< Maka 9 >

1 I mea ano ia ki a ratou, He pono taku e mea nei ki a koutou, Tenei ano etahi o te hunga e tu nei, e kore e pangia e te mate, kia kite ra ano i te rangatiratanga o te Atua e haere mai ana i runga i te kaha.
And he sayde vnto them: Verely I saye vnto you: There be some of the that stonde here which shall not taste of deeth tyll they have sene the kyngdome of God come wt power.
2 A, ka pahure nga ra e ono, ka mau a Ihu ki a Pita, ki a Hemi, ki a Hoani, na kawea ana ratou e ia ki runga ki tetahi maunga tiketike, ko ratou anake: a ka puta ke tona ahua i to ratou aroaro.
And after. vi. dayes Iesus toke Peter Iames and Iohn and leede them vp into an hye mountayne out of ye waye alone and he was transfigured before them.
3 Na kanapa tonu ona kakahu, ma tonu me te hukarere; e kore e taea e te kaihoroi i runga i te whenua te mea kia pera te ma.
And his rayment dyd shyne and was made very whyte even as snowe: so whyte as noo fuller can make apon the erth.
4 Na ka puta mai ki a ratou a Iraia raua ko Mohi: e korerorero ana raua ki a Ihu.
And ther apered vnto them Helyas with Moses: and they talked with Iesu.
5 Na ka oho a Pita, ka mea ki a Ihu, E te Kaiwhakaako, he mea pai kia noho tatou ki konei: na kia hanga e matou etahi wharau kia toru: kia kotahi mou, kia kotahi mo Mohi, kia kotahi mo Iraia.
And Peter answered and sayde to Iesu: Master here is good beinge for vs let vs make. iii. tabernacles one for the one for Moses and one for Helyas.
6 Kahore hoki ia i matau ki tana e korero ai; i wehi hoki ratou.
And yet he wist not what he sayde: for they were afrayde.
7 Na ko tetahi kapua e taumarumaru ana ki runga ki a ratou: a ka puta he reo i te kapua, e mea ana, Ko taku Tama tenei i aroha ai; whakarongo ki a ia.
And ther was a cloude that shaddowed the. And a voyce came out of the cloude sayinge: This is my dere sonne here him.
8 A, titiro rawa ake ratou ki tetahi taha, ki tetahi taha, kahore a ratou tangata i kite ai, ko ratou anake, ko Ihu.
And sodenly they loked rounde aboute them and sawe no man more then Iesus only wt the.
9 A, i a ratou e heke iho ana i te maunga, ka whakatupato ia i a ratou kia kaua e korerotia ki te tangata a ratou i kite ai, kia ara ra ano te Tama a te tangata i te hunga mate.
And as they came doune from the hyll he charged the that they shuld tell no ma what they had sene tyll the sonne of man were rysen fro deeth agayne.
10 A i puritia taua kupu e ratou, ka uiui ki a ratou ano, he aha ra te aranga ake i te hunga mate.
And they kepte that sayinge with them and demaunded one of a nother what yt rysinge from deeth agayne shuld meane?
11 A ka ui ratou ki a ia, ka mea, he aha nga karaipi ka mea ai, ko Iraia kia matua puta mai?
And they axed him sayinge: why then saye ye scribe that Helyas muste fyrste come?
12 Na ka whakahoki ia, ka mea ki a ratou, E puta ana ano a Iraia i mua ki te whakatika i nga mea katoa; kua oti ano te tuhituhi mo te Tama a te tangata, kia maha ona mamae, kia whakakahoretia.
He answered and sayde vnto them: Helyas verelye shall fyrst come and restore all thinges. And also ye sonne of ma as it is wrytte shall suffre many thinges and shall be set at nought.
13 Ko taku kupu ia tenei ki a koutou, Kua tae mai ano a Iraia, heoi meatia ana e ratou ki a ia ta ratou i pai ai, nga mea hoki i tuhituhia mona.
Moreouer I saye vnto you that Helyas is come and they have done vnto him whatsoever pleased them as it is wrytten of him.
14 A, no to ratou taenga ki nga akonga, ka kite ratou he rahi te hui e karapoti ana i a ratou, me nga karaipi e totohe ana ki a ratou.
And he came to his disciples and sawe moche people aboute them and the scribes disputinge with them.
15 A, kite kau te mano katoa i a ia, ka miharo, a oma ana, oha ana ki a ia.
And streyght waye all the people when they behelde him were amased and ran to him and saluted him.
16 Na ka ui ia ki a ratou, He aha ta koutou e totohe na ki a ratou?
And he sayde vnto the Scribes: what dispute ye with them?
17 Na ka whakahoki tetahi i roto i te mano, ka mea, E te Kaiwhakaako, i kawea mai e ahau taku tama ki a koe, he wairua reokore tona;
And one of the copanye answered and sayde: Master I have brought my sonne vnto the which hath a dome spirite.
