< Danieli 7 >

1 Katika mwaka wa kwanza wa utawala wa Belshaza mfalme wa Babeli, Danieli aliota ndoto, nayo maono yakapita mawazoni yake alipokuwa amelala kitandani mwake. Akayaandika mambo aliyoyaona katika ndoto yake.
In year one of Belshazzar [the] king of Babylon Daniel a dream he saw and [the] visions of head his on bed his then dream the he wrote [the] head of matters he said.
2 Danieli akasema: “Katika maono yangu usiku nilitazama, na hapo mbele yangu kulikuwepo na upepo kutoka pande nne za mbingu, ukivuruga bahari kuu.
[was] replying Daniel and [was] saying seeing I was in vision my with night the and lo! [the] four [the] winds of heavens the [were] stirring up sea the great.
3 Wanyama wanne wakubwa, kila mmoja tofauti na mwenzake, wakajitokeza kutoka bahari.
And four beasts great [were] coming up from sea the [they were] different this [one] from this [one].
4 “Mnyama wa kwanza alifanana na simba, naye alikuwa na mabawa kama ya tai. Nikatazama mpaka mabawa yake yalipongʼolewa, naye akainuliwa katika nchi, akasimama kwa miguu miwili kama mwanadamu, naye akapewa moyo wa binadamu.
First the [was] like a lion and wings of an eagle [were] to it seeing I was until that they were plucked off wings its and it was lifted away from earth the and on two feet like a human it was made to stand and a heart of a human it was given to it.
5 “Hapo mbele yangu kulikuwa na mnyama wa pili, ambaye alionekana kama dubu. Upande wake mmoja ulikuwa umeinuka, na alikuwa na mbavu tatu katika kinywa chake kati ya meno yake. Akaambiwa, ‘Amka, ule nyama mpaka ushibe!’
And lo! a beast another a second [was] like a bear and to a side one it was raised and three ribs [were] in mouth its between (tooth its *Q(K)*) and as follows [they were] saying to it arise devour! flesh much.
6 “Baada ya huyo, nilitazama, na mbele yangu kulikuwa na mnyama mwingine, aliyefanana na chui. Juu ya mgongo wake alikuwa na mabawa manne kama ya ndege. Mnyama huyu alikuwa na vichwa vinne, naye akapewa mamlaka ya kutawala.
After this seeing I was and lo! another like a leopard and to it wings four of a bird [were] on (back its *Q(K)*) and four heads [were] to beast the and dominion it was given to it.
7 “Baada ya huyo, katika maono yangu usiku nilitazama, na mbele yangu kulikuwa na mnyama wa nne, mwenye kutisha na kuogofya, tena mwenye nguvu nyingi. Alikuwa na meno makubwa ya chuma; akapondaponda na kuangamiza wahanga wake, na kukanyaga chini ya nyayo zake chochote kilichosalia. Alikuwa tofauti na wanyama wote waliotangulia, naye alikuwa na pembe kumi.
After this seeing I was in [the] visions of night the and lo! a beast (fourth *Q(k)*) [was] fearful and terrible and strong exceedingly and teeth of iron [were] to it great [it was] devouring and [it was] shattering and rest the (with foot its *Q(K)*) [it was] trampling and it [was] different from all beasts the which [was] before it and horns ten [were] to it.
8 “Wakati nilipokuwa ninafikiri kuhusu pembe hizo, mbele yangu kulikuwa na pembe nyingine, ambayo ni ndogo, iliyojitokeza miongoni mwa zile kumi; pembe tatu za mwanzoni zilingʼolewa ili kuipa nafasi hiyo ndogo. Pembe hii ilikuwa na macho kama ya mwanadamu, na mdomo ulionena kwa majivuno.
Considering I was horns the and lo! a horn another small it came up (between them *Q(K)*) and three of horns the former (they were uprooted *Q(K)*) from (before it *Q(k)*) and lo! eyes like [the] eyes of humankind [were] on horn the this and a mouth [was] speaking great [things].
