< 1 Kingi 18 >

1 A, ka maha nga ra, ka puta mai te kupu a Ihowa ki a Iraia i te toru o nga tau; i mea ia, Haere whakakitea atu koe ki a Ahapa; a maku e hoatu he ua ki te whenua.
Now after a long time, the word of the Lord came to Elijah, in the third year, saying, Go and let Ahab see you, so that I may send rain on the earth.
2 Na haere ana a Iraia ki te whakakite i a ia ki a Ahapa. Nui atu hoki te matekai o Hamaria.
So Elijah went to let Ahab see him. Now there was no food to be had in Samaria.
3 Na ka karanga a Ahapa ki a Oparia, kaitohutohu o tona whare. Na he nui te wehi o Oparia ki a Ihowa;
And Ahab sent for Obadiah, the controller of the king's house. (Now Obadiah had the fear of the Lord before him greatly;
4 A i ta Ietepere hautopenga atu i nga poropiti a Ihowa, na ka mau a Oparia ki nga poropiti kotahi rau, a huna ana e ia, takirima tekau nga tangata ki te ana kotahi, a whangainga ana ratou e ia ki te taro, ki te wai.
For when Jezebel was cutting off the prophets of the Lord, Obadiah took a hundred of them, and kept them secretly in a hole in the rock, fifty at a time, and gave them bread and water.)
5 Na ka mea a Ahapa ki a Oparia, Haere puta noa i te whenua ki nga puna wai katoa; ki nga awa katoa; tera pea ka kitea e tatou tetahi tarutaru e ora ai nga hoiho me nga muera; kei poto katoa a tatou kararehe.
And Ahab said to Obadiah, Come, let us go through all the country, to all the fountains of water and all the rivers, and see if there is any grass to be had for the horses and the transport beasts, so that we may be able to keep some of the beasts from destruction.
6 Heoi ka wehea e raua te whenua hei haerenga mo raua: haere ana a Ahapa, tona kotahi i tetahi ara, haere ana a Oparia, tona kotahi i tetahi ara.
So they went through all the country, covering it between them; Ahab went in one direction by himself, and Obadiah went in another by himself.
7 A, i a Oparia i te ara, na ko Iraia kua tutaki ki a ia; a ka mohio ia ki tera, ka tapapa, ka mea, Ko koe ranei tena, e toku Ariki, e Iraia?
And while Obadiah was on his way, he came face to face with Elijah; and seeing who it was, he went down on his face and said, Is it you, my lord Elijah?
8 Ano ra ko ia ki a ia, Ko ahau ra; haere, korero atu ki tou ariki, Ko Iraia tenei.
And Elijah in answer said, It is I; now go and say to your lord, Elijah is here.
9 Na ka mea tera, He aha ra toku hara i hoatu ai tau pononga ki te ringa o Ahapa kia whakamatea?
And he said, What sin have I done, that you would give up your servant into the hand of Ahab, and be the cause of my death?
10 E ora ana a Ihowa, tou Atua, kahore he iwi, ke kingitanga, i kore nei toku ariki e tono tangata ki reira ki te rapu i a koe: a, i ta ratou meatanga mai, Kahore nei; whakaoatitia iho e ia taua kingitanga, taua iwi ranei, me kahore ratou i kite i a koe.
By the life of the Lord your God, there is not a nation or kingdom where my lord has not sent in search of you; and when they said, He is not here; he made them take an oath that they had not seen you.
11 Na kua mea na koe inaianei, Haere, korero atu ki tou ariki, Ko Iraia tenei.
And now you say, Go, say to your lord, Elijah is here.
12 Na akuanei, kei toku mawehenga atu i a koe, ka kahakina atu koe e te wairua o Ihowa ki te wahi e kore ai ahau e mohio; a, i toku taenga atu ki te whakaatu ki a Ahapa, a ka kore ia e kite i a koe, katahi ahau ka patua e ia: heoi e wehi ana tau po nonga i a Ihowa, no toku tamarikitanga ake.
And straight away, when I have gone from you, the spirit of the Lord will take you away, I have no idea where, so that when I come and give word to Ahab, and he sees you not, he will put me to death: though I, your servant, have been a worshipper of the Lord from my earliest years.
