< 1 Amakhosi 7 >

1 Kwathatha uSolomoni iminyaka elitshumi lantathu ukuqeda ukwakha isigodlo sakhe.
Solomon, however, took thirteen years to complete the construction of his entire palace.
2 Wakha isiGodlo seGusu leLebhanoni saba side okwezingalo ezilikhulu, lamatshumi amahlanu ububanzi lamatshumi amathathu ukuyaphezulu, sakhelwe phezu kwezinsika zemisedari eziyimizila emine, kulamapulanka omsedari phezu kwayo.
He built the House of the Forest of Lebanon a hundred cubits long, fifty cubits wide, and thirty cubits high, with four rows of cedar pillars supporting the cedar beams.
3 Sasifulelwe ngamapulanka omsedari ayephezu kwezinsika ezingamatshumi amane lanhlanu, ziyimizila emithathu, umzila ulezinsika ezilitshumi lanhlanu.
The house was roofed with cedar above the beams that rested on the pillars—forty-five beams, fifteen per row.
4 Kwakulemizila emithathu yamafasitela, ayeqondene.
There were three rows of high windows facing one another in three tiers.
5 Yonke iminyango yayimiswe yaba magumbi mane; yayimiswe ngaphambili ngamithathu, ikhangelene.
All the doorways had rectangular frames, with the openings facing one another in three tiers.
6 Wasesakha lendlu yezinsika, ubude bayo buzingalo ezingamatshumi amahlanu, ububanzi bayo bungezingamatshumi amathathu. Phambi kwayo kulekhulusi elilezinsika phambili, lophahla.
Solomon made his colonnade fifty cubits long and thirty cubits wide, with a portico in front of it and a canopy with pillars in front of the portico.
7 Wasesakha lendlu yesihlalo sobukhosi, iNkundla Yokwahlulela, lapho ayezathonisela khona amacala, wayendlala ngemisedari kusukela phansi kusiya ephahleni.
In addition, he built a hall for the throne, the Hall of Justice, where he was to judge. It was paneled with cedar from floor to ceiling.
8 Isigodlo sakhe ayezahlala kuso sasisegumeni elingemuva kwendlu yokuthonisela amacala, yayakhiwe ngokufananayo. USolomoni wakhela indodakazi kaFaro ayeyithethe, isigodlo esifanana lendlu yenkundla.
And the palace where Solomon would live, set further back, was of similar construction. He also made a palace like this hall for Pharaoh’s daughter, whom he had married.
9 Zonke lezizakhiwo, kusukela ngaphandle kuze kuyefika egumeni elikhulu phakathi kanye lokusuka esisekelweni kusiya esihlothini, zazakhiwe ngamatshe aqakathekileyo ayebazwe ngesilinganiso esahiwe kuhle ngaphakathi langaphandle kwawo.
All these buildings were constructed with costly stones, cut to size and trimmed with saws inside and out from the foundation to the eaves, and from the outside to the great courtyard.
10 Izisekelo zakhiwa ngamatshe amakhulu aqinileyo, amanye ayezingalo ezilitshumi amanye njalo ezingalo eziyisificaminwembili.
The foundations were laid with large, costly stones, some ten cubits long and some eight cubits long.
11 Ngaphezulu kwakulamatshe aqinileyo, ebazwe ngesilinganiso, kanye lemijabo yomsedari.
Above these were high-grade stones, cut to size, and cedar beams.
12 Iguma elikhulu lalibiyelwe ngomduli wemithando emithathu yamatshe yelekene kanye lalowomsedari obazwe kuhle, kanti kwakunjalo lasegumeni lethempeli likaThixo lekhulusini lakhona.
The great courtyard was surrounded by three rows of dressed stone and a row of trimmed cedar beams, as were the inner courtyard and portico of the house of the LORD.
13 INkosi uSolomoni yathumela eThire ukuba kulethwe uHuramu.
Now King Solomon sent to bring Huram from Tyre.
14 Unina wayengumfelokazi owesizwe sakoNafithali ezalwa yindoda eyayingeyeThire njalo eyayiyingcitshi ekubazeni ithusi. UHuramu wayengumuntu ohlakaniphileyo elokuqedisisa njalo wayelobuciko leminwe ekubazeni ithusi. Waya enkosini uSolomoni wafika wenza yonke imisebenzi ayeyiphiwe.
