< Zabbuli 140 >

1 Ya mukulu w’okuyimba. Zabbuli ya Dawudi. Omponye abakola ebibi, Ayi Mukama, omponye abantu abakambwe;
Deliver me, O Jehovah, from the evil man. Preserve me from the violent man,
2 abateesa mu mitima gyabwe okukola ebibi; abanoonya entalo buli kiseera.
and men who devise mischievous things in their heart. They gather themselves continually together for war.
3 Ebigambo byabwe byogi ng’ennimi z’emisota; ebiva mu kamwa kaabwe busagwa ng’obw’essalambwa.
They have sharpened their tongue like a serpent. Adders' poison is under their lips. (Selah)
4 Onkuume abakola ebibi baleme okunkwatako, Ayi Mukama; omponye abantu abakambwe abateesa okunkyamya.
Keep me, O Jehovah, from the hands of a wicked man. Preserve me from violent men, who have purposed to thrust aside my steps.
5 Abantu ab’amalala banteze omutego; banjuluzza ekitimba kyabwe; ne batega emitego mu kkubo lyange.
The proud have hid a snare for me, and cords. They have spread a net by the wayside. They have set snares for me. (Selah)
6 Nagamba Mukama nti, “Ggwe oli Katonda wange.” Wulira okwegayirira kwange, onsaasire, Ayi Mukama!
I said to Jehovah, Thou are my God. Give ear to the voice of my supplications, O Jehovah.
7 Ayi Mukama, Mukama wange, ggw’omponya n’amaanyi go, ggwe engabo yange mu lutalo.
O Jehovah the Lord, the strength of my salvation, thou have covered my head in the day of battle.
8 Ayi Mukama, abakola ebibi tobawa bye beetaaga, era tokkiriza ntekateeka zaabwe kutuukirira; baleme kuba na malala wadde okwenyumiriza.
Grant not, O Jehovah, the desires of the wicked man. Do not further his evil device. They exalt themselves. (Selah)
9 Abanneetoolodde baleke enkwe zaabwe zibeekyusizeeko baboneebone.
As for the head of those who encompass me around, let the mischief of their own lips cover them.
10 Amanda agaaka omuliro gabagwire; basuulibwe mu muliro, bakasukibwe mu bunnya obutakoma mwe bataliva emirembe gyonna.
Let burning coals fall upon them. Let them be cast into the fire, into deep pits, from where they shall not rise.
11 Tokkiriza balimba kweyongera bungi; abakambwe bayigganyizibwe bazikirire.
An evil speaker shall not be established in the earth. Evil shall hunt the violent man to overthrow him.
12 Mmanyi nga Mukama ayamba abo ababonaabona, y’ayamba abanaku okuyisibwa mu bwenkanya.
I know that Jehovah will maintain the cause of the afflicted man, and justice for the needy.
13 Abatuukirivu banaakutenderezanga, era w’oli we banaabeeranga.
Surely the righteous shall give thanks to thy name. The upright shall dwell in thy presence.

< Zabbuli 140 >