< Kaiwhakariterite 1 >

1 A, i muri iho i te matenga o Hohua, na ka ui nga tamariki a Iharaira ki a Ihowa, ka mea, Ko wai e matua haere mo matou ki runga ki nga Kanaani ki te whawhai ki a ratou?
And it came to pass after the death of Joshua, that the children of Israel enquired of the Lord, saying, Who shall go up for us first against the Chananites, to fight against them?
2 Na ka mea a Ihowa, Ko Hura e haere: nana, kua hoatu e ahau te whenua ki tona ringa.
And the Lord said, Judas shall go up: behold, I have delivered the land into his hand.
3 Na ka mea a Hura ki a Himiona ki tona tuakana, Hoake taua ki toku wahi, kia whawhai ai taua ki nga Kanaani; a ka haere ai hoki ahau i a koe ki tou wahi. Na haere ana raua ko Himiona.
And Judas said to his brother Symeon, Come up with me into my lot, and let us array ourselves against the Chananites, and I also will go with thee into thy lot: and Symeon went with him.
4 A, ko te haerenga atu o Hura, ka homai e Ihowa nga Kanaani me nga Perihi ki o ratou ringa, a patua iho o ratou ki Peheke kotahi tekau mano tangata.
And Judas went up; and the Lord delivered the Chananite and the Pherezite into their hands, and they smote them in Bezek to [the number of] ten thousand men.
5 I rokohanga ano a Aronipeheke ki Peheke, a whawhai ana ki a ia, a patua iho nga Kanaani me nga Perihi.
And they overtook Adonibezek in Bezek, and fought against him; and they smote the Chananite and the Pherezite.
6 Na ka rere a Aronipeheke, a whaia ana e ratou, a ka mau, na tapahia ana nga koromatua o ona ringa, o ona waewae.
And Adonibezek fled, and they pursued after him, and took him, and cut off his thumbs and his great toes.
7 Na ka mea a Aronipeheke, E whitu tekau nga kingi, he mea tapahi nga koromatua o o ratou ringa, o o ratou waewae, i kohi kai i raro i taku tepu: ko taku i mea ai, kua whakahokia mai e te Atua ki ahau. Na ka kawea ia ki Hiruharama, a mate iho ki re ira.
And Adonibezek said, Seventy kings, having their thumbs and their great toes cut off, gathered [their food] under my table: as I therefore have done, so God has recompensed me: and they brought him to Jerusalem, and he died there.
8 I tauria hoki a Hiruharama e nga tamariki a Hura, a horo ana i a ratou, patua iho e ratou ki te mata o te hoari, tahuna ake hoki e ratou te pa ki te ahi.
And the children of Judas fought against Jerusalem, and took it, and smote with the edge of the sword, and they burnt the city with fire.
9 A muri iho ka haere ki raro nga tamariki a Hura ki te whawhai ki nga Kanaani i noho i te whenua pukepuke i te tonga, i te mania.
And afterwards the children of Judas went down to fight with the Chananite dwelling in the hill country, and the south, and the plain country.
10 Na haere ana a Hura, whawhai ana ki nga Kanaani i noho ki Heperona: na, ko te ingoa o Heperona i mua ko Kiriata Arapa: patua iho e ratou a Hehai, a Ahimana, ratou ko Taramai.
And Judas went to the Chananite who dwelt in Chebron; and Chebron came out against him; [and the name of Chebron before was Cariatharbocsepher: ] and they smote Sessi, and Achiman, and Tholmi, children of Enac.
11 Na ka haere atu ia i reira, ka whawhai kinga tangata o Repiri; a, ko te ingoa o Repiri i mua ko Kiriata Hepere:
And they went up thence to the inhabitants of Dabir; but the name of Dabir was before Cariathsepher, the city of Letters.
12 Na ka mea a Karepe, Ko te tangata e patua ai a Kiriata Hepere, a e horo ai, ka hoatu e ahau taku tamahine, a Akaha hei wahine mana.
And Chaleb said, Whosoever shall smite the city of Letters, and shall first take it, I will give to him Ascha my daughter to wife.
13 Na ka horo i a Otoniere tama a Kenaha teina o Karepe, a hoatu ana e ia tana tamahine, a Akaha hei wahine mana.
And Gothoniel the younger son of Kenez the brother of Chaleb took it; and Chaleb gave him his daughter Ascha to wife.
