< Okubala 29 >

1 “Ku lunaku olw’olubereberye olw’omwezi ogw’omusanvu munaakubanga olukuŋŋaana olutukuvu, era temuukolerengako mulimu gwonna ogwa bulijjo ogw’okukakaalukana. Olwo lwe lunaabanga olunaku lwammwe kwe munaafuuyiranga amakondeere.
And in the seventh month, on the first day of the month, ye shall have a holy convocation. Ye shall do no job work. It is a day of blowing of trumpets to you.
2 Munaawangayo ekiweebwayo ekyokebwa eky’akawoowo akasanyusa Mukama Katonda. Munaateekateekanga ente ento eza sseddume bbiri, n’endiga ento ennume emu, n’abaana b’endiga abalume abawezezza omwaka ogumu ogw’obukulu musanvu; ebyo byonna nga tebiriiko kamogo.
And ye shall offer a burnt offering for a sweet savor to Jehovah: one young bullock, one ram, seven he-lambs a year old without blemish,
3 Ku buli nte ya sseddume kunaaleeterwangako ekiweebwayo eky’emmere ey’empeke ey’obuwunga obulungi obutabuddwamu amafuta ag’omuzeeyituuni obupima lita mukaaga n’ekitundu; ne ku ndiga ennume ento obupima kilo ssatu n’obutundu bubiri n’ekitundu,
and their meal offering, fine flour mingled with oil, three tenth parts for the bullock, two tenth parts for the ram,
4 ne ku buli emu ku baana b’endiga omusanvu, obupima kilo emu n’ekitundu.
and one tenth part for every lamb of the seven lambs,
5 Mugattangako n’embuzi emu ennume, nga kye kiweebwayo olw’ekibi, okwetangiririza.
and one he-goat for a sin offering, to make atonement for you,
6 Okwo kwe munaagattanga ebiweebwayo ebyokebwa ebya buli mwezi, n’ebiweebwayo byabyo eby’emmere y’empeke n’ebiweebwayo ebyokunywa, nga bwe kyalagirwa. Binaabanga ebiweebwayo ebyokebwa nga biweereddwayo eri Mukama Katonda ne muvaamu akawoowo akalungi akasanyusa.
besides the burnt offering of the new moon, and the meal offering of it, and the continual burnt offering and the meal offering of it, and their drink offerings, according to their ordinance, for a sweet savor, an offering made by fire to Jehovah.
7 “Ku lunaku olw’ekkumi olw’omwezi ogwo ogw’omusanvu munaakubanga olukuŋŋaana olutukuvu. Muneerekerezanga ne mutalukolerako mulimu gwonna.
And on the tenth day of this seventh month ye shall have a holy convocation, and ye shall afflict your souls. Ye shall do no manner of work.
8 Naye munaawangayo ekiweebwayo ekyokebwa eky’ente ento eya sseddume emu, n’endiga ento ennume emu, n’abaana b’endiga abalume ab’omwaka ogumu ogw’obukulu musanvu, byonna nga tebiriiko kamogo ng’ebyo kye kiweebwayo ekyokebwa omuva akawoowo akasanyusa Mukama Katonda.
But ye shall offer a burnt offering to Jehovah for a sweet savor: one young bullock, one ram, seven he-lambs a year old (they shall be to you without blemish),
9 Ku nte ya sseddume kunaaleeterwangako ekiweebwayo eky’emmere ey’empeke ey’obuwunga obulungi obutabuddwamu amafuta ag’omuzeeyituuni nga bupima kilo ttaano, ne ku ndiga ennume ento obupima kilo ssatu n’obutundu bubiri n’ekitundu,
and their meal offering, fine flour mingled with oil, three tenth parts for the bullock, two tenth parts for the one ram,
10 ne ku buli emu ku baana b’endiga abalume omusanvu obupima kilo emu n’ekitundu.
a tenth part for every lamb of the seven lambs,
11 Mugattangako embuzi ennume emu ey’ekiweebwayo olw’ekibi, nga kyongerwa ku kiweebwayo olw’ekibi olw’okwetangiririza, n’ekiweebwayo ekyokebwa ekya bulijjo nga kuliko n’ekiweebwayo kyako eky’emmere y’empeke, n’ebiweebwayo ebyokunywa ebigenderako.
one he-goat for a sin offering, besides the sin offering of atonement, and the continual burnt offering, and the meal offering of it, and their drink offerings.
