< Jobho 40 >

1 Jehovha akati kuna Jobho:
And the Lord addressed Job, and said,
2 “Ko, munhu anokakavadzana noWamasimba Ose angamurayira here? Anopomera Mwari mhosva ngaamupindure!”
Will he that contendeth with the Almighty yet find fault? him that reproveth God answer this.
3 Ipapo Jobho akapindura Jehovha akati:
Then answered Job the Lord, and said,
4 “Ini handina maturo, ndingakupindurai seiko? Ndafumbira muromo wangu.
Behold, I am too vile: what shall I answer thee? my hand do I place on my mouth.
5 Ndakataura kamwe chete, asi handina mhinduro, kaviri, asi handichapamhidzazve.”
Once have I spoken; but I will not answer: yea, twice; but I will not repeat it again.
6 Ipapo Jehovha akataura naJobho ari mudutu akati:
Then answered the Lord unto Job out of the storm-wind, and said,
7 “Chizvisunga chiuno somurume; ini ndichakubvunza, uye iwe uchandipindura.
Do but gird up like a mighty man thy loins: I will ask thee, and do thou inform me.
8 “Ko, iwe unoda kukanganisa kururamisira kwangu here? Ko, unondipomera kuti uzviruramise here?
Wilt thou indeed annul my decree? wilt thou condemn me, in order that thou mayest appear righteous?
9 Uno ruoko rwakaita sorwaMwari here, uye inzwi rako ringatinhira serake here?
But if thou hast an arm like God, or if thou canst thunder loudly like him:
10 Chizvishongedza zvino nokukudzwa uye nokubwinya, uye zvishongedze nokuremekedzwa uye noumambo.
Then do deck thyself with excellence and greatness, and clothe thyself in majesty and glory.
11 Regedzera ukasha hwehasha dzako, utarire munhu mumwe nomumwe anozvikudza ugomuderedza,
Scatter abroad the ragings of thy wrath, and look on every proud one, and humble him.
12 tarira murume mumwe nomumwe anozvikudza ugomuninipisa, pwanya vakaipa ipapo pavamire.
Look on every proud one, and bend him low; and tread down the wicked in their place.
13 Uvavige vose pamwe chete muguruva; ufukidze zviso zvavo muguva.
Hide them in the dust altogether: bind up their faces in concealment.
14 Ipapo ini pachangu ndichabvuma kwauri kuti ruoko rwako rworudyi rungakuponesa.
Then will I also myself praise thee, when thy own right hand hath helped thee.
15 “Tarisa kumvuu, yandakaita pamwe chete newe uye inofura uswa senzombe.
Only behold Behemoth, which I made near thee: grass he eateth like the ox.
16 Simba rainaro muchiuno chayo, kusimba kwayo kuri mumakakava edumbu rayo.
Only see, [how great] is his strength in his loins, and his force, in the muscles of his belly.
17 Muswe wayo unotsvikidza somusidhari; marunda ezvidya zvayo akasonanidzwa.
He stretcheth out his tail like a cedar: the sinews of his loins are closely wrapped together.
18 Mapfupa ayo ipombi dzendarira, miromo yayo yakaita setsvimbo dzesimbi.
His bones are like pipes of brass: his frame is like bars of iron.
19 Iyo iri pachinzvimbo chokutanga pakati pamabasa aMwari, asi Muiti wayo anogona kusvika pairi nomunondo wake.
He is the first in rank of the works of God: he that made him can alone bring his sword near unto him.
20 Zvikomo zvinoivigira zvibereko zvayo, uye zvikara zvose zvesango zvinotambira pedyo nayo.
But truly the mountains bear for him his food, and all the beasts of the field play there.
21 Inovata pasi pemiti yemirotasi yakavanda pakati petsanga munhope.
Under shady trees he lieth down, in the covert of the reeds, and swamp.
22 Mirotasi inoivanza pamimvuri yayo; mikonachando iri mujinga morukova inoipoteredza.
Shady trees cover him as his shadow: willows of the brook encompass him about.
23 Panozara rwizi, iyo haivhunduki; inodekara zvayo, kunyange Jorodhani rukapfachukira kumuromo wayo.
Behold, a river sweepeth violently along, but he hasteneth not away: he remaineth quiet, though a Jordan rusheth up to his mouth.
24 Pano munhu angagona kuibata neziso, kana kuiteya uye nokuibaya pamhino yayo here?
Can one catch him before his eyes? pierce his nose by means of snares?—

< Jobho 40 >