14 A, no taenga atu o taua wahine ki a ia, ka whakakiki i a ia kia tonoa he mara i tona papa; a ka marere iho ia ki raro i tona kaihe; na ka mea a Karepe ki a ia, He aha tau?
And it came to pass as she went in, that Gothoniel urged her to ask a field of her father; and she murmured and cried from off her ass, Thou hast sent me forth into a south land: and Chaleb said to her, What is thy request?
15 Na ka mea ia ki a ia, Homai he manaakitanga moku, kei te tonga hoki te whenua i homai e koe moku; homai ano hoki etahi puna wai moku. Na hoatu ana e Karepe ki a ia nga puna o runga me nga puna o raro.
And Ascha said to him, Give me, I pray thee, a blessing, for thou hast sent me forth into a south land, and thou shalt give me the ransom of water: and Chaleb gave her according to her heart the ransom of the upper [springs] and the ransom of the low [springs].
16 Na ka haere nga tamariki a te Keni, a te hungawai o Mohi, i te pa nikau, ratou ko nga tamariki a Hura, ki te koraha o Hura, ki te tonga o Arara, a haere ana, noho ana i roto i te iwi.
And the children of Jothor the Kenite the father-in-law of Moses went up from the city of palm-trees with the children of Judas, to the wilderness that is in the south of Juda, which is at the descent of Arad, and they dwelt with the people.
17 Na ka haere a Hura raua ko tona tuakana ko Himiona, a patua iho e ratou nga Kanaani i noho i Hepata, whakangaromia iho; na reira i huaina ai te ingoa o taua pa, ko Horema.
And Judas went with Symeon his brother, and smote the Chananite that inhabited Sepheth, and they utterly destroyed them; and they called the name of the city Anathema.
18 A i riro ano i a Hura a Kaha me tona rohe, a Ahakerono me tona rohe, a Ekerono me tona rohe.
But Judas did not inherit Gaza nor her coasts, nor Ascalon nor her coasts, nor Accaron nor her coasts, [nor] Azotus nor the lands around it.
19 A i a Hura a Ihowa, a peia atu ana e ia nga tangata o te whenua pukepuke; otiia kihai i taea e ia te pei nga tangata o te mania; no te mea he hariata rino a ratou.
And the Lord was with Judas, and he inherited the mountain; for they were not able to destroy the inhabitants of the valley, for Rechab prevented them.
20 I hoatu ano e ratou a Heperona ki a Karepe, i pera me ta Mohi i korero ai: a peia atu ana e ia i reira nga tama tokotoru a Anaka.
And they gave Chebron to Chaleb, as Moses said; and thence he inherited the three cities of the children of Enac.
21 Ko nga Iepuhi ia i noho ki Hiruharama, kihai i peia atu e nga tamariki a Pineamine, na noho ana te Iepuhi i roto i nga tamariki a Pineamine ki Hiruharama a taea noatia tenei ra.
But the children of Benjamin did not take the inheritance of the Jebusite who dwelt in Jerusalem; and the Jebusite dwelt with the children of Benjamin in Jerusalem until this day.
22 Me te whare ano o Hohepa, i haere atu ki te whawhai ki Peteere, a i a ratou a Ihowa.
And the sons of Joseph, they also went up to Baethel; and the Lord was with them.
23 A i tuteia a Peteere e te whare o Hohepa. Na, ko te ingoa o taua pa i mua ko Rutu.
And they encamped and surveyed Baethel: and the name of the city before was Luza.
24 Na ka kitea e nga kaiwhanga tetahi tangata e puta mai ana i te pa, a ka mea ki a ia, Tena, whakaaturia ki a matou te tomokanga atu ki te pa, a ka puta ta matou koha ki a koe.
And the spies looked, and behold, a man went out of the city, and they took him; and they said to him, Shew us the way into the city, and we will deal mercifully with thee.
25 Katahi ka whakaaturia e ia ki a ratou te tomokanga atu ki te pa, a patua iho e ratou te pa ki te mata o te hoari; ko taua tangata ia ratou ko tona hapu katoa i tukua atu e ratou.
And he shewed them the way into the city; and they smote the city with the edge of the sword; but they let go the man and his family.
