< 2 Kongebok 2 >

1 Den gongen Herren tok Elia upp til himmelen i ein storm, skulde Elia og Elisa på utferd frå Gilgal.
And it was when took up Yahweh Elijah by the whirlwind the heavens and he went Elijah and Elisha from Gilgal.
2 Elia sagde med Elisa: «Ver du her! Herren hev sendt meg til Betel.» Men Elisa svara: «So sant Herren liver, og so sant du liver, eg skil ikkje lag med deg.» So for dei ned til Betel.
And he said Elijah to Elisha remain please here for Yahweh he has sent me to Beth-el and he said Elisha [by] [the] life of Yahweh and [by] [the] life of self your if I will leave you and they went down Beth-el.
3 Profetsveinarne i Betel møtte Elisa: «Veit du det, » sagde dei, «at i dag tek Herren husbonden din ifrå deg?» «Ja, eg veit det, » svara han; «de tarv ikkje nemna det.»
And they came out [the] sons of the prophets who [were at] Beth-el to Elisha and they said to him ¿ do you know that this day Yahweh [is] about to take master your from over head your and he said also I I know be silent.
4 Elia sagde med honom: «Elisa, ver du her! Herren hev sendt meg til Jeriko.» Men han svara: «So sant Herren liver, og so sant du liver, eg skil ikkje lag med deg.» So kom dei til Jeriko.
And he said to him Elijah O Elisha - remain please here for Yahweh he has sent me Jericho and he said [by] [the] life of Yahweh and [by] [the] life of self your if I will leave you and they went Jericho.
5 Profetsveinarne i Jeriko gjekk fram til Elisa: «Veit du det, » sagde dei, «at i dag tek Herren husbonden din ifrå deg?» «Ja, vel veit eg det, » svara han; «det tarv ikkje nemna det.»
And they drew near [the] sons of the prophets who [were] at Jericho to Elisha and they said to him ¿ do you know that this day Yahweh [is] about to take master your from over head your and he said also I I know be silent.
6 Elia sagde med honom: «Ver du her! Herren hev sendt meg til Jordan.» Men han svara: «So sant Herren liver, og so sant du liver, eg skil ikkje lag med deg.» So gjekk dei båe tvo.
And he said to him Elijah remain please here for Yahweh he has sent me the Jordan towards and he said [by] [the] life of Yahweh and [by] [the] life of self your if I will leave you and they went [the] two of them.
7 Femti av profetsveinarne fylgde, og stod eit godt stykke undan, medan dei tvo stod attmed Jordan.
And fifty man from [the] sons of the prophets they went and they stood from before from a distance and [the] two of them they stood at the Jordan.
8 Elia tok kappa si, sveipte henne i hop og slo på vatnet. Då kløyvde det seg til båe kanter, so dei gjekk båe yver på turre botnen.
And he took Elijah cloak his and he folded it up and he struck the waters and they were divided hither and hither and they passed over [the] two of them on the dry ground.
9 Då dei var komne yver, sagde Elias med Elisa: «Kva ynskjer du eg skal gjera for deg fyrr eg vert teken ifrå deg?» Elisa sagde: «Gjev ein dubbel lut av di ånd må falla på meg!»
And it was when had passed over they and Elijah he said to Elisha ask what? will I do for you before I will be taken from with you and he said Elisha and may it be please a mouth of two in spirit your to me.
10 «Det var eit storfelt ynskje, » svara han; «men fær du sjå meg medan eg vert teken frå deg, skal du få det, elles ikkje.»
And he said you have made difficult to ask if you will see me taken from with you may it be to you thus and if not not it will be.
11 Medan dei so heldt fram og talast ved, skimta det fram ei eldvogn med eldhestar og skilde deim frå einannan. Og so for Elia i stormveret upp til himmelen.
And it was they [were] walking continuously and speaking and there! a chariot of fire and horses of fire and they separated between [the] two of them and he went up Elijah (in the whirlwind *LAB(h)*) the heavens.
12 Elisa stod og såg på, og han ropa: «Far! far! du Israels vogner og riddarar!» So såg han ikkje meir til honom. Og han tok i klædi sine og reiv deim midt i tvo.
