< Mako 6 >

1 Jesu akabva ipapo akaenda kuguta rokwake, vadzidzi vake vachimutevera.
Jesus left [Capernaum city and went to his hometown, Nazareth]. His disciples went with him.
2 Sabata rakati rasvika, akatanga kudzidzisa musinagoge, uye vazhinji vakamunzwa vakashamiswa. Vakabvunza vachiti, “Murume uyu akawanepi zvinhu izvi? Uchenjeri hupi uhu hwaakapiwa hwokuti anotoita zvishamiso?
(On the Sabbath/On the Jewish rest day), [he entered] the Jewish worship house and taught [the people]. Many who were listening to him were astonished. [But some] were saying, “[This man is just an ordinary person like we are! So (we cannot believe that] this man [is able to teach us] about these things and that he has been made very wise {that [God] has made him very wise} and that he is performing such miracles![/how is it that] [RHQ] this man [is able to teach us] about these things and that he has been made very wise {that [God] has made him very wise} and that he is performing such miracles?) [RHQ]
3 Ko, haasiye muvezi here? Ko, haasiye mwanakomana waMaria here nomukoma waJakobho, Josefa, Judhasi naSimoni? Ko, hanzvadzi dzake hadzisi pano nesu here?” Uye vakagumburwa naye.
([We know that] he is [just an ordinary] carpenter!/Isn’t he [just an ordinary] carpenter [RHQ]?) [We know him and his family! We know] Mary his mother! ([We know] his [younger] brothers James, Joses, Judas and Simon!/Are not his [younger] brothers James, Joses, Judas and Simon?) [RHQ] And (his [younger] sisters also live here in this town!/do not his [younger] sisters also live here in this town?) [RHQ]” So they despised him.
4 Jesu akati kwavari, “Muprofita haakudzwi muguta romunyika yokwake, pakati pehama dzake, nomumba make chete.”
Jesus [knew that they refused to believe in him]. So he said to them, “[It is certainly true that] people honor [me and other] prophets [in other places, but] not in our hometowns! Even our relatives and the people who live in our own houses do not honor us!”
5 Haana kugona kuita zvishamiso zvipi zvazvo imomo, kunze kwokuisa maoko ake pamusoro pavanhu vashoma vairwara uye nokuvaporesa.
[So], although he healed a few sick people there by touching them, he [decided] not to perform many [other] miracles [in Nazareth] because the people there did not believe that he was the Messiah.
6 Akashamiswa nokusatenda kwavo. Ipapo Jesu akapota nemisha achidzidzisa.
He was amazed that they did not believe [in him]. Mark 6:6b-13 Jesus [and his disciples] went from town to town [in that region] teaching [the people].
7 Akadana kwaari vane gumi navaviri akavatuma vari vaviri vaviri uye akavapa simba pamusoro pemweya yakaipa.
[One day] he summoned the twelve [disciples], and then he [told them that] he was going to send them out two-by-two [to teach people in various towns]. He gave them power [to expel] evil spirits [from people].
8 Akavarayira achiti, “Musatora chinhu parwendo kunze kwetsvimbo; musatora chingwa, kana hombodo, kana mari muzvikwama zvenyu.
He also instructed them to wear sandals and to take along a walking stick when they were traveling. He told them not to take food, nor a bag [in which travelers carry supplies], nor any money for their journey. He also did not allow them to take extra clothing. [He wanted the people who heard their message to give them what they needed].
9 Mupfeke shangu asi kwete nguo yechipiri.
10 Pose pamunopinda mumba, garai imomo kusvikira mabva muguta iroro.
He also instructed them, “After you enter a town, [if someone invites you to stay in his house], go into his house. Eat and sleep in that same home until you leave that town.
11 Uye kana pane nzvimbo icharamba kukugamuchirai kana kukuteererai, muzunze guruva retsoka dzenyu pamunenge mobva, chive chapupu pamusoro pavo.”
Wherever the people do not welcome you and wherever the people do not listen to you, shake off the dust from your feet as you leave [that place]. By doing that, you will warn them [that God will punish them for rejecting your message].”
12 Vakabuda vakaenda kundoparidza kuti vanhu vatendeuke.
[So] after the disciples went out [to various towns], they were preaching that people should stop their sinful behavior.
13 Vakadzinga madhimoni mazhinji uye vakazodza mafuta vanhu vazhinji vairwara uye vakavaporesa.
They were also expelling many evil spirits [from people], and they were anointing many sick people with [olive] oil and healing them.
