< Psalmi 17 >
1 Usliši iskrenega, oh Gospod, bodi pozoren na moj klic, pazljivo prisluhni moji molitvi, ki ne prihaja iz hlinjenih ustnic.
A Prayer of David. Hear the right, O LORD, attend to my cry, give ear to my prayer, [that goeth] not out of feigned lips.
2 Naj moja razsodba pride iz tvoje prisotnosti, naj tvoje oči gledajo stvari, ki so pravične.
Let my sentence come forth from thy presence; let thy eyes behold the things that are equal.
3 Preizkusil si moje srce, obiskal si me ponoči, preizkusil si me, pa ničesar nisi našel; odločen sem, da moja usta ne bodo grešila.
Thou hast proved my heart; thou hast visited [me] in the night; thou hast tried me, [and] shalt find nothing; I have purposed [that] my mouth shall not transgress.
4 Kar se tiče človeških del, sem se po besedi tvojih ustnic varoval pred stezami uničevalca.
Concerning the works of men, by the word of thy lips I have kept [me from] the paths of the destroyer.
5 Podpiraj mojo smer življenja po tvojih stezah, da moje stopinje ne zdrsnejo.
Uphold my goings in thy paths, [that] my footsteps slip not.
6 Klical sem k tebi, kajti uslišal me boš, oh Bog. Nagni k meni svoje uho in usliši moj govor.
I have called upon thee, for thou wilt hear me, O God: incline thy ear to me, [and hear] my speech.
7 Pokaži svojo čudovito ljubečo skrbnost, oh ti, ki s svojo desnico rešuješ tiste, ki svoje trdno upanje polagajo vate pred tistimi, ki se vzdigujejo proti njim.
Show thy wonderful loving-kindness, O thou that savest by thy right hand them who put their trust [in thee] from those that rise up [against them].
8 Varuj me kakor zenico očesa, skrij me pod senco svojih peruti,
Keep me as the apple of the eye, hide me under the shade of thy wings.
9 pred zlobnimi, ki me zatirajo, pred mojimi smrtnimi sovražniki, ki me obdajajo naokrog.
From the wicked that oppress me, [from] my deadly enemies, [who] encompass me,
10 Zajeti so v svojo lastno maščobo. S svojimi usti govorijo ponosno.
They are inclosed in their own fat: with their mouth they speak proudly.
11 Sedaj so nas obdali na naših korakih. Svoje oči so naravnali in pripognili k zemlji,
They have now compassed us in our steps: they have set their eyes bowing down to the earth;
12 kakor lev, ki je pohlepen po svojem plenu in kakor bi bil mlad lev, ki preži na skrivnih krajih.
Like as a lion [that] is greedy of his prey, and as it were a young lion lurking in secret places.
13 Vzdigni se, oh Gospod, razočaraj ga, vrzi ga dol. Osvobodi mojo dušo pred zlobnim, kar je tvoj meč,
Arise, O LORD disappoint him, cast him down: deliver my soul from the wicked, [who is] thy sword:
14 pred ljudmi, ki so tvoja roka, oh Gospod, pred ljudmi sveta, ki imajo svoj delež v tem življenju in katerih trebuh napolnjuješ s svojim skritim zakladom. Polni so otrok in preostanek svojega imetja zapustijo svojim otročičem.
From men [who are] thy hand, O LORD, from men of the world, [who have] their portion in [this] life, and whose belly thou fillest with thy hid [treasure]: they are full of children, and leave the rest of their [substance] to their babes.
15 Kar se mene tiče, bom v pravičnosti gledal tvoj obraz. Ko se zbudim, bom nasičen s tvojo podobnostjo.
As for me, I shall behold thy face in righteousness: I shall be satisfied, when I awake, with thy likeness.