9 “Nilipoendelea kutazama, “viti vya enzi vikawekwa, naye Mzee wa Siku akaketi. Mavazi yake yalikuwa meupe kama theluji; nywele za kichwa chake zilikuwa nyeupe kama sufu. Kiti chake cha enzi kilikuwa kinawaka kwa miali ya moto, nayo magurudumu yake yote yalikuwa yanawaka moto.
Seeing I was until that thrones they were placed and [one] ancient of days he sat clothing his - like snow [was] white and [the] hair of head his like wool [was] pure throne his [was] flames of fire wheels its [were] fire burning.
10 Mto wa moto ulikuwa unatiririka, ukipita mbele yake. Maelfu elfu wakamhudumia; kumi elfu mara kumi elfu wakasimama mbele zake. Mahakama ikakaa kuhukumu, na vitabu vikafunguliwa.
A river of fire [was] flowing and [was] coming out from before him a thousand of (thousands *Q(k)*) they were ministering to him and a myriad of (myriads *Q(k)*) before him they were standing court the it sat and books they were opened.
11 “Kisha nikaendelea kutazama kwa sababu ya yale maneno ya majivuno yaliyosemwa na ile pembe. Nikaendelea kuangalia mpaka yule mnyama alipouawa, na mwili wake ukaharibiwa na kutupwa katika ule moto uliowaka.
Seeing I was then from [the] sound of words the great which horn the [was] speaking seeing I was until that it was killed beast the and it was destroyed body its and it was given to [the] burning of fire.
12 (Wanyama wengine walikuwa wamevuliwa mamlaka yao, lakini waliruhusiwa kuishi kwa muda fulani.)
And [the] rest of beasts the they removed dominion their and a prolonging in life it was given to them until a time and a time.
13 “Katika maono yangu ya usiku nilitazama, na mbele yangu nikamwona anayefanana na mwanadamu, akija pamoja na mawingu ya mbinguni. Akamkaribia huyo Mzee wa Siku, na akaongozwa mbele zake.
Seeing I was in [the] visions of night the and lo! with [the] clouds of heavens the like a son of man coming he was and to [the] [one] ancient of days he reached and before him they brought near him.
14 Akapewa mamlaka, utukufu na ufalme wenye nguvu; nao watu wa kabila zote, mataifa, na watu wa kila lugha wakamwabudu. Utawala wake ni utawala wa milele ambao hautapita, nao ufalme wake ni ule ambao kamwe hautaangamizwa.
And to him it was given dominion and honor and a kingdom and all peoples the nations the and languages the to him they will pay reverence dominion his [was] a dominion of perpetuity which not it will pass away and kingdom his which not it will be destroyed.
15 “Mimi, Danieli, nilipata mahangaiko rohoni, nayo maono yale yaliyopita ndani ya mawazo yangu yalinisumbua.
It was distressed spirit my I Daniel in [the] midst of [the] sheath and [the] visions of head my they alarmed me.
16 Nikamkaribia mmoja wa wale waliosimama pale na kumuuliza maana halisi ya haya yote. “Basi akaniambia na kunipa tafsiri ya vitu hivi:
I approached to one of [ones] standing the and truth the I was asking from him concerning all this and he said to me and [the] interpretation of matters the he made known to me.
17 ‘Hao wanyama wanne wakubwa ni falme nne zitakazoinuka duniani.
These beasts the great which they [are] four four kings they will arise from earth the.
18 Lakini watakatifu wa Yeye Aliye Juu Sana watapokea ufalme na kuumiliki milele: naam, milele na milele.’
So they may receive kingdom the [the] holy [ones] of [the] Most High so they may take possession of kingdom the until perpetuity and until perpetuity of perpetuities.
19 “Kisha nilitaka kufahamu maana ya kweli ya mnyama yule wa nne, ambaye alikuwa tofauti na wale wengine wote, tena wa kutisha sana, na meno yake ya chuma na makucha ya shaba: mnyama ambaye alipondaponda na kuangamiza wahanga wake, na kukanyaga chochote kilichosalia.
