< Nehemia 11 >

1 Na i noho nga rangatira o te iwi ki Hiruharama: a i maka rota te nuinga atu o te iwi mo te tangata takikotahi i te tekau kia kawea ki Hiruharama, ki te pa tapu, noho ai, a ko te tokoiwa ki era atu pa.
And the chiefs of the people dwelt in Jerusalem: and the rest of the people cast lots, to bring one of [every] ten to dwell in Jerusalem the holy city, and nine parts in the [other] cities.
2 A he moa manaaki na te iwi nga tangata katoa i hihiko noa ake ki te noho ki Hiruharama.
And the people blessed all the men that volunteered to dwell in Jerusalem.
3 Na ko nga ariki enei o te kawanatanga i noho ki Hiruharama: i nga pa ia o Hura i noho ratou i tona wahi, i tona wahi, i o ratou pa, ara a Iharaira, nga tohunga, nga Riwaiti, nga Netinimi, ratou ko nga tama a nga pononga a Horomona.
Now these [are] the chiefs of the province who dwelt in Jerusalem, and in the cities of Juda; [every] man dwelt in his possession in their cities: Israel, the priests, and the Levites, and the Nathinim, and the children of the servants of Solomon.
4 Na i noho ki Hiruharama etahi o nga tama a Hura, o nga tama ano a Pineamine. No nga tama a Hura; ko Ataia tama a Utia, tama a Hakaraia, tama a Amaria, tama a Hepatia, tama a Maharareere, no nga tamariki a Perete;
And there dwelt in Jerusalem [some] of the children of Juda, and of the children of Benjamin. Of the children of Juda; Athaia son of Azia, the son of Zacharia, the son of Samaria, the son of Saphatia, the son of Maleleel, and [some] of the sons of Phares;
5 Ko Maaheia tama a Paruku, tama a Korohote, tama a Hataia, tama a Araia, tama a Toiaripi, tama a Hakaraia, tama a te Hironi.
and Maasia son of Baruch, son of Chalaza, son of Ozia, son of Adaia, son of Joarib, son of Zacharias, son of Seloni.
6 Ko nga tama katoa a Perete i noho ki Hiruharama e wha rau e ono tekau ma waru, he hunga maia.
All the sons of Phares who dwelt in Jerusalem [were] four hundred and sixty-eight men of might.
7 Na ko nga tama enei a Pineamine; ko Haru tama a Mehurama, tama a Toere, tama a Peraia, tama a Koraia, tama a Maaheia, tama a Itiere, tama a Ihaia.
And these [were] the children of Benjamin; Selo son of Mesulam, son of Joad, son of Phadaia, son of Coleia, son of Maasias, son of Ethiel, son of Jesia.
8 Na i muri i a ia, ko Kapai, ko Harai, e iwa rau e rua tekau ma waru.
And after him Gebe, Seli, nine hundred and twenty-eight.
9 Na ko Hoera tama a Tikiri to ratou kaitirotiro; ko Hura hoki tama a Henua te tuarua o nga rangatira o te pa.
And Joel son of Zechri [was] overseer over them: and Juda son of Asana was second in the city.
10 O nga tohunga: ko Ieraia tama a Toiaripi, ko Iakini;
Of the priests: both Jadia son of Joarib, and Jachin.
11 Ko Heraia tama a Hirikia, tama a Mehurama, tama a Haroko, tama a Mereioto, tama a Ahitupu, te rangatira mo te whare o te Atua,
Saraia, son of Elchia, son of Mesulam, son of Sadduc, son of Marioth, son of Aetoth, was over the house of God.
12 Me o ratou teina i mahi nei i te mahi o te whare, e waru rau e rua tekau ma rua: me Araia ano tama a Ierohama, tama a Peraria, tama a Amati, tama a Hakaraia, tama a Pahuru, tama a Marakia,
And their brethren doing the work of the house were eight hundred and twenty-two: and Adaia son of Jeroam, son of Phalalia, son of Amasi, son of Zacharia, son of Phassur, son of Melchia,
13 Me ona teina, me nga ariki o nga whare o nga matua; e rua rau e wha tekau ma rua: ko Amahai tama a Atareere, tama a Ahatai, tama a Mehiremoto, tama a Imere,
and his brethren, chiefs of families, two hundred and forty-two: and Amasia son of Esdriel, son of Mesarimith, son of Emmer,
14 Me o ratou teina, he marohirohi, he maia, kotahi rau e rua tekau ma waru: a ko to ratou kaitirotiro, ko Tapariere tama a Haketorimi.
and his brethren, mighty men of war, a hundred and twenty-eight: and [their] overseer [was] Badiel son of [one of the] great men.