12 “Ku lunaku olw’ekkumi n’ettaano olw’omwezi ogw’omusanvu munaakubanga olukuŋŋaana olutukuvu era temulukolerangako mirimu egya bulijjo. Munaakolanga embaga eri Mukama Katonda okumala ennaku musanvu.
And on the fifteenth day of the seventh month ye shall have a holy convocation. Ye shall do no job work, and ye shall keep a feast to Jehovah seven days.
13 Munaawangayo ekiweebwayo ekyokebwa, ekyokebbwa ku muliro ne muvaamu akawoowo akalungi akasanyusa Mukama Katonda, nga kya nte eza sseddume ento kkumi na ssatu, endiga ennume ento bbiri, abaana b’endiga abalume abaweza omwaka gumu ogw’obukulu kkumi na bana; nga byonna tebiriiko kamogo.
And ye shall offer a burnt offering, an offering made by fire, of a sweet savor to Jehovah: thirteen young bullocks, two rams, fourteen he-lambs a year old (they shall be without blemish),
14 Era munaaleeterangako ekiweebwayo eky’emmere y’empeke eky’obuwunga obulungi obutabuddwamu amafuta ag’omuzeeyituuni, nga bupima kilo ttaano ku buli emu ku nte ekkumi n’essatu, nga bupima kilo ssatu n’obutundu bubiri n’ekitundu ku buli emu ku ndiga ento ebbiri ennume;
and their meal offering, fine flour mingled with oil, three tenth parts for every bullock of the thirteen bullocks, two tenth parts for each ram of the two rams,
15 ne ku baana b’endiga abalume ekkumi na bana, nga bupima kilo emu n’ekitundu ku buli emu.
and a tenth part for every lamb of the fourteen lambs,
16 Era munaawangayo n’embuzi emu ennume olw’ekiweebwayo olw’ekibi, ng’okwo mugasseeko n’ebiweebwayo ebyokebwa ebya bulijjo n’ebiweebwayo eby’emmere y’empeke n’ekiweebwayo ekyokunywa ekigenderako.
and one he-goat for a sin offering, besides the continual burnt offering, the meal offering of it, and the drink offering of it.
17 “Ku lunaku olwokubiri munaateekateekanga ente eza sseddume ento kkumi na bbiri, n’endiga ennume ento bbiri n’abaana b’endiga abalume kkumi na bana abaweza omwaka gumu ogw’obukulu, nga byonna tebiriiko kamogo.
And on the second day, twelve young bullocks, two rams, fourteen he-lambs a year old without blemish,
18 Ku nte eza sseddume, n’endiga ento ennume, n’abaana b’endiga abalume, munaateekateekanga ebiweebwayo byabyo eby’emmere y’empeke n’ebiweebwayo byako eby’ebyokunywa, ng’emiwendo egyalagirwa bwe giri.
and their meal offering and their drink offerings for the bullocks, for the rams, and for the lambs, according to their number, after the ordinance,
19 Munaagattangako embuzi ennume emu ey’ekiweebwayo olw’ekibi, nga mwongereza ku kiweebwayo ekyokebwa ekya bulijjo n’emmere yaako ey’empeke, n’ebiweebwayo byako ebyokunywa.
and one he-goat for a sin offering, besides the continual burnt offering, and the meal offering of it, and their drink offerings.
20 “Ku lunaku olwokusatu munaateekateekanga ente eza sseddume kkumi n’emu, endiga ento ennume bbiri, n’abaana b’endiga abalume kkumi na bana ab’omwaka ogumu ogw’obukulu; nga byonna tebiriiko kamogo.
