< Juan 4 >
1 Por eso, cuando el Señor supo que los fariseos habían oído que Jesús hacía y bautizaba más discípulos que Juan
Now as soon as the Master was aware that the Pharisees had heard it said, "Jesus is gaining and baptizing more disciples than John"--
2 (aunque Jesús mismo no bautizaba, sino sus discípulos),
though Jesus Himself did not baptize them, but His disciples did--
3 abandonó Judea y partió hacia Galilea.
He left Judaea and returned to Galilee.
4 Tenía que pasar por Samaria.
His road lay through Samaria,
5 Y llegó a una ciudad de Samaria llamada Sicar, cerca de la parcela que Jacob dio a su hijo José.
and so He came to Sychar, a town in Samaria near the piece of land that Jacob gave to his son Joseph.
6 Allí estaba el pozo de Jacob. Jesús, cansado del viaje, se sentó junto al pozo. Era como la hora sexta.
Jacob's Well was there: and accordingly Jesus, tired out with His journey, sat down by the well to rest. It was about six o'clock in the evening.
7 Una mujer de Samaria vino a sacar agua. Jesús le dijo: “Dame de beber”.
Presently there came a woman of Samaria to draw water. Jesus asked her to give Him some water;
8 Porque sus discípulos habían ido a la ciudad a comprar comida.
for His disciples were gone to the town to buy provisions.
9 La samaritana le dijo entonces: “¿Cómo es que tú, siendo judío, me pides de beber a mi, una samaritana?” (Porque los judíos no tienen trato con los samaritanos).
"How is it," replied the woman, "that a Jew like you asks me, who am a woman and a Samaritan, for water?" (For Jews have no dealings with Samaritans.)
10 Jesús le contestó: “Si conocieras el don de Dios y quién es el que te dice: “Dame de beber”, se lo habrías pedido a él y te habría dado agua viva.”
"If you had known God's free gift," replied Jesus, "and who it is that said to you, 'Give me some water,' you would have asked Him, and He would have given you living water."
11 La mujer le dijo: “Señor, no tienes con qué sacarla, y el pozo es profundo. ¿De dónde sacas esa agua viva?
"Sir," she said, "you have nothing to draw with, and the well is deep; so where can you get the living water from?
12 ¿Acaso eres más grande que nuestro padre Jacob, que nos dio el pozo y él mismo bebió de él, al igual que sus hijos y su ganado?”
Are you greater than our forefather Jacob, who gave us the well, and himself drank from it, as did also his sons and his cattle?"
13 Jesús le contestó: “Todo el que beba de esta agua volverá a tener sed,
"Every one," replied Jesus, "who drinks any of this water will be thirsty again;
14 pero el que beba del agua que yo le daré no volverá a tener sed, sino que el agua que yo le daré se convertirá en él en una fuente de agua que salta hasta la vida eterna.” (aiōn , aiōnios )
but whoever drinks any of the water that I shall give him will never, never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will become a fountain within him of water springing up for the Life of the Ages." (aiōn , aiōnios )
15 La mujer le dijo: “Señor, dame esta agua, para que no tenga sed ni venga hasta aquí a sacarla”.
"Sir," said the woman, "give me that water, that I may never be thirsty, nor continually come all the way here to draw from the well."
16 Jesús le dijo: “Ve, llama a tu marido y ven aquí”.
"Go and call your husband," said Jesus; "and come back."
17 La mujer respondió: “No tengo marido”. Jesús le dijo: “Has dicho bien: “No tengo marido”,
"I have no husband," she replied. "You rightly say that you have no husband," said Jesus;
18 porque has tenido cinco maridos; y el que ahora tienes no es tu marido. Esto lo has dicho con verdad”.
"for you have had five husbands, and the man you have at present is not your husband. You have spoken the truth in saying that."
19 La mujer le dijo: “Señor, me doy cuenta de que eres un profeta.
"Sir," replied the woman, "I see that you are a Prophet.
20 Nuestros padres adoraban en este monte, y vosotros los judíos decís que en Jerusalén es el lugar donde se debe adorar.”
Our forefathers worshipped on this mountain, but you Jews say that the place where people must worship is in Jerusalem."
21 Jesús le dijo: “Mujer, créeme, que viene la hora en que ni en este monte ni en Jerusalén adoraréis al Padre.
"Believe me," said Jesus, "the time is coming when you will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem.
22 Vosotros adoráis lo que no conocéis. Nosotros adoramos lo que conocemos, porque la salvación viene de los judíos.
You worship One of whom you know nothing. We worship One whom we know; for salvation comes from the Jews.
23 Pero viene la hora, y ahora es, cuando los verdaderos adoradores adorarán al Padre en espíritu y en verdad, porque el Padre busca a los tales para que sean sus adoradores.
But a time is coming--nay, has already come--when the true worshippers will worship the Father with true spiritual worship; for indeed the Father desires such worshippers.
24 Dios es espíritu, y los que lo adoran deben hacerlo en espíritu y en verdad.”
God is Spirit; and those who worship Him must bring Him true spiritual worship."
25 La mujer le dijo: “Sé que viene el Mesías, el que es llamado Cristo. Cuando haya venido, nos declarará todas las cosas”.
"I know," replied the woman, "that Messiah is coming--'the Christ,' as He is called. When He has come, He will tell us everything."
26 Jesús le dijo: “Yo soy, el que te habla”.
"I am He," said Jesus--"I who am now talking to you."
27 En ese momento llegaron sus discípulos. Se maravillaron de que hablara con una mujer; pero nadie dijo: “¿Qué buscas?” o “¿Por qué hablas con ella?”.
Just then His disciples came, and were surprised to find Him talking with a woman. Yet not one of them asked Him, "What is your wish?" or "Why are you talking with her?"
