< Nahoma 2 >

1 Misy mpanorotoro miakatra hamely anao Ambeno ny manda, Tazano ny lalana, Hatanjaho ny valahanao, Hetseho mafy ny herinao!
He who dashes in pieces has come up against you. Keep the fortress! Watch the way! Strengthen your waist! Fortify your power mightily!
2 Fa Jehovah efa mampody ny voninahitr’ i Jakoba, Toy ny ampodiany ny voninahitr’ Isiraely; Fa ny mpandroba efa nandroba azy Ary nanimba ny sampam-boalobony.
For the LORD restores the excellency of Jacob as the excellency of Israel, for the destroyers have destroyed them and ruined their vine branches.
3 Nomenaina ny ampingan’ ny lehilahy maheriny, Mitafy jaky ny miaramilany, Ny kalesiny dia misy vy mahery, mamirapiratra toy ny afo, amin’ ny andro fiomanany, Ary antsodina ny lefona.
The shield of his mighty men is made red. The valiant men are in scarlet. The chariots flash with steel in the day of his preparation, and the pine spears are brandished.
4 Ampiezahina eny an-dalambe ny kalesy Ka mifanaretsadretsaka eny an-kalalahana; Tahaka ny harendrina no fijery azy, Mitsoriaka tahaka ny helatra izy.
The chariots rage in the streets. They rush back and forth in the wide ways. Their appearance is like torches. They run like the lightnings.
5 Tsaroany ny lehilahy malazany, Kanjo tafintohina eny am-pandehanana ireny; Mihazakazaka ho any amin’ ny manda ireny, Kanjo efa voatsangana sahady ny hamelezana azy.
He summons his picked troops. They stumble on their way. They dash to its wall, and the protective shield is put in place.
6 Vohana ny vavahadin-drenirano, Ary reraka ny lapa.
The gates of the rivers are opened, and the palace is dissolved.
7 Izao no voatendry: ampitanjahina izy, dia lasan-ko babo, Ary ny ankizivavy mitoloko azy manao feom-boromailala Sady miteha-tratra.
It is decreed: she is uncovered, she is carried away; and her servants moan as with the voice of doves, beating on their breasts.
8 Fa Ninive dia tahaka ny farihy hatrizay nisiany; Nefa handositra ihany ireny, Mijanòna, mijanòna e! Nefa tsy misy miherika.
But Nineveh has been from of old like a pool of water, yet they flee away. “Stop! Stop!” they cry, but no one looks back.
9 Mamaboa volafotsy, Mamaboa volamena! Fa tsy hita lany ny rakitra soa, Dia ny habetsahan’ ny fanaka mahafinaritra rehetra.
Take the plunder of silver. Take the plunder of gold, for there is no end of treasure, an abundance of every precious thing.
10 Indrisy! foana, eny, foana sady lao! Kivy ny fo, miady ny lohalika, Manaintaina ny valahany rehetra, Mivaloarika ny tarehiny rehetra.
She is empty, void, and waste. The heart melts, the knees knock together, their bodies and faces have grown pale.
11 Aiza ilay lavaky ny liona sy firemben’ ny liona tanora? Ilay nandehanan’ ny liona sy ny liom-bavy mbamin’ ny zana-diona, Ka tsy nisy nanaitaitra azy,
Where is the den of the lions, and the feeding place of the young lions, where the lion and the lioness walked with the lion’s cubs, and no one made them afraid?
12 Dia ilay liona namotipotika izay ampy ho an’ ny zanany Ary nanenda ho an’ ny liombaviny Sady nameno haza ny lavany Sy toha ny fonenany.
The lion tore in pieces enough for his cubs, and strangled prey for his lionesses, and filled his caves with the kill and his dens with prey.
13 Indro, hamely anao Aho, hoy Jehovah, Tompon’ ny maro, Holevoniko ho setroka ny kalesinao Ary hovonoiko sabatra ny liona tanoranao; Hofonganako amin’ ny tany ny hazanao; Ka tsy ho re intsony ny feon’ ny irakao.
“Behold, I am against you,” says the LORD of Armies, “and I will burn her chariots in the smoke, and the sword will devour your young lions; and I will cut off your prey from the earth, and the voice of your messengers will no longer be heard.”

< Nahoma 2 >