< Iyyaasuu 6 >

1 Yeroo sanatti Yerikoon sababii Israaʼelootaatiif jabeeffamtee cufamtee turte. Namni tokko iyyuu gad hin baʼu; namni tokko iyyuus ol hin seenu ture.
Forsothe Jerico was closid and wardid, for the drede of the sones of Israel, and no man durste entre, ethir go out.
2 Waaqayyos Iyyaasuudhaan akkana jedhe; “Kunoo ani mootii isheetii fi loltoota ishee wajjin Yerikoo dabarsee harka keetti kenneera.
And the Lord seide to Josue, Lo! Y yaf in to thin hondis Jerico, and the king therof, and alle strong men.
3 Hidhattoota hunda wajjin yeroo tokko magaalattii irra naannaʼaa; kanas bultii jaʼa hojjedhaa.
Alle ye fiyteris, cumpasse the citee onys bi the day; so ye schulen do in sixe daies.
4 Luboonni torbas malakata torba kanneen gaanfa hoolaa irraa hojjetaman qabatanii taabota dura haa deeman. Isinis guyyaa torbaffaatti yeroo torba magaalattii irra nanaannaʼaa; luboonnis malakata haa afuufan.
Forsothe in the seuenthe dai the preestis schulen take seuene clariouns, of whiche `the vss is in iubile; and thei schulen go bifor the arke of boond of pees; and seuen sithes ye schulen cumpasse the citee, and the preestis schulen trumpe with clariouns.
5 Yommuu isaan sagalee malakataa dheeraa isaa dhageessisanitti namni hundinuu sagalee guddaadhaan haa iyyu; dallaan magaalaa sanaa yommusuma jiga; namoonnis ol baʼu; namni hundinuus qajeelee itti seena.”
And whanne the vois of the trumpe schal sowne lengere, and more bi whiles, and schal sowne in youre eeris, al the puple schal crie togidere with gretteste cry; and the wallis of the citee schulen falle alle doun, and alle men schulen entre bi the place, ayens which thei stonden.
6 Kanaafuu Iyyaasuun ilmi Nuuni luboota ofitti waamee, “Taabota kakuu Waaqayyoo fuudhaatii luboonni torba malakata baatanii isa dura haa deeman” jedheen.
Therfor Josue, the sone of Nun, clepide preestis, and seide to hem, Take ye the ark of boond of pees, and seuene othere preestis take seuene clariouns of iubile yeeris, and go thei bifor the arke of the Lord.
7 Namootaanis, “Fuula duratti deemaatii magaalaa sana irra naannaʼaa; loltoonni hidhatanis taabota Waaqayyoo dura haa deeman” jedhe.
Also Josue seide to the puple, Go ye, and cumpasse ye the citee, and go ye armed bifor the arke of the Lord.
8 Erga Iyyaasuun namootatti dubbatee booddee, luboonni torban fuula Waaqayyoo duratti malakata torba baatan sun malakata isaanii afuufaa dura darban; taabonni kakuu Waaqayyoos isaan duukaa buʼe.
And whanne Josue hadde endid the wordis, and seuene preestis trumpiden with seuen clariouns bifor the arke of boond of pees of the Lord,
9 Loltoonni miʼa lolaa hidhatanis luboota malakata afuufaa turan dura deeman; loltoonni dugda duubaa immoo taaboticha duukaa buʼan. Yeroo kana hundas malakanni afuufamaa ture.
and al the puple armed yede bifore, the tothir comyn puple of fiyteris suede the arke, and alle thingis sowneden with clariouns.
10 Iyyaasuun garuu namootaan, “Iyya lolaa hin iyyinaa; sagalee keessan ol hin fudhatinaa; hamma guyyaa ani iyyaa isiniin jedhuutti dubbii tokko illee hin dubbatinaa. Gaafas iyyaa!” jedhe.
Sotheli Josue comaundide to the puple, and seide, Ye schulen not crye, nethir youre vois schal be herd, nethir ony word schal go out of youre mouth, til the dai come, in which Y schal seie to you, Crye ye, and make ye noyse.
11 Kanaafuu inni akka taabonni Waaqayyoo baatamee magaalaa sana irra yeroo tokko naannaʼu godhe. Ergasiis namoonni gara qubataatti deebiʼanii achi bulan.
Therfor the arke of the Lord cumpasside the citee onys bi day, and turnede ayen in to the castels, and dwellide there.
12 Iyyaasuun guyyaa itti aanu ganama barii kaʼe; luboonnis taabota Waaqayyoo ol fuudhan.
Therfor while Josue roos bi nyyt, preestis tooken the arke of the Lord;
13 Luboonni torban malakata torba baatanis taabota Waaqayyoo dura deemaa malakatas afuufaa fuula duratti qajeelan. Loltoonni miʼa lolaa hidhatan isaan dura buʼan; loltoonni dugda duubaa immoo taabota Waaqayyoo duukaa buʼan; malakannis ittuma fufee afuufamaa ture.
and seuene of the preestis token seuen clariouns, of whiche `the vss is in iubilee, and yeden bifor the arke of the Lord, `and yeden, and trumpiden; and the puple yede armed bifor hem. Sotheli the tother comyn puple suede the arke, and sownede with clariouns.
14 Kanaafuu guyyaa lammaffaatti yeroo tokko magaalattii irra naannaʼanii gara qubataatti deebiʼan. Kanas bultii jaʼa hojjetan.
And thei cumpassiden the citee in the secunde dai onys, and turneden ayen in to the castels; so thei dyden in sixe daies.
15 Guyyaa torbaffaatti ganama barii kaʼanii haaluma duraa sanaan yeroo torba magaalattii irra naannaʼan; isaan gaafuma sana qofa yeroo torba magaalattii irra naannaʼan.
