< 1 Crónicas 10 >

1 Los filisteos combatieron contra Israel. Los hombres de Israel huyeron de los filisteos y cayeron muertos en la montaña Gilboa.
And [the] Philistines they fought against Israel and he fled [the] man of Israel from before [the] Philistines and they fell slain on [the] mountain of Gilboa.
2 Los filisteos siguieron de cerca a Saúl y a sus hijos. Mataron a Jonatán, a Abinadab y a Malquisúa, hijos de Saúl.
And they pursued closely [the] Philistines after Saul and after sons his and they struck down [the] Philistines Jonathan and Abinadab and Malki-Shua [the] sons of Saul.
3 Arreció la batalla contra Saúl. Los flecheros lo alcanzaron y fue herido por ellos.
And it was heavy the battle on Saul and they found him the archers with the bow and he was in severe pain from the archers.
4 Entonces Saúl dijo a su escudero: Saca tu espada y traspásame con ella, no sea que estos incircuncisos vengan y me escarnezcan. Pero su escudero no quiso, porque tenía gran temor. Entonces Saúl tomó la espada y se echó sobre ella.
And he said Saul to [the] bearer of weapons his draw out sword your - and pierce through me with it lest they should come the uncircumcised [men] these and they will deal wantonly with me and not he was willing [the] bearer of weapons his for he was afraid exceedingly. And he took Saul the sword and he fell on it.
5 Al ver que Saúl moría, su escudero también se echó sobre la suya y murió.
And he saw [the] bearer of weapons his that he had died Saul and he fell also he on the sword and he died.
6 Así murió Saúl con sus tres hijos. Todos los de su casa murieron juntamente con él.
And he died Saul and three of sons his and all household his together they died.
7 Cuando todos los hombres de Israel que estaban en el valle vieron que Saúl y sus hijos murieron, abandonaron sus ciudades y huyeron. Entonces los filisteos vinieron y vivieron en ellas.
And they saw every man of Israel who [was] in the valley that they had fled and that they had died Saul and sons his and they abandoned cities their and they fled and they came [the] Philistines and they dwelt in them.
8 El día siguiente aconteció que los filisteos fueron a despojar a los muertos y hallaron a Saúl y a sus hijos tendidos en la montaña Gilboa.
And it was from [the] next day and they came [the] Philistines to strip the [ones] slain and they found Saul and sons his fallen on [the] mountain of Gilboa.
9 Lo despojaron y tomaron su cabeza y sus armas. Enviaron mensajeros por toda la tierra de los filisteos para dar las noticias a sus ídolos y al pueblo.
And they stripped him and they took head his and weapons his and they sent in [the] land of [the] Philistines all around to bear [the] news to idols their and the people.
10 Colgaron sus armas en el templo de sus ʼelohim y clavaron su cabeza en el templo de Dagón.
And they put weapons his [the] house of gods their and skull his they fixed [the] house of Dagon.
11 Cuando todos los de Jabes de Galaad oyeron todo lo que los filisteos hicieron a Saúl,
And they heard all Jabesh Gilead all that they had done [the] Philistines to Saul.
12 se levantaron todos los hombres valientes, tomaron los cadáveres de Saúl y sus hijos y los llevaron a Jabes. Sepultaron sus restos debajo del roble de Jabes y ayunaron siete días.
And they arose every man of strength and they took [the] corpse of Saul and [the] corpses of sons his and they brought them Jabesh towards and they buried bones their under the oak in Jabesh and they fasted seven days.
13 Así murió Saúl a causa de su infidelidad que cometió contra Yavé, contra la Palabra de Yavé, la cual no guardó. Aun consultó a una evocadora de espíritus de muertos,
And he died Saul in unfaithfulness his which he had acted unfaithfully against Yahweh on [the] word of Yahweh which not he kept and also to consult by necromancy to consult.
14 y no consultó a Yavé. Por esa causa lo mató y traspasó el reino a David, hijo de Isaí.
And not he consulted Yahweh and he put to death him and he turned over the kingship to David [the] son of Jesse.

< 1 Crónicas 10 >