26 Na haere ana taua tangata ki te whenua o nga Hiti, a hanga ana tetahi pa e ia, huaina iho te ingoa ko Rutu: ko tona ingoa ano tena a taea noatia tenei ra.
And the man went into the land of Chettin, and built there a city, and called the name of it Luza; this [is] its name until this day.
27 Otiia kihai i peia e Manahi nga tangata o Peteheana me ona pa ririki, o Taanaka me ona pa ririki, nga tangata ano hoki o Roro, o ona pa ririki, nga tangata o Ipireama, o ona pa ririki, nga tangata o Mekiro, o ona pa ririki: heoi ka mea nga Kanaa ni kia noho ki taua whenua.
And Manasse did not drive out [the inhabitants of] Baethsan, which is a city of Scythians, nor her towns, nor her suburbs; nor Thanac, nor her towns; nor the inhabitants of Dor, nor her suburbs, nor her towns; nor the inhabitant of Balac, nor her suburbs, nor her towns; nor the inhabitants of Magedo, nor her suburbs, nor her towns; nor the inhabitants of Jeblaam, nor her suburbs, nor her towns; and the Chananite began to dwell in this land.
28 A, no ka kaha haere a Iharaira, ka meinga e ratou nga Kanaani hei kaihomai takoha, kihai hoki ratou i peia rawatia atu.
And it came to pass when Israel was strong, that he made the Chananite tributary, but did not utterly drive them out.
29 Kihai ano hoki a Eparaima i pei atu i nga Kanaani i noho ki Ketere: heoi noho ana nga Kanaani ki Ketere i waenganui i a ratou.
And Ephraim did not drive out the Chananite that dwelt in Gazer; and the Chananite dwelt in the midst of him in Gazer, and became tributary.
30 Kihai a Hepurona i pei atu i nga tangata o Kitirono; i nga tangata ano hoki o Naharoro: heoi ka noho nga Kanaani i waenganui i a ratou, a meinga ana hei kaihomai takoha.
And Zabulon did not drive out the inhabitants of Kedron, nor the inhabitants of Domana: and the Chananite dwelt in the midst of them, and became tributary to them.
31 Kihai a Ahera i pei atu i nga tangata o Ako, i nga tangata ranei o Hairona, o Aharapa, o Akatipi, o Herepa, o Apiki, o Rehopo;
And Aser did not drive out the inhabitants of Accho, and [that people] became tributary to him, nor the inhabitants of Dor, nor the inhabitants of Sidon, nor the inhabitants of Dalaph, nor Aschazi, nor Chebda, nor Nai, nor Ereo.
32 Na ka noho nga Aheri ki waenganui o nga Kanaani, o nga tangata whenua; no te mea kihai ratou i pei atu i a ratou.
And Aser dwelt in the midst of the Chananite who inhabited the land, for he could not drive him out.
33 Kihai a Napatari i pei atu i nga tangata o Petehemehe, i nga tangata hoki o Peteanata; heoi noho ana ia i waenganui o nga Kanaani, o nga tangata whenua: otiia i meinga nga tangata o Petehemehe, o Peteanata, hei kaihomai takoha ki a ratou.
And Nephthali did not drive out the inhabitants of Baethsamys, nor the inhabitants of Baethanach; and Nephthali dwelt in the midst of the Chananite who inhabited the land: but the inhabitants of Bethsamys and of Baetheneth became tributary to them.
34 Na i akina atu e nga Amori nga tamariki a Rana ki te whenua pukepuke: kihai hoki ratou i tukua kia heke ki te mania.
And the Amorite drove out the children of Dan into the mountains, for they did not suffer them to come down into the valley.
35 Heoi ka mea nga Amori kia noho ki Maunga Herehe, ki Aitarono, ki Haarapimi: otiia i kaha ano te ringa o te whare o Hohepa, a ka meinga ratou hei kaihomai takoha.
And the Amorite began to dwell in the mountain of shells, in which [are] bears, and foxes, in Myrsinon, and in Thalabin; and the hand of the house of Joseph was heavy upon the Amorite, and he became tributary to them.
36 Na ko te rohe ki nga Amori kei te pinakitanga ki Akarapimi; kei te kamaka a ahu whakarunga.
And the border of the Amorite [was] from the going up of Acrabin, from the rock and upwards.

< Kaiwhakariterite 1 >