18 A, i nga wahi e hopu ai te wairua i a ia, ka taia iho: tutu ana te huka, tetea ana ona niho, a pakoko haere ana: i mea ano ahau ki au akonga kia peia ia ki waho; heoi kihai i taea e ratou.
And whensoever he taketh him he teareth him and he fometh and gnassheth with his tethe and pyneth awaye. And I spake to thy disciples that they shuld caste him out and they coulde not.
19 Na ko tana whakahokinga ki a ia, ka mea, E te uri whakaponokore, kia pehea te roa o toku noho ki a koutou? kia pehea te roa o taku manawanui ki a koutou? Kawea mai ki ahau.
He answered him and sayd: O generacion wt out faith how longe shall I be with you? How longe shall I suffre you? Bringe him vnto me.
20 Na kawea ana mai ia ki a ia: a, i tona kitenga i a ia, na haea tonutia iho ia e te wairua; a hinga ana ia ki te whenua, ka oke, ka huka.
And they brought him vnto him. And assone as ye sprete sawe him he tare him. And he fell doune on the grounde walowinge and fomynge.
21 Na ka ui ia ki tona matua, Ka pehea te roa o te mea nei ki a ia? Ka mea ia, No te tamarikitanga:
And he axed his father: how longe is it a goo sens this hath happened him? And he sayde of a chylde:
22 He maha ana turakanga i a ia ki te kapura, ki te wai, kia ngaro ai: otira ki te taea e koe te aha ranei, arohaina maua, kia puta tou whakaaro ki a maua.
and ofte tymes casteth him into the fyre and also into the water to destroye him. But yf thou canste do eny thinge have mercy on vs and helpe vs.
23 Ka mea a Ihu ki a ia, Ki te taea e koe te whakapono, ka taea nga mea katoa e te tangata whakapono.
And Iesus sayde vnto him: ye yf thou couldest beleve all thinges are possible to him yt belevith.
24 Na karanga tonu mai te matua o te tama, ka mea, E whakapono ana ahau, e te Ariki; kia puta tou whakaaro ki toku whakaponokore.
And streygth waye the father of the chylde cryed with teares sayinge: Lorde I beleve helpe myne vnbelefe.
25 A, no te kitenga o Ihu i te mano e oma mai ana, ka riria e ia te wairua poke, ka mea ki a ia, E te wairua reokore, turi, ko taku tenei ki a koe, Puta mai i roto i a ia, kaua ano e tomo ki roto ki a ia a muri ake nei.
When Iesus sawe that the people came runnynge togedder vnto him he rebuked the foule sprete sayinge vnto him: Thou domme and deffe sprete I charge the come out of him and entre no more into him.
26 Na hamama ana tera, haehae noa iho ana i a ia, a puta ana mai ki waho: no ka pera taua tangata me te tupapaku, a he tokomaha i mea, Kua mate.
And the sprete cryed and rent him sore and came out: And he was as one that had bene deed in so moche yt many sayde he is deed.
27 Otira ka mau a Ihu ki tona ringa, ka whakaara i a ia: a ka whakatika ia.
But Iesus caught his honde and lyfte him vp: and he roose.
28 A, i a ia ka tomo ki te whare, ka ui puku ana akonga ki a ia, he aha matou te ahei ai te pei i a ia ki waho?
And when he was come into the housse his disciples axed him secretly: why coulde not we caste him out?
29 Ano ra ko ia ki a ratou, E kore e puta noa te pena, ma te inoi anake, ma te nohopuku.
And he sayde vnto them: this kynde can by no nother meanes come forth but by prayer and fastynge.
30 Na ka hapainga e ratou i reira, a haere ana ra waenganui o Kariri; kihai hoki ia i pai kia rangona e tetahi.
And they departed thens and toke their iorney thorow Galile and he wolde not that eny man shuld have knowen it.
31 Ko tana hoki i whakaako ai ki ana akonga, i mea ai ki a ratou, Ka tukua te Tama a te tangata ki nga ringa o nga tangata, a ma ratou ia e whakamate; a, ka oti ia te whakamate, ka ara ake i te toru o nga ra.
For he taught his disciples and sayde vnto them: The sonne of man shalbe delyvered into ye hondes of men and they shall kyll him and after that he is kylled he shall aryse agayne the thryd daye.
32 Na kihai ratou i matau ki taua kupu, ka mataku hoki ki te ui ki a ia.
But they wiste not what that sayinge meat and were affrayed to axe him.
33 Na ka tae ratou ki Kaperenauma; a, i a ia i roto i te whare, ka ui ia ki a ratou, He aha ta koutou i korerorero ai ki a koutou i te ara?
And he came to Capernaum. And when he was come to housse he axed the: what was it that ye disputed bytwene you by the waye?
