< Hojii 12 >

1 Baruma sana keessa Heroodis mootichi isaan ariʼachuuf jedhee miseensota waldaa kiristaanaa tokko tokko qabe.
About that time Herod the king exerted his power to distress some of the church.
2 Innis Yaaqoob obboleessa Yohannis goraadeen ajjeese.
And he cut off James, the brother of John, with the sword.
3 Yommuu akka wanni kun Yihuudoota gammachiise argettis, ittuma fufee Phexrosinis qabsiise. Wanni kunis yeroo Ayyaana Maxinoo keessa taʼe.
And seeing that it was pleasing to the Jews, he proceeded to apprehend Peter also, (in the days of unleavened bread: )
4 Erga isa qabee booddee akka isaan isa eeganiif jedhee gareewwan loltootaa afur kanneen tokkoon tokkoon isaanii loltoota afur afur of keessaa qabanitti dabarsee isa kennuudhaan, mana hidhaa keessa isa buuse; kanas ayyaana Faasiikaa booddee fuula uummataa duratti dhiʼeessee isa qoruuf godhe.
whom he seized and put into prison, delivering him to four quaternions of soldiers to guard him; intending, after the passover, to bring him out to the people.
5 Kanaafuu Phexros mana hidhaa keessatti eegamaa ture; waldaan kiristaanaa garuu jabeessitee waaʼee isaatiif Waaqa kadhachaa turte.
Peter was therefore kept in custody: but incessant prayer was made to God for him by the church.
6 Edumtii guyyaa Heroodis itti Phexrosin dhiʼeessuuf ture sanaa Phexros foncaa lamaan hidhamee loltoota lama gidduu rafaa ture; loltoonni kaanis balbala dura dhaabatanii mana hidhaa sana eegaa turan.
And when Herod was about to bring him forth, that very night Peter was sleeping between two soldiers, bound with two chains: and the guards at the door watched the prison.
7 Akkuma tasaas, ergamaan Gooftaa tokko mulʼate; kutaa mana hidhaa sana keessattis ifni ife; ergamaan sunis cinaacha Phexros tuqee isa dammaqsuudhaan, “Dafii kaʼi!” jedheen. Foncaan sunis harka isaa irraa harcaʼe.
And behold an angel of the Lord stood by him, and a light shone in the room; and smiting Peter on the side, he waked him, and said, Rise up quickly. And his chains fell off from his hands.
8 Ergamaan Waaqaa sunis, “Uffata kee uffadhu; kophee kees kaaʼadhu” jedheen. Phexrosis akkasuma godhe. Ergamaan sunis, “Wayyaa kee marxifadhuutii na faana buʼi” jedheen.
And the angel said unto him, Gird thyself and tie on thy sandals: and he did so. And he saith unto him, Throw thy garment round thee, and follow me.
9 Phexrosis isa duukaa buʼee mana hidhaatii baʼe; innis waan mulʼata argu seʼe malee akka wanni ergamaan Waaqaa hojjechaa ture sun dhugaa taʼe hin beekne.
So he went out and followed him; and he did not know, that what was done by the angel was real, but thought he saw a vision.
10 Isaanis waardiyyaa duraatii fi isa lammaffaa bira darbanii balbala sibiilaa kan magaalaatti gad baasu bira gaʼan; balballi sunis ofumaan banameef; isaanis gad baʼanii utuu daandii tokko irra gad buʼaa jiranuu ergamaan sun isa biraa sokke.
And passing through the first and second guard, they came to the iron gate, that leadeth into the city, which of its own accord opened to them: and they went out and passed on through one street; and then the angel departed from him.
11 Phexrosis qalbii isaatti deebiʼee, “Ani amma akka Gooftaan ergamaa isaa ergee harka Heroodisii fi waan Yihuudoonni natti yaadaa turan hunda jalaa na baase shakkii malee beekeera” jedhe.
And Peter being come to himself said, Now I know truly, that the Lord hath sent his angel and hath delivered me from the hand of Herod, and from all the expectation of the people of the Jews.
12 Innis erga waan kana hubatee booddee mana Maariyaam haadha Yohannis isa Maarqos jedhamu sanaa iddoo itti namoonni baayʼeen walitti qabamanii kadhachaa turan dhaqe.