15 O nga Riwaiti ano: ko Hemaia tama a Huhupu, tama a Atarikama, tama a Hahapia, tama a Puni;
And of the Levites; Samaia, son of Esricam,
16 Ko Hapetai, ko Itopara, no nga ariki o nga Riwaiti, nga kaitirotiro o te mahi i waho o te whare o te Atua,
17 Ko Matania tama a Mika, tama a Tapari, tama a Ahapa, te tino tangata hei timata i te whakamoemiti i te mea e karakia ana: ko Pakapukia ano hoki ko te tuarua i roto i ona teina; ko Apara tama a Hamua, tama a Karara, tama a Ierutunu.
Matthanias son of Micha, and Jobeb son of Samui,
18 Ko nga Riwaiti katoa i te pa tapu, e rua rau e waru tekau ma wha.
two hundred and eighty-four.
19 Ko nga kaitiaki kuwaha hoki, ko Akupu, ko Taramono, me o ratou teina i tiakina ai nga kuwaha, kotahi rau e whitu tekau ma rua.
And the porters; Acub, Telamin, and their brethren, a hundred and seventy-two.
20 Na, ko era atu o Iharaira, o nga tohunga, o nga Riwaiti, kei nga pa katoa ratou o Hura, kei tona wahi, kei tona wahi.
21 I noho ia nga Netinimi ki Opere: ko Tiha hoki raua ko Kihipa nga kaitirotiro o nga Netinimi.
22 Ko te kaitirotiro hoki o nga Riwaiti i Hiruharama, ko Uti tama a Pani, tama a Hahapia, tama a Matania, tama a Mika, o nga tama a Ahapa nga kaiwaiata, mo te mahi i te whare o te Atua.
And the overseer of the Levites [was] the son of Bani, son of Ozi, son of Asabia, the son of Micha. Of the sons of Asaph the singers [some were] over the house of God,
23 Na te kingi hoki te tikanga mo ratou, kia tuturu te wahi ma nga kaiwaiata, he mea tatau a rangi tonu.
For so was the king's commandment concerning them.
24 Na ko Petahia tama a Mehetapeere, no nga tama a Tera, tama a Hura, i to te kingi taha ia i nga mea katoa a te iwi.
And Phathaia son of Baseza was in attendance on the king in every matter for the people,
25 Na, ko nga kainga me o ratou mara, i noho etahi o nga tama a Hura ki Kiriata Arapa, ki ona pa ririki, ki Ripono, ki ona pa ririki, ki Tekapateere, ki ona kainga koraha,
and with regard to villages in their country district: and [some] of the children of Juda dwelt in Cariatharboc,
26 Ki Hehua, ki Morara, ki Peteparete,
and in Jesu,
27 Ki Hatarahuara, ki Peerehepa, ki ona pa ririki,
and in Bersabee:
28 Ki Tikiraka, ki Mekona, ki ona pa ririki,
29 Ki Enerimono, ki Toraha, ki Iaramuta;
30 Ko Tanoa, ko Aturama me o raua kainga, ko Rakihi, me o reira mara, ko Ateka, me ona pa ririki. Na, ko to ratou nohoanga, kei Peerehepa, a tae noa ki te raorao o Hinomo.
And their villages [were] Lachis and her hands: and they pitched their tents in Bersabee.
31 Ko nga tama hoki a Pineamine, ko era i Kepa, i noho ratou ki Mikimaha, ki Aiia, ki Peteere, ki o ratou pa ririki;
And the children of Benjamin [dwelt] from Gabaa [to] Machmas.
32 Ki Anatoto, ki Nopo, ki Anania,
33 Ki Hatoro, ki Rama, ki Kitaima,
34 Ki Hariri, ki Tepoimi, ki Neparata,
35 Ki Roro, ki Ono, ki te raorao o nga tohunga mahi.
36 Na kei a Hura, kei a Pineamine, etahi tanga o nga Riwaiti.
And of the Levites there were divisions to Juda [and] to Benjamin.

< Nehemia 11 >