He was the son of a widow from the tribe of Naphtali, and his father was a man of Tyre, a craftsman in bronze. Huram had great skill, understanding, and knowledge for every kind of bronze work. So he came to King Solomon and carried out all his work.
15 Wabumba insika ezimbili zethusi ezazizinde okuzingalo eziyisificaminwembili ukuyaphezulu njalo ubundingilizi bazo zazizingalo ezilitshumi lambili ngomzila.
He cast two pillars of bronze, each eighteen cubits high and twelve cubits in circumference.
16 Wabumba njalo iziduku ezimbili zethusi ukuze zifakwe engqongeni yezinsika zona ezazizingalo ezinhlanu ukuyaphezulu inye ngayinye.
He also made two capitals of cast bronze to set on top of the pillars, each capital five cubits high.
17 Amambule amaketane ayephothene acecisa iziduku ezaziphezu kwezinsika eziyisikhombisa esidukwini sinye ngasinye.
For the capitals on top of the pillars he made a network of lattice, with wreaths of chainwork, seven for each capital.
18 Wenza imizila emibili yomceciso wamaphomegranathi, igqagqele amambule ukucecisa iziduku phezu kwezinsika. Wenza okufanayo esidukwini sinye ngasinye.
Likewise, he made the pillars with two rows of pomegranates around each grating to cover each capital atop the pillars.
19 Iziduku ezaziphezu kwezinsika ekhulusini zazibunjwe okwemiduze, ziphakeme okwezingalo ezine.
And the capitals atop the pillars in the portico were shaped like lilies, four cubits high.
20 Phezu kweziduku ensikeni zombili, ngaphezu kwesigaba esiyingubhe phansi kwamambule, kungamaphomegranathi angamakhulu amabili emizileni inxa zonke.
On the capitals of both pillars, just above the rounded projection next to the network, were the two hundred pomegranates in rows encircling each capital.
21 Wakha lezonsika ekhulusini lethempeli. Insika eseningizimu wayibiza ngokuthi nguJakhini kwathi esenyakatho wayithi nguBhowazi.
Thus he set up the pillars at the portico of the temple. The pillar to the south he named Jachin, and the pillar to the north he named Boaz.
22 Iziduku ezaziphezulu zazibunjwe okwemiduze. Wapheleliswa kanjalo umsebenzi wezinsika.
And the tops of the pillars were shaped like lilies. So the work of the pillars was completed.
23 Wasesenza uLwandle ngensimbi encibilikisiweyo, luyisigombolozi, luyizingalo ezilitshumi ukusuka emphethweni kusiya emphethweni luphakeme okwezingalo ezinhlanu. Ukulinganisa leyondingilizi kwakuthatha intambo ezingalo ezingamatshumi amathathu ukuyizingelezela.
He also made the Sea of cast metal. It was circular in shape, measuring ten cubits from rim to rim, five cubits in height, and thirty cubits in circumference.
24 Ngaphansi komphetho, kungamaqhagana agqagqeleyo, elitshumi engalweni eyodwa. Amaqhagana la ayebunjwe aba yimizila emibili ensimbininye loLwandle.
Below the rim, ornamental buds encircled it, ten per cubit all the way around the Sea, cast in two rows as a part of the Sea.
25 ULwandle lwalumi phezu kwenkunzi ezilitshumi lambili, ezintathu zikhangele enyakatho, ezintathu zikhangele entshonalanga, ezintathu zikhangele eningizimu kuthi ezintathu zikhangele empumalanga. ULwandle lwalugxile phezu kwazo, imilenze yazo igobele phakathi.
The Sea stood on twelve oxen, three facing north, three facing west, three facing south, and three facing east. The Sea rested on them, with all their hindquarters toward the center.
26 Uhlonzi lwalulingana ububanzi besandla, umphetho ufanana lomphetho wenkomitsho, kufanana lokuqhakaza kweluba. Lwalungena izikhelelo ezizinkulungwane ezimbili.