And considering with himself, he came to the house of Mary the mother of John, who was sirnamed Mark, where many were gathered together and praying.
13 Yommuu Phexros balbala alaa rurrukutetti intalli hojjettuun Roodaa jedhamtu tokko ilaaluu dhufte.
And when Peter knocked at the door of the porch, a servant named Rhoda came to ask who was there.
14 Isheenis yommuu sagalee Phexros hubattetti akka malee gammadde; balbala banuu dhiiftees fiigdee ol deebitee akka Phexros balbala dura dhaabatu himte.
And knowing Peter's voice, through excess of joy she did not open the door, but ran in and told them, that Peter was standing at the door.
15 Isaanis, “Ati maraatteerta!” jedhaniin; isheen garuu cimsitee akka wanni kun akkasuma taʼe dubbatte; isaan immoo, “Yoos ergamaa isaa ti!” jedhan.
And they said to her, Thou art mad: but she confidently affirmed that it was so. Then said they, It is his angel.
16 Phexros garuu ittuma fufee balbalicha rurrukute; isaanis yommuu bananitti, isa arganii dinqifatan.
But Peter continued knocking; and when they opened the door, they saw him, and were astonished.
17 Phexrosis akka isaan calʼisaniif harkaan itti hime; akka itti Gooftaan mana hidhaatii isa baases isaanitti odeesse; innis, “Waan kana Yaaqoobii fi obbolootatti himaa” isaaniin jedhe; achii kaʼees lafa biraa dhaqe.
But he made a sign to them with his hand to be silent, and related to them, how the Lord had brought him out of the prison. And he said, Go, tell these things to James and to the other brethren. And he departed and went to another place.
18 Yommuu bariʼetti raafamni guddaan isaa loltoota gidduutti uumame; isaanis, “Phexros maal taʼe?” jedhanii wal gaggaafatan.
Now as soon as it was day, there was no small disturbance among the soldiers, what was become of Peter.
19 Heroodisis cimsee barbaadee isa dhabnaan eegdota sana jabeessee qoree akka isaan ajjeefaman ajaje. Heroodis Yihuudaadhaa kaʼee Qiisaariyaatti gad buʼee xinnoo achi jiraate.
And Herod searching for him, and not finding him, brought the keepers to a trial, and ordered them to be executed. Then he went down from Judea to Cesarea, and abode there.
20 Innis warra Xiiroosii fi Siidoonaatti akka malee aare; isaanis tajaajilaa mootichaa amanamaa Bilaasxoos jedhamu tokko michoomfatanii tokkummaan gara mootichaa dhaqanii araara kadhatan; biyyi isaanii biyya mooticha sanaa irraa midhaan nyaataa argachaa jiraatteetii.
And Herod was going to make war upon the Tyrians and Sidonians: but they came to him with one consent, and making interest with Blastus the king's chamberlain, they sued for peace; because their territory was supplied with provision by the king's country.
21 Guyyaa beellamaattis Heroodis uffata mootii uffatee teessoo isaa irra taaʼe; uummatattis dubbate.
And upon a set day, Herod arrayed in his royal robes, and sitting upon his throne, made an oration to them.
22 Namoonnis, “Kun sagalee Waaqaati malee sagalee namaa miti” jedhanii iyyan.
And the people gave a shout, saying, It is the voice of a god, and not of a man:
23 Heroodisis waan Waaqaaf ulfina hin kenniniif yeruma sana ergamaan Waaqaa tokko isa dhaʼe; innis raammoodhaan nyaatamee duʼe.
but immediately an angel of the Lord smote him, because he gave not God the glory: and being devoured by worms he died.
24 Dubbiin Waaqaa garuu ittuma fufee guddachaa, babalʼachaas deeme.
But the word of God grew and was multiplied.
25 Barnaabaasii fi Saaʼol erga ergama isaanii fixatanii booddee Yohannis isa Maarqos jedhamu sana fudhatanii Yerusaalemii deebiʼan.
And Barnabas and Saul returned from Jerusalem, when they had fulfilled their charge, taking along with them John who was sirnamed Mark.

< Hojii 12 >