< Kutoka 19 >

1 Mnamo mwezi wa tatu baada ya Waisraeli kuondoka Misri, siku kama iyo hiyo, wakafika katika Jangwa la Sinai.
In the month third of [the] going out of [the] people of Israel from [the] land of Egypt on the day this they came [the] wilderness of Sinai.
2 Baada ya kuondoka Refidimu, waliingia katika Jangwa la Sinai na Israeli wakapiga kambi pale jangwani mbele ya mlima.
And they set out from Rephidim and they came [the] wilderness of Sinai and they encamped in the wilderness and it encamped there Israel before the mountain.
3 Kisha Mose akakwea kwenda kwa Mungu, naye Bwana akamwita kutoka kwenye ule mlima akasema, “Hivi ndivyo utakavyosema na nyumba ya Yakobo na utakachowaambia watu wa Israeli:
And Moses he went up to God and he called to him Yahweh from the mountain saying thus you will say to [the] house of Jacob so you may tell to [the] people of Israel.
4 ‘Ninyi wenyewe mmeona nililofanya huko Misri, jinsi nilivyowabeba kwenye mbawa za tai na kuwaleta kwangu.
You you have seen [that] which I did to Egypt and I carried you on wings of eagles and I brought you to myself.
5 Sasa kama mkinitii kikamilifu na kutunza Agano langu, basi ninyi mtakuwa mali yangu ya thamani kubwa miongoni mwa mataifa yote. Ijapokuwa dunia yote ni mali yangu,
And therefore certainly [if] you will listen to voice my and you will keep covenant my and you will be of me a possession from all the peoples for [belongs] to me all the earth.
6 ninyi mtakuwa kwangu ufalme wa makuhani na taifa takatifu.’ Haya ndiyo maneno utakayosema kwa wana wa Israeli.”
And you you will be for me a kingdom of priests and a nation holy these [are] the words which you will speak to [the] people of Israel.
7 Kwa hiyo Mose akarudi, akawaita wazee wa watu na kuwaambia maneno yote ambayo Bwana alikuwa amemwamuru ayaseme.
And he went Moses and he summoned [the] elders of the people and he set before them all the words these which he had commanded him Yahweh.
8 Watu wote wakajibu kwa pamoja, “Tutafanya kila kitu Bwana alichokisema.” Naye Mose akarudisha majibu yao kwa Bwana.
And they answered all the people together and they said all that he has spoken Yahweh we will do and he brought back Moses [the] words of the people to Yahweh.
9 Bwana akamwambia Mose, “Nitakujia katika wingu zito, ili watu wanisikie nikinena nawe na kila mara waweke tumaini lao kwako.” Kisha Mose akamwambia Bwana yale ambayo watu walikuwa wamesema.
And he said Yahweh to Moses here! I [am] about to come to you in [the] dark cloud of the cloud in order that may hear the people when speak I with you and also in you they will trust for ever and he told Moses [the] words of the people to Yahweh.
10 Naye Bwana akamwambia Mose, “Nenda kwa watu ukawaweke wakfu leo na kesho. Waambie wafue nguo zao
And he said Yahweh to Moses go to the people and you will consecrate them this day and tomorrow and they will wash clothes their.
11 na wawe tayari siku ya tatu, kwa sababu siku hiyo, Bwana atashuka juu ya mlima Sinai machoni pa watu wote.
And they will be prepared for the day third for - on the day third he will come down Yahweh to [the] eyes of all the people on [the] mountain of Sinai.
12 Weka mipaka kuzunguka mlima kwa ajili ya watu, uwaambie, ‘Mwe waangalifu, msije mkapanda mlimani au kuugusa. Yeyote atakayeugusa mlima hakika atauawa.
And you will set a boundary for the people all around saying take heed to yourselves to go up on the mountain and to touch edge its every [one who] touches the mountain certainly he will be put to death.