It was a handbreadth thick, and its rim was fashioned like the brim of a cup, like a lily blossom. It could hold two thousand baths.
27 Wenza njalo amathala ethusi alitshumi aphakamisekayo ubude bawo buzingalo ezine, lobubanzi buzingalo ezine, ukuphakama kuzingalo ezintathu lilinye.
In addition, he made ten movable stands of bronze, each four cubits long, four cubits wide, and three cubits high.
28 Amathala ayenziwe ngalindlela: Kwakulezisekelo eziya phezulu emaceleni zinanyathiselwe.
This was the design of the stands: They had side panels attached to uprights,
29 Kulezozisekelo phakathi kwezinsika eziya phezulu kubunjelwe izilwane, inkunzi lamakherubhi, kuthi kulezonsika eziya phezulu kufanane njalo. Ngaphezulu langaphansi kwezilwane lenkunzi kulezinkatha ezikhandiweyo.
and on the panels between the uprights were lions, oxen, and cherubim. On the uprights was a pedestal above, and below the lions and oxen were wreaths of beveled work.
30 Inqodlana nganye ilamavili lama-ekseli ethusi, njalo nganye ilomganu phezu kwezinsika ziceciswe ngemithando ekhandelwe inxa zonke.
Each stand had four bronze wheels with bronze axles and a basin resting on four supports, with wreaths at each side.
31 Ngaphakathi kwenqodlana yinye nganye kuvulekile kuyisigombolozi esitshona okwengalo eyodwa. Isikhala lesi siyisigombolozi ngaphansi kwaso siyingalo elengxenye. Emlonyeni kukhona okwabazelwayo kungumceciso. Okubaziweyo emaceleni kulingana inxa zonke zone, kungayisiyo indingilizi.
The opening to each stand inside the crown at the top was one cubit deep, with a round opening like the design of a pedestal, a cubit and a half wide. And around its opening were engravings, but the panels of the stands were square, not round.
32 Amavili womane engaphansi kwamapulanka, lama-ekseli amavili ebotshelwe enqodlaneni. Ububanzi bendingilizi yevili ngalinye bulingana ingalo eyodwa elengxenye.
There were four wheels under the panels, and the axles of the wheels were attached to the stand; each wheel was a cubit and a half in diameter.
33 Amavili akhona enziwe njengawenqola yempi, ama-ekseli, amarimu, lezipokisi zawo lamahabha awo enziwe ngensimbi ezitshisiweyo.
The wheels were made like chariot wheels; their axles, rims, spokes, and hubs were all of cast metal.
34 Inqodlana nganye yayilezibambo ezine, esisodwa sisegumbini linye, sigxile enqodlaneni.
Each stand had four handles, one for each corner, projecting from the stand.
35 Phezu kwenqodlana kulomthando oyisizingelezi esitshona okwengxenye yengalo. Izisekelo lamapulanka kuxhume phezu kwenqodlana.
At the top of each stand was a circular band half a cubit high. The supports and panels were cast as a unit with the top of the stand.
36 Wabazela khona amakherubhi, izilwane kanye lezihlahla zamalala kuyo yonke indawo ebonakalayo lomceciso inxa zonke.
He engraved cherubim, lions, and palm trees on the surfaces of the supports and panels, wherever each had space, with wreaths all around.
37 Yiyo-ke le indlela ayenze ngayo izinqodlana ezilitshumi. Zazenziwe ngomkhando munye zilingana ubukhulu zilesimo sinye.
In this way he made the ten stands, each with the same casting, dimensions, and shape.
38 Wasebumba imiganu elitshumi ngethusi, umunye uthatha izikhelelo ezingamatshumi amane ububanzi bayo buzingalo ezine, kusithi umganu owodwa ubekwa phezu kwenqodlana nganye yezilitshumi.
He also made ten bronze basins, each holding forty baths and measuring four cubits across, one basin for each of the ten stands.
39 Wasemisa inqodlana ezinhlanu zazo ngeningizimu yethempeli kwathi ezinhlanu zema enyakatho. ULwandle walubeka eningizimu, ejikweni laseningizimu yempumalanga kwethempeli.