34 Otiia kihai ratou i kiki: ko ta ratou hoki i kore korero ai ki a ratou i te ara, ko wai te mea nui rawa.
And they helde their peace: for by the waye they reasoned amonge the selves who shuld be the chefest.
35 Na ka noho ia, ka karanga i te tekau ma rua, ka mea ki a ratou, Ki te whai tetahi kia whiti ko ia hei mua, ka waiho ia hei muri i te katoa, hei kaimahi ma te katoa.
And he sate doune and called the twelve vnto him and sayd to them: yf eny man desyre to be fyrst the same shalbe last of all and servaunt vnto all.
36 Na ka mau ia ki tetahi tamaiti nohinohi, a whakaturia ana ki waenganui i a ratou: na ka okooko i a ia, ka mea ki a ratou,
And he toke a chylde and set him in ye middes of them and toke him in his armes and sayde vnto them.
37 Ki te manako tetahi ki tetahi o nga tamariki penei, he whakaaro ki toku ingoa, e manako ana ia ki ahau: ki te manako hoki tetahi ki ahau, ehara i ahau tana i manako ai, engari ko toku kaitono mai.
Whosoever receave eny soche a chylde in my name receaveth me. And whosoever receaveth me receaveth not me but him that sent me.
38 Na ka mea a Hoani ki ia, E te Kaiwhakaako, i kite matou i tetahi e pei rewera ana i runga i tou ingoa: na riria iho e matou, kahore hoki ia e haere tahi me tatou.
Iohn answered him sayinge: Master we sawe one castynge out devyls in thy name which foloweth not vs and we forbade him because he foloweth vs not.
39 Na ka mea a ihu, Kaua ia e riria: ki te mea hoki noku te ingoa e mahi merekara ai tetahi, e kore e hohoro tana korero kino moku.
But Iesus sayde forbid him not. For ther is no ma that shall do a miracle in my name that can lightlyge speake evyll of me.
40 Ko ia hoki ehara i te hoariri ki a tatou, no tatou ia.
Whosoever is not agaynste you is on youre parte.
41 Ki te whakainumia koutou e tetahi ki te kapu wai, he whakaaro ki toku ingoa, no te mea no te Karaiti koutou, he pono taku e mea nei ki a koutou, e kore ia e hapa i tona utu.
And whosoever shall geve you a cuppe of water to drinke for my names sake because ye belonge to Christe verely I saye vnto you he shall not loose his rewarde.
42 Na, ki te mea tetahi kia he tetahi o enei mea nonohi e whakapono nei ki ahau, he pai ke ki a ia me i whakairia tetahi kohatu mira ki tona kaki, a ka maka ia ki te moana.
And whosoever shall offende one of these lytelons yt beleve in me it were better for him yt a mylstone were hanged aboute his necke and yt he he were cast into ye see:
43 Na, ki te he koe i tou ringa, poutoa: pai ke hoki mou te tomo mutu ki te ora i te maka ringaruatia ki Kehena, ki te kapura e kore e tineia: (Geenna g1067)
wherfore yf thy hande offende ye cut him of. It is better for ye to entre into lyffe maymed then havynge two hondes goo into hell into fire yt never shalbe quenched (Geenna g1067)
44 Ki te wahi e kore ai e mate to ratou kutukutu, ki te kapura e kore e e tineia.
where there worme dyeth not and the fyre never goeth oute.
45 Ki te he ano koe i tou waewae, poutoa: pai ke hoki mou te tomo kopa ki te ora i te maka waewaeruatia ki Kehena, (Geenna g1067)
Lykewyse yf thy fote offende the cut him of. For it is better for the to goo halt into lyfe then havynge two fete to be cast into hell into fyre that never shalbe quenched: (Geenna g1067)
46 Ki te wahi e kore ai e mate to ratou kutukutu, ki te kapura e kore e tineia.
where there worme dyeth not and the fyre never goeth oute.
47 A, ki te he koe i tou kanohi, maka atu: pai ke hoki mou te tomo kanohi tahi ki te rangatiratanga o te Atua i te maka kanohiruatia ki Kehena: (Geenna g1067)
Even so yf thyne eye offende the plucke him oute. It is better for the to goo into the kyngdom of god with one eye then havynge two eyes to be caste into hell fyre: (Geenna g1067)
48 Ki te wahi e kore ai e mate to ratou kutukutu, ki te kapura e kore e tineia.
where there worme dyeth not and the fyre never goeth oute.
49 Ta te mea ka totea nga tangata katoa ki te kapura.
Every man therfore shalbe salted wt fyre: And every sacrifise shalbe seasoned with salt.
50 He pai te tote: otira ki te pirau te tote, ma te aha e whai tikanga tote ai? Kia whai tote i roto i a koutou, kia mau hoki te rongo a tetahi ki tetahi.
Salt is good. But yf ye salt be vnsavery: what shall ye salte therwith? Se yt ye have salt in youre selves: and have peace amonge youre selves one with another.

< Maka 9 >