14 Mambo Herodhi akanzwa nezvazvo, nokuti zita raJesu rakanga rozivikanwa kwazvo. Vamwe vakanga vachiti, “Johani Mubhabhatidzi akamutswa kubva kuvakafa; uye ndokusaka zviratidzo zvesimba zvichiitika.”
[King] Herod [Antipas] heard about [what] Jesus [was doing], because many people were talking [about it. Some] people were saying [about Jesus], “[He must be] John the Baptizer! He has come back to life! That is why he [has God’s] power to perform these miracles!”
15 Vamwe vakati, “NdiEria.” Uye vamwezve vakati, “Ndiye muprofita, akaita somumwe wavaprofita vekare.”
Others were saying [about Jesus], “He is [the former prophet] Elijah, [whom God promised to send back again].” Others were saying [about Jesus], “[No], he is a [different] prophet, like one of the [other] prophets [who lived long ago].”
16 Asi Herodhi akati anzwa izvozvo, akati, “Johani, murume wandakagura musoro, akamutswa kubva kuvakafa!”
Having heard [what the people were saying, King] Herod [Antipas] himself repeatedly said, “The man [performing those miracles] must be John! I [commanded my soldiers to] cut off his head, but he has come back to life again [to get revenge for my killing him]!”
17 Nokuti Herodhi pachake akanga arayira kuti Johani asungwe, uye akaita kuti asungwe nengetani uye aiswe mutorongo. Akaita izvi nokuda kwaHerodhiasi mukadzi womununʼuna wake Firipi waakanga awana.
The reason [King Herod concluded that John wanted revenge is as follows: Some time before this], Herod married Herodias, while she was [still] the wife of his [younger] brother, Philip.
18 Nokuti Johani akanga ati kuna Herodhi, “Hazvitenderwi kuti utore mukadzi womununʼuna wako.”
John kept telling Herod, “[God’s] law does not permit you to marry the wife of your brother [while he is still alive].” Then, because Herodias [urged him to put John in prison], Herod himself sent [soldiers to John]. They seized John and put him in prison.
19 Saka Herodhiasi akachengeta ruvengo mumwoyo make pamusoro paJohani uye akada kumuuraya. Asi akanga asingakwanisi kuita izvozvo,
But because Herodias wanted to get [further] revenge on John, she wanted [someone] to execute him. But she could not do that because [while John was in prison], Herod kept John safe [from her].
20 nokuti Herodhi aitya Johani uye akamudzivirira, achimuziva somunhu akanga akarurama uye ari mutsvene. Herodhi akati anzwa Johani, akakanganisika zvikuru; asi akanga achifarira kumuteerera.
Herod did this because he respected/feared John, because he knew that he was a righteous and holy man. The king did not know what he should do, but he liked to listen to him.
21 Pakupedzisira mukana wakazovapo. Pazuva rokuberekwa kwake, Herodhi akaitira vabati vake vakuru, navakuru vamauto uye navarume vaitungamirira muGarirea mabiko.
But [Herodias was able to have someone execute John when they honored/celebrated] the day when Herod was born. On that day, he invited the [most important] government officials, the [most important] army leaders, and the most important men in Galilee [district] in order that they might eat [and celebrate with him].
22 Mwanasikana waHerodhiasi akati apinda akatamba, akafadza Herodhi navakanga vakokwa kuzodya. Mambo akati kumusikana, “Ndikumbire chipi zvacho chaunoda, uye ndichakupa chinhu ichocho.”
[While they were eating], Herodias’ daughter came into the room and danced, and that pleased [King] Herod and his guests. So the king said to her, “Ask me for whatever you desire and I will give it to you!”
23 Uye akamuvimbisa nemhiko achiti, “Chose chauchakumbira ndichakupa chinhu ichocho, kusvikira pahafu youmambo hwangu.”
He said to her, “Whatever you ask, I will give it to you! I will give you up to half of what I own and rule, if you ask for it. May God punish me [if I do not do what I have promised]!”
24 Akabuda kunze akandoti kuna mai vake, “Ndichakumbireiko?” Ivo vakati, “Musoro waJohani Mubhabhatidzi.”
The girl immediately left the room and went to her mother. She [told her what the king had said, and] asked her, “What shall I ask for?” Her mother replied, “[Ask the king to give you] the head of John the Baptizer!”
25 Pakarepo musikana akamhanya akapinda kuna mambo nechikumbiro akati, “Ndinoda kuti mundipe iye zvino musoro waJohani Mubhabhatidzi mundiro umu.”