He set five stands on the south side of the temple and five on the north, and he put the Sea on the south side, at the southeast corner of the temple.
40 Wabumba njalo imiganu lamafotsholo lemiganu yesichelo. Ngalokho uHuramu wawuphetha umsebenzi ayewenzela inkosi uSolomoni ethempelini likaThixo:
Additionally, Huram made the pots, shovels, and sprinkling bowls. So Huram finished all the work that he had undertaken for King Solomon in the house of the LORD:
41 Izinsika ezimbili; iziduku ezimbili ezibunjwe okomganu phezu kwezinsika; amambule amabili ececise iziduku ezimbili eziyingubhe eziphezu kwezinsika;
the two pillars; the two bowl-shaped capitals atop the pillars; the two sets of network covering both bowls of the capitals atop the pillars;
42 amaphomegranathi angamakhulu amane amambule womabili (imbule linye lilemizila emibili yamaphomegranathi, acecise iziduku eziyingubhe eziphezu kwezinsika);
the four hundred pomegranates for the two sets of network (two rows of pomegranates for each network covering both the bowl-shaped capitals atop the pillars);
43 izinqodlana ezilitshumi lenkonxa zazo ezilitshumi;
the ten stands; the ten basins on the stands;
44 uLwandle lenkunzi ezilitshumi lambili ngaphansi kwalo;
the Sea; the twelve oxen underneath the Sea;
45 imbiza, amafotsholo lemiganu yesichelo. Zonke lezizinto ezenzelwa iNkosi uSolomoni nguHuramu ezenzela ithempeli likaThixo zazenziwe ngethusi elikhazimulayo.
and the pots, shovels, and sprinkling bowls. All the articles that Huram made for King Solomon in the house of the LORD were made of burnished bronze.
46 Inkosi yalungiselela ukuthi zonke zibunjwe ngesithombe somdaka emagcekeni aseJodani phakathi kwaseSukhothi laseZarethani.
The king had them cast in clay molds in the plain of the Jordan between Succoth and Zarethan.
47 USolomoni wayekela konke lokhu kungalinganiswanga isisindo sakho, ngenxa yokuthi kwakukunengi kakhulu; ubunzima bensimbi yethusi bungazanga bulinganiswe.
Solomon left all these articles unweighed, because there were so many. The weight of the bronze could not be determined.
48 USolomoni wenza yonke imiceciso eyayisethempelini likaThixo: i-alithari legolide; itafula eliligolide lilesinkwa esiNgcwele sikaNkulunkulu;
Solomon also made all the furnishings for the house of the LORD: the golden altar; the golden table on which was placed the Bread of the Presence;
49 izinti zezibane zegolide elicengekileyo (ezinhlanu zazo ngakwesokudla njalo zinhlanu langakwesokhohlo, phambi kwesiphephelo esingaphakathi); okubalazwe ngamaluba, izibane kanye lezindlawu;
the lampstands of pure gold in front of the inner sanctuary, five on the right side and five on the left; the gold flowers, lamps, and tongs;
50 imiganu yegolide elicengekileyo, izibane, imiganu yokuchelisa, izinditshi leyempepha; kanye lezibambo zezivalo zingezegolide ezazenzelwe indlu engaphakathi, indawo eNgcwelengcwele, kanti-ke kwakunjalo lezivalweni zendlu enkulu phakathi kwethempeli.
the pure gold basins, wick trimmers, sprinkling bowls, ladles, and censers; and the gold hinges for the doors of the inner temple (that is, the Most Holy Place ) as well as for the doors of the main hall of the temple.
51 Kwathi usuphelile wonke umsebenzi owawenziwe yinkosi uSolomoni ekwakheni kwakhe ithempeli likaThixo, waletha lezompahla ezazinikelwe nguyise uDavida, isiliva legolide layo yonke imiceciso, konke lokhu wakufaka endlini yenotho ethempelini likaThixo.
So all the work that King Solomon had performed for the house of the LORD was completed. Then Solomon brought in the items his father David had dedicated—the silver, the gold, and the furnishings—and he placed them in the treasuries of the house of the LORD.

< 1 Amakhosi 7 >