And on the third day, eleven bullocks, two rams, fourteen he-lambs a year old without blemish,
21 Ku nte ne ku ndiga ento ennume, ne ku baana b’endiga, byonna munaabiteekerateekerangako ebiweebwayo eby’emmere yaako ey’empeke n’ebiweebwayo ebyokunywa byako ebigenderako, ng’emiwendo egyalagirwa bwe giri.
and their meal offering and their drink offerings for the bullocks, for the rams, and for the lambs, according to their number, after the ordinance,
22 Era munaawangayo embuzi emu ennume nga kye kiweebwayo olw’ekibi nga mwongereza ku kiweebwayo ekyokebwa ekya bulijjo, n’ekiweebwayo kyako eky’emmere ey’empeke n’ekiweebwayo kyako ekyokunywa.
and one he-goat for a sin offering, besides the continual burnt offering, and the meal offering of it, and the drink offering of it.
23 “Ku lunaku olwokuna munaategekanga ente eza sseddume kkumi, n’endiga ento ennume bbiri, n’abaana b’endiga abalume kkumi na bana abawezezza omwaka gumu ogw’obukulu; ebyo byonna nga tebiriiko kamogo.
And on the fourth day, ten bullocks, two rams, fourteen he-lambs a year old without blemish,
24 Ku nte ne ku ndiga ento ennume, n’abaana b’endiga, munaabiteekerateekerangako ebiweebwayo byako eby’emmere y’empeke n’ebiweebwayo ebyokunywa byako ng’emiwendo egyalagirwa bwe giri.
their meal offering and their drink offerings for the bullocks, for the rams, and for the lambs, according to their number, after the ordinance,
25 Era munaawangayo embuzi emu ennume, nga kye kiweebwayo olw’ekibi, nga mwongerereza ku kiweebwayo ekyokebwa ekya bulijjo n’ekiweebwayo kyako eky’emmere y’empeke n’ekiweebwayo kyako ekyokunywa.
and one he-goat for a sin offering, besides the continual burnt offering, the meal offering of it, and the drink offering of it.
26 “Ku lunaku olwokutaano munaateekateekanga ente eza sseddume mwenda, endiga ento ennume bbiri, n’abaana b’endiga abalume kkumi na bana abawezezza omwaka ogumu nga byonna tebiriiko kamogo.
And on the fifth day, nine bullocks, two rams, fourteen he-lambs a year old without blemish,
27 Ku nte ne ku ndiga ento ennume, ne ku baana b’endiga, byonna munaabiteekerateekerangako ebiweebwayo byako eby’emmere y’empeke n’ebiweebwayo ebyokunywa byako ng’emiwendo egyalagirwa bwe giri.
and their meal offering and their drink offerings for the bullocks, for the rams, and for the lambs, according to their number, after the ordinance,
28 Era munaawangayo embuzi emu ennume, nga kye kiweebwayo olw’ekibi nga mwongereza ku kiweebwayo kyako eky’emmere y’empeke n’ekiweebwayo ekyokunywa.
and one he-goat for a sin offering, besides the continual burnt offering, and the meal offering of it, and the drink offering of it.
29 “Ku lunaku olw’omukaaga munaateekateekanga ente eza sseddume munaana, endiga ento ennume bbiri, n’abaana b’endiga abalume kkumi na bana ab’omwaka ogumu ogw’obukulu, ebyo byonna nga tebiriiko kamogo.
And on the sixth day, eight bullocks, two rams, fourteen he-lambs a year old without blemish,
30 Ku nte ne ku ndiga ento ennume, n’abaana b’endiga munaabiteekerateekerangako ebiweebwayo byako eby’emmere y’empeke n’ebiweebwayo ebyokunywa byako ng’emiwendo egyalagirwa bwe giri.
and their meal offering and their drink offerings for the bullocks, for the rams, and for the lambs, according to their number, after the ordinance,
31 Era munaawangayo embuzi emu ennume, nga kye kiweebwayo olw’ekibi, nga mwongerereza ku kiweebwayo ekyokebwa ekya bulijjo n’ebiweebwayo byako eby’emmere y’empeke, n’ekiweebwayo kyako ekyokunywa.
and one he-goat for a sin offering, besides the continual burnt offering, the meal offering of it, and the drink offerings of it.