The girl quickly entered the room again. She went to the king and she requested, “I want you to command someone to [cut off] the head of John the Baptizer [and] give it to me at once on a platter, [so that my mother can know he is dead]!”
26 Mambo akatambudzika zvikuru, asi nokuda kwemhiko yake uye nokuda kwevaakanga achidya navo, haana kuda kumurambira.
The king became very distressed [when he heard what she asked for], because he knew John was a very righteous man (OR, because he now knew that he should not have made that promise to her). But he could not refuse [what she requested because] he had promised [that he would give her anything she asked for], and because his guests [had heard him promise that].
27 Saka pakarepo akatuma murwi akarayira kuti vauye nomusoro waJohani. Murume akaenda akandogura musoro waJohani mutorongo,
So the king at once ordered the man who executes prisoners to go and [cut off] John’s head and bring it [to the girl]. That man went to the prison and cut off John’s head.
28 akadzoka nomusoro wake uri mundiro. Akaupa kumusikana, uye musikana akaupa kuna mai vake.
He [put it on] a platter, brought it back, and gave it to the girl. The girl took it to her mother.
29 Vadzidzi vaJohani vakati vanzwa izvi vakauya vakatora mutumbi wake vakauviga mubwiro.
After John’s disciples heard [what happened], they went [to the prison] and took John’s body and then they buried [it in a burial cave].
30 Vapostori vakaungana pana Jesu vakamuudza zvose zvavakanga vaita nezvavakanga vadzidzisa.
The [twelve] apostles returned to Jesus [from the places to which they had gone]. They reported to him what they had done and what they had taught [to people].
31 Zvino nokuda kwokuti vanhu vazhinji vakanga vachingouya nokuenda zvokuti havana kugona kuwana kunyange mukana wokudya, akati kwavari, “Handei tose, imi neni chete, kunzvimbo yakanyarara kuti mumbondozorora.”
He said to them, “Come [with me] to a place where no people are living, in order that we can be alone and rest a little while!” [He said this] because many people were continually coming to them and going [away again], with the result that [Jesus and] his disciples did not have time to eat [or do anything else].
32 Saka vakaenda voga mugwa kunzvimbo yakanyarara.
So they went away by themselves in a boat to a place where no people were living.
33 Asi vazhinji vakavaona vakavaziva uye vakamhanya netsoka vachibva kumaguta ose vakavatangira kusvikako.
[But many] people saw them leaving. They also recognized [that they were Jesus and the disciples, and they saw where they were going]. So they ran [ahead on land] from all the [nearby] towns to the place [where Jesus and his disciples were going]. They [actually] arrived there before [Jesus and the disciples].
34 Jesu akati aburuka uye achiona vanhu vazhinji zhinji, akavanzwira tsitsi, nokuti vakanga vakaita samakwai asina mufudzi. Saka akatanga kuvadzidzisa zvinhu zvizhinji.
As Jesus [and his disciples] got out of the boat, Jesus saw this large crowd. He felt sorry for them because they were [confused], like sheep that do not have a shepherd. So he taught them many things.
35 Zvino zuva rava kuvira, vadzidzi vake vakauya kwaari, vakati, “Nzvimbo ino irenje, uye kwava kudoka.
Late [in the afternoon], the disciples came to him and said, “This is a place where no people live and it is very late.
36 Itai kuti vanhu vaende kumaruwa nemisha yakapoteredza kuti vandozvitengera zvokudya.”
[So] send the people away in order that they may go to the surrounding farms and villages in order that they can buy for themselves something to eat!”
37 Asi iye akapindura akati, “Imi vapei zvokudya.” Vakati kwaari, “Izvo zvinotoda muripo womunhu wemwedzi misere! Ko, tingashandisa mari yakawanda kudaro kutenga chingwa kuti tigovapa kuti vadye here?”
But he replied, “[No], you [yourselves] give them something to eat!” They replied, “(We could not buy enough bread to feed [this crowd], even if we had as much money as a man earns by working 200 days!/How could we buy enough bread to feed [this mob], even if we had as much money as a man earns by working 200 days?)” [RHQ]
38 Akati, “Mune zvingwa zvinganiko? Endai mundotarisa.” Vakati vazviona, vakati, “Zvishanu, nehove mbiri.”
But he replied to them, “How many loaves of bread do you have? Go and find out!” They [went and] found out and then they told him, “We have [only] five flat loaves and two [cooked] fish!”
