndipo Mose akamwambia Aroni pamoja na wanawe, Eleazari na Ithamari, “Msifunue vichwa vyenu wala msirarue mavazi yenu, la sivyo mtakufa na Bwana ataikasirikia jumuiya nzima. Lakini ndugu zenu, nyumba yote ya Israeli, wanaweza kuwaombolezea wale ambao Bwana amewaangamiza kwa moto.
And he said Moses to Aaron and to Eleazar and to Ithamar - sons his heads your may not you let loose - and garments your not you must tear and not you will die and towards all the congregation he will be angry and relatives your all [the] house of Israel they will weep for the burning which he has burned Yahweh.
7 Msitoke nje ya ingilio la Hema la Kukutania, la sivyo mtakufa, kwa sababu mafuta ya Bwana ya upako yako juu yenu.” Hivyo wakafanya kama vile Mose alivyosema.
And from [the] entrance of [the] tent of meeting not you must go out lest you should die for [the] oil of [the] anointing of Yahweh [is] on you and they did according to [the] word of Moses.
8 Kisha Bwana akamwambia Aroni,
And he spoke Yahweh to Aaron saying.
9 “Wewe na wanao msinywe mvinyo wala kinywaji kingine kilichochachuka wakati mwingiapo katika Hema la Kukutania, la sivyo mtakufa. Hili litakuwa Agizo la kudumu kwa vizazi vijavyo.
Wine and strong drink may not you drink - you - and sons your with you when go you into [the] tent of meeting and not you will die a statute of perpetuity to generations your.
10 Ni lazima mtenganishe kilicho kitakatifu na kile kilicho cha kawaida, kati ya yaliyo najisi na yaliyo safi,
And to separate between the holy thing and between the profane thing and between the unclean [thing] and between the clean [thing].
11 na lazima mwafundishe Waisraeli amri zote ambazo Bwana aliwapa kupitia Mose.”
And to teach [the] people of Israel all the statutes which he has spoken Yahweh to them by [the] hand of Moses.
12 Mose akamwambia Aroni pamoja na wanawe waliosalia, Eleazari na Ithamari, “Chukueni sadaka ya nafaka iliyobaki kutoka sadaka zilizotolewa kwa Bwana kwa moto, muile hapo kando ya madhabahu ikiwa imeandaliwa bila chachu, kwa sababu ni takatifu sana.
And he spoke Moses to Aaron and to Eleazar and to Ithamar - sons his who remained take the grain offering which remains of [the] fire offerings of Yahweh and eat it unleavened bread beside the altar for [is] a holy thing of holy things it.
13 Mtaila katika mahali patakatifu kwa sababu ni fungu lenu na fungu la wana wenu la sadaka zilizotolewa kwa Bwana kwa moto, kwa maana hivyo ndivyo nilivyoamriwa.
And you will eat it in a place holy for [is] prescribed portion your and [the] prescribed portion of sons your it from [the] fire offerings of Yahweh for thus I have been commanded.
14 Lakini wewe na wanao na binti zako mwaweza kula kidari kile kilichoinuliwa na paja lile lililotolewa. Mtavila mahali safi pa kawaida ya ibada; mmepewa wewe na watoto wako kuwa fungu lenu la sadaka za amani za Waisraeli.
And [the] breast of the wave-offering and - [the] thigh of the contribution you will eat in a place pure you and sons your and daughters your with you for prescribed portion your and [the] prescribed portion of children your they have been given from [the] sacrifices of [the] peace offerings of [the] people of Israel.
15 Paja lile lililotolewa na kidari kile kilichoinuliwa lazima viletwe pamoja na sehemu za mafuta ya sadaka za kuteketezwa kwa moto, ili kuinuliwa mbele za Bwana kama sadaka ya kuinuliwa. Hili litakuwa fungu lako la kawaida na wanao, kama Bwana alivyoagiza.”
[the] thigh of The contribution and [the] breast of the wave-offering with [the] fire offerings of fat they will bring to wave a wave-offering before Yahweh and it will belong to you and to sons your with you to a prescribed portion of perpetuity just as he has commanded Yahweh.
16 Mose alipouliza kuhusu mbuzi atolewaye kwa ajili ya sadaka ya dhambi, na kukuta kwamba ameteketezwa, aliwakasirikia Eleazari na Ithamari, wana wa Aroni waliobaki, akawauliza,
And - [the] male goat of the sin offering carefully he sought Moses and there! it had been burned and he was angry towards Eleazar and towards Ithamar [the] sons of Aaron remaining saying.
17 “Kwa nini hamkula sadaka ya dhambi katika eneo la mahali patakatifu? Ni takatifu sana. Mlipewa ninyi ili kuondoa hatia ya jumuiya kwa ajili ya kuwafanyia upatanisho mbele za Bwana.
Why? not did you eat the sin offering in [the] place of holiness for [is] a holy thing of holy things it and it - he gave to you to bear [the] iniquity of the congregation to make atonement on them before Yahweh.
18 Kwa kuwa damu yake haikuletwa ndani ya Mahali Patakatifu, mngemla mbuzi huyo katika sehemu ya mahali patakatifu kama nilivyoagiza.”
Here! not it was brought blood its into the holy place within certainly you will eat it in the holy place just as I commanded.
19 Aroni akamjibu Mose, “Leo wanangu wametoa sadaka zao za dhambi na sadaka zao za kuteketezwa mbele za Bwana, lakini mambo kama haya yamenitokea mimi. Je, Bwana angependezwa kama ningekuwa nimekula sadaka ya dhambi leo?”
And he spoke Aaron to Moses here! this day they have presented sin offering their and burnt offering their before Yahweh and they have happened to me like these [things] and I will eat a sin offering this day ¿ will it be good in [the] eyes of Yahweh.
20 Mose aliposikia haya, akaridhika.
And he heard Moses and it was good in view his.

< Mambo ya Walawi 10 >