13 Kahore ianei i korerotia ki toku ariki taku i mea ai i ta Ietepere patunga i nga poropiti a Ihowa, taku hunanga i nga poropiti kotahi rau a Ihowa, takirima tekau nga tangata ki roto i te ana kotahi, a whangainga ana e ahau ki te taro, ki te wai?
Has my lord not had word of what I did when Jezebel was putting the Lord's prophets to death? how I kept a hundred of them in a secret hole in the rock, fifty at a time, and gave them bread and water?
14 A ka mea mai na koe inaianei, Haere, korero atu ki tou ariki, Ko Iraia tenei: ka patua hoki ahau e ia.
And now you say, Go and say to your Lord, Elijah is here; and he will put me to death.
15 Ano ra ko Iraia ki a ia, E ora ana a Ihowa o nga mano e tu nei ahau i tona aroaro, ko a tenei ra pu ahau puta ai ki a ia.
And Elijah said, By the life of the Lord of armies, whose servant I am, I will certainly let him see me today.
16 Heoi haere ana a Oparia ki te whakatau i a Ahapa, a korerotia ana ki a ia. Na haere ana a Ahapa ki te whakatau i a Iraia.
So Obadiah went to Ahab and gave him the news; and Ahab went to see Elijah.
17 A, no te kitenga o Ahapa i a Iraia, na ka mea a Ahapa ki a ia, Ko koe tenei, e te kaiwhakararuraru o Iharaira?
And when he saw Elijah, Ahab said to him, Is it you, you troubler of Israel?
18 Ano ra ko ia, Kahore i whakararurarutia e ahau a Iharaira; engari koe me te whare o tou papa i ta koutou whakarerenga nei i nga whakahau a Ihowa, i a koe ka whai nei i nga Paara.
Then he said in answer, I have not been troubling Israel, but you and your family; because, turning away from the orders of the Lord, you have gone after the Baals.
19 Na tikina aianei, huihuia mai a Iharaira katoa ki ahau ki Maunga Karamere, me nga poropiti e wha rau e rima tekau a Paara, me nga poropiti e wha rau o te Ahera, e kai na ki te tepu a Ietepere.
Now send, and get Israel together before me at Mount Carmel, with the four hundred and fifty prophets of Baal who get their food at Jezebel's table.
20 Heoi tono tangata ana a Ahapa puta noa i nga tama katoa a Iharaira, a whakaminea ana aua poropiti ki Maunga Karamere.
So Ahab sent for all the children of Israel, and got the prophets together at Mount Carmel.
21 Na ka whakatata a Iraia ki te iwi katoa, ka mea, Kia pehea te roa o to koutou tuhurihuri ki nga tikanga e rua? ki te mea ko Ihowa te Atua, me whai ki a ia; ki te mea ia ko Paara, me whai ki a ia. Na kahore he kupu i whakahokia e te iwi ki a ia.
And Elijah came near to all the people and said, How long will you go on balancing between two opinions? if the Lord is God, then give worship to him; but if Baal, give worship to him. And the people said not a word in answer.
22 Katahi ka mea a Iraia ki te iwi, Ko ahau anake kua mahue nei o nga poropiti a Ihowa; e wha rau ia e rima tekau tangata nga poropiti a Paara.
Then Elijah said to the people, I, even I, am the only living prophet of the Lord; but Baal's prophets are four hundred and fifty men.
23 Na me homai e ratou etahi puru ma matou, kia rua, ma ratou e whiriwhiri tetahi puru ma ratou, ka tapatapahi ai, ka whakaeke ai ki runga ki nga wahie, kaua hoki he ahi e meatia atu: maku hoki e taka tetahi puru, e whakatakoto ki runga ki nga wahi e; e kore hoki e meatia atu he ahi.
Now, let them give us two oxen; and let them take one for themselves, and have it cut up, and put it on the wood, but put no fire under it; I will get the other ox ready, and put it on the wood, and put no fire under it.
24 A ma koutou e karanga ki te ingoa o to koutou atua; maku hoki e karanga ki te ingoa o Ihowa. Na, ko te Atua e utua ai te karanga ki te ahi, ko ia hei Atua. Na ka whakahoki te iwi katoa, ka mea, Ka pai tena kupu.
