< Postanak 7 >

1 I reèe Gospod Noju: uði u kovèeg ti i sav dom tvoj; jer te naðoh pravedna pred sobom ovoga vijeka.
The Lord told Noah, “Go into the ark with all your family. I have seen how you are a man of integrity, living a moral life among the people of this generation.
2 Uzmi sa sobom od svijeh životinja èistih po sedmoro, sve mužjaka i ženku njegovu; a od životinja neèistih po dvoje, mužjaka i ženku njegovu,
Take with you seven pairs, male and female, of every kind of clean animal, and one pair, male and female, of every kind of unclean animal.
3 Takoðer i od ptica nebeskih po sedam, mužjaka i ženku njegovu, da im se saèuva sjeme na zemlji.
In addition take seven pairs, male and female, of all the birds, so their different kinds will survive throughout the earth.
4 Jer æu do sedam dana pustiti dažd na zemlju za èetrdeset dana i èetrdeset noæi, i istrijebiæu sa zemlje svako tijelo živo, koje sam stvorio.
In seven days I'm going to make it rain for forty days and nights. I'm going to wipe out from the surface of the earth all the living creatures I made.”
5 I Noje uèini sve što mu zapovjedi Gospod.
Noah did exactly what the Lord ordered him to do.
6 A bješe Noju šest stotina godina kad doðe potop na zemlju.
Noah was 600 when the flood waters covered the earth.
7 I uðe Noje u kovèeg i sinovi njegovi i žena njegova i žene sinova njegovijeh s njim radi potopa.
Noah went into the ark, taking with him his wife and his sons and their wives, because of the flood.
8 Od životinja èistih i od životinja neèistih i od ptica i od svega što se mièe po zemlji,
Clean and unclean animals, birds, and creatures that run along the ground,
9 Uðe k Noju u kovèeg po dvoje, muško i žensko, kao što bješe Bog zapovjedio Noju.
went into the ark with Noah. They came in pairs, male and female, just as God had told Noah.
10 A u sedmi dan doðe potop na zemlju.
After seven days the floodwaters swept over the earth.
11 Kad je bilo Noju šest stotina godina, te godine drugoga mjeseca, sedamnaesti dan toga mjeseca, taj dan razvališe se svi izvori velikoga bezdana, i otvoriše se ustave nebeske;
Noah was 600 when on the seventeenth day of the second month all the subterranean waters burst through the earth, and heavy rain poured down from the sky.
12 I udari dažd na zemlju za èetrdeset dana i èetrdeset noæi.
Rain continue to fall on the earth for forty days and nights.
13 Taj dan uðe u kovèeg Noje i Sim i Ham i Jafet, sinovi Nojevi, i žena Nojeva i tri žene sinova njegovijeh s njima;
That was the actual day when Noah, his wife, and their sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth together with their three wives went into the ark.
14 Oni, i svakojake zvijeri po vrstama svojim, i svakojaka stoka po vrstama svojim, i što se god mièe po zemlji po vrstama svojim, i ptice sve po vrstama svojim, i što god leti i ima krila.
They had with them every kind of wild animals, livestock, creatures that run along the ground, and birds—everything with wings.
15 Doðe k Noju u kovèeg po dvoje od svakoga tijela, u kojem ima živa duša,
They all came into the ark with Noah in pairs—every living thing that breathes.
16 Muško i žensko od svakoga tijela uðoše, kao što bješe Bog zapovjedio Noju; pa Gospod zatvori za njim.
A male and a female of every creature entered, as God had told Noah. Then the Lord shut the door behind him.
17 I bi potop na zemlji za èetrdeset dana; i voda doðe i uze kovèeg, i podiže ga od zemlje.
The flood increased for forty days, lifting the ark so that it floated up from the earth.
18 I navali voda, i usta jako po zemlji, i kovèeg stade ploviti vodom.
The floodwaters surged and grew deeper and deeper over the earth, but the ark floated along on the surface.
19 I navaljivaše voda sve veæma po zemlji, i pokri sva najviša brda što su pod cijelijem nebom.
Finally the water grew so deep that even the highest mountains were covered—all that could be seen was sky.
20 Petnaest lakata doðe voda iznad brda, pošto ih pokri.
The water rose so much that it was higher than the mountains by fifteen cubits.
21 Tada izgibe svako tijelo što se micaše na zemlji, ptice i stoka, i zvijeri i sve što gamiže po zemlji, i svi ljudi.
Everything living on earth died—the birds, livestock, wild animals, all creatures that run along the ground, and all the people.
22 Sve što imaše dušu živu u nosu, sve što bijaše na suhu, pomrije.
Everything on land that breathed, died.
23 I istrijebi se svako tijelo živo na zemlji, i ljudi i stoka i što god gamiže i ptice nebeske, sve, velim, istrijebi se sa zemlje; samo Noje osta i što s njim bješe u kovèegu.
The Lord wiped out all life on earth—people, livestock, creatures that run along the ground, and birds. All were killed. The only ones left were Noah and those with him on the ark.
24 I stajaše voda povrh zemlje sto i pedeset dana.
The earth remained flooded for 150 days.

< Postanak 7 >

The Great Flood
The Great Flood