< Mapisarema 14 >

1 Kumutungamiri wokuimba. Pisarema raDhavhidhi. Benzi rinoti mumwoyo maro, “Hakuna Mwari.” Vakaora, mabasa avo akashata; hakuna anoita zvakanaka.
“To the chief musician, by David.” The worthless fool saith in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they are abominable [in their] doings, there is none that doth good.
2 Jehovha ari kudenga anotarira pasi pamusoro pavanakomana vavanhu, kuti aone kana aripo anonzwisisa, naani zvake anotsvaka Mwari.
The Lord looketh down from heaven upon the children of men, to see if there be one intelligent, one who seeketh for God.
3 Vose vakatsauka, vose pamwe chete vakasvibiswa; hakuna anoita zvakanaka, kunyange nomumwe.
They are all gone aside, they are altogether become corrupt: there is none that doth good, no, not even one.
4 Ko, vaiti vezvakaipa havadzidziwo here, ivo vanodya vanhu vangu savanhu vanodya chingwa, uye vasingadani kuna Jehovha?
Is there no knowledge in all the workers of wickedness? who eat up my people as they eat bread; [while] they do not call on the Lord.
5 Pavari ipapo, vakazara nokutya, nokuti Mwari ari paungano yavakarurama.
There are they terrified in terror; for God is with the righteous generation:
6 Imi vaiti vezvakaipa, munokanganisa urongwa hwavarombo, asi Jehovha ndiye utiziro hwavo.
The counsel of the poor [though] you put to shame; because the Lord is his protection.
7 Haiwa, dai ruponeso rwaIsraeri rwaibuda muZioni! Kana Jehovha achidzosazve nhaka yavanhu vake, Jakobho ngaapembere uye Israeri ngaafare.
Oh that some one might bring the salvation of Israel out of Zion! When the Lord bringeth back the captivity of his people, then will Jacob be glad, and Israel will rejoice.

< Mapisarema 14 >