And do you make prayers to your god, and I will make a prayer to the Lord: and it will be clear that the one who gives an answer by fire is God. And all the people in answer said, It is well said.
25 Na ka mea a Iraia ki nga poropiti a Paara, Whiriwhiria tetahi puru ma koutou, taka; ko ta koutou ki mua, he tokomaha hoki koutou; ka karanga ai ki te ingoa o to koutou atua; kaua hoki he ahi e meatia atu.
Then Elijah said to the prophets of Baal, Take one ox for yourselves and get it ready first, for there are more of you; and make your prayers to your god, but put no fire under.
26 Na ka tango ratou i te puru i hoatu ki a ratou, a mahia ana e ratou. Na ka karanga ki te ingoa o Paara o te ata iho ano a taea noatia te poutumarotanga; i mea ai, E Paara, utua mai ta matou karanga. Otiia kahore he kupu, kihai hoki i utua e teta hi. A tupekepeke ana ratou i te aata i hanga nei.
So they took the ox which was given them, and made it ready, crying out to Baal from morning till the middle of the day, and saying, O Baal, give ear to us. But there was no voice and no answer. And they were jumping up and down before the altar they had made.
27 A, i te poutumarotanga, ka tawai a Iraia ki a ratou, ka mea, Karanga, kia nui te reo; he atua hoki ia: kei te purakau pea ia, kei tahaki ranei, kei te ara ranei, tena ranei kei te moe, a me whakaara.
And in the middle of the day, Elijah made sport of them, saying, Give louder cries, for he is a god; he may be deep in thought, or he may have gone away for some purpose, or he may be on a journey, or by chance he is sleeping and has to be made awake.
28 Na nui atu to ratou reo ki te karanga, ka haehae i a ratou ki te maripi, ki te oka, ko ta ratou tikanga hoki ia, a tarere noa nga toto ki runga ki a ratou.
So they gave loud cries, cutting themselves with knives and swords, as was their way, till the blood came streaming out all over them.
29 Heoi kua tawharara te ra, na ka poropiti ratou a tae noa ki te whakaekenga o to te ahiahi whakahere; otiia kahore he reo, kihai i utua te karanga, kahore tetahi hei whakarongo.
And from the middle of the day they went on with their prayers till the time of the offering; but there was no voice, or any answer, or any who gave attention to them.
30 Na ka mea a Iraia ki te iwi katoa, Neke mai ki ahau. Na neke ana te iwi katoa ki a ia, Na ka whakatikaia e ia te aata a Ihowa i turakina.
Then Elijah said to all the people, Come near to me; and all the people came near. And he put up again the altar of the Lord which had been broken down.
31 I mau hoki a Iraia ki nga kohatu kotahi tekau ma rua; rite tonu te maha ki nga iwi o nga tama a Hakopa, ki a ia nei te kupu a Ihowa, i ki nei, Ko Iharaira hei ingoa mou.
And Elijah took twelve stones, the number of the tribes of the sons of Jacob, to whom the Lord had said, Israel will be your name:
32 Na hanga ana e ia aua kohatu hei aata mo te ingoa o Ihowa; a keria ana he awa ki te taha o te aata a taka noa, kia rua nga mehua purapura ka ki.
And with the stones he made an altar to the name of the Lord; and he made a deep drain all round the altar, great enough to take two measures of seed.
33 Na whakapaia ana e ia nga wahie, a tapatapahia ana te puru, whakatakotoria ana ki runga ki nga wahie. A ka mea ia, Whakakiia etahi oko, kia wha, ki te wai, ka riringi ki runga ki te tahunga tinana, ki nga wahie.
And he put the wood in order, and, cutting up the ox, put it on the wood. Then he said, Get four vessels full of water and put it on the burned offering and on the wood. And he said, Do it a second time, and they did it a second time;
34 I mea ano ia, Tena ano. Na ka meatia ano e ratou. I mea hoki ia, Tuatorutia. Na ka tuatorutia e ratou.
And he said, Do it a third time, and they did it a third time.