13 Hakika atapigwa mawe au kupigwa mishale; mkono wa mtu hautamgusa. Akiwa mwanadamu au mnyama, hataruhusiwa kuishi.’ Ila tu wakati baragumu itakapopigwa kwa mfululizo, ndipo watu wote watakapopanda mlimani.”
Not it will touch him a hand for certainly he will be stoned to death or certainly he will be shot whether an animal or a human not it will live when sounds the ram's horn they they will go up on the mountain.
14 Baada ya Mose kushuka kutoka mlimani akawaendea watu na kuwaweka wakfu, wakafua nguo zao.
And he went down Moses from the mountain to the people and he consecrated the people and they washed clothes their.
15 Kisha akawaambia watu, “Jitayarisheni kwa ajili ya siku ya tatu. Mwanaume yeyote asimkaribie mwanamke.”
And he said to the people be prepared to three days may not you draw near to a woman.
16 Asubuhi ya siku ya tatu kulikuwa na ngurumo na radi pamoja na wingu nene juu ya mlima na mlio mkubwa sana wa tarumbeta. Kila mmoja aliyekuwa kambini akatetemeka.
And it was on the day third when came the morning and it was thunder claps and lightning and a cloud heavy on the mountain and [the] sound of a ram's horn strong very and it trembled all the people which [was] in the camp.
17 Kisha Mose akawaongoza watu kutoka kambini kukutana na Mungu, nao wakasimama chini ya mlima.
And he led out Moses the people to meet God from the camp and they stood at [the] lower part of the mountain.
18 Mlima Sinai ulikuwa umefunikwa na moshi, kwa sababu Bwana alishuka juu yake katika moto. Moshi wa moto huo ulipanda juu kama moshi kutoka kwenye tanuru kubwa na mlima wote ukatetemeka kwa nguvu nyingi,
And [the] mountain of Sinai it was smoking all of it because that he had come down on it Yahweh in fire and it went up smoke its like [the] smoke of furnace and it trembled all the mountain exceedingly.
19 nayo sauti ya tarumbeta ikawa kubwa zaidi na zaidi. Kisha Mose akazungumza na sauti ya Bwana ikamjibu.
And it was [the] sound of the ram's horn going and strong very Moses he spoke and God he answered him with a voice.
20 Bwana akashuka juu ya Mlima Sinai na akamwita Mose apande juu mlimani. Kwa hiyo Mose akapanda juu,
And he came down Yahweh on [the] mountain of Sinai to [the] top of the mountain and he summoned Yahweh Moses to [the] top of the mountain and he went up Moses.
21 naye Bwana akamwambia Mose, “Shuka ukawaonye watu ili wasijipenyeze kutafuta kumwona Bwana na wengi wao wakafa.
And he said Yahweh to Moses go down warn the people lest they should break through to Yahweh to see and it will fall of it many.
22 Hata makuhani, watakaomkaribia Bwana ni lazima wajiweke wakfu, la sivyo Bwana atawaadhibu.”
And also the priests who draw near to Yahweh they will make themselves holy lest he should break out against them Yahweh.
23 Mose akamwambia Bwana, “Watu hawawezi kupanda mlima Sinai kwa sababu wewe mwenyewe ulituonya ukisema, ‘Wekeni mipaka kuuzunguka mlima na kuutenga kama patakatifu.’”
And he said Moses to Yahweh not it is able the people to go up to [the] mountain of Sinai for you you warned us saying set a boundary for the mountain and you will consecrate it.
24 Bwana akajibu, “Shuka ukamlete Aroni pamoja nawe. Lakini makuhani pamoja na watu wasije wakalazimisha kuja kwa Bwana, nisije nikawaadhibu.”
And he said to him Yahweh go go down and you will come up you and Aaron with you and the priests and the people may not they break through to come up to Yahweh lest he should break out against them.
25 Basi Mose akashuka kwa watu na kuwaambia lile aliloambiwa.
And he went down Moses to the people and he spoke to them.

< Kutoka 19 >