Then I desired to make certain concerning beast the fourth which it was different from (all of them *Q(K)*) [it was] terrible exceedingly (tooth its *Q(K)*) of iron and claws its of bronze [it was] devouring [it was] shattering and rest the with feet its [it was] trampling.
20 Pia mimi nilitaka kujua kuhusu zile pembe kumi juu ya kichwa chake, na pia kuhusu ile pembe nyingine iliyojitokeza, ambayo mbele yake zile tatu za mwanzoni zilianguka, ile pembe ambayo ilionekana kuvutia macho zaidi kuliko zile nyingine, na ambayo ilikuwa na macho na kinywa kilichonena kwa majivuno.
And concerning horns the ten which [were] on head its and another [horn] which it came up (and they fell *Q(K)*) from (before it *Q(k)*) three [horns] and horn the this and eyes [were] to it and a mouth [was] speaking great [things] and appearance its [was] great more than companion its.
21 Nilipoendelea kutazama, pembe hii ilikuwa inapigana vita dhidi ya watakatifu na kuwashinda,
Seeing I was and horn the this [was] making war with [the] holy [ones] and [it was] prevailing to them.
22 mpaka huyo Mzee wa Siku alipokuja na kutamka hukumu kwa kuwapa ushindi watakatifu wa Yeye Aliye Juu Sana, na wakati ukawadia walipoumiliki ufalme.
Until that he came [the] [one] ancient of days and judgment it was given for [the] holy [ones] of [the] Most High and appointed time the it arrived and kingdom the they took possession of [the] holy [ones].
23 “Alinipa maelezo haya: ‘Mnyama wa nne ni ufalme wa nne ambao utatokea duniani. Utakuwa tofauti na falme nyingine zote, nao utaharibu dunia nzima, ukiikanyaga chini na kuipondaponda.
As follows he said beast the fourth a kingdom (fourth the *Q(k)*) it will be on earth the which it will be different from all kingdoms the so it may devour all earth the and it will tread down it and it will shatter it.
24 Zile pembe kumi ni wafalme kumi watakaotokana na ufalme huu. Baada yao mfalme mwingine atainuka, ambaye atakuwa tofauti na wale waliotangulia, naye atawaangusha wafalme watatu.
And horns the ten from it kingdom the ten kings they will arise and another he will arise after them and he he will be different from former [kings] the and three kings he will bring low.
25 Atanena maneno kinyume cha Yeye Aliye Juu Sana na kuwaonea watakatifu wake, huku akijaribu kubadili majira na sheria. Watakatifu watatiwa chini ya mamlaka yake kwa wakati, nyakati mbili, na nusu wakati.
And words to [the] side of (Most High the *Q(k)*) he will speak and [the] holy [ones] of [the] Most High he will wear out so he may think to change appointed times and law so they may be given in hand his until a time and times and half of a time.
26 “‘Lakini mahakama itakaa kuhukumu, nayo mamlaka yake yataondolewa na kuangamizwa kabisa milele.
And court the it will sit and dominion his they will remove to annihilate and to destroy until end the.
27 Ndipo ufalme, mamlaka na ukuu wa falme chini ya mbingu yote utakabidhiwa kwa watakatifu, watu wa Yeye Aliye Juu Sana. Ufalme wake utakuwa ufalme wa milele, nao watawala wote watamwabudu na kumtii yeye.’
And kingdom the and dominion the and greatness the of kingdoms under all heavens the it was given to a people [the] holy [ones] of [the] Most High kingdom his [will be] a kingdom of perpetuity and all empires the to him they will pay reverence so they may obey.
28 “Huu ndio mwisho wa jambo lile. Mimi Danieli nilitaabika sana katika mawazo yangu, nao uso wangu ukabadilika, lakini nililiweka jambo hilo moyoni mwangu.”
To here end the of matter the I Daniel exceedingly - thoughts my they alarmed me and brightness my they were changed on me and matter the in heart my I have kept.

< Danieli 7 >