And Elisha [was] seeing and he [was] crying out O father my - father my [the] chariotry of Israel and horsemen its and not he saw him again and he took hold on clothes his and he tore them into two pieces.
13 So tok han upp kappa åt Elia, som hadde falle av honom, snudde so og gjekk ned til elvebarden ved Jordan.
And he took up [the] cloak of Elijah which it had fallen from on him and he went back and he stood on [the] bank of the Jordan.
14 Han tok kappa åt Elia, som hadde falle av honom, og slo på vatnet med dei ordi: «Kvar er no Herren, Elias Gud?» Med same han slo på vatnet, kløyvde det seg til båe kanter, og Elisa gjekk yver.
And he took [the] cloak of Elijah which it had fallen from on him and he struck the waters and he said where? [is] Yahweh [the] God of Elijah also he - and he struck the waters and they were divided hither and hither and he passed over Elisha.
15 Då profetsveinarne frå Jeriko såg dette langt undan, sagde dei: «Elias ånd kviler yver Elisa.» Dei kom imot honom og lagde seg å gruve for honom.
And they saw him [the] sons of the prophets who [were] at Jericho from before and they said it has rested [the] spirit of Elijah on Elisha and they came to meet him and they bowed down to him [the] ground towards.
16 So sagde dei med honom: «Millom tenarane dine finn du femti sterke karar; lat deim ganga ut og leita etter herren din! Kann henda hev Herrens Ande lyft honom upp og slept honom på eitkvart fjellet eller i einkvar dalen.» Han svara: «De skal ingen senda ut.»
And they said to him here! please there with servants your [are] fifty men sons of ability let them go please so they may search for master your lest it has carried off him [the] spirit of Yahweh and it has cast him on one of the mountains or in one of (the valleys *Q(k)*) and he said not you must send.
17 Men dei naudbad honom so lenge at han vart leid av det: «Send deim ut då!» sagde han. Dei sende ut femti mann, og dei leita i tri dagar, men fann honom ikkje.
And they urged him until was ashamed and he said send [them] and they sent out fifty man and they searched three days and not they found him.
18 Då dei kom att til honom - han heldt seg endå i Jeriko - so sagde han til deim: «Det var det eg sagde med dykk, at de skulde ikkje ganga ut.»
And they returned to him and he [was] remaining in Jericho and he said to them ¿ not did I say to you may not you go.
19 Byfolki og sagde til Elisa: «Denne byen ligg lageleg til, som du herre ser. Men vatnet er vondt, og landet lid av fosterskot.»
And they said [the] people of the city to Elisha here! please [the] location of the city [is] good just as lord my [is] seeing and the waters [are] bad and the land [is] causing abortions.
20 Han svara deim: «Gjev meg ei ny skål, og legg salt i henne!» Dei so gjorde.
And he said fetch for me a jar new and put there salt and they took [it] to him.
21 Gjekk han so ut til uppkoma og kasta saltet nedi med dei ordi: «So segjer Herren: «Eg gjer dette vatnet friskt, so det aldri meir skal valda daude og fosterskot.»»
And he went out to [the] outlet of the waters and he threw there salt and he said thus he says Yahweh I have healed the waters these not it will be from there again death and abortion.
22 Og vatnet vart friskt, og er det den dag i dag, soleis som Elisa hadde sagt.
And they have been healed the waters until the day this according to [the] word of Elisha which he spoke.
23 Derifrå drog han upp til Betel. På vegen dit upp, kom nokre smågutar ut or byen og tok til å hæda honom og kalla honom: «Upp med deg, du snaudskalle! Upp med deg, du snaudskalle!»
And he went up from there Beth-el and he - [was] going up on the way and lads young they came out from the city and they derided him and they said to him go up O bald [man] go up O bald [man].
24 Han såg seg ikring. Og då han vart var deim, lyste han våbøn yver deim i Herrens namn. Tvo binnor kom då ut or skogen og reiv sund tvo og fyrti av borni.
And he turned behind him and he saw them and he cursed them in [the] name of Yahweh and they came out two [female] bears from the forest and they tore in pieces of them forty and two boys.
25 Derifrå gjekk han til Karmelfjellet, og derifrå attende til Samaria.
And he went from there to [the] mountain of Carmel and from there he returned Samaria.

< 2 Kongebok 2 >