Sotheli in the seuenthe dai thei risiden eerli, and cumpassiden the citee, as it was disposid, seuen sithis.
16 Marsaa torbaffaatti yommuu luboonni malakata afuufanitti Iyyaasuun akkana jedhee namoota ajaje; “Iyyaa! Waaqayyo magaalattii isinii kenneeraatii!
And whanne in the seuenthe cumpas preestis sowneden with clariouns, Josue seide to al Israel, Crie ye, for the Lord hath bitake the citee to vs;
17 Magaalattii fi wanni ishee keessa jiru hundinuu Waaqayyoof addaan haa baafaman. Sababii isheen basaastota nu erganne sana dhoksiteef, Rahaab sagaagaltittiin qofti warra mana ishee keessa jiran hunda wajjin haa baraaramtu.
and this citee be cursid, ethir distried, and alle thingis that ben therynne be halewid to the Lord. Raab the hoor aloone lyue, with alle men that ben with hir in the hows; for sche hidde the messangeris whiche we senten.
18 Isin garuu akka isaan keessaa tokko illee fudhattanii akkasiin badiisa ofitti hin fidneef waan laguu taʼe irraa fagaadhaa. Yoo kanaa achii isin qubata Israaʼeliitti iyyuu badiisa fiddanii rakkina irraan geessu.
Forsothe be ye war, lest ye touchen ony thing of these that ben comaundid to you, and ye ben gilti of trespassyng; and alle the castels of Israel be vndur synne, and be troblid.
19 Meetii fi warqeen hundi, miʼi naasiitii fi sibiilaa hundi sababii Waaqayyoof qulqulleeffamaniif mankuusa isaatti galuu qabu.”
Sotheli what euer thing is of gold, and of siluer, and of brasun vessels, and of yrun, be halewid to the Lord, and be kept in hise tresoris.
20 Yommuu malakanni afuufametti namoonni ni iyyan; yommuu sagaleen malakata sanaa dhagaʼamee namoonnis sagalee guddaadhaan iyyanitti dallaan magaalaa sanaa ni kufe. Kanaafuu namni hundi fuul duratti girrisee seenuudhaan magaalaa sana qabate.
Therfor while al the puple criede, and the trumpis sowneden, aftir that the sowne sownede in the eeris of the multitude, the walles felden doun anoon; and ech man stiede bi the place that was ayens hym. And thei token the citee,
21 Isaanis waan magaalaa sana Waaqayyoof addaan baasaniif waan isa keessa jiru hunda jechuunis dhiiraa dubartii, xinnaa guddaa, loon, hoolotaa fi harroota goraadeedhaan fixan.
and killiden alle thingis that weren therynne, fro man `til to womman, fro yong child `til to eld man; also thei smytiden bi the scharpnesse of swerd, oxun, and scheep, and assis.
22 Iyyaasuunis namoota lamaan biyya sana basaasanii turaniin, “Mana sagaagaltuu sanaa ol seenaatii akkuma isin isheef kakattanitti ishee fi warra kan ishee taʼan hunda gad baasaa fidaa” jedhe.
Forsothe Josue seide to twei men, that weren sent aspieris, Entre ye in to the hows of the womman hoore, and brynge ye forth hir, and alle thingis that ben herne, as ye maden stedfast to hir bi an ooth.
23 Kanaafuu dargaggoonni basaasuu dhaqanii turan sun ol seenanii Rahaab, abbaa isheetii fi haadha ishee, obboloota isheetii fi waan kan ishee taʼe hundumaa gad baasan. Maatii ishee hundas alatti baasanii qubata Israaʼeliitiin ala isaan tursan.
And the yonge men entriden, and ledden out Raab, and her fadir, and modir, and britheren, and al the purtenaunce of houshold, and the kynrede `of hir; and maden to dwelle without the castels of Israel.
24 Ergasii guutummaa magaalaa sanaatii fi waan ishee keessa jiru hunda guban; garuu meetii fi warqee, miʼa naasiitii fi sibiilaa mankuusa mana Waaqayyootti galchan.
Sotheli thei brenten the citee, and alle thingis that weren foundun therynne, without gold, and siluer, and brasun vesselis, and yrun, which thei halewiden in to the `treserie of the Lord.
25 Iyyaasuun garuu sababii isheen namoota inni akka basaasaniif gara Yerikootti ergee ture sana dhoksiteef Rahaab sagaagaltuu sana maatii isheetii fi waan kan ishee taʼe hunda wajjin ni baraare; isheenis hamma ammaatti Israaʼeloota gidduu jiraatti.
Sotheli Josue made Raab the hoore to lyue, and `the hows of hir fadir, and alle thingis that sche hadde; and thei dwelliden in the myddis of Israel, `til in to present dai; for sche hidde the messangeris, whiche he sente to asspie Jerico. In that tyme Josue preiede hertli,
26 Iyyaasuunis yeroo sanatti akkana jedhee kakate; “Namni magaalaa Yerikoo kana deebisee ijaaru fuula Waaqayyoo duratti abaaramaa haa taʼu: “Inni hundee ishee buusnaan, ilmi isaa hangafti haa duʼu; karra ishee ijaaruu jalqabnaan, ilmi isaa quxisuun haa duʼu.”
and seide, Cursid bifor the Lord be the man, that reisith and bildith the citee of Jerico! Leie he the foundementis therof in his firste gendrid sone, and putte he the yatis therof in the laste of fre children.
27 Kanaafuu Waaqayyo Iyyaasuu wajjin ture; maqaan isaas guutummaa biyyatii keessatti beekame.
Therfor the Lord was with Josue, and his name was pupplischid in ech lond.

< Iyyaasuu 6 >