35 Na ka rere te wai i nga taha o te aata tawhio noa: whakakiia ana hoki e ia te waikeri ki te wai.
And the water went all round the altar, till the drain was full.
36 Na i te whakaekenga o to te ahiahi whakahere, ka whakatata a Iraia poropiti, a ka mea, E Ihowa, e te Atua o Aperahama, o Ihaka, o Iharaira, kia mohiotia i tenei ra ko koe te Atua i roto i a Iharaira, ko ahau tau pononga, a nau te kupu i mea ai a hau i enei mea katoa.
Then at the time of the offering, Elijah the prophet came near and said, O Lord, the God of Abraham, of Isaac, and of Israel, let it be seen this day that you are God in Israel, and that I am your servant, and that I have done all these things by your order.
37 Whakarongo mai ki ahau, e Ihowa, whakarongo mai ki ahau, kia mohio ai tenei iwi ko te Atua koe, e Ihowa, nau ano i whakahoki o ratou ngakau ki muri nei.
Give me an answer, O Lord, give me an answer, so that this people may see that you are God, and that you have made their hearts come back again.
38 Na ko te tino takanga iho o te ahi a Ihowa, pau ake te tahunga tinana, me nga wahie, me nga kohatu, me te puehu, mitikia ake ana ano hoki te wai i roto i te waikeri.
Then the fire of the Lord came down, burning up the offering and the wood and the stones and the dust, and drinking up the water in the drain.
39 A, no te kitenga o te iwi katoa, tapapa ana, me te ki ake ano, Ko Ihowa, ko ia te Atua: ko Ihowa, ko ia te Atua.
And when the people saw it, they all went down on their faces, and said, The Lord, he is God, the Lord, he is God.
40 Katahi ka mea a Iraia ki a ratou, Hopukia nga poropiti a Paara: kei mawhiti tetahi o ratou. Na hopukia ana e ratou, a kawea ana e Iraia ki raro, ki te awa, ki Kihona, patua iho ki reira.
And Elijah said to them, Take the prophets of Baal, let not one of them get away. So they took them, and Elijah made them go down to the stream Kishon, and put them to death there.
41 Na ka mea a Iraia ki a Ahapa, Haere ki runga, ki te kai, ki te inu; he haruru ua hoki te rara mai nei.
Then Elijah said to Ahab, Up! take food and drink, for there is a sound of much rain.
42 Heoi haere ana a Ahapa ki te kai, ki te inu. Ko Iraia ia i piki ki te tihi o Karamere; a tapapa ana ia ki te whenua, ko tona mata i roto i ona turi.
So Ahab went up to have food and drink, while Elijah went up to the top of Carmel; and he went down on the earth, putting his face between his knees.
43 Na ka mea ia ki tana tangata, Tena, piki atu inaianei, tirohia te ritenga atu o te moana. Na piki ana ia, titiro ana, a ka mea, Kahore kau he mea. Na ka mea ano tera, Hoki atu ano, kia whitu nga hokinga.
And he said to his servant, Go now, and take a look in the direction of the sea. And he went up, and after looking said, There is nothing. And he said, Go again seven times; and he went seven times.
44 A i te whitu ka mea ia, Nana, he kapua nohinohi tera te haere ake ra i roto i te moana; kei te kapu o te ringa tangata te rite. Na ka mea tera, Haere, mea atu ki a Ahapa, Whakanohoia tou hariata, ka haere ki raro; kei araia koe e te ua.
And the seventh time he said, I see a cloud coming up out of the sea, as small as a man's hand. Then he said, Go up and say to Ahab, Get your carriage ready and go down or the rain will keep you back.
45 Na mea rawa ake kua pouri pu te rangi i te kapua, i te hau, nui atu hoki te ua. Na rere ana tera a Ahapa i runga i te hariata, a haere ana ki Ietereere.
And after a very little time, the heaven became black with clouds and wind, and there was a great rain. And Ahab went in his carriage to Jezreel.
46 A i runga i a Iraia te ringa o Ihowa; na whitikiria ana e ia tona hope, a rere ana i mua i a Ahapa a tae noa ki Ietereere.
And the hand of the Lord was on Elijah; and he made himself strong, and went running before Ahab till they came to Jezreel.

< 1 Kingi 18 >