39 Ipapo Jesu akavarayira kuti vagarise vanhu vose pasi mumapoka pauswa hunyoro.
He instructed [the disciples to tell] all the people to sit down on the green grass.
40 Saka vakagara pasi mumapoka ane zana uye neane makumi mashanu.
So the people sat in groups. There were 50 people in some groups and 100 people in other groups.
41 Akatora zvingwa zvishanu nehove mbiri uye akatarisa kudenga, akavonga akamedura chingwa. Ipapo akazvipa kuvadzidzi vake kuti vazvigadzike pamberi pavanhu. Akagoverawo hove mbiri dziya pakati pavo vose.
Jesus took the five flat loaves and the two fish. He looked up towards heaven and thanked [God] for them. Then he broke the loaves and fish into pieces and kept giving them to the disciples in order that they would distribute them to the people.
42 Vose vakadya vakaguta,
Everyone ate [this food] until they all had enough to eat!
43 uye vadzidzi vakanonga zvimedu zvezvingwa nehove zvikazara matengu gumi namaviri.
The disciples then collected twelve baskets full of pieces [of bread] and of the fish [that were left over].
44 Varume vakanga vadya vaisvika zviuru zvishanu.
There were approximately 5,000 men who ate the bread [and fish. They did not even count the women and children].
45 Pakarepo Jesu akaita kuti vadzidzi vake vakwire mugwa uye kuti vafanotungamira kuBhetisaidha, iye achiri kuendesa vanhu vazhinji.
Right away Jesus told his disciples to get into the boat and then go ahead of him to Bethsaida [town, which was] further around [Lake Galilee. He stayed and] dismissed the many people who were there.
46 Akati aonekana navo, akakwira mugomo kundonyengetera.
After he said goodbye to the people, he went up into the hills in order to pray.
47 Ava madekwana, igwa rakanga rava pakati pegungwa, uye iye aiva oga kunyika.
When it was evening, the [disciples’] boat was in the middle of the lake and Jesus was by himself on the land.
48 Akaona vadzidzi vachitambudzika pakukwasva, nokuti mhepo yaivarova. Nenguva inenge yechina yousiku akaenda kwavari, achifamba pamusoro pegungwa. Akanga oda kuvapfuura,
He saw that the wind was [blowing] against them as they rowed. As a result, they were having great difficulty. He approached them early in the morning, when it was still dark, by walking on the water. He intended to walk by them.
49 asi pavakamuona achifamba pamusoro pegungwa, vakafunga kuti aiva dzangaradzimu. Vakadanidzira,
They saw him walking on the water, but they thought that he was a ghost. They screamed
50 nokuti vose vakamuona vakatya. Pakarepo akataura kwavari akati, “Tsungai mwoyo! Ndini. Musatya.”
because they all were terrified when they saw him. But he talked to them. He said to them, “Be calm! Do not be afraid, [because] it is I!”
51 Ipapo akakwira mugwa navo, uye mhepo ikadzikama. Vakakatyamara zvikuru,
He got into the boat [and sat down] with them and the wind [immediately] blowing. They were completely amazed [about what he had done].
52 nokuti vakanga vasati vanzwisisa nezvezvingwa, mwoyo yavo yakanga iri mikukutu.
[Although they had seen Jesus multiply] the [bread and the fish], they did not understand [from that how powerful he was, as they should have]. They did not think clearly about it.
53 Vakati vayambuka mhiri, vakasvika paGenesareti vakamisa igwa ipapo.
After they went further around [Lake Galilee in a boat, they came to the shore at Gennesaret town]. Then they tied up the boat there.
54 Vakati vachingobuda mugwa, vanhu vakaziva Jesu.
As soon as they got out of the boat, [the people there] recognized Jesus.
55 Vakamhanya nomunyika iyo yose vakatakura vanorwara pamaponde vachienda navo kwavakanga vanzwa kuti ndiko kwaari.
So they ran throughout the whole district [in order to tell others that Jesus was there]. Then the people [placed] those who were sick on stretchers and carried them to any place where they heard [people say] that Jesus was.
56 Uye pose paakaenda mumisha, mumaguta kana mumaruwa, vakaisa varwere mumisika. Vakamukumbira kuti avabvumire kubata kunyange mupendero wejasi rake, uye vose vakamubata vakaporeswa.
In whatever village, town or other place where he entered, they would bring to the marketplaces those who were sick. Then the [sick people] would beg Jesus to let them touch [him or] even the edge of his clothes [in order that Jesus might heal them]. All those who touched [him or his robe] were healed.

< Mako 6 >