32 “Ku lunaku olw’omusanvu munaateekateekanga ente za sseddume musanvu, endiga ento ennume bbiri, n’abaana b’endiga abalume kkumi na bana ab’omwaka ogumu ogw’obukulu, ebyo byonna nga tebiriiko kamogo.
And on the seventh day, seven bullocks, two rams, fourteen he-lambs a year old without blemish,
33 Ku nte ne ku ndiga ento ennume, ne ku baana b’endiga, byonna munaabiteekerateekerangako ebiweebwayo byako eby’emmere y’empeke n’ebiweebwayo byako ebyokunywa, ng’emiwendo egyalagirwa bwe giri.
and their meal offering and their drink offerings for the bullocks, for the rams, and for the lambs, according to their number, after the ordinance,
34 Era munaawangayo embuzi emu ennume, nga kye kiweebwayo olw’ekibi, nga mwongerereza ku kiweebwayo ekyokebwa ekya bulijjo, n’ekiweebwayo kyako eky’emmere y’empeke n’ekiweebwayo ekyokunywa.
and one he-goat for a sin offering, besides the continual burnt offering, the meal offering of it, and the drink offering of it.
35 “Ku lunaku olw’omunaana munaakubanga olukuŋŋaana, era temuukolenga mirimu gya bulijjo egy’okukakaalukana.
On the eighth day, ye shall have a solemn assembly. Ye shall do no job work.
36 Munaawangayo ekiweebwayo ekyokye omuva akaloosa akalungi akasanyusa Mukama Katonda, nga kye kiweebwayo ekyokye eky’ente eya sseddume emu, n’endiga ennume ento emu, n’abaana b’endiga abalume musanvu ab’omwaka ogumu ogw’obukulu, ebyo byonna nga tebiriiko kamogo.
But ye shall offer a burnt offering, an offering made by fire, of a sweet savor to Jehovah: one bullock, one ram, seven he-lambs a year old without blemish,
37 Ku nte ne ku ndiga ento ennume ne ku baana b’endiga, byonna munaabiteekerateekerangako ebiweebwayo byako eby’emmere y’empeke n’ebiweebwayo byako ebyokunywa ng’emiwendo egyalagirwa bwe giri.
their meal offering and their drink offerings for the bullock, for the ram, and for the lambs, shall be according to their number, after the ordinance,
38 Era munaawangayo embuzi emu ennume nga kye kiweebwayo olw’ekibi, nga mwongerereza ku kiweebwayo ekyokebwa ekya bulijjo, n’ekiweebwayo kyako eky’emmere y’empeke n’ekiweebwayo ekyokunywa.
and one he-goat for a sin offering, besides the continual burnt offering, and the meal offering of it, and the drink offering of it.
39 “Ebiweebwayo ebyo munaabiwangayo eri Mukama Katonda ku mbaga entongole ezaategekebwa era ezaalagirwa; nga mubyongera ku biweebwayo bye mweyama, n’ebya kyeyagalire, n’ebiweebwayo ebyokebwa, n’ebiweebwayo eby’emmere y’empeke, n’ebiweebwayo ebyokunywa n’ebiweebwayo olw’emirembe.”
These ye shall offer to Jehovah in your set feasts, besides your vows, and your freewill offerings, for your burnt offerings, and for your meal offerings, and for your drink offerings, and for your peace offerings.
40 Awo Musa n’ategeeza abaana ba Isirayiri buli kimu kyonna nga Mukama Katonda bwe yamulagira Musa.
And Moses told the sons of Israel according to all that Jehovah commanded Moses.

< Okubala 29 >