28 Entonces la mujer dejó su cántaro, se fue a la ciudad y dijo a la gente:
The woman however, leaving her pitcher, went away to the town, and called the people.
29 “Venid a ver a un hombre que me ha contado todo lo que he hecho. ¿Será éste el Cristo?”
"Come," she said, "and see a man who has told me everything I have ever done. Can this be the Christ, do you think?"
30 Salieron de la ciudad y se acercaron a él.
They left the town and set out to go to Him.
31 Mientras tanto, los discípulos le urgían diciendo: “Rabí, come”.
Meanwhile the disciples were urging Jesus. "Rabbi," they said, "eat something."
32 Pero él les dijo: “Tengo comida para comer que vosotros no sabéis”.
"I have food to eat," He replied, "of which you do not know."
33 Entonces los discípulos se dijeron unos a otros: “¿Alguien le ha traído algo de comer?”
So the disciples began questioning one another. "Can it be," they said, "that some one has brought Him something to eat?"
34 Jesús les dijo: “Mi comida es hacer la voluntad del que me envió y cumplir su obra.
"My food," said Jesus, "is to be obedient to Him who sent me, and fully to accomplish His work.
35 ¿No decís que aún faltan cuatro meses para la cosecha? Pues os digo, alzad vuestros ojos y mirad los campos, que ya están blancos para la cosecha.
Do you not say, 'It wants four months yet to the harvest'? But look round, I tell you, and observe these plains-- they are already ripe for the sickle.
36 El que cosecha recibe el salario y recoge el fruto para la vida eterna, para que tanto el que siembra como el que cosecha se alegren juntos. (aiōnios )
The reaper gets pay and gathers in a crop in preparation for the Life of the Ages, that so the sower and the reapers may rejoice together. (aiōnios )
37 Porque en esto es cierto el dicho: “Uno siembra y otro cosecha”.
For it is in this that you see the real meaning of the saying, 'The sower is one person, and the reaper is another.'
38 Yo os he enviado a cosechar lo que no habéis trabajado. Otros han trabajado, y vosotros habéis entrado en sus labores.
I sent you to reap a harvest which is not the result of your own labours. Others have laboured, and you are getting benefit from their labours."
39 De aquella ciudad muchos samaritanos creyeron en él por la palabra de la mujer, que testificó: “Me ha dicho todo lo que he hecho.”
Of the Samaritan population of that town a good many believed in Him because of the woman's statement when she declared, "He has told me all that I have ever done."
40 Así que los samaritanos se acercaron a él y le rogaron que se quedara con ellos. Se quedó allí dos días.
When however the Samaritans came to Him, they asked Him on all sides to stay with them; and He stayed there two days.
41 Muchos más creyeron gracias a su palabra.
Then a far larger number of people believed because of His own words,
42 Dijeron a la mujer: “Ahora creemos, no por lo que tú dices; porque hemos oído por nosotros mismos, y sabemos que éste es verdaderamente el Cristo, el Salvador del mundo.”
and they said to the woman, "We no longer believe in Him simply because of your statements; for we have now heard for ourselves, and we know that this man really is the Saviour of the world."
43 Después de los dos días, salió de allí y se fue a Galilea.
After the two days He departed, and went into Galilee;
44 Porque el mismo Jesús dio testimonio de que un profeta no tiene honor en su propia tierra.
though Jesus Himself declared that a Prophet has no honour in his own country.
45 Cuando llegó a Galilea, los galileos le recibieron, habiendo visto todo lo que hizo en Jerusalén en la fiesta, pues también ellos habian ido a la fiesta.
When however He reached Galilee, the Galilaeans welcomed Him eagerly, having been eye-witnesses of all that He had done in Jerusalem at the Festival; for they also had been to the Festival.
46 Vino, pues, Jesús de nuevo a Caná de Galilea, donde convirtió el agua en vino. Había un noble cuyo hijo estaba enfermo en Capernaúm.
So He came once more to Cana in Galilee, where He had made the water into wine. Now there was a certain officer of the King's court whose son was ill at Capernaum.
47 Cuando se enteró de que Jesús había salido de Judea a Galilea, fue a él y le rogó que bajara a curar a su hijo, porque estaba a punto de morir.
Having heard that Jesus had come from Judaea to Galilee, he came to Him and begged Him to go down and cure his son; for he was at the point of death.
48 Entonces Jesús le dijo: “Si no viereis señales y prodigios, de ninguna manera creeréis”.
"Unless you and others see miracles and marvels," said Jesus, "nothing will induce you to believe."
49 El noble le dijo: “Señor, baja antes de que muera mi hijo”.
"Sir," pleaded the officer, "come down before my child dies."
50 Jesús le dijo: “Vete. Tu hijo vive”. El hombre creyó en la palabra que Jesús le había dicho, y se fue.
"You may return home," replied Jesus; "your son has recovered." He believed the words of Jesus, and started back home;
51 Mientras bajaba, sus siervos le salieron al encuentro y le informaron diciendo: “¡Tu hijo vive!”
and he was already on his way down when his servants met him and told him that his son was alive and well.
52 Entonces les preguntó a qué hora había empezado a mejorar. Ellos le dijeron: “Ayer, a la hora séptima, le dejó la fiebre”.
So he inquired of them at what hour he had shown improvement. "Yesterday, about seven o'clock," they replied, "the fever left him."
53 Así que el padre supo que fue a esa hora cuando Jesús le dijo: “Tu hijo vive”. Creyó, al igual que toda su casa.
Then the father recollected that that was the time at which Jesus had said to him, "Your son has recovered," and he and his whole household became believers.
54 Esta es también la segunda señal que hizo Jesús, habiendo salido de Judea a Galilea.
This is the second miracle that Jesus performed, after coming from Judaea into Galilee.